Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (2024)


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Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (1)

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Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (4)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (5)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (6)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (7)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (8)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (9)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (10)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (11)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (12)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (13)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (14)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (15)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (16)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (17)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (18)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (19)

Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (20)

Highlights: Single Mother Poverty Statistics

  • 81% of solo parents are mothers, 19% are fathers.
  • 74.3% of young mothers and 74.9% of other young women reported being employed in June 2021, with 78.8% of young single mothers at work.
  • 55% of all jobs lost in the US since the pandemic began are held by women.
  • The percentage of Black families with a single mother living below the poverty level decreased from 48.1% in 1990 to 29.3% in 2021.
  • 30% of solo moms are black, compared to 12% of cohabiting moms and 7% of married moms.
  • 81% of solo parents are mothers, 19% are fathers.

Table of Contents

Single motherhood is a growing phenomenon in the United States, with an estimated 11.7 million single mothers in the country. Unfortunately, single motherhood often comes with a high price tag. Single mothers are more likely to live in poverty than married couples, and the poverty rate for single mothers is nearly three times higher than that of married couples.

In this article, we will take a look at the latest single mother poverty statistics and explore the reasons behind this alarming trend. We will also discuss potential solutions to help single mothers break the cycle of poverty and provide a better life for their children.

Single Mother Poverty: Most Important Statistics

In 2010, 16.1% of single mothers had a college degree or more, compared to 17.0% with less than a high school diploma, a stark contrast to 2001 when those with less than high school were more common than college graduates.
The percentage of Black families with a single mother living below the poverty level decreased from 48.1% in 1990 to 29.3% in 2021.
81% of solo parents are mothers, 19% are fathers.

Single Mother Poverty: Statistics Overview

74.3% of young mothers and 74.9% of other young women reported being employed in June 2021, with 78.8% of young single mothers at work.

Single mothers are more likely to be employed than other mothers, which can help reduce poverty levels for single mothers.

55% of all jobs lost in the US since the pandemic began are held by women.

This highlights the disproportionate impact that the pandemic has had on women, and in particular single mothers. This data can be used to inform policy decisions and create targeted programs to help single mothers who have been affected by the pandemic.

In 2010, 16.1% of single mothers had a college degree or more, compared to 17.0% with less than a high school diploma, a stark contrast to 2001 when those with less than high school were more common than college graduates.

Single mothers are increasingly achieving higher levels of educational attainment, which is important for reducing poverty. Higher education can lead to better job opportunities and higher wages, which can help single mothers provide for themselves and their families.

Single motherhood among low educated women increased from 15% to 40% from 1960 to 2000, while it remained relatively stable among highly educated women.

Educational differences play a role in the prevalence of single motherhood, and thus, poverty rates in single-mother households.

The percentage of Black families with a single mother living below the poverty level decreased from 48.1% in 1990 to 29.3% in 2021.

Although there is still a significant gap between Black and White households with a single mother living in poverty, there has been a decrease in poverty levels for Black single mother households over the past 30 years.

This decrease indicates that efforts to reduce poverty levels for single mothers have been successful and should be continued.

30% of solo moms are black, compared to 12% of cohabiting moms and 7% of married moms.

That single mothers are disproportionately affected by poverty, especially single mothers of color. This highlights the need for policies and initiatives that focus on helping single mothers, especially those of color, to reduce poverty.

44.6% of Greek speaking single mothers in Cyprus experienced psychological distress in 2012, and this was strongly associated with variables such as low monthly family income, economic difficulties, higher educational level, age group 35-44 years, and pre-existing illness.

This matters in the context of Single Mother Poverty Statistics because it highlights the need for support and resources for single mothers in order to reduce psychological distress and improve their overall quality of life.

Single mothers experienced higher rates of chronic depression if they had experienced prior marital difficulties or widowhood, but rates decreased with time spent in single parenthood.

It suggests that single mothers may be more likely to experience depression due to the stress of poverty and lack of support, but that with time and support, their mental health can improve.

Single fathers had higher average taxable income, non-work income, and total income than single mothers ($56,458 vs. $35,287, $4879 vs. $1320, and $57,778 vs. $40,165 respectively, p < 0.05).

This matters in the context of single mother poverty statistics because it highlights the economic disparities between single fathers and single mothers, and the need for policies and programs that can help to reduce poverty among single mothers.

81% of solo parents are mothers, 19% are fathers.

This highlights the gender disparity in single parenting, which can have implications for the economic security of single mothers.

Single mothers are more likely to experience poverty and other economic hardships, and this statistic helps to illustrate the disproportionate burden that is placed on mothers in this situation.


Single mother poverty is a real issue that affects millions of women and their children in the United States. The statistics are sobering, but they also demonstrate the need for more support and resources for single mothers.

With the right policies and programs in place, we can make a real difference in the lives of single mothers and their families. It is up to all of us to do our part to ensure that single mothers are given the support they need to break the cycle of poverty.


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What percentage of single mothers live in poverty?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 28.6% of single mothers live in poverty.

What are the primary causes of single mother poverty?

The primary causes of single mother poverty include lack of access to education and job training, low wages, and lack of access to affordable childcare.

What are the effects of single mother poverty?

The effects of single mother poverty include increased stress, poor health, and decreased educational opportunities for children.

What are some strategies to reduce single mother poverty?

Some strategies to reduce single mother poverty include increasing access to education and job training, raising the minimum wage, and providing access to affordable childcare.

What resources are available to single mothers living in poverty?

Resources available to single mothers living in poverty include government assistance programs, local charities, and community organizations.

How we write our statistic reports:

We have not conducted any studies ourselves. Our article provides a summary of all the statistics and studies available at the time of writing. We are solely presenting a summary, not expressing our own opinion. We have collected all statistics within our internal database. In some cases, we use Artificial Intelligence for formulating the statistics. The articles are updated regularly.

See our Editorial Process.

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Single Mother Poverty Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux (2024)


What percentage of single mothers are in poverty? ›

Single moms are one of the most disadvantaged groups in the U.S. — nearly 30% of their families live under the poverty line, according to the US Census, as compared with 62% of families with married parents.

What are the statistics of single parenting? ›

Statistics About Children in Single-Parent Families. In the United States today, more than 23 million children live in a single-parent family. This total, has risen over the last half century and currently covers about one in every three kids across America.

How many single mothers struggle financially? ›

Between 2021 and 2022, as pandemic-era aid dried up, the poverty rate for families headed by one woman soared to nearly 27% from 12%, according to the National Women's Law Center. More than 33% of single mother-led households reported food insecurity in 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture found.

Are children living with single mothers more likely to live at or below the poverty level than children living with married biological parents? ›

This statement is true. Children living with single mothers are more likely to live at or below the poverty level than children living with married biological parents.

Which race has the most single mothers? ›

From 1995 to 2018, single mother prevalence remained highest among Black children, followed by Latino children, and then by White children. The mean prevalences in the 1995 to 2018 pooled sample are as follows: Black, 45.2 % Latino, 21.8 % and White, 13.6 percent (see Table 2).

What is the average income of a single-mother in the US? ›

Indeed, median family income of married-couple families with children was about $101,560 in 2021, whereas their single-father counterparts had median total family income of $50,942 and single-mother counterparts had just $32,586 (U.S. Census Bureau 2021).

What are the struggles of a single mother? ›

One of the most significant struggles of single moms is the constant struggle to make ends meet. With sole responsibility for their household's financial stability, single moms often find themselves in a position where they must balance work and parenting to provide for their children.

What are the psychological effects of being a single mother? ›

There are many psychological effects of being a single parent, including significant amounts of stress. Lack of support, conflicts over parenting and custody, and financial worries are just a few common sources of single-parent stress.

How do single moms cope financially? ›

Learn About Financial Resources and Tools

Financial tools and resources for women may help you overcome financial hurdles that can be especially challenging for single moms. These resources can include financial coaching and education, free online courses, investing workshops and more.

Why are single motherhood rates so high? ›

In the United States, since the 1960s, there has been an increase in the number of children living with a single parent. The jump was caused by an increase in births to unmarried women and by the increasing prevalence of divorces among couples.

How does inflation affect single mothers? ›

Therefore, inflation, which can affect household income, may indirectly affect single parents by potentially limiting their ability to provide for their children's needs and support their development.

Why are single mothers more likely to be in poverty? ›

Single-mother families are five times more likely to live in poverty than two-parent families. Why do single-mothers families struggle so much more than other families? The vast majority of single moms work; however, single mothers often do not have the education or work experience needed to command a high salary.

What are the statistics of single mothers? ›

The share of births to unmarried women has remained relatively stable over the past decade, after increasing steadily from 1980 to around 2009. In 2020, that share was 41%, about double the percentage from 40 years ago.

What is the single mother epidemic? ›

The realities about unmarried mothers

Almost half of all babies born in the U.S. were born to unmarried women in 2019, a dramatic increase since 1960, when only 5% of births were to unmarried mothers. And it's not because of divorce; today's unpartnered mothers are also more likely to have never been married.

What percentage of single mothers are unemployed? ›

In 2021, the U.S. was home to about 10.7 million single-parent households with children under the age of 18 years, with these single parents having an unemployment rate of 8.3%. For single mothers with at least one child under the age of 3 years, the national unemployment rate in 2021 was 11.2%.

What percentage of blacks are raised by single mothers? ›

About 67 percent of black children are born into a single parent household. The African-American segmented nuclear I (unmarried mother and children) and II (unmarried father and children) family structures are defined as a parent–child relationship.

Are single mothers a vulnerable population? ›

While single motherhood does not automatically mean vulnerability, statistics and testimonies show that this status puts women at increased risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Are the elderly more likely to be poor than single mothers? ›

While the poverty rate for all women age 65 and older is 10.6%[ii] (or just over 1 in 10), the poverty rate for single women living alone is almost twice as high at 19%[iii]. Older persons living alone are much more likely to be poor (15%) than older persons living with families (6%)[iv].

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.