Slow FIRE Financial Independence: (Slow FI) is a more Enjoyable, Balanced Path to Freedom - Dividend Income Investor (2024)

FIRE financial independence. Choose slow FI for a more enjoyable, balanced path to freedom by working part-time + alternative income streams.

I used to write about my mini-retirement to document the time away from jobbing.

Although that journey came to an abrupt end in December 2016, I now have the opportunity to document my slow FIRE financial independence journey.

Instead of grinding at a job I can’t stand for the next 10 years and saving as much as possible, I am choosing to work a more flexible job to enjoy more time now. But I’m still pursuing financial independence.

Before I describe what it’s like to work part-time, let’s dive into the concept of Slow FI.

FIRE Financial Independence – What is Slow FI?

Typically, a financially independent person is someone who saved up 25 times their expenses, or they built income streams up that cover expenses.

Therefore, achieving financial independence usually requires a high savings rate for a number for years.

But what if you can’t stomach that?

What if even 10 years at a monotonous, soul-crushing job is too much?

Wouldn’t it would be better to take a slower, more enjoyable path to freedom as opposed to a miserable path at a job you dread 5 days per week?

Fortunately, there is an alternative. It’s called Slow FI (slow FIRE financial independence).

Slow FI involves working a less stressful job or part-time job to gain a more enjoyable, more balanced path to financial independence.

For example, an individual who is pursuing slow FI will choose Barista FIRE or work a high paying part-time job instead of working at a full-time job they hate. Rather than save 60% of their income and achieve freedom in 10 years, they may achieve it in 20 years while working only 3 days per week.

Around the end of 2019, I resigned from my full-time job and picked up a part-time job to begin my slow FI journey. Here is what my experience has been like so far:

Slow FIRE Financial Independence Update: Working Part-time is f*cking Fantastic!

It’s like having weekends every other day or two.

I have more time for laundry and cooking at home. My fridge is always packed with groceries. And the overall pace of life has swung back in my direction.

Of course, I know it’s not for everyone, and that some people enjoy the structure provided by their 9 to 5. To each their own.

In my case, though, I feel like I’m in more control of my life. It’s a lot easier to grind out a two-day week lol.

Savings are funded by Income Streams

Fortunately I’ve built up a few income streams to help me save money: blogging & dividend investing. I would recommend avoiding debt and building income streams to anyone considering a part-time job. I’m not perfectly debt free yet, but I’m getting close. That will provide a boost of income when it happens.

Once that happens, I can direct all attention to the dividend business. Ideally, I want dividend income to be the leading income stream. I want it to cover all my expenses.

Based on that goal, all income from income streams is reinvested back into the dividend business: dividends, blog income, and savings.

At least I am still saving and increasing my dividend income while working part-time, even if it’s at a slower pace.

If it’s possible to consistently grow the dividend portfolio for years while maintaining a part-time job, then part-time jobbing may be forever.

The flexible schedule is perfect. If dividend income and blog income are still growing, there will be a crossover point at which my dividend income exceeds my expenses. It might take longer, but the journey will be more enjoyable. That’s the main benefit of slow FIRE financial independence.

Slow FIRE Financial Independence: (Slow FI) is a more Enjoyable, Balanced Path to Freedom - Dividend Income Investor (1)

FIRE Financial Independence Update: Working Part-Time feels the same as my Mini-Retirement—But Money is still coming in…

The strangest thing about working part-time is how much it feels like my year off.

Similar to my mini-retirement, work revolves around my life instead of the other way around.

I may have a stretch of days off in a row that allows me to take a small road trip, or I can hit up a coffee shop mid week to work on the blog. I almost have the same freedom.

Even with this freedom, I keep worrying that I’m putting myself in a bad financial situation. But then another payday happens and I realize this is like my year off but with money coming in.

Even if my hours dip and less money is coming in, I still have a baseline income that will allow me to survive. I may just need to temporarily lower my spending.

New stuff comes up because you’re available

I anticipate the majority of my mini-retirement time will be spent on blogging. However, in both cases now, random stuff comes up because you’re available.

You wake up planning to blog or whatever, but end up doing something completely unexpected.

The point is that you have to be really focussed on what you’re doing if you want to get anything done. You won’t really have that much more time unless you make more time.

Life becomes normal again quickly, because you adapt to having 3 or 4 days off per week. All of a sudden, two of the days become recreational, which is ok lol, unless you’re trying to build a business.

I considered trading again for income

Because of my experience watching the markets and working as a stock broker, I attempted day trading for income for 4 months during my year off.

Although I was successful overall during my days as a trader, it made me realize I enjoy blogging and dividend investing more.

But to tell you the truth, I considered it as an option to earn income again recently. A friend of mine recently began trading, and he’s been successful, which instantly reminded me of my days as a trader.

You know what, though, the main problem was the pressure to earn all my income from trading. That was hard to do considering the amount I was trading with and because of the scalping style I used. But if it’s a 4th income stream, after a part-time job, blogging, and dividend investing, does it make sense?

The answer is still no. After pondering this briefly, I believe in keeping the focus narrow to become an expert, and on earning income from work you enjoy. So for the time being, I will keep my focus on my part-time job, blogging, and on dividend investing.

I’m more well rested

Since I work less days per week, I get to sleep in more.

In addition, my schedule is not typical hours when I do work either, so I can usually sleep in on those days too.

It’s been great so far because I’ve been able to avoid feeling completely drained. I have more energy overall.

But it is possible to form bad habits with this type of freedom. Habits such as sleeping in too late and staying up too late.

In turn, I am still setting an alarm clock for a somewhat reasonable hour to maintain some consistency.

I’m struggling to develop a system

Similar to what I experienced during my year off, I am struggling to develop a system.

A typical nine to five job provides a general structure for life—work 5 days a week and do what you want on the weekends.

But when your schedule fluctuates, and you also value time for relaxation and enjoyment, it can be difficult to find a system that works.

I am finding that it’s challenging to blog more on the additional days off, because more days are used for rest and for fun.

There have been times with this blog that I would’ve just salivated at this opportunity. I would’ve published a new blog post per day. But now I’m trying to be more methodical about it. I’m putting more work into each post, and I’m focussed on the behind-the-scenes work as well.

In short, I must develop a system to earn more money from blogging and to build this blog’s audience up while I’m still working part-time. If I don’t make significant progress with either income or subscription/website traffic growth over the next 6 months to a year, I will go back to full-time or obtain a 2nd job to build the dividend business as fast as possible.

Slow FIRE Financial Independence: (Slow FI) is a more Enjoyable, Balanced Path to Freedom - Dividend Income Investor (2)

I’m slightly less of a recluse

Again, similar to my year off, I’m more social again.

And again, I know everyone is different, but I actually want to get out of the house and do more with a part-time job.

Whereas with a full-time job, I would find that I was too tired to want to go out a lot of the time. Maybe that’s due to poor health lol, or because I always spent 1 day per weekend on the blog. Since I needed one day to rest and relax and 1 day for blogging, I never wanted to do anything.

However, with a part-time job, it’s possible that I have 3 or even 4 days off. That’s 1 day for rest, 1 (or more) day(s) for doing sh*t, and 2 days for blogging.

Just the other day, I had the chance to go out to the boons again. Since I had a more open week, I took the opportunity and had the chance to going kayaking.

This will probably be the best month for the blog ever

Although I haven’t been discussing my blog numbers for a while, I will say this—even my bad months are better than the best months in previous years.

Page views have been higher than ever all year, Google Adsense income is higher than ever, and e-mail subscriptions are higher and are increasing more rapidly than ever. Especially since I decided to switch to part-time.

Anyways, it’s looking like this month could be the best month of all time for page views. I have more time off than usual, and page views have already surpassed last year’s mark by a long shot.

In total, this blog has received overall 110,000 page views all time now. The blog saw a good run near the beginning of my year off. However, there was a bit of a drop off when I initially went back to work. Since then, traffic has been slowly increasing, basically since I began publishing dividend income updates.

My goal is to work hard enough on this blog to make it a sustainable side income over the next 6 to 12 months. I really want to see what I can do.

My part-time job is the perfect situation to test this, and I’m earning more than ever now (per hour), but it does have its tradeoffs. This situation is a dream situation for me to spend time on blogging, though. I am really hoping I can make it work out financially.

I don’t like investing less

Inconsistent income always feels like you’re in a fight, even if you’re earning more.

Budgeting becomes more of a challenge when you don’t know how much you will be earning in a month.

As such, I have been investing less into the long term portfolio since I began working part-time.

I am building more cash up, and I am being more cautious with money now.

One tradeoff I’ve realized is that I don’t take kindly to investing less.

My job at the bank was great for forcing savings through their stock sharing plan.

There was always another $12 of annual dividend income per month from investing into their stock sharing plan.

But other than my pension, which I probably won’t share too much about on this blog, my early retirement savings is completely up to me. I almost need to work here for a year to see what I earn. If my dividend income is still increasing, I can stay part-time. If it’s not, I may look for a 2nd job, because my current is too good of a situation to give up.

In short, I need to find 1 more income source to invest more—either through blogging or another job. I need to keep pushing dividend income into the thousands annually.

I eat out less and grocery plan more

Since I’m home more, I find it a lot easier to make food at home, which is not surprising.

Sometimes I’ll even eat enough before work that I don’t need to eat while I’m there, other than snacks.

I’ve even started to cut out my beloved Starbuck’s coffee to save money. I never would’ve thought I would have the power to do this, but since I’m less tired all the time, my will power seems to have increased.

This whole situation has caused me to be less wasteful with groceries in general. When I buy something, I am more committed to using it now.

That commitment to the groceries I’ve already purchased is making it easier to eat out less and to grocery plan better. If I eat out now, it’s for personal enjoyment. It’s not because I didn’t have the time.

Slow FIRE Financial Independence: (Slow FI) is a more Enjoyable, Balanced Path to Freedom - Dividend Income Investor (3)

Concluding Thoughts – Should you consider Part Time Jobbing to FIRE Financial Independence?

So is part-time job a solid alternative solution for you?

It’s a good FIRE Financial Independence solution if you don’t mind flexible schedules, and if you have something you are passionate about to spend your time on. It also would help to be debt free and to have emergency funds built up to be prepared for slower months.

On the other hand, if your goal is to build your net worth or reach FI as soon as possible, a part-time job may not be the best option.

Although part-time jobbing has its tradeoffs, it can be the perfect solution to a better lifestyle now.

If you can find a part-time situation that pays well enough, it can be great way to have more time now.

If time is really what we’re after, part-time jobbing may be an even better option than financial independence itself.

At the risk of sounding like I’ve changed too much for this blog, I’ve found myself too happy with this lifestyle to even want to blog. There’s hardly a crush to reverse anymore. At least for now, there’s only a lifestyle that I’m worried to lose.

I am not a licensed investment or tax adviser. All opinions are my own. This post contains advertisem*nts by Google Adsense. This post also contains internal links, affiliate links, and links to RTC social media accounts.

Slow FIRE Financial Independence: (Slow FI) is a more Enjoyable, Balanced Path to Freedom - Dividend Income Investor (4)

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Slow FIRE Financial Independence: (Slow FI) is a more Enjoyable, Balanced Path to Freedom - Dividend Income Investor (2024)


What is slow financial independence? ›

If you're Slow FI, you're far away from retiring early and achieving financial independence. In addition, you're likely working at a job you dislike and are desperately searching for more meaning. After all, trying to achieve financial independence usually means you're looking for a better life.

What is the difference between financial independence and freedom? ›

Financial freedom involves living without financial constraints, enabling you to lead the life you desire. On the other hand, financial independence revolves around generating sufficient passive income to cover living expenses without the necessity of active work.

Is financial independence worth it? ›

Regardless of how they define it, Americans say financial independence is also the most important marker of overall life success, or feeling like you've financially “made it,” Empower found. It doesn't take an exorbitant salary, either.

What is the FIRE financial strategy? ›

So, What Is the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Movement? In a nutshell, the goal of the FIRE movement (sometimes written as fi/re) is to save and invest aggressively—somewhere between 50–75% of your income—so you can retire sometime in your 30s or 40s.

What is the difference between Slowfi and Coastfi? ›

Coast FI is simply one stage of financial freedom. If you take a Slow FI approach, you can decide to use the financial freedom that Coast FI (or any other stage of financial freedom) provides to design your life (and maybe even design a life you don't want to retire from at all!).

What is the 4% rule for financial independence? ›

The 4% rule limits annual withdrawals from your retirement accounts to 4% of the total balance in your first year of retirement. That means if you retire with $1 million saved, you'd take out $40,000. According to the rule, this amount is safe enough that you won't risk running out of money during a 30-year retirement.

What are the three pillars of financial freedom? ›

Why are values, time, and money our three pillars of financial planning? Let's explore.

What does financial freedom feel like? ›

Everyone defines financial freedom in terms of their own goals. For most people, it means having the financial cushion (savings, investments, and cash) to afford a certain lifestyle—plus a nest egg for retirement or the freedom to pursue any career without the need to earn a certain salary.

What are the 7 levels of financial freedom? ›

The Seven levels of Retiring Early with FIRE
  • Level 1: Clarity. It's important to know where to start. ...
  • Level 2: Self-Sufficiency. Stand on your own two feet financially. ...
  • Level 3: Breathing Room. ...
  • Level 4: Stability. ...
  • Level 5: Flexibility. ...
  • Level 6: Financial Independence. ...
  • Level 7: Abundant Wealth.

How to retire early with no money? ›

Low-income people may retire by cutting their expenses, downsizing their homes, taking Social Security benefits early, and/or applying for financial assistance through government benefit programs.

How much money to retire early? ›

But it's considerably more so if you want to retire early. One rule of thumb recommends multiplying your desired annual income in retirement by 25 to come up with a savings goal. So, if you want to have $50,000 a year for 25 years, you'd need $1.25 million.

How much money do you need to be independently wealthy? ›

Most financial experts agree you need at least 25 times your annual expenses to be labeled “independently wealthy”–that is: $42,000 x 25, which is $1.05 million. You need to save up to $2.55 million or have passive income that gives up to $102,000 every year. Only then are you considered “independently wealthy.”

What is the 25x rule for retirement? ›

If you want to be sure you're saving enough for retirement, the 25x rule can help. This rule of thumb says investors should have saved 25 times their planned annual expenses by the time they retire, according to brokerage Charles Schwab.

How much money to retire at 50? ›

By age 50, you would be considered on track if you have three-and-a-half to six times your preretirement gross income saved. And by age 60, you should have six to 11 times your salary saved in order to be considered on track for retirement.

How much to retire at 55? ›

How Much Money Do I Need to Retire at 55? On average, you'll need to have saved $1,051,814 to retire at 55 years old. This is based on the median earnings of Americans according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' October 2023 Current Population Survey in weekly earnings.

How can I speed up my financial independence? ›

8 Expert Tips to Help You Become Financially Independent
  1. Know Your Finances. ...
  2. Reduce Debt. ...
  3. Live Below Your Means. ...
  4. Increase Your Income. ...
  5. Invest in Your Future. ...
  6. Build an Emergency Fund. ...
  7. Monitor Your Credit Score. ...
  8. Seek Professional Financial Help.
Jul 3, 2023

Why is it hard to be financially independent? ›

It really starts with something as simple as a budget. This can be an obstacle for many. Unless you know what it costs for you to live, you won't be able to determine how much income you will need to generate to become financially independent. Your expenses, therefore, give you an income target to shoot for.

Why do people never become financially independent? ›

Living beyond your means: Living beyond your means is one of the biggest obstacles to financial freedom. If you're spending more than you make, it's impossible to save or invest for the future. ALWAYS live below your means and save/invest the difference.

What is the slow money movement? ›

The concept of Slow Money is about investing in the sort of future we want and doing so closer to home, with a focus on food systems. The term Slow Money was coined by Woody Tasch, who wrote a book about his vision, and a movement, of sorts, has developed around the concept.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.