Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) for Goods (2024)

Trade Finance & Trade Goods Payment Security Solutions

Our Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) is primarily issued by top 200 banks. But due to good prices we often use Bank Winter an European Bank that was founded in 1892, was ranked 16th in the BIS ratio (The Banker) among the 1,000 largest banks worldwide and is one of the largest privately owned Merchant Banks in Europe who specialize in Trade Financing and Investment Banking.

Instrument & Service Description

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) for Goods

A Standby Letter of Credit is often used to provide security for an obligation, such as a lease or other long-term contract. Landlords may require a deposit or a standby letter of credit that guarantees payment from the issuing bank if a tenant falls in arrears. Often, large contracts may require at least one of the parties to have a standby letter of credit in place for the transaction to move forward. Basically, a standby letter of credit guarantees the beneficiary that it will be paid from a creditworthy bank if it’s unable to get paid by its counter-party in a transaction.

Express provides standby letters of credit, allowing transactions to happen that otherwise might be considered too risky by the receiving entity.


Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) are normally forms of payment security or payment guarantee between a Buyer and Seller of Goods. Therefore, the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) we provide clients are NOT MONETIZABLE and are NOT TRANSFERABLE like a Bank Guarantee (BG) would be. A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) is a specialist payment mechanism that is used for a specific buy and sell goods transaction, a SBLC cannot be monetized by a 3rd party.

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Benefits

A letter of credit minimizes risk, maximizes control, and optimizes profits associated with international trade by making transactions simpler, smoother and safer for all sides.

Buyer Benefits

  • You may not have the necessary collateral requirements or relationship with the bank to get a letter of credit—but we do.
  • You don’t have to leave deposits with your suppliers, since your letter of credit will be opened for the full amount of the transaction—so your cash is not tied up or at risk while your supplier can often borrow against a letter of credit.
  • You may significantly increase your ability to do business with companies outside the U.S. by bolstering your financial position with your suppliers.
  • You can build safeguards into the letter of credit, including inspection of the goods and quality control, and set production and delivery times. This gives you more quality control over your goods.

Seller Benefits

  • Payment is assured as long as you comply with the terms and conditions of the letter of credit.
  • The credit risk is transferred from the buyer to the issuing bank, which is obligated to pay even if the buyer goes bankrupt.
  • You have easier access to financing and are able to transfer all or part of the letter of credit to another party, e.g., to purchase raw materials.
  • Collection time is minimized, as the letter of credit accelerates payment of receivables, and foreign exchange risk is eliminated when it is issued in the currency of your country.

“Leverage is the key to making what you have go much further. Just like a crowbar or a moving dolly, leverage allows you to harness the power of good positioning and the strategic application of energy to move mountains. As an entrepreneur, you’re often dealing with limited resources, be they time, money or manpower, to try to radically change the world. Leverage is the key to Success”

Adam Torren

Five Reasons to use EC to deliver Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) for you

  1. 72 Hour Delivery – We normally deliver s Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) within 72 hours of all documentation and payments being completed.
  2. Any Country – We will issue a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) for the import/export of goods from ANY country except Austria.
  3. Any Currency – We will issue a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) in almost any currency except Renminbi.
  4. Lower Fees – Our fees for issuing a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) are more cost effective than many larger public banks.
  5. Less Restrictive – Our required control clauses for a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) are much easier than other banks.


We can also issue a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) from: HAB Bank, Bank Hapoalim, East West Bank, TD Bank, Bank Leumi, IDB Bank, Hamni Bank, Bank Santander but these banks fees, process and structure are stricter and more difficult. Therefore, most of our clients prefer to use a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) issued by Bank Winter.

We use the Bank SWIFT Network to have the clients Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) delivered Bank to Bank. We operate a reliable, efficient delivery and authentication process to ensure all Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) are successfully delivered for our clients.

Client Deposits are 100% Protected with 2 Levels of Protection

We value our relationships with our clients so much that ALL CLIENT DEPOSITS for a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) receive 2 Tiers of Protection which are:

  • Corporate Refund Undertaking
  • Non-Performance Penalty

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Costs

Costs are customized to each Goods transaction and therefore an exact quote can be provided once a completed application is received, but as a pricing guide:

  • A 1 Year Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) costs 6.5% plus $1,000
  • A 90 Day Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) costs 3.3% plus $500
  • Additional 30 Day periods cost .6% plus $150

Estimated Completion Time

  • A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) is normally issued within 72 hours of all documentation and payments being completed by the Applicant.

Closing Process

Application. Complete and return the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Application and Pay the $185 USD Application fee.

Issuing of Draft. We will then create a draft of the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) for you and your supplier to review.

Draft Review and Opening Payment

  • Once you and your supplier finalize the draft and sign off your acceptance of the draft (changes are free of cost).
  • We then issue you with an Invoice for the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), which you arrange to pay.
  • Upon receipt of your wire payment, we release the finalized Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) to the bank for issuance and delivery.

Issuance. Typically, the bank will issue the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) within 48 hours of release. Upon issuance, we email you a copy of the SBLC as transmitted by SWIFT, including the SBLC reference number. Your supplier’s bank should receive and confirm the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) transmission shortly thereafter.

Presentation of Documents. Once the supplier has prepared and loaded the goods for transit, they must present the specified documents for that shipment to their bank. Their bank will transmit these documents to our bank. We will email you copies of the presentation (and all documents submitted by the supplier) for your review and approval.

Payment for Goods. Before our bank releases the original documents, we must receive payment for the presentation. Upon receipt of payment, we consign the documents to you and overnight them to your freight forwarder or whomever you designate – thus completing the transaction.

Critical Compliance Criteria

Accepted Criteria:

Clients that comply with our required Client Standards and accurately and correctly complete the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Application.

Rejected Criteria:

  • Any Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) that is required to be delivered to a Provider on this Banned Providers List.
  • Any Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) application where the client cannot or does not want to pay the required Deposit.
  • Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) required for clients in Austria.

Critical Information

  • Our Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) delivery service is Non Negotiable. We do not change the terms, structure, delivery procedures or prices of this service.
  • We do not offer FREE Standby Letter of Credits (SBLC) or allow clients to pay for the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) after they have received it. If the Bank is not paid to send the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), then no Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) will ever be sent or delivered. Banks simply do not work for free or on the hope that after they deliver a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) that the client may pay them.

Client Standards

EC requires clients meet key standards and pass compliance for us to consider working with them. We do not accept all clients because doing business with EC is a unique Privilege given solely to real, genuine, authentic clients, not a Right that is attainable by all.


We solely deal with real deals, real people and real Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) that need to be delivered to our clients nominated bank account. The Bank SWIFT Network is the Gold Standard that validates all aspects of this transaction and provides a respected industry platform where a safe settlement can be facilitated. Close your successful Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) transaction with EC today.

Application Procedure

In order for you to get started please download the EC 3 Steps Service Program for Bank Instruments and the EC CIS for Bank Instruments, complete and send to

We will follow up sending you our EC NSNC NDA. With that in place we have done our KYC and we will send you our Service Agreement for Bank Instruments.

By then we have a Pre-approval for your request in place and we will send you the final application for you to sign and return to us. Then we will get you the LOI/MOU. The whole process should take between five to ten days after the first payment is made.

NB! Changes may occur without warning!

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) for Goods (2024)


Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) for Goods? ›

A standby letter of credit (SBLC) refers to a legal instrument issued by a bank on behalf of its client, providing a guarantee of its commitment to pay the seller if its client (the buyer) defaults on the agreement.

What is the difference between letter of credit and SBLC? ›

A Standby Letter of Credit is different from a Letter of Credit. An SBLC is paid when called on after conditions have not been fulfilled. However, a Letter of Credit is the guarantee of payment when certain specifications are met and documents received from the selling party.

What are the disadvantages of SBLc? ›

Although an SBLC can provide a high level of security and confidence for the beneficiary, it also carries some risks and limitations. One of the main risks is that the beneficiary might not be able to access the SBLC payment if the issuing bank fails or becomes insolvent.

What is a MT760 standby letter of credit? ›

A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) is a payment guarantee that is issued by a bank or financial institution by a SWIFT MT760 message, and is used as payment for a client in the case that the applicant defaults.

How much does a SBLc cost? ›

The primary cost associated with an SBLC is the fee charged by the bank for issuing it. This fee typically ranges from 1% to 10% per year of the SBLC's face value, depending on the bank's assessment of risk. The riskier the client's business proposition or the lower their creditworthiness, the higher the fee.

Why do people buy SBLC? ›

Standby letters of credit are often used in international trade deals where the terms may be different between parties, but that is not the only use. Anytime a buyer needs to guarantee payment for goods or services, a SBLC may be in order.

What is SBLC standby letters of credit? ›

An SBLC acts as a safety net for the payment of a shipment of physical goods or completed service to the seller, in the event something unforeseen prevents the buyer from making the scheduled payments to the seller.

What are the dangers of letter of credit? ›

Fraud risk

If, for example, these documents are passed through by the bank as they look to be in compliance with the LOC's terms and requirements, the bank will honor the LOC. As a result, the applicant of the LOC still have to pay the issuing bank despite the goods/funds that they would never receive.

Who pays for SBLC? ›

The buyer will request their bank to open a SBLC in favour of the seller. The seller will then ship the goods to the buyer. If the buyer pays the seller, the SBLC is cancelled and returned to the issuing bank. If the buyer fails to pay, the seller will claim the sum owed against the Standby Letter of Credit.

What is the SBLC rule? ›

Without prior written SBA approval, an SBLC must not voluntarily reduce its capital, or repurchase and hold more than 2 percent of any class or combination of classes of its stock.

How to convert a MT760 to cash? ›

If you need to convert an MT760 to cash, you can do so by monetizing the instrument through a reputable and trustworthy monetization provider.

How long does it take a bank to issue a SBLc? ›

In the most cases the bank will issue the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) within 72 hours of release. Once issued, a copy of the SBLC will be emailed to the client as it is transmitted by SWIFT, including the reference number of the SBLC.

Which is better LC or SBLC? ›

A LC is based on the performance of the exporter, while a SBLC is based on the non-performance of the importer. A LC requires the submission of specific documents that match the terms and conditions of the credit, while a SBLC requires only a simple demand and a statement of default.

Can I get SBLC without upfront fees? ›

A Genuine SBLC Provider No Upfront Fees is a bank or other financial institution that can issue a bank guarantee or standby letter of credit (BG/SBLC) free of charge without demanding any upfront fees from the customer.

Who is the beneficiary in a standby letter of credit? ›

An instrument typically issued by a bank which undertakes to pay one party to a contract (the beneficiary) when the other party has failed, or is alleged to have failed, to perform an obligation under the contract. The beneficiary is usually a purchaser of goods or services.

What are the three types of letters of credit? ›

Types of letters of credit include commercial letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and revocable letters of credit. Other types of letters of credit are irrevocable letters of credit, revolving letters of credit, and red clause letters of credit.

Are SBLc and BG the same? ›

In an SBLC, payment is made only when the applicant fails to fulfil their obligations under the underlying contract. In a BG, payment may be made even if the applicant has not yet failed to fulfill their obligations under the contract.

What is the difference between standby LC and DOC LC? ›

In summary, SBLCs are standby guarantees used as a secondary payment method, LCs are standard financial instruments that guarantee payment upon fulfillment of conditions, and DLCs are LCs that require specific documentation to be presented by the seller for payment.

What is the difference between standby and irrevocable letter of credit? ›

Irrevocable LC works as a primary payment method and does not require any specific conditions to be met for the contract to be successful, unlike SLBC, which is a secondary payment method that only becomes active once the buyer fails to make the payments, post which the seller needs to furnish the relevant documents ...

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.