SPX Options Vs. Spy Options - Strategic Advantages (2024)

SPX Options Vs. Spy Options - Strategic Advantages (1)

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SPX has one major strategic advantage over SPY….

SPX is a European Style Option vs SPY being an American Style Option. This means that SPX is cash-settled at the expiration date, so it cannot be exercised prior to expiration as SPY can. An early exercise can blow your trading plan for any position!

If it wasn’t for thishugeearlyexpiration exercise risk with SPY, I would prefer SPYover SPX. This isbecauseSPY, too, has a big strategic advantage over SPXin thatSPYoffers $1 wide strikesandalsohas a smaller contract value.

Themainadvantages this pricing allows are:

  • The ability to trade a smaller trading account
  • Trade withmore flexibilityinposition sizing
  • Easierscaling in and out of trades

Over the years, I’ve noticed that many of my trading club membershave questions about trading SPX options vs SPY options, andexactlyhow to benefit fromtheir strategic advantages.I share and answer many ofthosequestions below.

By understandingmany of the similarities and differences between SPX and SPYoptions, you can see what works best for your trading style.Since SPX and SPY are such popular trading vehicles, it’s worthwhile to be familiar with the basics of each.


Both SPY and SPX options are used primarily for those looking to invest in the S&P 500. The S&P 500 index contract tracks the 500 of the largest publicly-traded company in the United States. In most cases, traders with more capital lean towards using SPX options, while those with less tend to use SPY. This is because SPX costs 10 times more than SPY, as you’ll read more about below.

Differences Between SPX and SPY

Also known as the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, SPX bases its index off the 500 largest companies with shares listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ.

SPX is considered a capitalization-weighted index and functions as theoretical. SPX options have their settlement on Friday morning. Future contracts and options usually trade, but SPX may not always trade. SPX is also known for having a wider market and wider strikes than SPY.

On the other hand, SPY is an exchange-traded fund that bears the nickname “Spiders.” SPY tracks the performance of the S&P 500. Most of the time, you will find that the transaction price when using SPY will almost replicate SPX’s. Just like most other securities, SPY’s price is dictated through auction. Trading options for SPY stop trading on expiration Friday at the end of the close of business.

When trading larger options, SPY can produce more commissions. This is because of the potential for a larger number of contracts. SPY is known to have a lower price and buying power reduction. SPY options are always settled in shares.

Does SPY Pay a Dividend?

SPY pays a dividend that corresponds with the expiration day. This is a major difference between SPY options and SPX options.

An ex-dividend is the date when the buyer of stock can receive the last declared dividend. This usually takes place on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December. Ex-dividend day also corresponds with expiration day.

If you own in-the-money calls, then it is important this dividend not be lost. Often, traders with in-the-money options will use the options to collect the dividend. This means that often In-the-money calls are exercised on expiration Friday.

Does SPX Pay a Dividend?

Unlike SPY, SPX options don’t ever have to pay a dividend. This decreases the risk of triggering options assignments.

Are SPX Options Cash Settled?

No shares ever change hands, so SPX options are cash-settled. The difference between the settlement price and the strike price is automatically subtracted or added to the account balance at expiry.

Since SPX options are cash-settled, shares can’t be assigned before expiry. Because of this, SPX is often considered a cleaner way to trade. You won’t have to worry about an early assignment, because SPX options are only assigned at expiration, which is beneficial to the options seller.

Cash-settling also eliminates the risk of expiring in the money and triggering a buy or sell of the security. You also don’t have to worry about pin risk, which is when the market price of the underlier of an option contract at the time of the contract’s expiration is close to the option’s strike price.

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Settlement Price of SPX Options

Also known as the closing price, the settlement price is determined by the opening prices of the 500 stocks in the index. It is determined on the third Friday of the month.

The process for SPX options settling involves the in-the-money option value transferring to the option owner from the option seller’s account.

SPX Contracts

SPX contracts are known for being much larger than SPY contracts. They are about 10x larger, in fact. Some find an advantage in buying these larger contracts since it gives you the ability to average your price over several different price points.

See Also
ETF Central

Buying larger contracts may be a better option if you are an experienced trader. The price of SPX contracts is usually a lot more than SPY contracts, which can mean higher commission costs or fewer commission costs depending on how your commissions are charged.

Differences in Tax Treatment

Many find that SPX options offer a tax advantage because of the way the IRS treats SPY options and SPX options differ from one another. During a long-term tax rate, investors are usually allowed 60% of the profits from trade when using SPX options. These are usually treated as long-term, no matter how long you held them.

SPX options receive these advantages because the IRS gives SPX options special Section 1256 treatment.

From a tax standpoint, SPX can seem like the better option, but the tax implication in their treatment may not be significant enough to give them much of an advantage.

Be sure to check with your CPA since we don’t give tax advice and tax rules can and do change.

SPX Vs SPY Actual Cost

Again, another important distinction is that SPX contracts are much more expensive than SPY. For example, SPY options usually trade at around $120, while SPX options trade at around $1,200. This makes sensedue to the fact thatSPX options with the same strike price and expiry as their SPY counterparts will always equal 10x of one SPY option.

Are SPX American or European?

SPX options are European-style and can therefore only be exercised at the time of expiration. There is no risk of early exercise when using European-style options which is a nice advantage for option sellers. European-style options are cash-settled.

The cash received at the close is automatically deposited in the account of the option’s owner. Cash from investors who are short at the time of expiration will be removed from their accounts.

Other examples of European-style options include DJX: Dow Jones Industrial Average, NDX: NASDAQ 100 Index, and RUT: Russell 2000 Index.

When using European-style options, owners will lose their options but will receive the intrinsic value of the option in cash. Traders may find that the cash settlement feature to European-options is more convenient.

Are SPY Options American or European?

SPY options are American-style trading options, which gives option buyers the freedom to exercise these options before they expire. You will find that most equity options are American-style.

With American-style options, you receive the actual shares, which means you have the task of offsetting them yourself. This may mean you have to pay an additional commission. There are also several risks that come from holding shares for a limited amount of time.

SPY options are an ETF or exchange-traded fund. ETFs are marketable security options that act as an index fund but can be traded, making them more like a common stock.

Risk of Early Assignment when using SPY

American-style trading options possess the risk of early assignment, but this is usually only a problem if the option has very little time value or premium left.

Why is Implied Volatility Higher for SPY Options Than SPX?

Since the implied volatility is always based on the option price, SPY options will always be higher. This is because American-style options are usually more expensive when using the same underlying asset.

Liquidity of SPX and SPY Options

ETFs are known for being broad-based. Since SPY options have tighter markets, they are known to be more liquid than SPX options. SPY options usually feature a tighter speed between their bid and offer than SPX options making them more price efficient for traders and investors.

Because of its tighter markets, SPY options tend to have better price fills than SPX. In some cases, traders have found that the money saved from commissions end up lost in the spread between the bid and the offer when trading SPX.

Though SPY options are considered more liquid than SPX, both SPY and SPX are still both considered very liquid, because of their high trading volume. The high trading volumes of these options make them easy to enter and exit which is a huge benefit for option traders.

SPY Vs SPX Options Expiration

When using SPX, component stocks weigh themselves according to the market value of outstanding shares. While SPY options stop trading at the close of business on expiration Friday, SPX expires at different times, making them a bit more complicated.

Trading for most European-style trades stops trading at the third Thursday of each month. The next day’s opening price is where the settlement price comes from. This means that the price of an option can increase or decrease greatly, based on the price of the index on Thursday at closing to Friday at the opening. There are usually no delays in the settlement when using SPX options.

Decreasing your risk can be done by stopping your position before closing on Thursday. Avoiding any adverse movements will greatly decrease your risk in the long run. You may findthat there’s no way to decrease the potential adverse price change in the option. This could increase the risk on the trade.

When SPX options expire on the third Friday of the month, they stop trading the day before that third Friday. This is only the case for SPX options that expire on the third Friday though. All others expire the same as SPY options.

Which Works Best for You – SPX or SPY?

Both SPX and SPY options aregood trading vehicleswhen you are trying to profit off any increases or decreases in the S&P 500 index. There are benefits and disadvantages to both, so it is important tounderstand and choosewhich option will work best for you.

It is also important to consider the importance of risk and liquidity when choosing between these two popular option reading vehicles.

_______________________________________________________________SPX Options Vs. Spy Options - Strategic Advantages (3)SPX Options Vs. Spy Options - Strategic Advantages (4)

SPX Options Vs. Spy Options - Strategic Advantages (2024)


SPX Options Vs. Spy Options - Strategic Advantages? ›

SPX has one major strategic advantage over SPY….

Is SPY or SPX better for options? ›

SPX options hold a higher value than SPY options because of the difference in share prices. A trader needs 10 SPY options to have the same value as one SPX option. While SPX options hold more value per contract, they both produce similar returns. If the S&P 500 increases by 1%, the SPY will also increase by roughly 1%.

What is the correlation between SPX and SPY? ›

SPY is the ticker symbol for an exchange-traded fund that tracks the performance of the S&P 500 index; it is traded like a stock. SPX is simply the numerical value that represents the level of the S&P 500 index and is not directly tradable.

What is the difference between SPX and SPY credit spreads? ›

Strategic Flexibility: SPX Options Offer a Wider Toolkit

Unlike SPY options, which are limited to the underlying ETF's price movements, SPX options directly reflect the S&P 500 Index. This direct link opens up a wider range of potential strategies, including those sought by traders interested in SPX credit spreads.

Do SPX options get exercised? ›

American style options allow the holder to exercise the option at any time up to and including the expiration date, offering maximum flexibility. In contrast, European style options, like SPX options, can only be exercised at expiration.

Which index is best for option buying? ›

The most actively traded index options in India are based on the Nifty 50 and Sensex indexes. Options are also available on other indexes like Nifty Bank, Fin Nifty, Nifty IT, Nifty Metal etc. You can do index option trading based on the following options available in the Indian stock market.

Are SPX options tax advantaged? ›

SPX index options are a popular choice for investors looking to diversify their portfolio and manage risk in the stock market. They offer a number of advantages, including European-style exercise, tax advantages for 1256 contracts, liquidity, and efficient commission costs due to the larger underlying price.

Why Voo over SPY? ›

While the two ETFs follow the same strategy, they earn different ratings. VOO earns a top rating of Gold, while SPY earns the next best rating of Silver. Almahasneh says the reason is fees and inefficiencies of the unit investment trust structure.

Is Qqq better than SPY? ›

QQQ vs SPY: Risk and Return

If you're looking for broad diversification, SPY is the clear winner. For mega-cap growth exposure with a tech tilt, QQQ is the better choice.

What is the difference between the S&P 500 and the SPY? ›

The SPDR S&P 500 ETF is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and trades under the ticker symbol SPY. The SPY's price tracks the S&P 500 index. The SPDR S&P 500 ETF allows investors to track the performance of the US economy without having to buy all the stocks listed on the S&P 500 directly.

Can you close SPX options before expiration? ›

European - SPX/SPXW options generally may be exercised only on the expiration date. Trading in SPX options will ordinarily cease on the business day (usually a Thursday) preceding the day on which the exercise-settlement value (i.e., the expiration date) is calculated, 3:15pm CT.

Why are SPY options so popular? ›

Investing in SPY provides investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of large cap U.S. stocks, making it a popular choice for those looking to invest in the U.S. stock market. Because it tracks the S&P 500 index, SPY is often used as a benchmark for the overall performance of the U.S. stock market.

Why invest in SPX? ›

Why Investors Choose the S&P 500. Index investing allows individuals to effectively follow the market activity of up to 500 companies with the S&P 500. An index fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) that benchmarks to the S&P 500 allows investors to gain exposure to all those stocks.

Is it better to trade options on SPX or spy? ›

SPY offers the convenience of trading like a stock, providing exposure to the S&P 500 with great liquidity. On the other hand, SPX options are open for more hours of the day, provide traders with larger per-contract position sizes, and may be more advantageous from a tax perspective.

Are SPX options European or American? ›

SPY options are American-style meaning option holders can exercise their options at any time before expiration. In contrast, SPX options are European style, meaning they can only be exercised on the expiration date. As a result, index options sellers don't have any early assignment risk.

Can you get assigned on SPX options? ›

Early Assignment Risk: There is no risk of early assignment with SPX options as they can only be exercised at expiration and always cash-settled (meaning no delivery of underlyings).

Why is SPY so popular for options? ›

Investing in SPY provides investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of large cap U.S. stocks, making it a popular choice for those looking to invest in the U.S. stock market. Because it tracks the S&P 500 index, SPY is often used as a benchmark for the overall performance of the U.S. stock market.

Can you buy options on SPX? ›

Investors can also trade options on the S&P 500 index exchange-traded fund (ETF), which gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the SPY ETF, which tracks the performance of the S&P 500 index at a specified strike price and expiration date.

Which option trading is better? ›

A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

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