Solas: Elf only Romance (2024)

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Confirmed (talk) 21:57, August 30, 2014 (UTC)

confirmed to be female elf only as well. Hope people don't freak out over the elf only thing as a lot of elves don't like humans so its expected. Supergodzilla118 (talk) Supergodzilla118 22:13, August 30, 2014 (UTC)

I'm not usually super into the romance portion of Dragon Age, but I'm excited by this! Looks like I'll be playing a female elf my first playthrough. --Death by Cheese (talk) 22:36, August 30, 2014 (UTC)

I'm super happy and not at all disappointed of him being race restricted. And I wished for Solas being heterosexuel, because we already had 3 bisexual elves, it was about time for a little variety. I don't have anything about bisexuals, I just wanted an elf who isn't.;) Looks like all elves in DAI are only romanceable by female Inquisitors, strange coincident that is. Yeah, my Nheran Lavellan will show Solas her deepest and most intimate dreams, that for sure.I'm very excited about these news. Oh, sweet relief! There was that time I feared Solas wouldn't make it into the holy halls of romanceable characters. Now I'm pleased, I don't care anymore who the last one will be. I've got all the romance options I wanted. --Andauril (talk) 22:43, August 30, 2014 (UTC)

Not bothered he's female elf only, had planned this only for my female elf character anyway:) Xsari (talk) 00:15, August 31, 2014 (GMT)

Didn't we already see this coming? Seriously, the lot of us put together can figure out the whole plotline by October. RShepard227 (talk) 23:39, August 30, 2014 (UTC)

Don't say that! They might hear you and change the ending to be more 'Artistic'! CLuhrsen (talk) 17:24, August 31, 2014 (UTC)

Am I the only who's scared that Bioware might pull a fast one and make Cassandra a Human Male only romance, They did state that the last two romances aren't race gated, unless they're lying(Which I hope they are).

Luner45 (talk) 02:49, August 31, 2014 (UTC)

Maybe that means there's actually 10 romances, and they're revealing the race-gated ones now. Bioware likes weasel words when dealing with inquisitive fans, which is not the same as lying so says the legal department. RShepard227 (talk) 06:50, August 31, 2014 (UTC)
They've already said that the race-gated romances are not separate romances, as shown with Solas. They also said that the two race-gated romances are not necessarily ones yet to be revealed, meaning that any of the confirmed 7 so far could be the second/last race-gated romance. There are only going to be 8 romances, consisting of companions and advisers only (all of which have been revealed and confirmed), so the last and final romance is going to be someone we already know. I have a feeling the last one will be Viv, but she won't necessarily be race-gated. I personally think Cass might be the second race-gated romance as it's the one that makes the most sense. NutMeg29 (talk) 03:31, September 1, 2014 (UTC)

Well, the Iron Bull was going to be a race-gated romance due to cinematics, but Epler was able to figure out how to make it work. Since Solas is a confirmed race-gated romance, and Iron Bull was going to be one, there might not actually be anymore race-gated romances. Either way, I had a hunch that Solas was going to be a straight, race-gated romance. I can't wait to see who is the last love interest, but since Solas was confirmed, I can rest easy.Lavellan (talk)Lavellan

Seven confirmed so far: Cullen and Josephine, Sera and Dorian (same-sex only), Bull (bisexual 1), now Solas. In order to balance all scales, Solas and Cullen have to be the male heterosexuals, and if Josephine is 'Bisexual 2,' that makes Cassandra one of the female heterosexuals, so the eighth will be the other one, probably an elf-male only outside the Last Supper 12. I'm curious, how is Bioware balancing the scales, based on the options' sexualities (in which case we'll need 2-4 more) or on the number of options due to player sexuality (4 for guy lovers and 4 for girl lovers in that case)? I'm of the mind that they're lying about the 8 figure, they've got 2 more surprise romances outside the Last Supper 12 that aren't gated, and they're releasing the gated ones now. I can't imagine there will be human gated romances, they tend to sleep with whoever they want in this universe. RShepard227 (talk) 06:50, August 31, 2014 (UTC)
I think you're wrong. If they were other romanceable characters outside of those we already know (we know all of them, we just don't know who will be the last one), BioWare had introduced them by now. In order to make the split equal, the last one has to be female. And since Leliana is already confirmed to be not a romance option, there's only one other female character left. Vivienne. BioWare already confirmed that all the romances are out companions and advisors, including the race-gated ones. So, I really think the last one will be Vivienne, and she is most likely heterosexual. --Andauril (talk) 11:09, August 31, 2014 (UTC)
I really think Vivienne will be the last one too. She seems like she'd only date other humans. Or maybe she'll only date mage characters because she has a strong view on magic. I don't know. But Vivienne dating only humans seems the most logical to me. The Dread Wolf 18:01, August 31, 2014 (UTC)
There's been a lot of discussion about "equality" of the options, making sure that every gender and sexuality of PC has a balanced number of romance options. I know this came out of feedback from Mass Effect, where the options in ME3 were heavily unbalanced. Now the backlash seems to be about which options are gated away from certain genders or sexualities (Sera being the biggest example of this). Personally, I wish BioWare would tell everyone to stuff it. Jusy say "we're going to write the story and the characters the way we think they need to be and if that means there are fewer options for a certain type of PC, then so be it." Maybe that's just me. Making sure everything is "equal" feels a bit contrived.'s not like the same diehard fans making these complaints aren't also going to have more than one playthrough. Just switch up your gender/sexuality...problem solved. (talk) 23:43, August 31, 2014 (UTC)
Well, first of all, this equality people are talking about (personally, i would use the term balance) is all about players not wanting to feel like a choice they made at the beginning of the game is some kind of barrier to content. With something like romance, which can be very heavily tied to a person's identity, seeing that players of a different gender/orientation than you getting more out of the game because of that can be pretty disheartening. It can seem unfair. And, yes, life isn't fair, but we're talking about a game, not life. I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to want games to treat them a bit less harshly than reality does. (Obviously some games are pretty harsh, but certainly not all games!) Also, something you may not be thinking of is the way that Bioware interacts with their fans. They are way more interested in the opinions of the people who play their games than the vast majority of developers. In fact, the romance in DAI is directly influenced by fan reactions to DA2. Namely, the decision to have who you can romance affected by the gender of your inquisitor. Now, I think this is good, because as nice as it is to not have to worry about who you can or can't romance in DA2, it did make it seem like there were no gay characters. Representation is important. Personally, though, race-restricted romance seems a little... icky. I'll withhold judgement since we don't know how these romances will play out. But regarding your last point about just "switching." Well, most people just can't! You can certainly choose the gender of your inquisitor, but if you're a gay man and you play a female inquisitor romancing Cullen it isn't the same thing as if he were an option for your male character. Not saying they should make everyone available to all players, just pointing out what it is that some players are dealing with when they complain about the options available. PlayRoguesAlwaysFlirt (talk) 03:37, September 1, 2014 (UTC)
So.....we can't have heterosexual romances anymore? Ugh. I'm getting so tired of all this crap. Now people are feeling oppressed and insulted by a video game? People need to calm down, grow up, and move on with their life. If this is your problem with a video game, then maybe video gaming isn't the thing for you. NutMeg29 (talk) 19:20, September 1, 2014 (UTC)
Uh, where exactly did that come from? I don't see anyone saying they have a problem with heterosexual characters. I made a point about why people want to have particular options. It would be the same thing if i used the example of male players wanting to romance Sera. Sure, you can play a female inquisitor, but it's not the same thing as if your male inquisitor were in a romance with her. Your character would reflect your gender identity better, and for some people that's important. And like I said in my original post, I am not suggesting that Bioware has made some sort of mistake. I was just hoping to help people understand one another. I mean, think about it. If you have to deal with oppression in your day-to-day life, wouldn't you want games to be at least one place where you don't have to deal with that bullsh*t? No, it is not the same as actual oppression, but it can mirror it and that can be really f*cking tiring when all you wanted to do was play a giant ox-man with a sword and a cute boyfriend. PlayRoguesAlwaysFlirt (talk) 09:41, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
Except for the fact DA isn't even close to "oppressing" other sexualities. If that were the case, you wouldn't see ANY bisexual/hom*osexual romances. Be happy you even get some. And once again, the same people that are getting mad at the sexuality restrictions, are the same people who want all of the romances to be bisexual. I wouldn't because then it completely rids of the realism. Not to mention, it would make the characters feel "flat" and not dynamic whatsoever. Variety is good. It's already bordering on unrealistic, but they should be happy that they're being given options. NutMeg29 (talk) 04:32, September 3, 2014 (UTC)
Again, you're not quite catching my meaning. Please understand that what I am attempting to do is explain the feelings of people who are under-represented, and that I am leveling exactly ZERO claims against Dragon Age or Bioware. Dragon Age is one of the few games that actually includes relationships that are not hetero-normative, unlike the VAST majority of games. A lot of what I've been saying has to do with broader cultural trends, including the fact that a large number of games have no characters whose orientation or gender identity is outside of what is normative. Which is harmful, I'm sorry. This sort of "invisibility" is a very real manifestation of harmful attitudes in our culture. Speaking specifically about Dragon Age, and Solas in particular, I was really only trying to make a point about how I think that his status as being romanceable by female inquisitors is a good sign that we'll be seeing Vivienne as our final option, and she will likely be interested in male a inquisitor. Because I think the folks at Bioware already know what I was trying to communicate about how much representation matters and how players feel about the choices they are presented with. And another point, one i feel pretty strongly about, is that Bioware isn't going to shut their ears and "just write what they want" because A.) Bioware listens to fan reactions and tries to be aware of common opinions and what gamers want and B.) This is a good thing. PlayRoguesAlwaysFlirt (talk) 15:54, September 3, 2014 (UTC)

I would be very disappointed if Cassandra became a Male Human only romance, As a male Elf mage who was hoping to engage in a heterosexual romance, I was hoping to have both Cass and Josephine as potential options and compare & contrast on which romance I'd like to pursue. But if Bioware pulls the Race gate card on Cass that leaves me with either romance Josephine or don't romance at all. I've also heard Blackwall might be the last romance option and unless he's race gated, I think I might have to consider avoiding romances all together just to avoid disappointment.:/

Luner45 (talk) 21:49, September 1, 2014 (UTC)

I find it weird. Why would an elf who spent 95% of his life alone be only attracted to his own race? Seems forced to me. A better option would be to Varric be dwarves-only because of his first love Bianca. Or Vivienne be human-only, seeing as she is that kind of power-hungry biatch. Solas: Elf only Romance (1) henioo (da talk page) 09:53, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

I kinda thought the same at first, but maybe that's one of the reasons that he's attracted to only his own race? Despite being alone, he may value Elven culture and people more, as he can at least empathise with them on the basic ground level. This isn't really a good reason, and I'm sure some could come up with more. But I get where you're coming from. I personally expected him to be an elf only romance. I thought it may be because he may be a bit xenophobic, which may translate into his own preferences. I've got this weird feeling that he may be a Fenris-like equivalent, however his dislike translates to humans rather than mages. Though I think i'm probably wrong in that aspect. 10:00, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
They said it would super story make sense, or something like that, so we'll have to wait and see for ourselves. Also the main reason with Varric not being an option was that they stated he already has someone, so it seams like they've gone with the real Bianca being alive rather than dead. I wonder why she's not with him if she is though... Xsari (talk) 11:22, September 2, 2014 (GMT)
I'm curious about the "super story sense" part. The description that they have for his character states that he spends a lot of time in elven ruins, dreaming or something, and this allows him to see what memories are held there. So, with that, he is clearly focused on elven history and culture. Maybe his studies have twisted his personal preferences to be elf-only. I'm really curious about whether its possible he's an alathan elf, but that would only apply if everything about elves once being immortal is true. "happiest left alone to sleep in ancient ruins" this line is what makes me think that, it's like a little hint if its true. Ah well, I can dream.
In truth though, I agree with Lazare, Solas is most likely a Fenris-like character. Although his hatred is probably nowhere near as strong. I think he'll be more of a hater against magic haters, and "mage-shacklers". Other than that, he'll be tolerable of people until he gets to know them. And with Varric, as long as there's an option to have a bromance, I'll be happy. ACdeakial (talk) 11:01, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
I really doubt that he is a "hater" of any kind, due to what was stated during the interview of his writer: "He considers that kind of attitude part of the black-and-white dichotomy that has led to so much tragedy in the Dragon Age world. Templars versus mages, demons versus spirits, elves versus humans… it’s more complicated than that." He might be xenophobic but I don't think so, he will probablyat least not "hate" other races. Caspoi (talk) 19:23, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
The only similarities (so far) that I see between Fenris and Solas is that they're both male elves and a bit awkward/undersocialized. I see him as being more similar to Morrigan, really, without the whole maneater exotic witchy thing going on. My only speculations so far are that he's race/gender-gated because: 1) that's how people are, and 2) a Dalish elf may have special interactions with him that other races simply can't unlock. #2 doesn't preclude sexual preference, but see #1. As someone said above, it seems as though the writers, this time around, are making sure not to typecast elves as bisexual. --Death by Cheese (talk) 20:12, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
Even then, I recognised the improbability of the situation. I just think that he may have a little xenophobia. Even then, I doubt he'd be a Fenris like, exact copy. Like they said, it'll make sense in regards to the plot. If so, I expect it to be related to the elven culture, or simply, as to who he is. I think being an elf will unlock certain interactions with him that other races won't. I don't expect him to fully hate humans, but a bit of cynicism and a certain angst against them would be understandable. I'm probably looking into it too much, but in the latest trailer when he just shoves the Inquisitor's hand into the tear, it seemed pretty forceful. BUT i'd like to clear that up as i'm probs looking into it too much. He seems to be a character of certain complexities. Intelligent, yet a bit scrupulous.He's definitely one of my most eager awaited companions. 20:17, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
^Yeah, that's what I was trying to say about his preference. He'll be cautious of non-elves, purely because of the way they have treated elves. And he'll also be cautious of non-mages, purely because they fear all mages will become abominations. Anyway, I'm looking forward to finding out why he is like the way he is. Since he grew up in neither an alienage or with the dalish, I wonder if his parents were murdered by humans when he was quite young. But afterwards he was taken in and raised by a human, maybe a templar. Hence the reason why he doesn't behave like Fenris. He's seen both the cruelty and the kindness, and that has affected how he sees the world. I think it might be that bioware are trying to diversify how character's experiences shape them. Showing us that similar experiences don't always result in similar outcomes. ACdeakial (talk) 20:40, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
I could see him being cautious around humans, sure. And perhaps with dwarves and Qunari it's a matter of not having much contact with their races (so yes, xenophobia there, too). He's an apostate, after all, so if he sees the entire human race as being the problem (mage hunters, that is), then perhaps there are extra hurdles as a human while trying to gain his friendship, hurdles a Dalish is exempt from, thus leading to more intimate dialogue earlier on. I think it's fascinating, really! I love that forceful interaction he has with the Inquiz in the trailer. That little interaction really does have a strong visual effect, letting us know how in-tune Solas is with the Fade. AHHHHH, someone release this game NOW!!!!!!! --Death by Cheese (talk) 20:32, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
Now AC, that'd be interesting. Him witnessing both the kindness humans can offer, yet the brutality that they can insight. Remember when the last supper picture got revealed. Not that we interpreted right or not, for we could have been looking into it weirdly, but remember when we were all thinking that Solas occupied the Judas position? Well, let's just say that he at one point thinks humanity, or mankind in itself is "beyond" saving. Could he betray us at one point? I doubt BioWare will go down this route, but it'd make a good plot point. Maybe, he does something that he thinks is right, that affects the rest of us detrimentally, so much, that he's labelled a betrayer. This could for all we know happen at anytime. So it doesn't necessarily have to be an end-game thing. They did say that party members can leave permanently, so in this scenario we'd have the choice of keeping him or letting him go/killing him. Now that I think of it, sounds a bit too Anders-ish. 21:06, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, I think it would be interesting to see that. Maybe it's not just human kindness and brutality he sees, he could witness the same with Qunari/vashoth. Even with the elves. But I reckon if this is the case, he sees the elves as being the least worst of them all. I think it's an interesting idea, and hopefully one that Bioware have used for him. He could become the most interesting character for me. The betrayal thing is also curious for me, if he does "betray" us, I wonder what his motives are. In fairness, I thought if anyone would betray us it would be Cole (since he's a spirit), Varric (because of the red lyrium possibilities), or Vivienne (as she's labelled the ambition). I haven't considered Solas, darn it, I NEED this game now, I want to explore the world again. ACdeakial (talk) 21:33, September 2, 2014 (UTC)
I just want him to be the ultimate sceptic. I want him to question our decisions a lot, as I do with other party members too. I think, if anything, he'd hold humans at a worse pedestal than the other races. I want to know to what extent he has been isolated. Could he have had a love as a young child, an elven love, who had gotten killed by humans? 09:09, September 3, 2014 (UTC)

"I find it weird. Why would an elf who spent 95% of his life alone be only attracted to his own race? Seems forced to me." It's because sexuality is not based on life choices or whether one spends time around people or not. Sexuality is a part of a person as much as their favorite food or color. The fact that Solas likes only elf women is no different than me only like human women in real life, or Dorian only liking other men. (talk) 20:37, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

Don't give me this bullsh*t, I know how sexuality works. Bug this is work of fiction. If ever there was a suitable character to be asexual, it would be the guy living alone all his life. People develop sexuality, it doesn't just come on its own. Solas: Elf only Romance (6) henioo (da talk page) 06:14, September 3, 2014 (UTC)
Well, we'll see how they handle this. Personally I think he may have come across an elven girl at a young age, that he developed feelings for. Though he may have been isolated, who's to say he didn't do what Morrigan did. Simply stalk other people(s), without their knowing. 09:09, September 3, 2014 (UTC)
Excuse me? I didn't give you any bullsh*t. I gave you the truth, which if you know how it works like you claim then you wouldn't make snide comments about being dissatisfied with a characters sexuality because it doesn't suit to your particular wants. Sexuality *does* just come on its own. It is influenced by experiences and you can grow to be affected by certain things more or less than others, but it is not completely independent of ones self like you imply. Asexuality is a result of your genetics being mapped a certain way, not because you grew up alone. (talk) 23:10, September 3, 2014 (UTC)
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I still think sexuality isn't something you're automatically born with. Plus it's got nothing to do with my wants. There could be no romances for all I care. But since there are I might as well give my comments about the ones that are there. And I just happen to not like this one. Solas: Elf only Romance (8) henioo (da talk page) 17:56, September 4, 2014 (UTC)
P.S. By "forced" in the first comment I meant BioWare just picking one companion and making them a romance, rather than actually wanting to make it one. They said Cullen and Solas (two extra female options) are not as fleshed out, so there is something going on there. Solas: Elf only Romance (9) henioo (da talk page) 18:00, September 4, 2014 (UTC)
Two things come to my mind on this. Being alone for long periods of time does not mean he never thought about things like finding a partner, and he's an Elf, despite his loner tendencies. Both Dalish and City Elves look down on interracial relationships for reasons of breeding and race survival - there is no such thing as half-elves in Thedas, only elf-blooded humans. Solas, for all his time alone, could believe strongly that if he gets involved with someone, it has to be someone with whom he can still continue the Elven race, i.e. an Elven woman. Part of this could be a simple preference to females, but the racial component could be racial pride as well. (talk) 08:39, September 4, 2014 (UTC)

Well since a male elf Inquisitor will not be able to romance Sera, at least Solas will be able to romance a female elf Inquisitor.:/ Tesshu (talk) 20:45, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

^^^^ I mean its possible Bioware could do an expansion DLC(Like Awakening or the cancelled Exalted March for DA2) which could include new companions/NPC romances, I think with Frostbite 3 they can easily make it possible. Its just that you'd probably have to wait a year or two for Bioware to even consider releasing an expansion.They could also lock players from engaging in romances in the DLC if they already had one in the main game. Just wishful thinking.Luner45 (talk) 19:53, September 3, 2014 (UTC)

Solas: Elf only Romance (2024)


Can you only romance Solas as an elf? ›

Solas is exclusively romanceable by female Elven Inquisitors. It's a commitment, to be sure, but Lavellan makes for a great protagonist, so hey, go for it. This rundown provides all the details on how to flirt your way into this old curmudgeon's heart.

Does Solas actually love Lavellan? ›

It sets it up for the player who has romanced Solas to know that their romance was real, that, finally, Solas and Lavellan have a positive ending, and their love was not for nothing. It sets it apart from a storyline with a non-Solas romanced Inquisitor in a way that's meaningful but not difficult to do.

Why can't I romance Solas? ›

Choose Your Inquisitor Wisely

While Solas will be fascinated by the other races, he will never fall in love with a non-Elven Inquisitor. He is also completely straight, so unless mods are involved, a Dalish female Inquisitor is the only way to go.

Is Solas a good romance option? ›

A poll of Dragon Age fans has found that Solas is the most popular romance option in Inquisition. The results are incredibly close, with Dorian just a few votes away from overtaking him, but it wasn't enough to topple the elf's lead.

Will Solas be in Dragon Age 4? ›

We know Dragon Age 4: Dreadwolf will feature Solas as the primary antagonist, so we decided it was worth examining why Bioware's alarmingly lustrous elf mage elicits such an emotive response in the Dragon Age fanbase. Massive spoilers for Inquisition and the Trespasser DLC incoming…

How to lock in Solas romance? ›

To proceed in the romance, the player will need to complete Solas' second personal quest, All New, Faded For Her. The romance will hard lock following What Pride Had Wrought during a cutscene by the Crestwood waterfall, where the player can choose whether the Inquisitor keeps or loses her vallaslin.

Why is Solas bald Dragon Age? ›

After exploring many different hairstyles, the final decision was made to design Solas with a bold, bald head. This is intended to evoke a sense of ageless wisdom required by his character.

How old is Solas in Dragon Age? ›

Solas is on the early side of 4,000 years old ;) Cullen is 30, born in 9.11, according to the DA Wiki, although personally, I think he's more like 32-35, but that's just me.

Have Solas removed vallaslin? ›

Solas, through an act once reserved for the purposes of liberation, has now removed the vallaslin as an expression of love.

Does Solas betray you? ›

By now, Solas' betrayal and ultimate reveal as the elven god Fen'harel is much less of a shock than it is the result of excellent foreshadowing done by the writers. Solas either intentionally, or by accident, almost shatters his carefully constructed mask of a lonely hermit mage.

Does Solas always leave at the end? ›

When the Inquisitor finally defeats Corypheus, Solas laments the destruction of the orb as the loss of yet another elven artifact. With Corypheus defeated and the orb lost, he leaves the Inquisition.

Is Solas a bad guy in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

He serves as a protagonist of Dragon Age: Inquisition, before being revealed as the true villain of the DLC Tresspasser and as Fen'Harel, thus making him the overarching antagonist of the first 2 games, as he is responsible for the plights of the modern elves.

Can you romance another character after Solas? ›

The romance fizzles at this point; make sure to break up with Solas first, or romance options with other characters will not be possible.

Can you flirt with Solas as a human? ›

The only way to romance Solas is to be a female elf, as Solas is as straight as a ruler and seems to believe in purity. I seriously wish Bioware let us romance him as a human, but oh well. Solas is a serious person, kind of equivalent to Sten from Origins.

Can you romance Solas in Dreadwolf? ›

You even get a Mabari! One of the most interesting and nuanced additions to Trespasser was the romance between Solas and the female elven Inquisitor. His romance was a gamble for Bioware, as he'd become the main villain and the conflict between him and the Inquisition would eventually come to a head.

Can you romance everyone in Inquisition? ›

As the player, you can attempt to role-play a polyamorous character to an extent, but none of the NPCs will reciprocate. You can flirt with as many characters as you wish (subject to their preferences), but as you complete storyline milestones, multiple suitors may confront you and ask you to make a choice.

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