Special Needs Trusts and Financial Planning (2024)

The Supplemental (or Special) Needs Trust was something I felt was looming over me. I had heard it was expensive and complicated, but that wasn’t what was holding me back. Actually talking to an attorney about getting a special needs trust was wrapped up in all kinds of emotions about long-term disability and admitting that there was a strong possibility that my son may not be fully independent as an adult.
I was stuck there. I was stuck in the place of knowing that my son needed financial protections, but not emotionally ready to commit. What if we went through all this and he was able to work?

Special Needs Trusts and Financial Planning (1)He was only 5!

Thankfully, my son’s special needs preschool offered a seminar on Special Needs Trusts and I went. What I heard eased so many of my concerns and made me more emotionally ready to take it on.

Special and Supplemental Needs Trusts

So, why do you need a Supplemental Needs Trust?

When your child who is legally disabled turns 18, he or she is entitled to benefits from the government, including SSI (Supplemental Security Income), Medicaid, housing, and other benefits. Individuals may or may not need all that they are entitled to, but they are entitled to benefits, and the ability to qualify for what they do need is contingent on finances.

Right now, the resource limit is $2,000 for SSI. If the total assets (money, property, investments – anything that can be turned into cash) in the name of an adult child with a disability exceeds $2,000, he will not qualify for SSI or he may lose that benefit. If an adult child inherits any assets from you or from other family members that pushes him over that $2,000 limit, he will lose his SSI. In most states, once an individual loses SSI, he also loses Medicaid coverage. It puts individuals with disabilities in jeopardy, because it is difficult and costly to regain SSI and Medicaid once it is lost.

A trust is needed to hold any assets to be used for the benefit of your child, but will not count towards that $2000 limit. Because the trust is its own financial entity, it can hold an unlimited amount of assets, and your child would still qualify for the government benefits he or she needs.

The attorney brought up reasons why a trust is safer than relying on leaving assets to siblings or other family members for the benefit of your child with special needs. A great example is if your other child gets married and you and family members leave assets to them. If that marriage ends, the assets may get divided, leaving your child with special needs vulnerable. What if something happens to your other child, or that child decides that the money should be spent elsewhere? There is really no other way to guarantee that certain assets will be used to benefit your child with a disability, other than having it in a Special Needs Trust.

The trust can be used for anything that the government doesn’t provide, or in place of some (or all) of the government benefits. A trust could pay for clothing, quality of life enhancements, vacations or outings, therapy, health insurance instead of using Medicaid, or staying in the family home instead of housing provided by the government. You name a Trustee (and a back-up Trustee) to manage the assets and to give what is needed to your child.

Setting Up a Trust

There are two types of ways to set up a Special Needs Trust.

1) You set it up and it becomes its own financial “entity” right now. A Federal Identification Number (EIN) is issued by the IRS. If you think Grandma or Aunt Betty are going to leave an inheritance to your child, you may consider setting up the trust to exist while you are still alive and your child is under 18. Also, if the trust is set up, any income that your child may receive from work that she does could be put into the trust, so that she is still able to qualify for SSI and other benefits. Say your teenaged child has a part-time job and she puts the money into a savings or checking account. If that account grows to be $2,001 (the current limit is $2,000), she will lose her SSI.

2) You set up the trust in your Last Will and Testament, which is called a Testamentary Supplemental Needs Trust. I didn’t know this option existed and it made me feel really good for two main reasons. My husband and I didn’t have wills and I knew we needed those anyway. But, also not having the trust come into existence until the second parent dies allows you to “see what happens.” Maybe your child will be more independent than you think. Maybe you don’t have the assets to put into a trust now, so the only assets that will go into a trust are the ones that your child will inherit from you anyway. Language is built into your will so that the trust is created and any assets you leave your child with special needs are left to the trust.

I would recommend that you work with an attorney who is versed in Supplemental (Special) Needs Trusts to guide you through the process. I tried to set one up in one of those online will programs, and it wasn’t close to being specialized enough. Even many estate lawyers are not capable of setting one up properly.

Moreover, if you do not have a will already, you will also need to make those decisions, such as who will take care of your minor children and handle your remains. I honestly liked having my hand held a bit with the process, and it helped to be able to ask questions. This is tough to think about under the best of circ*mstances, and we don’t exactly have the best of circ*mstances.

No matter which type of trust you set up, you may want to include language to dissolve the trust if it is not needed. We definitely wanted the trust to be available if something tragic happened to my husband and me while our son was still a minor. But, if my son were able to be independent as an adult, then he wouldn’t need the trust. Our wills have a provision in them called “Partial Termination Prior to Death.” The trust can be partially terminated if our son is substantially gainfully employed for a consecutive two-year period, an attending physician certifies in writing that the disability no longer limits him from being substantially gainfully employed, and the Trustee determines that the facts warrant early termination. The trust is then distributed to our son 10% a year for each year of consecutive substantial gainful employment. If there is a break in employment, distribution is revoked and the requirements need to be met anew. If there is no break in employment, the trust terminates with the distribution in the last year. Even if the trust never gets dissolved, it made me feel better that it could be.

The good news is that like any legal document, what is included today can be updated and changed as needed. We set up the Testamentary Supplemental Needs Trust, but if my son is able to work at 18, we may have to set up a Supplemental Needs Trust while we are alive, and modify our wills to name the newly created trust as the beneficiary.

Expect to pay several thousand dollars to set up a Special Needs Trust. If someone offers to set one up for less than $1000, be very wary, as they may not be establishing a full, legally protective trust.

Other Considerations

  • If you set up a testamentary trust,be clear with all the relatives about not leaving your child any assets.
  • Some people set up whole life insurance policies on their children, which have a cash value. If you have one, cash it out. Calculate what you put in and what the cash value is now, as it is most certainly much less, if that isn’t enough to get you to stop contributing, then know that any assets held in that policy in your child with special need’s name count as his assets.
  • Be wary of taking out a whole life policy on yourself to fund the trust, because there is a good chance that it will be marketed to you. Whole life policies are expensive and you will have to pay those premiums for the rest of your life in order for it to really be an asset. Once you miss a payment, the policy ends and you are left with a cash value that is very likely to be significantly less than you put into it, and significantly less than the projected value. Do your homework and definitely do the math on whole life insurance. Term life insurance is often a better way to go.
  • Change the beneficiaries on any life insurance policies, 401K/403B/IRAs or any investment accounts you have. Do not name your child with special needs or “all my children” as the beneficiary or secondary beneficiary.
  • 529 College Savings Plans. We set up a 529 plan for my son when he was an infant, before receiving a diagnosis. A 529 plan is set up in a parent (or relative’s) name and the beneficiary is the child. Because this kind of account isn’t held in the child’s name, it doesn’t count as your child’s assets. 529 plans can be used on any kind of secondary education, such as colleges and trade schools or programs. There are special needs programs out there and presumably there will be more in the future. Normally, if you withdraw money from a 529 plan for purposes other than a qualified education program, there is a 10% penalty on from the Federal government. However, if the child is disabled, that penalty is waived. You will need to pay capital gains taxes on the growth of the account, and you may have to pay back any taxes that were waived by your state when you made the deposit into the account. (Example: if you put in $2000 and the account is now worth $3000, you will have to pay capital gains taxes on the $1000 gain.)
  • As your child approaches 18, you may need to consider whether or not you need to be appointed as her legal guardian to act on her behalf in legal, financial and medical situations. Without guardianship, your child will have to act on her own behalf.

You must be thinking what a downer this all is. I am not going to lie–even after starting the process, it took us a good nine months or so before we really did it all because it is tough. But, once we got all this paperwork done and I received my big binder filled with all our directives, I felt really secure. It forced us to make some hard decisions and talk to relatives and friends and ask if they would act on our son’s behalf. It is very comforting to know who would be there for my son if needed.

Another unintended consequence of this process was a complete change in how I think about money. It forces you to really think about the future and how what we save and the assets we build need to last for our lifetime and support our son through his. I am far more focused on saving money than spending it now. I started to think more about needs and wants, and if purchases are really necessary or not. As a couple, we are also more focused on building our “nest egg.”

In the future, we may no longer need expensive and complicated Special Needs Trusts. The ABLE Act is currently before Congress, and if passed, it would allow for the creation of tax-free accounts specifically for the purpose of assisting people with disabilities. These accounts would be much like 529 college plans in terms of creation, management, and distribution, but with a wider ability to use the funds. The money in these accounts would be disregarded when determining eligibility for Medicaid and most other federal benefits.

Special Needs Trusts and Financial Planning (2024)


How to financially plan for a special needs child? ›

Get started on some of these now, so you'll have peace of mind down the road.
  1. Create a Special Needs Trust. ...
  2. Write a Will. ...
  3. Name a Guardian. ...
  4. Name a Trustee. ...
  5. Build Your Savings. ...
  6. Write a Letter of Intent. ...
  7. Plan for Your Child's Independence. ...
  8. Apply for Guardianship or Power of Attorney.

What is the best trust for a disabled person? ›

A special-needs trust is a trust for a person with a disability or a child or an adult with special needs. With a special-needs trust, the beneficiary can continue to receive public benefits even if they have assets. Assets are managed as a SNT, not as their own assets.

What is pros and cons about having special needs trust? ›

Pros & Cons of a Special Needs Trust
Funds are tax-deductibleFunds must pay back Medicaid after the beneficiary's death
Funds can't be collected by creditors or for judgementsFunds can only be used for limited services, not including food or housing
1 more row
Aug 16, 2022

What are the goals of a special needs trust? ›

Unlike other types of trusts often used in traditional wealth transfer planning, the primary goal of an SNT is to provide for the child's special needs throughout his or her life. Assets held in a properly structured SNT do not count toward eligibility calculations for public benefits.

What is the best savings account for a special needs child? ›

ABLE or 529 (A) Accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities.

What is the financial burden of children with disabilities? ›

It's estimated that families with a disabled child will need 17.8% more income a year. Autism Speaks says it can cost as much as $2.4 million over a lifetime to raise a child with a disability! Fortunately, there are tax-advantaged savings plans, known as ABLE, to help.

How can money be spent from a special needs trust? ›

It's common for the trustee to pay for a broad variety of services provided to the beneficiary—for example, travel, education, caregiving, or medical services not provided by Medicaid. The person serving as trustee can buy the beneficiary "non-countable" assets without worrying about how much they're worth.

Can I move money from a special needs trust to an ABLE account? ›

A carefully drafted SNT might well authorize the trustee to transfer money into the beneficiary's ABLE account to maximize the benefits of both tools simultaneously.

Can you put SSI funds into a special needs trust? ›

A good way for people to give you assets, such as money, but not affect your public benefits (SSI, Medi-Cal, IHSS, and HUD housing assistance), is to give the assets to the SNT.

What is the major disadvantage of a trust? ›

Perhaps the biggest potential downside to a trust is the incredibly high need for competency. Whichever trust you set up, you'll need to give ownership and administration control to the trustee for the entire instrument.

What are the characteristics of a special needs trust? ›

The following are essential characteristics of a Special Needs Trust: 1) It must be irrevocable; 2) It must be valid under federal and state local law; 3) It must negate a determination that trust assets are “available resources” of the beneficiary for purposes of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid or an ...

What is a qualified disability trust? ›

A qualified disability trust (QDisT) is a type of trust that qualifies for tax exemptions and applies to most trusts set up for someone with special needs. Normally, you must pay income tax on the income you receive from trusts, and that requirement formerly included special needs trusts.

How is a special needs trust taxed by the IRS? ›

First-Party or Self-Funded Special Needs Trusts

Any income earned on the funds invested in the first-party trust is always taxable to the beneficiary in the year it is earned, regardless of when or if it is distributed to the beneficiary.

What is an example of a special trust? ›

For example, a mentally capable individual who is diagnosed with a mental illness or addiction issue may decide to create a special purpose trust to protect their assets against the risk of damaging future financial decisions made under the influence of that illness or addiction.

What is a budget planner for autism? ›

Name: Goodbudget Budget Planner: Money & Expense Tracker How it can help students with autism: Students with autism can create a personalized budget and learn skills for financial planning. It allows students to create income versus spending reports, schedule transactions and record upcoming transactions.

How much does it cost to raise a child with a disability? ›

Autism Speaks, an autism advocacy organization, estimates the cost to raise a child with autism or an intellectual disability is $1.4 to $2.4 million. The more severe the disability, the more expensive the lifetime cost. But, you can financially prepare. Ready to shop for disability insurance?

How can I make money with my disabled child? ›

While a variety of benefits are available, the most important for families of children with special needs is “Protective Supervision.” When you are approved for Protective Supervision, you will receive an hourly wage to stay home and care for your child as an IHSS provider.

What will happen to my special needs child when I am gone? ›

Because your child may not be able to care for himself, the first and foremost consideration for him in your estate plan is deciding who will be your child's guardian. In the event of your death or disability, your appointed guardian will be the protector of your special needs child's interests.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.