Single Parenting Stress: How to Beat Burnout (2024)

Single parenting has become increasingly common as more single mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other caregivers raise children without a co-parent. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, almost a quarter of all children in the U.S. under the age of 18 live in a single-parent household.

The psychological effects of being a single mother, father, or caregiver can be significant. Single parents often face unique stresses, which can often contribute to feelings of exhaustion.

There are a few things single parents can do to help manage their stress and avoid burnout. For starters, it is crucial to make time for yourself. This may include taking breaks throughout the day, scheduling regular outings or activities just for you, or reserving some time for yourself if possible.

At a Glance

There are many psychological effects of being a single parent, including significant amounts of stress. Lack of support, conflicts over parenting and custody, and financial worries are just a few common sources of single-parent stress. It can take a toll not only on your mental well-being but also on your relationships and physical health.

Taking steps to manage the psychological effects of being a single mother or father might include creating boundaries, asking for help, and using effective stress management strategies.

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What Causes Stress for Single Parents?

Divorce, separation, and bereavement are already stressful on their own. Being a single parent while going through this type of life change can compound stress further.

Single parents have all of the normal parenting anxieties that every parent faces. Is my child developing normally? Do they have enough friends at school? Are they eating healthy enough? Are they getting too much screen time?

What makes these anxieties even more stressful is that single parents often have to bear the burden of making difficult parenting choices all on their own.

Single parents have to juggle multiple roles along with other challenges like shared custody arrangements, financial concerns, and complex family relationships. Other stresses that single parents must deal with include:

Lack of Social Support

Single parents can often feel isolated, particularly if much of their time is spent caring for children with little time to interact with other adults. Such feelings can contribute to loneliness and depression.

Shared Custody Arrangements

When single parents have to share custody of their children, it can be difficult to manage time and co-parenting responsibilities.

Emotional Stress

In cases where a parent has full custody, or there is not a co-parent, single parents often bear the full responsibility of raising their children. In addition to dealing with the challenges of parenting kids alone, single parents often face other personal issues that they must deal with without a partner’s support.

Financial Concerns

Single parents are often responsible for household finances without the contributions of a partner. While some single parents may receive child support, others may feel the financial pressures associated with living on a single income.

Research has found that single parents tend to be at a higher risk for experiencing financial hardships, which can hurt psychological well-being. It increases the risk for isolation, anxiety, and depression.


Single parenting involves all of the stress that other parents face, but with the added challenges of coping with shared custody, poor social support, and financial strain, among other things.

What Is the Parenting Stress Index?

Effects of Stress on Single Parents

Stress can be motivating at times, but if left unchecked, it can become chronic and detrimental to your well-being. It can also have a negative impact on your physical and emotional health. The effects of stress are different for everyone, but there are some common problems that many single parents may face.

Some of the physical and emotional health effects of stress you might experience include:

  • Irritability, anxiety, or depression
  • Decreased immune function and lead to frequent illness
  • Lower motivation and creativity
  • Decreased energy and productivity
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, physical aches and pains, and dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal and digestive problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Changes in mood or appetite

If parents aren't able to cope with the stress caused by single parenting, they run the risk of experiencing burnout. This is a common condition among single parents that can often lead to increased anxiety, depression, and physical health issues. Parents who are experiencing burnout may also struggle with loneliness or relationship problems.

When the impact of chronic stress is combined with other risk factors like smoking or alcohol use, it can make single parents more likely to develop health problems. Studies suggest that the increased stress that single mothers experience, for example, might be linked to unhealthy behavior, such as an increased risk of smoking.

Some of the major health problems that are linked to stress include diabetes, heart disease, obesity, ulcers, hypothyroidism, and sexual dysfunction.

Research also suggests that parental stress can have an impact on children’s mental health. One study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that maternal depression caused by parenting stress increased a child’s risk of developing symptoms of anxiety and depression.


It is not always easy to recognize when you are experiencing stress. It is important to learn how stress affects the health and well-being of single parents in order to take steps for mitigating its effects.

How to Manage Single Parenting Stress

When single parenting causes you to feel overwhelmed by the pressures of caring for children and managing a household, it is important to reach out for support. The following tips can help you cope with the psychological effects of being a single mother or father:

Make Time for Yourself

Single parents should try to set aside some alone time—even if it is just short periods of time here and there—to do something they enjoy, such as reading a book or visiting with friends.

That said, finding time to yourself when you are raising kids alone isn’t always easy. You might ask a friend or family member to watch the kids while you take a break, or let the kids enjoy a movie while you relax with a book. Do what works for your family and your specific situation.

Even spending time at work appears to benefit single parents. Research suggests that while single mothers tend to experience more sadness, stress, and parenting fatigue, employed single moms report feeling happier and less stressed than their non-working counterparts.

Skip the Guilt

Try not to feel guilty about taking time away from your children. For single parents struggling with their mental health, finding fun and relaxing activities that are centered on the things that they enjoy can help them feel balanced and fulfilled outside of their role as a parent.

Protecting your well-being is also important for your kid’s well-being.

Don’t think of these activities as indulgences that are taking things away from your kids. Your mental health affects your children’s mental health as well.

Keep a Positive Outlook

Negative self-talk can have a detrimental impact on your confidence as a parent and undermine your mental well-being. According to research, anxious parents tend to pay more attention to threats and negative information. This anxiety and negativity may then spill over into their interactions with their children.

Make an effort to avoid negativity, whether it's coming from yourself or outside influences. If you engage in negative self-talk, try reframing the situation and seeing it in a more positive light. You might also utilize positive affirmations to help you stay motivated and optimistic.

Build Your Support System

Single parents can build a social support network by reaching out to friends, family members, or online groups. It can be helpful to have people to talk to who understand the unique challenges of being a single parent.

You can also look on social media sites for groups and pages devoted to single parenting. It can be a great way to connect with other people who have been through similar experiences as you have.

Set Boundaries

It is important for single parents to set limits on what they can and cannot accept. Don’t allow other people to take advantage of your time or energy.

Single parents are sometimes subjected to greater judgment regarding their choices and parenting decisions, so it is important to make it clear to others that you don't welcome or accept such scrutiny.

Setting boundaries for yourself will help you manage your time and energy so that you don't get overwhelmed. It will also help you find more balance in your life.


In order to avoid experiencing burnout as a single parent, it is important to find ways to manage stress. Finding time for yourself, avoiding negativity, establishing boundaries, and having a support system are just a few strategies that can help you cope.

Stress Management Strategies

Stress management techniques can be helpful for single parents who are coping with feelings of stress and anxiety. In addition to relaxation strategies, practicing good self-care and looking after your mental health is essential.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Because of the stress you face as a single parent, it is often easy to overlook your own health needs. Single parents should make every effort to eat well, stay active, and get plenty of sleep. Sticking to healthy habits can ensure that you are taking care of yourself even when things get hectic.

Create a Relaxation Routine

Incorporating effective relaxation techniques into your everyday routine can also be helpful. When you find yourself getting stressed out by the day-to-day challenges of parenting, you can turn to these strategies to unwind and get a handle on the pressure. There are online resources, including meditations apps like Ten Percent Happier can that help anxious parents create a routine for unwinding.

A few helpful tactics you might want to practice include:

  • Deep breathing
  • Guided imagery and visualization
  • Gratitude journaling
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Yoga

The key is to figure out what works for you! Try a few different strategies to see what helps you the most.

The 7 Best Meditation Apps of 2024

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Increased stress levels may mean that you are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. If you are struggling, consider talking to a mental health professional for help. There are many resources available to single parents, including counseling, therapy groups, and medication if necessary.

What This Means For You

The psychological effects of being a single mother or father can include a greater risk for stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical health problems.

The challenges of single parenting can be stressful, but with planning, support, and effective stress management strategies, you can ensure that you have what you need to thrive. Single parenting can be tough, but with the right tools and strategies, you can manage stress and avoid burnout.

The Best Online Therapy for Anxiety of 2024, Tried and Tested

3 in 4 Dads Want More Mental Health Support, Verywell Mind Survey Finds

Single Parenting Stress: How to Beat Burnout (2024)


Single Parenting Stress: How to Beat Burnout? ›

In order to avoid experiencing burnout as a single parent, it is important to find ways to manage stress. Finding time for yourself, avoiding negativity, establishing boundaries, and having a support system are just a few strategies that can help you cope.

How to cope with stress as a single parent? ›

Tips for Coping with Single Parent Stress Syndrome
  1. Build a support network. ...
  2. Ask for help. ...
  3. Practice self-care: Take time for yourself and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. ...
  4. Set realistic expectations: Don't strive for perfection.

How to cope as a single mother with no support? ›

Strategies that may help single parents
  1. Take small steps, and focus on one day at a time. Take one day at a time, focusing on each moment and what you need on that particular day. ...
  2. Find a routine that suits you. Routines can help you to create your own supportive structure. ...
  3. Build your support network. ...
  4. Believe in yourself.

What are the symptoms of single mom burnout? ›

As a divorce recovery coach I support a lot of stressed and burnt out single parents who are running on empty. One of the first things I tell them is to be aware of the signs of burnout (extreme tiredness, lack of focus, always picking up viruses and bugs, irritability - Google for more symptoms).

How to deal with parenting burnout? ›

While you may get burnout from time to time, there are things that you can do to reduce the risk and prevent it:
  1. Ask for help or hire a sitter.
  2. Practice self-care.
  3. Get some exercise.
  4. Set realistic expectations.
  5. Give your child age-appropriate chores.
  6. Go easy on yourself.
Jul 12, 2023

How to avoid burnout as a single parent? ›

In order to avoid experiencing burnout as a single parent, it is important to find ways to manage stress. Finding time for yourself, avoiding negativity, establishing boundaries, and having a support system are just a few strategies that can help you cope.

What is the largest cause of stress for a single parent? ›

Leading causes of stress: There are many obvious things and situations that add to the single parents' stress. Daily demands like running errands, cleaning, and cooking still need to be taken care of, although there is only one person to do them.

How to stop feeling overwhelmed as a single mom? ›

How To Reduce Single Parent Stress
  1. Ask for Help. So many of us are terrible at asking for help. ...
  2. Take care of you. ...
  3. Create a schedule. ...
  4. Create a meal plan. ...
  5. Be honest with your children. ...
  6. Ask your child(ren) for help around the house. ...
  7. Connect with other single parents.

What do single mothers need most? ›

Single moms also often find it difficult to work long hours, since they must also care for their children. In a recent focus group, single moms agreed that their two most pressing challenges are earning enough money to support their families and having enough time to spend with their children.

What is depleted mother syndrome? ›

'Depleted Mother Syndrome' refers to a mother who has poor health- mentally, emotionally, and physically- due to the growing burden of raising her child/ren. Basically, a child demands many, many things, and the list only gets longer as they get older to be honest.

How to recover from burnout as a single mom? ›

Essential Strategies to Overcome Single Parent Burnout
  1. Ask for Help. If you are struggling or finding life overwhelming, it's OK to ask for help. ...
  2. Understand You Are Not Alone. ...
  3. Create Some Structure. ...
  4. Practice Self-Compassion. ...
  5. Build a Support System and Talk to Other Single Parents. ...
  6. Join Support Groups.

How do you beat Mommy Burnout? ›

Coping with burnout
  1. Be honest and talk it out with people you trust. Once burnout takes hold, people tend to retreat and become isolated. ...
  2. Ask for help. ...
  3. Create routines. ...
  4. Schedule "me" time. ...
  5. Set boundaries. ...
  6. Monotask instead of multitask. ...
  7. Lower expectations.
Jul 29, 2021

Can you get PTSD from being a single mom? ›

Without support or resources, too many single moms carry a heavy burden of pain, which is often expressed in PTSD, depression and other mental health challenges.

How to stop feeling overwhelmed as a mom? ›

10 Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom
  1. Brain Dump and Sift. Feeling overwhelmed often results in a never-ending stream of thoughts in our minds. ...
  2. Avoid Multi-Tasking. ...
  3. Declutter. ...
  4. Take a Digital Break. ...
  5. Learn to Say “No” ...
  6. Exercise. ...
  7. Realise That You're Not Alone. ...
  8. Spend Time Outside.
Aug 3, 2022

What is the most exhausting stage of parenting? ›

Although the age of children is not a strong correlate of parental burnout, researchers systematically report that caring for children in the early childhood or preschool periods is the most demanding (Nelson et al., 2014) and carries a higher risk of burnout (Mikolajczak et al., 2018b).

What does mom burnout look like? ›

Mom burnout symptoms include decreased effectiveness in your personal and professional life, acting outside of your philosophical orientation toward parenting (like harsh punishments or overblown reactions to minor issues), and the extreme desire to be away from your children.

How to deal with being overwhelmed as a single mom? ›

How To Reduce Single Parent Stress
  1. Ask for Help. So many of us are terrible at asking for help. ...
  2. Take care of you. ...
  3. Create a schedule. ...
  4. Create a meal plan. ...
  5. Be honest with your children. ...
  6. Ask your child(ren) for help around the house. ...
  7. Connect with other single parents.

How do single moms cope emotionally? ›

Take care of your own emotional needs during this time of tension – lean on your friends and family or reach out to a mental health professional. Maintain an open dialogue with your attorney when dealing with conflict from the co-parent; they can advise you on steps to protect yourself and your kids from harm.

What do single parents struggle with the most? ›

The most common problems are about money, time and child-rearing concerns; there's never enough of the first two and too much of the third. But with a good support system, you can overcome many of these problems and build a stronger, happier family.

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