Start investing in 2020: How to save £10k, £100k or £1m in a decade (2024)

Is your new decade resolution to get rich - or richer, at least - and are you ready to do some serious saving to reach your goal?

The best way to maximise savings is to invest them in stocks, which involves risk but has proved the most reliable and time-tested method to generate inflation-beating returns over the long run.

Find out how much you need to put away each month to hit a £10,000, £100,000 or £1million savings target by 2030, and the best way to get started if you are new to investing.

Looking ahead: Is your new decade resolution to get rich and are you ready to do some serious saving to reach your goal?

How much do you need to save monthly over the next decade?

The monthly savings figures below were compiled by wealth manager Quilter, which looked at how much you need to put aside depending on your target and what rate of investment return you achieve - a modest 2 per cent, a decent 5 per cent, or an optimistic 8 per cent.

Quilter assumed a saver would invest the same amount monthly for 10 years, and that this amount would not change.

It factored in inflation of 1.5 per cent, and assumed that neither this nor the investment return would vary either.

Source: Quilter

How much investment risk do you need to take?

The greater the investment goal, the more money you need to save and the greater the level of risk you may need to accept, according to Emma Wall, head of investment analysis at Hargreaves Lansdown.

A 2 per cent return could be achieved with low risk assets, such as cash funds and government and corporate bond funds which offer a little income but hardly any growth, she explains.

'To hit a goal of £100,000 by 2030 you need to significantly up your monthly contribution, or invest in riskier assets with a greater chance of higher investment returns.

Emma Wall: 'Eight per cent a year is hard to come by – it means moving right up the risk scale of investing'

'Funds which invest in stocks are more risky than bond funds, but can offer investors both income, in the form of a company's dividend, and growth, as a share price rises as a company becomes more successful.'

She goes on: 'To hit a goal of £1million by the time the fireworks announce the arrival of the 2030s, you need to put in a sizable monthly contribution, and target a much higher rate of annual return.

'But 8 per cent a year is hard to come by – it means moving right up the risk scale of investing.

'Investors should look mostly to funds which invest in stocks – and stocks found in parts of the world that offer a fast rate of growth, such as emerging markets.

'You could also add funds which invest in alternatives, such as oil.

'But be warned – these are called risky assets for a reason, and while they could deliver high returns they could also post losses.'

Wall says investors can counter some of this risk by still putting some money in lower risk assets such as cash and bonds, and adds that diversification should be the key rule for building any portfolio.

What do new investors need to know? Finance experts offer practical tips

'Tracker funds usually come in at a lower cost': Hannah Owen, financial planner at Quilter

1. Use an Isa

You first need to choose a wrapper to hold your investments in. You will have an Isa allowance of £20,000 for this tax year, writes Owen.

You can open a stocks and shares Isa, meaning that any growth will be tax free. If you are looking to hold an investment, this may be a suitable place to start.

Hannah Owen: 'Active funds are often more expensive, but have a manager who will research the market'

Within your investment, you can hold various assets, including shares.

2. Funds are best when you start out

For a novice, you should look towards a fund, whereby your money is pooled with others and invested together.

You can choose your fund based on how much risk you are willing to take, and how much risk you can afford to take.

Generally, if you are investing for a longer term and are less reliant on the funds for a certain goal, the more risk you can afford to take.

You should consider widely diversifying where your money is held. To garner a strong return relative to risk, ensure that you are invested in various assets across the globe.

Tracker funds usually come in at a lower cost – they are broadly set up to track an index. Active funds are often more expensive, but have a manager who will research the market, and actively make decisions with the underlying monies.

3. Don't forget your pension

A pension will give you tax relief, which is money that the government adds to your contribution.

Opening a pension will really help in retirement, however you cannot access it until you are 55.Read a This is Money guide to the advantages of investing via pensions here.

'Have an emergency fund of around three months' wages': Emma Wall, head of investment analysis at Hargreaves Lansdown

1. Sort out your other finances

While investing can reap fantastic rewards, it is first important to make sure more pressing financial commitments are met, writes Wall.

Using a stocks and shares Isa

Launched in 1999, the stocks and shares Isa is the tax-efficient way to invest.

The total annual amount you can shield from the taxman has risen dramatically and now stands at £20,000, which also includes any sums you put in cash and other types of Isa in any one tax year.

Read our Isa guide here.

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Interest rates have come down significantly over the past decade, but credit cards still compound at a far greater rate than the stock market, so make sure you've paid off any high-cost debt before you begin to build up your nest egg.

Once you've cleared any credit cards, overdraft or loans, you can begin to think about saving.

2. Next up, look to cash

While it won't offer the same potential growth as the stock market, it is a good life-buffer to have an emergency fund of around three months' wages to cover you in the event of illness, redundancy – or even the boiler breaking down.

Once you've paid down debt and put aside your cash in a competitive easy access savings account, it's time to turn to the more exciting stuff; investing.

3. Funds are less risky than individual stocks

For beginners, it is best to stick with funds over individual stock picks as funds are less risky.

Simply put, funds are a basket of dozens of individual assets bunched together to offer investors a lot of little slices of investments.

These 'assets' could be bonds, which are IOUs issued by governments and companies or stocks, which pay a rate of interest to the bond holder.

You can also buy funds invested in stocks – if you own a stock you own a 'share' of a company, and are entitled to a share of that company's profits and revenues.

Some funds offer a blend of stocks and bonds, and these are known as multi-asset funds.

'You don't want to be chopping and changing too much': Laura Suter, personal finance analyst at AJ Bell

1. Outsource the decisions

If you don't feel confident picking which countries or sectors to invest in you can defer asset allocation decisions to a professional, writes Suter.

'If you know you're not particularly organised you can automate investing, by setting up regular investing'

You can buy so-called 'all in one' funds that spread your money between different country's stock markets and across various asset classes, with an option of having more or less in stock markets versus bonds, gold and cash, depending on your risk appetite.

2. Know what you're investing in

Investors also need to make sure they understand what they're buying, and why they think it will make money – whether it's a fund or a share.

All too often investors are lured in by the promise of high returns or invest because a friend has recommended it, but you need to make sure you understand how the investment works and all the risks before you commit your money.

3. Don't tinker too much

While you don't want to be too hands off, you also don't want to be checking your account every day, as doing so can mean you end up trading too much.

You should be buying investments for the next five or 10 years, not five or 10 days, so you don't want to be chopping and changing too much.

Apart from anything else the cost of trading will eat into your returns. But becoming too obsessed with the ups and downs in your investments can also mean you panic if they fall one day, meaning you sell and lock in losses.

4. Get organised in advance

If you know you're not particularly organised you can automate investing, by setting up regular investing.

This means that your money buys the same funds or shares every month. Or you can set reminders in your calendar each month or a few times a year to take a look at your account.

Novice investor: Start off by using funds run by a professional manager or that track the markets rather than try to pick your own shares, say experts

5. Get your share class right

This seems like a very technical area to look at, but it can be easy and it can make you more money than picking the right funds.

Each fund will have different share classes, which is the same portfolio run by the same fund manager but with two big differences: the charges and whether income is automatically re-invested or not.

What do fund names and the letters tagged to them mean?

This is Money has a searchable database of individual funds which includes all their various share classes here.

We have written the following guides to deciphering the unnecessarily baffling names and codes used by the investing industry.

Help me decode gibberish fund names! There are several versions of the fund - how do I know which one I need?

Alpha, focus, dynamic, optimal, what do all these cryptic fund names actually mean? Read our jargon buster

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First, check the charges on the share class you own and then see whether there is a cheaper option.

Each share class will have a different letter, but unfortunately there's no easy code on which is cheapest.

But a look at the different options on your platform will tell you.

With passive funds you might need to switch providers to get a cheaper rate, but check what you're paying and shop around for similar passive options as costs have plummeted in recent years.

It might seem like a small shift, but even a little change in the annual charge can make a big difference: for example, with £100,000 invested over 10 years a 0.5 per cent difference in annual charges equates to an extra £8,000 in returns.

Next, if the fund generates income do you need it now?

If not make sure you buy the accumulation [often abbreviated to Acc] share class of the fund, and you'll benefit from the income being re-invested and boosting your returns.

This means you benefit from compounding, so getting returns on your returns. As an example of the impact this can have, one of the top performing UK equity income funds has delivered 19.8 per cent over five years for its 'Income' unit, but 47.7 per cent for its 'Accumulation' unit'.

Where should you invest?

'Investors who want to pick their own funds don't suffer from lack of choice, with over 2,500 options to choose from via investment platforms,' says Laura Suter of AJ Bell.

'It is important to choose a fund that is aligned with your personal attitude to risk.'

She offers fund tips for different kinds of investors below.

The links are to the 'accumulation' versions of funds. They are also the ones typically sold on DIY investment sites, so should be the cheapest but it is worth checking.

They sometimes show a big minimum investment figure, but this is because they double up as the 'institutional' share class version of a fund, which will be sold to pension funds and other large players as well as to ordinary investors.

Check online platforms aimed at individual investors, and you will find much lower minimum investment figures.

Cautious: Royal London Short Duration Global High Yield Bond

Cautious investors have benefited from strong returns this year as bonds have performed strongly, writes Suter.

Looking ahead, the government is indicating higher spending which could well steepen the yield curve. As a result, traditional corporate and government bonds may struggle.

What is a yield curve?

Read a This is Money guide to government bonds here.

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One alternative would be to look at short duration high yield bonds which are less correlated to interest rates and bond yields.

The team at Royal London are strong and with a focus on bonds that are only one to two years from maturity, protect investors from the full impact of yields increasing.

With cash rates so low, this may be a way of eking out a little extra return but of course doesn't come without some risk.'

Balanced: Jupiter UK Special Situations

Manager Ben Whitmore has managed the fund for 15 years, employing a consistent approach that focuses on companies that have materially underperformed the market.

Whitmore looks for fundamentally sound companies that are unloved by other investors and priced below true value.

As a natural contrarian, the portfolio can look very different from the index which is a positive, with the portfolio currently tilted towards domestically focused companies that may come back in the spotlight should a resolution to Brexit be found.'

Adventurous: Schroder Global Recovery

Value investing has been out of favour for a long period as investors have been focusing on quality growth stocks and bond proxies. However, the last couple of months have started to show a small turnaround and this certainly has the ability to continue through 2020.

Valuations of value stocks have certainly become very cheap on a PE basis with some solid businesses now sitting on a PE ratio of less than 10.

The team at Schroder's are very disciplined in their approach with Nick Kirrage and Andrew Lyddon having many years' experience of running money in this way.

Importantly, they are comfortable investing away from the benchmark and while performance has been underwhelming, should value come back into favour, they are very well poised to benefit.'

Income seekers: Man GLG UK Income

There are many income funds available that simply allocate to the big dividend payers in the index but this fund is different.

Manager Henry Dixon takes a multi cap approach and also has a value bias, potentially gaining a double boost from a positive resolution to Brexit.

In addition, the manager can invest in corporate bonds if appropriate, albeit in a limited manger making this a slightly different UK equity income fund. The strategy currently yields over 5% and pays monthly making it an interesting option for income seekers.

All in one: Vanguard LifeStrategy funds and Fidelity Index World

The Vanguard LifeStrategy funds are worth looking at and investment platforms often offer their own versions too.

Alternatively, first-timers could buy a cheap 'tracker' fund, which mimics the performance of a broad global index, such as the MSCI World. Fidelity Index World is one option for this, [and] has a low annual cost of 0.12 per cent.

Want to know more about investing?

This is Money's Editor, Simon Lambert, has written a 40-page guide to being a successful investor, which you can read or download for free here.

This is Money has many other guides which you can find on our investing homepage. Below is a selection of links that cover the basics.

How to choose a starter investment fund

Which investing platform should you use?

How to research investment funds

What are investment trusts?

When and how should you carry out a portfolio review?

What about investing fees?

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Start investing in 2020: How to save £10k, £100k or £1m in a decade (2024)


How to save $1 m in 10 years? ›

Save as Much as You Possibly Can

“Say you're going to average 10% a year on your investment return — you're going to need to save about $5,000 each month to save $1 million.”

How to turn 100K into $1 million fast? ›

Buy a low-cost index fund that tracks the S&P 500; your $100,000 could grow to $1 million in about 23 years. You'll get there even faster by investing additional funds. Add $500 monthly and reach $1 million in just 19 years. Of course, past results don't guarantee future outcomes, but history is on investors' side.

How to turn 10k into 100K in 10 years? ›

How To Turn 10k Into 100k
  1. Invest in Real Estate. ...
  2. Invest in Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Invest in The Stock Market. ...
  4. Start an E-Commerce Business. ...
  5. Open A High-Interest Savings Account. ...
  6. Invest in Small Enterprises. ...
  7. Try Peer-to-peer Lending. ...
  8. Start A Website Blog.
Jun 21, 2024

What age should you have 100K saved? ›

“By the time you're 40, you should have three times your annual salary saved. Based on the median income for Americans in this age bracket, $100K between 25-30 years old is pretty good; but you would need to increase your savings to reach your age 40 benchmark.”

How much money do I need to invest to make $4000 a month? ›

Making $4,000 a month based on your investments alone is not a small feat. For example, if you have an investment or combination of investments with a 9.5% yield, you would have to invest $500,000 or more potentially. This is a high amount, but could almost guarantee you a $4,000 monthly dividend income.

Can I retire at 60 with $1 million? ›

Will $1 million still be enough to have a comfortable retirement then? It's definitely possible, but there are several factors to consider—including cost of living, the taxes you'll owe on your withdrawals, and how you want to live in retirement—when thinking about how much money you'll need to retire in the future.

How much will 100k be worth in 30 years? ›

Answer and Explanation: The amount of $100,000 will grow to $432,194.24 after 30 years at a 5% annual return. The amount of $100,000 will grow to $1,006,265.69 after 30 years at an 8% annual return.

How much monthly income will 100k generate? ›

For example, suppose you invest in a money market account offering a 5% annual interest rate. In that case, you can expect your 100k to generate around $5,000 in passive income annually, or approximately $416.67 per month.

What happens if you invest $100 000 in the S&P 500? ›

If you take your $100,000 and put it in an S&P 500 index fund, you could end up with over $1 million within 24 years if the index produces returns in line with its historical average. If you keep saving, you can get there even faster.

How much will 10K be worth in 30 years? ›

If you invest $10,000 and make an 8% annual return, you'll have $100,627 after 30 years. By also investing $500 per month over that timeframe, your ending balance would be $780,326.

Is saving 10K a year realistic? ›

While saving $10,000 in a year may seem daunting, it's achievable with a structured plan, a bit of self-restraint and a goal-focused mindset. More than likely, you'll make some mistakes along the way — but a successful savings strategy should allow for learning from mistakes, rather than shaming yourself over them.

How to get rich in 10 years by investing? ›

Now, let's consider how our calculations change if the time horizon is 10 years. If you are starting from scratch, you will need to invest about $4,757 at the end of every month for 10 years. Suppose you already have $100,000. Then you will only need $3,390 at the end of every month to become a millionaire in 10 years.

How many Americans have 100k in savings? ›

How many Americans have $100,000 in savings? About 26% of U.S. households had more than $100,000 in savings in retirement accounts as of 2022, according to USAFacts, a nonprofit organization that analyzes data from the Federal Reserve and other government agencies.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

Are you rich if you have 100k in savings? ›

Having $100,000 in your savings account is an impressive achievement, and it's far more than what most people have saved. The median savings account balance is $1,200, according to a study last year by The Motley Fool Ascent.

How long will it take to save 1 million dollars? ›

Suppose you're starting from scratch and have no savings. You'd need to invest around $13,000 per month to save a million dollars in five years, assuming a 7% annual rate of return and 3% inflation rate. For a rate of return of 5%, you'd need to save around $14,700 per month.

How much interest does 1 million dollars earn in 10 years? ›

Traditional savings accounts, generally reserved for short-term savings, available at banks generally yield low rates of interest. A million-dollar deposit with the average 0.45% APY would generate $$4,510.08 of interest after one year. If left to compound daily for 10 years, it would generate $46,027.51.

Can I live off the interest of 1 million dollars? ›

How long will $1 million in retirement savings last? In more than 20 U.S. states, a million-dollar nest egg can cover retirees' living expenses for at least 20 years, a new analysis shows.

How long can $1 M last in retirement? ›

For example, if you have retirement savings of $1 million, the 4% rule says that you can safely withdraw $40,000 per year during the first year — increasing this number for inflation each subsequent year — without running out of money within the next 30 years.

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