Signs Your Ex Is Waiting for You & Wants You Back (2024)

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Relationship experts point out signals that your ex wants you to rekindle the relationship

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1Your ex reaches out and contact you.

2They share details about their life.

3They want to be friends again.

4Your ex follows you on social media.

5Your ex asks you for advice.

6They make plans to meet up with you.

7They remember important dates.

8Your ex is always available to you.

9They’re still single.

10They’re curious about your relationship status.

11Your ex feels regretful about the breakup.

12They take responsibility for their mistakes.

13Your ex is trying to improve themselves.

14Your ex reminisces about your time together.

15They start flirting with you.

16Your ex tells you that they miss you.

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Written byConnell Barrett|Edited byGlenn Carreau

Last Updated: May 10, 2023Fact Checked

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Breakups are never easy, especially as you come to terms with losing someone so important to you. In the aftermath of a breakup, you might even find yourself looking for signs that your ex wants you back—but how can you know for sure if the signs are there? That’s where we can help. If you’re wondering whether a reunion might be possible for you and your ex, keep reading. Our comprehensive list of signs can help you figure out whether your ex is waiting for you and, if so, what to do about it.

Things You Should Know

  • Your ex may try to reconnect with you, establishing contact and catching you up to speed on their life since the breakup. They may even ask you to hang out.
  • They may tell you they want to be friends once more and even turn to you for help and personal advice to show you that you’re important to them.
  • When you need help, your ex will make themselves extremely available to you. It’s their way of showing you that you’re still a priority to them.
  • Your ex might even apologize and take responsibility for their past mistakes and work on improving themselves as they wait for you.


Your ex reaches out and contact you.

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  1. If your ex wants to talk again regularly, they might be really missing you. After a breakup, it’s normal to need space from one another; some exes go no-contact as they come to terms with what happened. So, if your ex texts or calls you after a period of radio silence, they might be reaching out because they’ve decided they miss you and want you back.[1]

    • Before you decide to start talking or get close to your ex again, reflect on the breakup. Why did it happen? Do you feel comfortable re-establishing contact?
    • If your ex was toxic (manipulative, unsupportive, dishonest, or even abusive), cutting them off completely is likely your best option. However, if you truly miss your ex and want to try again, responding could be the right move.
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  1. Your ex might catch you up on recent events as a way of reconnecting. Once the two of you are talking again, does your ex start filling you in on everything that happened since the breakup? From personal updates to professional developments, big and small, they might tell you everything in detail. This proves how much you meant to them before—and how much they want to connect with you now.[2]

    • There’s no definitive rule on how much you should talk to your ex and share with them. Generally, it comes down to your specific situation and comfort level.
    • If things ended amicably, you might be totally fine chatting with them relatively soon after the breakup. If things ended badly, you might need some time to heal.


They want to be friends again.

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  1. Friendship can be the first step to mending fences between exes. Has your ex expressed a desire to be friends again out of the blue? If they directly tell you that they’d really like to be friends again, they may still have feelings for you and want to be part of your life once more. In fact, friendship may be their subtle way of getting close to you while they wait for you to rekindle the relationship.[3]

    • If you're not sure whether your ex wants to be friends or more, study their behavior. If they’re extremely friendly and agreeable, even after a painful split, they may be waiting for you.
    • Take care to set boundaries with your ex if you’re still getting over the breakup. Give yourself whatever time and space you might still need, and if you aren’t ready for friendship yet, tell them so.
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Your ex follows you on social media.

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  1. Keeping in touch on social media shows they still care about you. Did your ex block you on social media after the breakup, only to suddenly follow you again? Or did they never stop following you at all? An ex who still follows you and looks at all of your posts and photos might miss you and be quietly hoping that you’ll come back to them in time.

    • Of course, it’s possible that your ex forgot to unfollow you or hasn’t worked up the nerve to remove all their photos and mentions of you yet.
    • Still, you can usually tell if they’re waiting for you based on their behavior. If they regularly like or even leave positive comments on your posts, they may still have feelings for you.
    • Don’t be afraid to block your ex if you feel like you need some more space. It can take time to heal from a breakup, and you’re entitled to as much distance as you need.


Your ex asks you for advice.

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  1. Asking for help can be their convenient excuse to talk to you more often. If your ex still trusts you and feels like there could be a connection between the two of you, they might turn to you for help and advice—even before they turn to friends or family. They might ask for anything from your opinion on a professional dilemma to a recommendation on what movie they should watch that night.[4]

    • Feel free to offer your ex advice if you’re interested in reconciling, too. However, it’s a good idea to take some time and consider the situation before you start helping them.
    • Ask yourself if you’re comfortable giving them emotional support right now or if you might need some more time. Be honest with yourself; the most important thing is doing what’s healthy for you!
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They make plans to meet up with you.

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  1. If your ex is waiting for you, they’ll be eager to see you in person again. While some exes might want to meet up in order to get closure from the breakup, an ex who is waiting for you may ask you if you’d like to hang out just for the fun of it. They’ll also be proactive, taking the initiative, replying to your texts quickly, and doing whatever they can to ensure the two of you meet up.

    • Your ex may also “accidentally” bump into you. Since they know all your favorite places to go (restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, and more), they might start visiting those places, hoping to see you.
    • If you don’t want to keep running into your ex, it may help to tell them that you aren’t ready to see them yet. Set a hard boundary, so they know where you stand, and go no-contact with them for a while.
    • Decide for yourself if it ever feels like your ex is getting out of hand. If they make you feel unsafe or threatened, don’t hesitate to file a police report and request a restraining order. Your safety and security come first!


They remember important dates.

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  1. Your ex may reach out on significant dates to prove they still think of you. Do you still get sweet texts from your ex wishing you a happy birthday or a happy holiday? Do they even remember the dates like a sibling’s birthday or your parent’s anniversary? If your ex still has feelings for you and can’t get you out of their mind, they’ll most likely remember dates that matter to you.[5]

    • You can sometimes tell if a text means something more based on the tone your ex uses. If they’re waiting for you, they’ll likely add a personal touch to the message and keep the chat going after.
    • For example, they might write, “Happy Birthday! I hope you had a brilliant day. You deserve it.” Then, if you respond, they might follow up with something like, “So, how’d you celebrate? Anything big?”
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Your ex is always available to you.

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  1. By being available, your ex is showing you that you’re a priority to them. When you text them, do they respond as fast as they can? If you need help, do they come running—even at their own expense? Though your relationship is over, do they still give you their time, energy, and advice? Your ex may be trying to show you how much they cherish you (and be your knight in shining armor once in a while).

    • For example, if you got stranded at work and needed a ride home, your ex might eagerly step in to help you. If you needed advice on how to deal with a family problem, your ex would offer support right away.
    • Accept their help if you’re also interested in getting back together—but if you’re not, it’s best to tell them so rather than keeping them on the hook.


They’re still single.

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  1. Your ex might not want to date anyone but you if they stay single. Has it been months since the breakup, but your ex still hasn’t started dating again, even casually? If they’re waiting for you, your ex might not show any desire to date someone else in the meantime. They might even drop hints that they’re single around you, trying to see if you react.[6]

    • For example, they might say something like, “Looks like it’s just my cat and me this Valentine’s Day! What about you?” or make a gloomy social media post about being single.
    • On the other hand, if they’re not still single, your ex might introduce you to their new date. Do they insist you get to know their date or get a little lovey-dovey in front of you? They might be trying to make you jealous.
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They’re curious about your relationship status.

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  1. Your ex may want to know if there’s a chance for you to reunite. Does your ex casually ask if you’ve been seeing anybody or if you could see yourself dating again in the near future? If they’re preoccupied with your love life, they may be trying to find out if they still have a chance with you. This is especially true if they also stay single during this time.[7]

    • They might even ask your friends about you, too. If your friends report that your ex asked them about your relationship status, they’re probably waiting for you.
    • If you are dating someone, your ex might get jealous. If they seem upset or excuse themselves when you mention your date, they could be jealous.


Your ex feels regretful about the breakup.

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  1. Showing remorse and regret suggests they wish you were still together. Has your ex said that they blame themselves for the breakup or apologized for their part in it? An ex who is waiting for you probably regrets the events that led to your breakup and may even put all the blame on themselves (whether or not that’s accurate). They may even hope you’ll take them back if they apologize.[8]

    • If your ex did do something hurtful leading up to the breakup, showing regret and apologizing is a great first step towards getting back together (if that’s what you want).
    • However, the two of you will still need to work through your problems first. If you don’t, those problems will likely resurface (or worsen) in the new relationship.
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They take responsibility for their mistakes.

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  1. Your ex may hope that taking responsibility will lead to reconciliation. Does your ex want to discuss the events leading up to the breakup and find solutions to mistakes that they made? Have they accepted responsibility for their actions and asked if they can make it up to you? If your ex shows a genuine desire to understand where they went wrong before, they could be trying to get you back.[9]

    • If you’re interested in rekindling the relationship, your ex taking responsibility for their mistakes is an excellent sign that they’re ready to do the same.
    • Holding themselves accountable is a sign that your ex has matured and is prepared to make changes to build a healthier relationship going forward—which is exactly what you’ll need to do if you reunite.


Your ex is trying to improve themselves.

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  1. They may be trying to show you that they can be a better partner. Your ex has expressed regret and taken responsibility for their bad habits; are they now putting genuine effort into fixing those problems? If your ex is making significant improvements in their life, they may understand that they’ll need to do more than wait for you—they’ll also need to show you that they’re capable of change.

    • For example, say they were always late to everything while you dated, and you felt neglected and disrespected as a result.
    • If your ex is waiting for you to come back, they might become very punctual whenever they do something with you to show you that things will improve if you give them another chance.
    • Rekindling a romance with an ex is very possible, but the most important part of that process is confronting old issues that could resurface. By doing that, your ex is trying to show you how serious they are about reuniting.
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Your ex reminisces about your time together.

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  1. By reminiscing, they’re also showing you how much they miss you. Does your ex talk about their fondest memories from the relationship, often totally unprompted? When they’re waiting for you to come back (and pining for you in the meantime), your ex might continually bring up the “good old days” and their happiest moments with you, from your first date to a fun trip you took together.

    • They might bring up things that remind them of you. For example, they might say something like, “I passed by our favorite restaurant today. Remember all those times we’d go there and spend hours talking?”
    • Your ex may also frequently say things like, “We were so good together!” or “Being with you felt so right.”


They start flirting with you.

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  1. Your ex may watch your reaction to see if you’re open to reuniting. If your ex is waiting for you, they may start flirting with you to see if you feel the same way. They may use coy body language at first, then progress to teasing banter and suggestive comments when you’re together. They might also send you playful texts here and there to show you that they definitely still have feelings for you.[10]

    • Flirty body language includes prolonged, intense eye contact and touchy-feely behavior. When you’re together, your ex might find an excuse to touch your hand or lean into you so your forearms touch.
    • You may be able to tell when they start flirting since they’ll sound more like they did when you were dating. For example, they might text something like, “What’s cooking, good looking?” or “Hey, gorgeous. How are you today?”
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Your ex tells you that they miss you.

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  1. If your ex says they miss you, they’re most likely trying to get you back. Have you gotten an emotional text from your ex claiming that they miss you or miss doing something with you? Chances are, saying that they miss you is your ex’s way of showing you that they’re waiting for you without having to come right out and say it.

    • For example, your ex might say something like, “I miss those nights we’d just fall asleep together on the couch, talking about everything. You’re so easy to talk to.”
    • Your ex may even drunkenly text or call you once or twice to say they miss you. However, they should be able to talk to you (and express their feelings) while sober, too.

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      • The more of these signs they exhibit, the more likely it is that your ex is waiting for you. If you only spot one or two, it’s also possible they’re just trying to be friendly. Remember to be careful and talk to your ex before jumping to conclusions either way.


        Helpful11Not Helpful1

      • Some couples get back together 1 to 3 months after their breakup, while others take a bit longer. Generally, however, most couples that reunite do so within 6 months of breaking up.


        Helpful11Not Helpful8

      • At the end of the day, if you decide that you want to reunite with your ex, the best way to handle the situation is to be honest and upfront about your intentions. Ask them out for a drink or to hang out casually, and let them know you’re interested in them romantically.


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      About This Article

      Signs Your Ex Is Waiting for You & Wants You Back (50)

      Written by:

      Connell Barrett

      Dating Coach

      This article was written by Connell Barrett and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Connell Barrett is a Relationship Expert and the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. Connell has over five years of experience as an international coach who helps men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, most confident selves. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” and has appeared on Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. In 2019 he was named's “New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach." This article has been viewed 68,154 times.

      6 votes - 83%

      Co-authors: 3

      Updated: May 10, 2023


      Categories: Relationship Issues

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      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 68,154 times.

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      Signs Your Ex Is Waiting for You & Wants You Back (2024)


      Signs Your Ex Is Waiting for You & Wants You Back? ›

      While some exes might want to meet up in order to get closure from the breakup, an ex who is waiting for you may ask you if you'd like to hang out just for the fun of it. They'll also be proactive, taking the initiative, replying to your texts quickly, and doing whatever they can to ensure the two of you meet up.

      How do you know if your ex is waiting for you? ›

      While some exes might want to meet up in order to get closure from the breakup, an ex who is waiting for you may ask you if you'd like to hang out just for the fun of it. They'll also be proactive, taking the initiative, replying to your texts quickly, and doing whatever they can to ensure the two of you meet up.

      How do you know if your ex still loves you and wants you back? ›

      • They still reach out to you from time to time.
      • They still get jealous when they see you with someone else.
      • They still remember important dates and occasions.
      • They still get defensive when you bring up the past.
      • They still engage in friendly conversations with you.
      • They still try to make you laugh or smile.
      Feb 12, 2023

      How do you tell if your ex is still interested in you? ›

      They keep in touch

      If your ex is still contacting you, it's a good sign that they're still interested in you. This could mean texting, calling, or even just liking your social media posts. If they're making an effort to stay in touch, it's likely because they still miss you and want to be a part of your life.

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      • 1 You can't stop thinking about them.
      • 2 They keep popping up in your dreams.
      • 3 You run into them unexpectedly.
      • 4 You're seeing angel numbers.
      • 5 You feel their presence when they're not around.
      • 6 You start thinking of them as your soulmate.

      How to know if ex is gone for good? ›

      How to Recognize When Your Ex Won't Come Back, and How to Move On
      • 1 They found someone else.
      • 2 They're enjoying their life.
      • 3 They're reinventing themselves.
      • 4 They don't want to be friends.
      • 5 They block you.
      • 6 They deleted all your photos together.
      • 7 They physically avoid you.
      • 8 They act cold toward you.

      How do you know if your ex secretly wants you back? ›

      21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back
      • They Often Contact You. ...
      • They Try To Share Their Present Life Updates With You. ...
      • They Show Subtle Jealousy. ...
      • They Try To Make You Jealous. ...
      • They Want To Be Friends With You. ...
      • They Find Excuses To Talk To You. ...
      • They Remember Your Important Days And Text You.
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      If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

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      Some signs your ex wants you back are that he or she reaches out to you, talks to mutual friends about you asking how you are doing or what you are doing, posting pictures on social media of places you went or even the two of you together, posting memes about regrets, approaching you in public and being touchy with you ...

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      Pay attention to how often your ex contacts you or likes your posts on social media. If your ex keeps calling and texting you or starts showing up at your favorite places, they may still like you. When you see your ex, take note of any open body language like touching your arm while talking.

      How do I know my ex will come back eventually? ›

      Regular communication means they're still interested and thinking of you often. An ex who wants you back is likelier to open up to you. Do they confide in you or ask your advice? That could mean you're not just a friend in their eyes—you're someone they really care about!

      How do you tell if your ex is secretly missing you? ›

      There are a few practical signs that your ex misses you, like if they tend to keep popping up in your life or you notice them liking your social media posts. Those are the biggest indicators, but it's best to be straightforward and ask someone if you want to know how they're feeling.

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      They never take care of you. Love requires nurturing. If he doesn't tend to you when you're sick, hold you when you're sad, show up in surprising ways, do small favors, or find some way to make you feel cared for, he doesn't love you.

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      If your ex wants you back but is scared, signs may include frequent contact, attempts at repairing past issues, and expressions of regret for the breakup. They may initiate deep, personal conversations and show continued emotional support.

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      But if he never wants to hang out with you, it's a good sign he's not coming back. If he doesn't want to spend any time with you, his interests likely lie elsewhere and he's moving on from you. He's moving on from the relationship you had and never looking back.

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      1. You Understood Each Other On Another Level. ...
      2. You Shared The Same Sense Of Humor. ...
      3. You Broke Up Over Something Little & Can't Stop Thinking About How Silly It Was. ...
      4. You Had An Amazing Sex Life. ...
      5. You Can't Seem To Find Those Same Feelings With Anyone Else. ...
      6. You Felt At Peace. ...
      7. You Successfully Went Through Ups & Downs Together.
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      Is your ex persistently reaching out, asking for help, or just generally trying to maintain contact? According to Page, this is a good indicator that they're not over you. "They may be over you in terms of the romantic relationship," he adds, "but still need and want all the things you can give them."

      How do you know a breakup is final? ›

      9 Ways to Tell if Your Breakup Will Last
      1. It doesn't hurt … much. ...
      2. There's physical distance. ...
      3. Your friends don't like your ex. ...
      4. There's someone new in the picture. ...
      5. You've done "on-again, off-again" before. ...
      6. You're good at impulse-control. ...
      7. You tolerate negative emotions well. ...
      8. You have good boundaries.
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      How do you know if your ex wants to try again? ›

      Below are some signs your ex might want you back:
      1. They still “like” and comment on your social media posts.
      2. They're posting things on social media only you would understand.
      3. They make an excuse to communicate with you.
      4. They "coincidentally" run into you.
      5. They bring up the past.
      6. They text you to try to keep in touch.
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      They've returned all your gifts.

      If your ex is returning your gifts after breaking up, it's one of the signs she's not coming back. She wants to keep nothing that may remind her of you! If they want to forget about you, they may begin getting rid of your stuff as soon as possible.

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      Sign #1 – Communication with your ex only happens on their terms. I'm sure this one will be familiar to a lot of you…. This is the kind of situation where your ex will call or text you when they want to talk or want a favor from you, but won't respond or engage with you when you try to reach out or ask for something.

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      You may want to wait at least 30 days before you speak to your ex after a breakup. You might wait longer if you were together for a few years or more and broke up. Often, a few months to a year can be a suitable amount of time to wait for many individuals.

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      Author: Jamar Nader

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      Name: Jamar Nader

      Birthday: 1995-02-28

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      Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.