Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (2024)

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    Page written by Chris Godfrey. Last reviewed on July 12, 2024. Next review due January 1, 2025.

    Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (2)

    Chris Godfrey

    Expert financial copywriter

    Chris is a freelance copywriter and content creator. He has been active in the marketing, advertising, and publishing industries for more than twenty-five years. Writing for Barclays Bank, Metro Bank, Wells Fargo, ABN Amro, Quidco, Legal and General, Inshur Zego, AIG, Met Life, State Farm, Direct Line, insurers and pension funds, his words have appeared online and in print to inform, entertain and explain the complex world of consumer and business finance and insurance.

    Read this article to me

    No matter if you’re a startup, mature business, sole trader, or a company with 25 employees, small business loans are the smart, flexible, and low-cost way to finance business activities. Stop relying on slow cashflow to expand. Turbocharge your company’s growth with a loan that’s purpose-built for your business needs..

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      What is a small business loan?

      To understand small business loans, we first need to ask, what is a small business? There are several definitions. Depending on who you ask, a small business can have as few as 1 and as many as 250 employees. In our experience, we’ve found that Irish lenders define a small business as having up to 50 employees, with turnover less than €2m.

      Small business loans may be used for a variety of purposes – startup, expansion, working capital, asset purchase, debt repayment; even the purchase of a business. Borrowed sums may range from €1,000 up to €500,000 and with repayment terms up to 25 years if the loan was secured against an asset like property or land. Additionally, unlike equity financing, small business loans do not require company principals to surrender any of their ownership.

      How do small business loans work?

      Small business loans function like many otherbusiness loans– a lender provides a sum of money which is paid back over time. The loan may be secured or unsecured and there are usually fees or other costs as well as an interest charge. There are different types of small business loan:

      • Secured business loan

      With secured business loans, the borrower provides collateral, (real estate, vehicles, machinery, etc) to protect the lender from loss. Best suited to mature businesses that own hard assets, these types of loans are considered less risky, tend to be larger, and are often cheaper than unsecured loans.

      • Unsecured business loan

      With unsecured business loans, the borrower provides no collateral, so the lender carries more risk. This means the loan is usually smaller and more expensive in terms of fees and interest. To obtain unsecured loans borrowers will typically need good to excellent credit references.

      • Merchant cash advance

      A merchant cash advance (MCA) provides funding for businesses that receive payment via a credit card terminal. This type of loan is ideal for businesses with less than stellar credit.

      The lender provides a lump sum that’s repaid from customer card receipts. MCA loans are flexible, can be set up quickly and they provide scalable funding – as your card receipts grow, so does your ability to borrow.

      • Invoice finance

      Although not technically a small business loan, invoice finance utilises the security of a company’s unpaid invoices as the basis for a loan or an advance. Instead of sitting on unpaid invoices, the borrower receives a large percentage of each invoice as soon as it is raised. This type of loan is best for businesses that are trading successfully, but are being slowed down by slow payment of their bills.

      Every small business loan is specific to the borrower’s business and the circ*mstances it is operating in. No two loans are alike. If one type of loan is not available for you, there may always be a different option that delivers what you need.Register with Swooptoday to start discovering your options.

      Who is a small business loan for?

      Small business loans are available for most types of business – from startups, sole traders, and contractors to companies with as many as 50 employees – and across many sectors: Car dealers, healthcare providers, retailers, ecommerce operations, transport, logistics, artists, vets, dentists, painters, decorators, butchers, bakers, even candlestick makers. If you operate a small business, or you intend to start one, there is almost certainly a small business loan to suit your needs.

      How much can I borrow?

      Swoop’s lending partners provide small business loans from €1,000 to €500,000, but how much your business can borrow is determined by factors specific to you, your business, and the type of loan you want:

      • Is the loan secured or unsecured?

      Secured loans usually offer a larger lump sum.

      • Long term or short term?

      Long term loans tend to be bigger than short term loans which are normally used to meet temporary needs.

      • Your credit

      This may include your personal credit score as well as your business’s credit rating. The better the score, the more you can borrow.

      • Type of business

      Even without the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, some types of business have a higher failure rate than others. (For example, restaurants and retail). High risk businesses can usually borrow less than companies that operate in more stable sectors.

      • Your business revenues and income

      Your business turnover, your profit level, and the average sum in your business bank account all impact the size of your loan offer. Businesses that generate good profit and maintain a solid bank balance will usually be able to borrow more than a company with poor profitability and deep reliance on their bank overdraft. (That is known as ‘cash pressure’, and the more of it your business has, the less you can borrow).

      • Length of time in business

      Businesses with longer track records and multiple years of accounts can usually borrow more than startups and young companies.

      • Assets

      See secured loans above. Businesses with hard assets, such as real estate, can usually borrow more than organisations with none.

      Swoop’s pool of lenders can provide a loan for many types of business. Even if you’ve been rejected elsewhere, we may still be able to provide the funding you need.Register with Swoopto discover your options.

      What are the interest rates?

      Interest rates on Irish small business loans can vary significantly. Typically, unsecured loans come with a higher rate of interest than secured loans.

      Interest rates may be fixed – which means they never change during the life of the loan, or they may be variable. Most business loans charge interest as a percentage over base rate, (or LIBOR). For example, a loan offered at 2% over base rate, when base rate is 1%, will carry a 3% interest charge. Note that merchant cash advances accrue interest on a daily rate. This type of loan can be more expensive than a standard business loan.

      In practice, there is no one size fits all for business loans. The type of loan, type of business, your credit rating, length of time in business, and if theloan is secured or unsecured, all affect the interest rate. This means every small business loan is a custom fit.

      Swoop works with lenders who provide business loans across the entire commercial spectrum. Interest rates vary and loans range from €1,000 to €500,000. Register your businessto obtain a quote tailored to your exact business needs.

      Small business loan calculator

      A business loan calculator is a great starting point to understanding the cost of your loan. Use our small business loan calculator to work out your average monthly interest payments and the total monthly repayment amount, as well as the total interest paid and the total cost of the loan.

      Your loan details



      This calculator is intended for illustration purposes only and exact payment terms should be agreed with a lender before taking out a loan.

      Your results

      Monthly payments


      Avg. monthly interest


      Total interest


      Total cost of finance


      Borrow €

      What fees and other costs should I look out for?

      Business loans generally come with more fees and costs than personal borrowing. This is because every small business loan is different and quite often, the lender will need to carry out significant due diligence to arrive at their loan offer. Typical costs and fees include:

      • Origination fee

      A fee that the lender charges for processing your loan. The fee may be flat, but usually, it is calculated as a percentage of the sum borrowed. (For example, 3% fee on a borrowed sum of €10,000 would be €300). Origination fees are paid at loan closing. Often, the lender deducts their fee from the borrowed sum. You repay the fee as part of the loan.

      • Appraisal and Underwriting fees

      If the lender is required to conduct an appraisal of the borrower’s assets, they may charge a fee for this service. This is the same as paying for a surveyor’s report on a house you wish to buy. Underwriters carry out due diligence on your application. They check your tax filings, bank statements etc. Fees may be charged to cover the underwriter’s costs. Both appraisal and underwriter fees are usually flat rate and charged at loan closing.

      • Pre-payment penalty

      If you wish to pay the loan back early, there may be a cost for doing so. This is called a pre-payment penalty and it is typically equal to one month’s loan payment.

      • Referral fee

      If you secured your small business loan through a third-party introduction service, the lender may have to pay them for bringing in your business. The lender may recoup this fee from you, usually collecting at the closing of the loan.

      • Factor rate

      The factor rate is used to calculate the cost of a merchant cash advance (MCA) as well as some short-term loans and invoice finance. It’s expressed as a decimal number usually between 1.1 and 1.5. To understand how much your loan will cost, multiply the factor rate by the total amount borrowed. For example, a loan of €10,000 and a factor rate of 1.2, will require you to repay €12,000.

      • Default fees

      If you make late payment, miss payments, or default on the loan, there are costs to pay. These include late fees, bank charges, unpaid direct debit fees, interest surcharges and delinquent interest rates. To avoid these costs, only borrow what you can afford.

      What can I use the loan for?

      Small business loans can be used for almost every legitimate business activity. Use your loan to buy equipment, real estate, plant, vehicles, machinery, even a business. Use it as working capital to expand, start a new business, or take on more staff. You can even use a low-cost business loan to pay off more expensive short-term business debt.

      Can I get a small business loan to buy a business?

      The short answer is yes, you can. The longer answer is, yes you can, but do your homework first. Buying an existing business with a loan can have advantages over starting a business from scratch. You buy an established brand, an existing customer base, supplier contacts, track record, stock, perhaps even premises. Set against this are the ‘Goldilocks’ factors that lenders are looking for:

      • Have you evaluated the business you wish to buy?

      Have you thoroughly checked the accounts, the assets, spoken to suppliers and customers, researched the market value of the business, and considered the long-term potential? (It’s not a fad). Lenders need concrete answers to these questions. It pays to be prepared.

      • Business reputation.

      Does the business have any negative aspects – like supply chain issues, or employee grievances? Business ethics are also important.

      • Customer opinion and expectations.

      What do existing customers say about the business? Is it viewed in a negative or positive light? What are customer expectations? Will they be there to support the business a year or so from now? Where will new growth come from?

      Is a small business loan secured or unsecured?

      It can be either. Secured business loans use collateral, such as real-estate, to provide a guarantee to the lender. This protects them from loss in the event of borrower default. Unsecured loans provide no collateral. The lender is at risk if the business defaults on the loan. Secured loans are typically larger, place less emphasis on the borrower’s credit score and come with a lower interest rate than unsecured loans.

      Small business loans for women

      According statistics, only 19% of SMEs (small and medium size enterprises) are led by women. Additionally, female entrepreneurs are said to be more reluctant to seek business borrowing than their male counterparts. Which is unfortunate, because statistics also showwomen are generally more reliable than men when it comes to their borrowing.

      Swoop works with trusted lenders who understand the lack of representation and difficulty that women face as entrepreneurs and business leaders. These lenders offer loan products specifically designed for women in business – secured, unsecured, merchant cash advance and more. Female borrowers may also benefit from lower interest rates and fees.

      Small business loans for veterans

      It is predicted that there will be 1.6 million armed forces veterans by 2028. Many of these ex-servicemen and women will start their own business. Some will need to borrow to make their business a success. Veterans seeking small business funding can apply for a government-backed startup loan, which provides up to €25,000 of unsecured borrowing at a 6% interest rate and paid back over five years. Other funding options best suited to veterans include:

      • Secured business loan

      The borrower provides collateral, (such as real estate) to protect the lender from loss. These types of loans are considered less risky, and they tend to be larger and cheaper than unsecured loans.

      • Unsecured business loan

      The borrower provides no collateral, so the lender carries more risk. These loans are usually smaller and more expensive in terms of fees and interest.

      • Merchant cash advance

      A merchant cash advance (MCA) provides funding for businesses that receive payment via a credit card terminal. An MCA is ideal for businesses with less than stellar credit. The lender provides a lump sum that’s repaid from customer card receipts. Repayments are made on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and as a fixed percentage of card payment receipts.

      Small business loans for startups

      For small businesses in their initial stages, startup loans can supply up to €25,000 of early money that is repaid in affordable instalments. These loans are unsecured, enjoy a low 6% rate of interest, may be paid back over five years, and are suitable for a wide range of businesses. More than 60,000 startup loans have been provided since 2012. If you have a business idea or a young company to expand, a startup loan can give you the financial firepower to succeed.

      Small business loans for minorities

      Swoop’s pool of trusted lenders provides their full range of small business loans without any racial bias. Unsecured loans, fully secured loans, merchant cash advances and more, are all available to BAME business owners free of limitations. Borrow from €1,000 up to €500,000 at competitive rates, even with bad or no credit history.

      Join more than 11,000 black, Asian, and ethnic minority entrepreneurs have already received funds via this scheme. Borrow up to €25,000 at a fixed 6% interest rate over as long as five years.

      Small business loans for agriculture/farming

      Farms and agricultural businesses work in cyclical industries. Mother nature controls the production line. This can make cashflow and planning more challenging than for other types of business. Swoop understand the ebbs and flows of working with the land and our lending partners have specialist loan products for farms and agricultural businesses to overcome dips between the harvests.

      Borrow up to €500,000 to cover cash flow gaps, buy livestock or machinery, make tax payments, hire more staff, refurbish your premises, or make new investments. Plant the seeds to keep your farm growing.

      Can I get a small business loan with bad/no credit?

      Yes. Swoop’s pool of specialist lenders provides loan products designed for borrowers with less than perfect credit. These include merchant cash advances – where lenders provide funding for businesses that receive payment via a credit card terminal – and secured loans, where the borrower provides collateral, (such as real estate) to protect the lender from loss.

      Even if you have been rejected elsewhere, Swoop may still be able to provide the funding your business needs.Register your businessto find out more.

      Can I get a small business loan without collateral or a guarantee?

      Yes. If your credit is strong, you may qualify for an unsecured loan, or, if your business receives payment via a credit card terminal, you could consider a merchant cash advance. This type of loan is ideal for those with poor credit. The lender provides a lump sum that’s repaid from customer card receipts. Repayments are made on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and as a fixed percentage of card payments.

      Does my business qualify?

      Although no two small business loans are alike, Swoop’s pool of lenders have loans for almost every type of organisation and almost every type of situation. Even if your business has been rejected for a loan elsewhere, we may still be able to provide you with the funds you need.

      How do I apply?

      Swoop provides small business loans for all types of organisation – from startups, sole traders, and contractors to companies with up to 50 employees. Ask for as little as €1,000 all the way up to €500,000 with our discreet application process. Give your business the funding it deserves. Register with Swoop to get started.

      Written by

      Chris Godfrey

      Chris is a freelance copywriter and content creator. He has been active in the marketing, advertising, and publishing industries for more than twenty-five years. Writing for Barclays Bank, Metro Bank, Wells Fargo, ABN Amro, Quidco, Legal and General, Inshur Zego, AIG, Met Life, State Farm, Direct Line, insurers and pension funds, his words have appeared online and in print to inform, entertain and explain the complex world of consumer and business finance and insurance.

      Swoop promise

      At Swoop we want to make it easy for SMEs to understand the sometimes overwhelming world of business finance and insurance. Our goal is simple – to distill complex topics, unravel jargon, offer transparent and impartial information, and empower businesses to make smart financial decisions with confidence.

      Find out more about Swoop’s editorial principles by reading our editorial policy.

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      Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (12)

      Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (13)

      Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (14)

      Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (15)

      Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (16)

      Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (17)


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      Small business loans guide | Borrow up to €500k | Swoop IE (2024)


      How hard is it to get a $500,000 business loan? ›

      You'll typically need good credit and at least a year in business to get approved for a business loan of this amount, even with a secured loan. To compare lenders and get prequalified, see our guide to the best business loans.

      How much can I realistically get for a small business loan? ›

      Small business loan amounts by loan type
      LenderAverage small business loan amount
      Online loans$5,000 to $500,000
      Short-term loans$5,000 to $750,000
      Business line of creditUp to $1 million
      Equipment financingUp to 80% to 100% of the value of purchased equipment
      6 more rows
      Apr 26, 2024

      What is the easiest SBA loan to get approved for? ›

      SBA Express loans provide small businesses and startups like yours with up to $500,000 — and in record time. Entrepreneurs can get approved in as few as two or three days, making them one of the fastest options for funding out there.

      Are SBA loans hard to get? ›

      Low credit scores are a common reason why it's difficult to get an SBA loan. Banks are risk-averse, and usually, require borrowers to have a FICO score above 650. They may consider both your personal credit score and your business credit score.

      What is the best small business loan? ›

      Here are Bankrate's picks for the best small business loans:
      • National Funding: Best for early payoff discounts.
      • QuickBridge: Best for loan variety.
      • Funding Circle: Best for flexible repayment terms.
      • Fundbox: Best for startups.
      • American Express Business Blueprint: Best for low revenue requirements.

      What do banks look for when applying for a business loan? ›

      When you apply for a bank loan, you should expect a more rigorous application process. Banks may require documentation like a business plan, financial statements and your company's articles of incorporation. If your business isn't well-established, a bank may require a personal guarantee or some type of collateral.

      What is the monthly payment on a $100,000 business loan? ›

      For a 5-year term at 8% interest, expect $100k business loan monthly payments around $1,800.

      Do banks give loans to startups? ›

      Not all lenders provide startup loans. You may not have much success with traditional lenders like banks and credit unions, though a few work with new businesses. New business owners who need startup funding have options. However, startups don't always qualify for the maximum amount offered by lenders.

      What is a normal small business loan interest rate? ›

      SBA Microloan Rates

      The average interest rate for an SBA microloan is between 8% and 13%. Additionally, this option is usually secured by collateral or the asset the business is planning to purchase with the financing, but this will depend on your business needs and the lender you're dealing with.

      What disqualifies you from getting an SBA loan? ›

      What Disqualifies You From Getting an SBA Loan? The three primary disqualifiers for an SBA loan include a poor credit history, insufficient collateral or equity investment, and lack of a solid business plan. These factors can signal to lenders a high risk of default, making loan approval less likely.

      Which banks are best for SBA loans? ›

      A wide range of banks are SBA-approved lenders and offer SBA loans. Based on data from the current 2024 fiscal year, some of the top bank lenders that issue 7(a) loans include Huntington National Bank, Newtek Bank, Readycap Lending, U.S. Bank, TD Bank, Live Oak Bank, JPMorgan Chase Bank and BayFirst National Bank.

      How do I get denied for a SBA loan? ›

      Common reasons for loan denial
      1. Too much debt.
      2. Bad credit history.
      3. You don't meet the lender's eligibility requirements.
      4. Not enough collateral.
      5. Not enough free capital or cash flow.
      6. Don't have a business checking account.
      7. High-risk industry.
      8. Don't have a business plan.
      Apr 12, 2024

      How much downpayment is required for an SBA loan? ›

      Do SBA loans require a down payment? Yes, the minimum SBA loan down payment requirement is 10% for 7(a) and 504 loans, although this amount can vary based on a business's cash flow and collateral. For example, weak cash flow or low-value collateral can increase the down payment requirement to 30% of the loan amount.

      What are the downsides of an SBA loan? ›

      Cons of SBA loans
      • Borrowers typically must make a down payment. ...
      • Collateral could be required. ...
      • Personal liability if the business defaults. ...
      • Slow approval process. ...
      • Poor credit applicants may not be approved. ...
      • Prepayment penalties. ...
      • Typically not available to startups.
      Jun 25, 2024

      Why would a business not qualify for an SBA loan? ›

      Poor credit is one of the factors that the SBA will look closely at when determining your business's eligibility. Poor credit can signal a variety of red flags, including non-payment of necessary expenses. It can also mean that your business is overextended financially and cannot handle more debt.

      Is it hard to get a $100,000 business loan? ›

      Unlike alternative lenders, qualifying for business loans 100K+ from a bank can be difficult and time-consuming. In order to qualify for a $100,000 business loan, you must be able to prove your eligibility. For banks, this means providing a number of important documents.

      How much a month is a million dollar business loan? ›

      Business loan terms and payment amounts are variable based on terms and rates. Consider a $1M loan with an interest rate of 4% fixed for 20 years. The monthly payments on that business loan would be $4,774.15.

      How high of a credit score do you need for a business loan? ›

      Still, a higher credit score of 700 or above generally means you'll be eligible for funding with more attractive terms. And while it's possible to get a business loan with a credit score as low as 500, a lower credit score could make it more challenging to qualify for a business loan.

      What is the average loan to start a business? ›

      The average approved small business loan amount was $83,348 in the first quarter of 2024, according to data from the federal Small Business Lending Survey published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

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      Article information

      Author: Gregorio Kreiger

      Last Updated:

      Views: 6602

      Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

      Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Gregorio Kreiger

      Birthday: 1994-12-18

      Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

      Phone: +9014805370218

      Job: Customer Designer

      Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

      Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.