Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early? (2024)

Your house is probably the most expensive purchase you’ll make in your lifetime. So it’s easy to see why many dream of the day that their monthly mortgage payment is gone for good.

If you’re in the enviable position of being able to pay off your mortgage early, is it a good idea to pay it off ahead of schedule? Maybe. Here’s what to consider before paying off your mortgage early.

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Can You Pay Off a Mortgage Early?

Because mortgages tend to be large loans that last for a couple of decades or longer, paying off the loan early can save you tens of thousands of dollars in interest. Not to mention, it feels good no longer having a monthly mortgage payment to worry about.

When you send in your monthly payment to your mortgage lender, the payment is split between principal and interest. Early on in the loan, a large portion of that payment is applied to interest. As time goes on, more of the payment goes toward paying down the principal. This is known as amortization, and it allows the lender to make back a larger portion of their money within the first several years of repayment.

The key to paying off your mortgage early is by applying extra payments to the principal.

Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?

Just because you canpay off your mortgage earlydoesn’t necessarily mean that you should. Of course, it would feel great to rid yourself of a huge financial burden like a mortgage. But if you really want to know if it’s a good decision, you have to look at the math.

There are pros and cons to paying off your mortgage early. Whether the pros outweigh the cons will depend on your overall financial situation.

Benefits of Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

  • Save money on interest.By reducing the length of time you spend making mortgage payments, you’ll cut down the amount of interest you pay over the life of the loan. Depending on the loan amount, interest rate and original term, paying your mortgage off early could result in significant savings.
  • Free up money for later in life.The typical mortgage lasts 15 to 30 years. That’s a long time to be saddled with loan payments. By paying off your mortgage early, you’ll free up cash to spend on more exciting things when you’re a bit older, such as travel.
  • Increase home equity.Paying off your loan will increase the amount of equity in your home, which you could tap into with a home equity loan,home equity line of credit (HELOC)or cash-out refinance.

Disadvantages of Paying Off Mortgage Early

  • Less money for higher-interest debt.If you have credit card orstudent loandebt, funneling your extra cash toward paying off your mortgage early can actually cost you in the long run. This is because these other types of debt likely have higher interest rates.
  • Less money for savings.Putting all of your money toward your mortgage can also cut into what you can set aside in savings. If you’re going to focus on paying off your home loan early, it’s a good idea to make sure you have an adequateemergency fundfirst. It’s usually recommended to save up enough to cover three to six months’ worth of expenses so you can manage any unexpected costs without having to go into debt.
  • Could miss out on higher returns from investing.If you have the opportunity to invest your money for returns that are significantly higher than yourmortgage rate, you’d be better served doing that than missing out on compounding earnings to get rid of your mortgage faster. For example, if your mortgage rate is 3.5% and your portfolio earns an average of 6% per year, you’d lose money by using extra funds to pay off the loan early.

3 Key Questions To Ask Before You Pay Off Your Mortgage

If you’re thinking about paying off your mortgage early, ask yourself these three questions first:

  1. Am I sure I won’t need the money?Home equity isn’t liquid. If you later need to borrow money because you accelerated your mortgage payments, the new loan could be costly. You’ll also need good enough credit and sufficient income to qualify for ahome equity loan. You’ll have to weigh these risks against the savings from paying less in mortgage interest.
  2. How low is my mortgage rate?If your mortgage rate is lower than the inflation rate or lower than the returns you could reasonably expect to earn by investing your extra cash, paying your home off ahead of schedule may not save you money.
  3. How much do I care about owning my home free and clear?For some people, the psychological benefits of not owing money are so substantial that they outweigh considerations like whether they could earn a higher financial return elsewhere. If that’s you, it might make sense to pay off your mortgage early.

Keep in mind that some lenders charge aprepayment penalty; if yours does, be sure to factor in that cost, too.

What Is A Prepayment Penalty?

A prepayment penalty is an extra fee that you must pay under the following circ*mstances:

  • You pay more than the additional amount allowed on your mortgage.
  • You break your mortgage contract.
  • You transfer your mortgage to another lender before the end of your term.
  • You pay back your entire mortgage before the end of your term, including when you sell your home.

Prepayment penalties can cost you thousands of dollars and are usually calculated based on the higher of an amount equal to three months interest of what you still owe or the interest rate differential, (IRD) which is the difference between your posted mortgage interest rate and your actual contract mortgage interest rate. How a prepayment penalty is calculated also depends on your lender and factors such as the following:

  • The amount you want to prepay (or pay off early).
  • The number of months left until the end of your term.
  • Interest rates
  • The method your lender uses to calculate the fee, whether that be the higher of the IRD or three months interest of what you still owe.

There is usually an administration fee that goes along with paying a prepayment penalty and always review your mortgage contract to determine exactly how your mortgage lender calculates prepayment penalties, but you can avoid them all together with the following strategies:

  • Take advantage of prepayment privileges.Some mortgage lenders allow you to put an additional payment of up to 20% on your mortgage each year without paying a penalty. These are called prepayment privileges.
  • Wait until the end of your term to prepay.This will allow you to make a large lump sum prepayment without penalty.
  • Port your mortgage.If your lender allows you to port your mortgage or apply your same mortgage conditions, terms and interest rates to your new home, you won’t have to break it and can avoid all prepayment penalties.
  • Shop around.When its time to renew your mortgage look for a new mortgage arrangement that offers more flexibility, including prepayment privileges, and less penalties. If your mortgage is an open mortgage, you’ll be able to do what you want without penalty.

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster

Here are the five best ways to pay off your mortgage faster, with the numbers to prove it.

1. Create Room in Your Budget

One of the most effective ways to pay off your mortgage faster is to pay more than the monthly amount due. That might seem obvious, but you might not realize just how far a little extra money can go.

For example, say you took out a 30-yearfixed-rate mortgageof $250,000 at 5% annual percentage rate (APR) and have 25 years left on the loan. That would mean you owe $1,342.05 per month. Now imagine that you tack on just $20 extra to each payment. You’d shorten the repayment period by eight months and save $5,722 in interest. Use amortgage calculatorto help you do the math.

For an extra $20 per month, you’d simply need to cut out one fancy coffee a week or a couple of takeout lunches. Obviously, putting even more money toward extra payments will result in even more savings.

Just keep in mind that you don’t want to go overboard here and sacrifice other financial goals to pay down your mortgage faster. Mortgages are some of the cheapest loans out there, so be sure you’re paying off other higher-interest debt and investing before you start cutting back in other areas of your budget.

2. Schedule Extra Payments

Maybe you aren’t able to come up with the extra cash to make additional payments each month (or don’t want to). That’s OK—a couple of well-timed extra payments throughout the year can be even more effective as long as you don’t surpass the annual percentage cap on your prepayment privileges–usually 20%.

Perhaps you receive an annual bonus from work or tax return each April. If you were to take $1,200 per year and apply it to that same mortgage example above, you’d cut your loan down by over three years and save over $25,000 in interest.

If you do decide to make extra payments toward your mortgage, be sure to check with your lender that the extra funds will be credited toward theloan principal. If you don’t specify how you want these payments applied, the lender will likely use them to prepay interest owed on your mortgage instead.

3. Refinance to a Shorter Term Length

It’s common for mortgage borrowers to opt for a longer repayment term in order to keep monthly payments low—typically 25 years. However, as time goes on, your income may increase or your lifestyle may change to free up more cash flow.

If that’s the case, you may be able torefinance your loanto a shorter term. Since the repayment period gets crunched into a shorter time period, the monthly payments will likely increase. However, this is an effective way to pay off your mortgage much earlier and save a ton of money on interest, especially if you also qualify for a lower interest rate.

Take a look at this comparison of a $250,000 loan with a 30-year, fixed-rate term versus a 15-year, fixed-rate term:

30-year fixed rate15-year fixed-rate

Interest rate



Monthly payment



Total interest paid



As you can see, it’s possible to save $84,655 in interest and pay off your mortgage in half the time by refinancing from a30-year to a 15-year term.

Something to consider before refinancing, however, aremortgage closing costs. You’ll want to make sure that closing costs don’t negate the interest savings; otherwise, it may not be worth it.

4. Recast Your Mortgage

You’re probably familiar with refinancing, but you may not have heard about mortgage recasting. When recasting, you make one large lump-sum payment toward your principal balance. Usually, at least $5,000 is required to recast. The lender then reamortizes the loan to reflect the new balance. This is different from refinancing, where a current mortgage is replaced by a new mortgage under the current interest rates.

Recasting a loan accomplishes a few things. For one, your monthly payment will decline. You’ll also save money on interest over the life of the loan. And if you apply those savings toward larger monthly payments, you’ll also pay off the mortgage early.

There is usually a fee required to recast a loan. Also keep in mind that not all loan types can be recast and not all mortgage lenders allow your mortgage to be recast.

5. Pay Biweekly

One way to pay off your mortgage early that doesn’t require coming up with any extra payments is to split your monthly payment into two smaller payments and paying biweekly.

Here’s how it works: Most mortgages require a monthly payment, or 12 payments per year. If you switch to bimonthly payments, you end up making 26 payments per year—in effect, one extra payment. This not only quickens the pace of your loan payoff, but also saves you money on interest over the life of the loan.

Wondering how effective this strategy really is? Consider this: On a $250,000 30-yearfixed-rate mortgageat 3.5%, you’ll pay off your mortgage four years early and save more than $20,000 in interest.

Not all lenders allow biweekly payments, though many do. If you want to switch to this payment method, contact your lender and double-check that they don’t charge a fee to do so.

What Happens When You Pay Off Your Mortgage?

Let’s imagine that you did pay off your mortgage early (a hypothetical congratulations to you!). What are the final steps for officially ridding yourself of the loan?

Just because you’ve paid off your mortgage doesn’t mean that your lender automatically gives up the rights to your property. There is a process involving you, your lender and your provincial or territorial land title registry office. This is called discharging a mortgage. Keep in mind, if you have a HELOC, you’ll need to pay it off before you can discharge your mortgage.

Typically, in this process, you work with a lawyer, a notary or a commissioner of oaths (but it depends on your province or territory, as some will allow you to do it yourself, though you’ll still need to get documents notarized).

From there, you’ll need to make a request for your your lender to provide a confirmation that you paid your mortgage in full. Then, the land title registry office has to make changes to your property’s title. To do this, you or your representative has to provide the office with all the required documents and they can then remove the lender’s right to your property and update the title to reflect this.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best way to pay off your mortgage?

The best way to pay off your mortgage will depend on your individual circ*mstances and financial goals. For example, if you want to save money on interest and can afford to put extra funds toward your home loan, then focusing on making additional payments or even refinancing your mortgage could be a good choice.

How long will it take to pay off my mortgage?

Most mortgages come with 15- or 30-year terms. However, you might opt to pay off your loan more quickly by making extra payments toward your principal loan balance.

Is paying off a mortgage early with a lump sum a good idea?

If you have access to a lump sum, whether or not it’s a good idea to use it to pay off your mortgage early will depend on your financial circ*mstances. For example, if you can afford to lose the money, then putting it toward your loan payoff could help you become debt-free. But if doing so would severely cut into your savings and put you in a precarious position, then it’s probably not the right choice.

You could also considerrecasting your mortgageif your lender allows it. This is when you pay off a portion of your loan balance with a lump-sum payment—typically between $5,000 and $10,000—in order to reduce your monthly payments. While this won’t change your loan term or interest rate, it could help you save money on interest charges by lowering the amount you’re paying interest on.

Just keep in mind that recasting usually comes with a fee, which can range up to $500 depending on the lender.

What are the cons of paying off your mortgage early?

While paying off your mortgage early can be appealing, there are some potential drawbacks to keep in mind. For example, putting extra funds toward your home loan instead of other high-interest debts (like credit cards or student loans) could mean paying much more in interest over time.

You could also miss out on higher earnings by paying off your mortgage early instead of investing the money.

Is there a penalty to pay off a mortgage early?

Some mortgage lenders chargeprepayment penalties. These fees are incurred when borrowers pay off their loans ahead of schedule, and they generally start off higher when you first take out your loan before gradually falling to zero—usually within three to five years of your loan being in repayment.

If you’re planning on paying off your loan early, be sure to check your loan agreement or contact your lender to see if a prepayment penalty will be assessed.

What happens if I overpay my mortgage?

Overpaying your mortgage simply means paying additional funds toward your loan on top of your required monthly payments. If you overpay on your mortgage, the extra funds will be put toward your loan’s outstanding balance. However, if you make extra payments, tell the lender ahead of time (or in the online bill pay process) that it should be directed to the principal amount of your loan, so you pay off your loan faster and save money on interest.

Keep in mind that some lenders don’t allow overpayments or might place a limit on how much you can overpay. Check with your lender to see what’s allowed and whether any prepayment penalties will be applied if you pay off the mortgage early.

How do you pay back a reverse mortgage?

Unlike a traditional mortgage, areverse mortgageallows homeowners to tap into their home equity. The homeowner doesn’t make payments; instead, they receive monthly installments from the lender.

A reverse mortgage won’t need to be repaid unless the borrower dies, moves or sells the home. In this case, the borrower (or their heirs) can either pay off the loan and keep the property (such as with a new mortgage), or they can sell the home and use the proceeds to repay the reverse mortgage.

What happens to escrow when you pay off a mortgage?

When you buy a home, you might have to begin makingescrow paymentsto cover taxes and property insurance, depending on how much you borrow and the size of your down payment. If there are any funds left over in your escrow account after paying off your mortgage, the lender will refund the money to you. You might also be able to put these leftover funds toward your loan payoff if your lender allows it.

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early? (2024)


Is there any reason not to pay off mortgage early? ›

Key Takeaways

The money you save from not paying off your mortgage early can give you more financial flexibility. Investing extra funds can potentially earn higher returns than you would save on mortgage interest. With extra cash flow, you can work toward other financial goals, such as saving for retirement.

Does Dave Ramsey recommend paying off a mortgage? ›

Dave Ramsey, the renowned financial guru, has long been a proponent of financial discipline and savvy money management. This can include paying off your mortgage early, but only under specific financial circ*mstances.

What percentage of people pay off mortgage early? ›

Thus, it's not uncommon for Americans to want to pay that debt down as fast as possible. In fact, according to Census Bureau data, nearly 40% of Americans already have. But are you really better off paying off your home mortgage, or are there strategies you can employ to put yourself ahead even more?

How much extra should I pay on my mortgage to pay it off sooner? ›

Making an extra mortgage payment each year could reduce the term of your loan significantly. The most budget-friendly way to do this is to pay 1/12 extra each month. For example, by paying $975 each month on a $900 mortgage payment, you'll have paid the equivalent of an extra payment by the end of the year.

What is the average age people pay off their mortgage? ›

But with nearly two-thirds of retirement-age Americans having paid off their mortgages, it means that the average age they have gotten rid of that debt is likely in their early 60s. Stats from, for example, suggest the age is around 63.

Does it hurt credit to pay off mortgage early? ›

Paying your mortgage in full usually does not have a significant impact on your credit score. But once the mortgage is removed from your credit history, your score may drop slightly because of a reduced credit mix — that is, you no longer have as big a variety of types of debt.

What does Suze Orman say about paying off your mortgage early? ›

"If you're going to buy a house, be responsible with it. And if you're going to stay living it that house for the rest of your life, pay off that mortgage as soon as you possibly can," she tells CNBC Make It. Orman recommends that you aim to be mortgage-free by the time you retire.

Is it financially wise to pay off mortgage? ›

Paying off your mortgage early can provide several benefits, including peace of mind and freed-up cash flow. However, paying off a mortgage early is not always the best idea, even if you have the money.

What is the best age to pay off mortgage? ›

There's no need to pay off your mortgage by a certain age, although one common rule of thumb says you should pay off your mortgage before you retire. The idea is that getting rid of one of your biggest monthly expenses means you need less income to cover your living expenses.

Is it better to pay off mortgage or keep a small one? ›

If you can afford to make extra payments, overpaying your mortgage means you pay less interest in the future and pay off your mortgage sooner. This means you could save a lot of money.

How long does it take the average American to pay off their house? ›

Homeowners typically make their normal monthly mortgage payments and expect to pay off their homes over 30 years.

What happens if I pay 3 extra mortgage payments a year? ›

Making additional principal payments will shorten the length of your mortgage term and allow you to build equity faster. Because your balance is being paid down faster, you'll have fewer total payments to make, in-turn leading to more savings.

Are there disadvantages to paying off a mortgage? ›

A: If you put extra resources toward a home loan, you'll no longer have access to that cash flow and that's one of the disadvantages of paying off a mortgage. That means it's important to establish an emergency fund first — generally three to six months of living expenses — for unexpected financial needs.

When should you not pay extra on a mortgage? ›

You have high-interest debt.

Rather than make extra payments toward your mortgage principal, consider paying down high-interest debt first. This can include credit card, student loan, medical, and car loan debt, just to name a few.

Is paying off a mortgage early a good idea? ›

You might want to pay off your mortgage early if …

You want to save on interest payments: Depending on a home loan's size, interest rate, and term, the interest can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars over the long haul. Paying off your mortgage early frees up that future money for other uses.

Is it worth paying a mortgage off early? ›

The benefits of overpaying your mortgage

If you can afford to make extra payments, overpaying your mortgage means you pay less interest in the future and pay off your mortgage sooner. This means you could save a lot of money.

Will I be penalised for paying off a mortgage early? ›

If you pay off your mortgage early, or overpay by more than your lender allows, you may have to pay an early repayment charge. This is so your lender can make up for the lost interest they would have made over the remainder of your mortgage agreement.

What are the tax implications of paying off your mortgage? ›

The interest paid on a mortgage is tax-deductible. When you pay off your mortgage, you will no longer be paying interest and will lose this tax deduction. This will make your taxes go up as a result of eliminating this mortgage interest deduction.

Why do you get penalized for paying off mortgage early? ›

That's because interest accrues over the life of a loan. If you pay off your loan early by selling your home, refinancing to a new loan or making extra payments toward your principal, the lender won't earn as much. So it dings you, as a penalty for curtailing the years of interest payments they would've reaped.

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.