Step by Step method How to launch an ETF (2024)

How to launch an ETF? Many folks are taken aback when they learn there is more than one correct approach. You can choose to outsource or bring in-house pretty much any function, and there are as many distinct operational models as there are ETF sponsors.

ETFs are just like open-ended mutual funds. But the distinctions are substantial enough that the ETF management business into a specialized division inside a more significant financial organization. Some ETF-specific specialists may be found distributed among the functional groups. Custodians, administrators, distributors, listing platforms, index providers, and others who offer services to the fund industry.

It’s crucial to consider who will purchase your ETF and why. Most of our customers become stuck on this very point. The fact that it is traded on a national market and can be purchased through any broker is no guarantee that consumers will buy it, as we have observed. In this context, the most important things to think about are often your target market, the best approach to reach that market, and your price strategy.

But more is needed to have the notion. On the way to introducing your exchange-traded fund (ETF), you’ll want to take care of the following matters.

Table of Contents

What are ETFs?

Mutual funds can also be exchange-traded funds, or “ETFs,” which are listed on stock exchanges and traded like stocks.

How to Make ETFs? or How to launch an ETF?

Even though ETFs have only been operating since the 1990s, their meteoric rise to prominence and the dizzying array of options available to investors have led some to question if they needed help to set up and operate their ETFs simply.

After all, the ETF’s simplicity is one of its selling points. No stock-picking wizard is hiding behind a screen, pushing levers. Most funds attempt to replicate the performance of an index by precisely copying its composition and weighting. Get more information about How to Create Your Own ETF.

Creating an ETF is challenging but possible. It requires initial funding in addition to expertise in areas such as finance, marketing, and monetary policy. You can even contract with a third-party firm for assistance to further facilitate the development, introduction, and ongoing management of an ETF.

What is the function of an ETF?

The ETF and its authorized participants (“APs”) work together to process purchases and redemptions.

Shares of an ETF are purchased and sold for other securities rather than cash. An AP sells shares to investors through the investors’ broker-dealer or buys shares from investors on the open market of the stock exchange on which the ETF is listed. In most cases, a lead market maker will provide a continuous call, and APs will also typically make a market in the same ETFs, but they may choose to forgo providing a bid/ask market at certain times.

What’s an AP?

An AP, or authorized participant, is essential to the operation of an ETF. On the stock exchange where an ETF trades, an AP is a broker-dealer who may offer a bid/ask market for the ETF. Get more information about EFT playbook. The authorized participant is required to issue new shares in an ETF or redeem existing ones from the ETF.

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What is a basket of ETFs?

The components of an ETF’s “basket” are the same as those of the ETF itself. To purchase shares in the ETF, investors send in assets similar to cash at a mutual fund. The ETF will provide the AP with a portfolio of securities in exchange for the shares the AP has repurchased from ETF shareholders on the stock exchange.

What is a particular basket?

Managers of exchange-traded fund (ETF) portfolios may occasionally want their baskets to deviate slightly from the ETF portfolio. To rebalance the portfolio, the portfolio manager may request that the AP supply an equivalent value of another asset instead of new shares in the security in question.

Especially in the recently approved non-transparent and semi-transparent ETF structures, where the baskets are deliberately slightly different from the actual ETF portfolio to not disclose to the investing public a small portfolio of the ETF to preserve the portfolio manager’s strategy and proprietary processes, unique baskets take on increased significance.

ETFs and mutual funds taxable?

Distributions of net income and realized capital gains made by the fund during the year to its shareholders are not subject to federal or state income or capital gains taxation.

Why do ETFs save taxes?

The tax efficiency of an ETF is a significant differentiator between it and a mutual fund. When a mutual fund’s portfolio management sees an unrealized capital gain in security, they can sell it. Realized profits are required to be given to shareholders as a taxable dividend before the end of the year.

Suppose an ETF’s portfolio manager wants to sell off some of the ETF’s holdings or reduce the ETF’s exposure to a particular security. In that case, they can either deliver the ETF’s holdings in a redemption basket that is overweight in that security or by agreeing with an AP to create a unique redemption basket in which to deliver the security.

In this case, the ETF will not account for the capital gain within the ETF, and there will be no capital gain dividend.

Why are ETFs thought to be suitable for taxes?

The tax efficiency of an ETF is a significant differentiator between it and a mutual fund. When a mutual fund’s portfolio management sees an unrealized capital gain in security, they can sell it. Realized profits are required to be given to shareholders as a taxable dividend before the end of the year.

Suppose an ETF’s portfolio manager wants to sell off some of the ETF’s holdings or reduce the ETF’s exposure to a particular security. In that case, they can either deliver the ETF’s holdings in a redemption basket that is overweight in that security or agree with an AP to create a unique redemption basket to provide the protection.

In this case, the ETF will not account for the capital gain within the ETF, and there will be no capital gain dividend.

ETF creation considerations

  • A potential ETF creator needs firm beliefs about what components make up a suitable ETF. In addition, they’ll need strong communication skills if they plan on selling the ETF to other investors.
  • You can diversify your portfolio by purchasing shares of a company or a group of companies through an exchange-traded fund. Most are based on a particular index, such as the S&P 500, but some are tied to specific industries or commodities.
  • Exchange-traded funds cannot be considered actively managed funds because of their very nature. No one makes the daily call on whether or not to add stocks to the fund or sell them. The manager still requires a lot of work and monitoring of such a fund to ensure its holdings remain consistent with the index it follows.
  • If you are willing to invest six figures and are set on creating your ETF, here are some things to think about:
  • What kinds of stocks, bonds, or other assets will your ETF buy? Although it is not typical, the fund can be diversified among many assets.
  • What size companies the ETF will be investing in, in terms of market cap, is still being determined. You can specialize in either large, medium, or small-cap companies or spread your investments across all three. Large-cap stock investing typically demands a more considerable starting capital.
  • What market segment will your ETF target, if any, for investment? Think about specializing your fund in a field in which you already have extensive experience and passion.
  • Concerning the expense ratio (an annual fee), how much do you plan to charge? Expense ratios are a significant concern for investors, and ETFs are widely regarded as having shallow ones compared to mutual funds and other investment options.
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How do ETFs get bought and held by shareholders?

The term “exchange-traded fund” (ETF) refers to fact that ETFs can be bought and sold to stock markets. Anyone interested in purchasing and holding ETFs must do it through a broker-dealer and their designated investment account.

How did you establish your service model and skills to offer fund sponsors complete ETF ecosystem solutions?

We offer a versatile and adaptable service approach. Because every customer has different business requirements, we developed a flexible business model that provides a wide choice of efficient and cost-effective options.

With the series trust structure, for instance, we were able to help large, well-established mutual fund players launch their first ETFs without them having to make any changes to their current mutual fund trusts or spend any time educating their existing board members on the ETF structure. To enter the ETF market efficiently and swiftly, these customers choose to work with a service provider who could provide a turnkey solution and a series of trust structures with trustees who have experience with ETFs.

How do you launch an ETF?

In the beginning, an ETF is created the same way as an open-end mutual fund. Either a new trust can be started, the new fund can be filed as the first ETF in that trust, or the new fund can be added to an existing trust as an additional series ETF.

Starting an ETF costs how much?

Starting a new trust and filing the first exchange-traded fund (ETF) in that trust series can cost over $100,000 and take up to six months. Spend between $50,000 and $60,000 over 90-120 days to add the new series to an existing series trust.

What follows are some additional considerations for launching an exchange-traded fund.

What’s the cost of running an ETF?

Because ETFs don’t require blue sky fees like open-end mutual funds, they cost investors less to manage. Less than $200,000 is spent annually, which doesn’t account for fees paid to financial advisors or subadvisors.

What’s an ETF’s breakeven point?

Divide the estimated expenses by the expense ratio to get the breakeven point for each investment fund. Expense ratio caps are used by most funds to make investments more appealing and consistent. Breakeven would be reached at $20,000,000 if operating expenses were assumed to be $200,000. This would be calculated by dividing $200,000 by 1%.

How is an ETF traded?

Like regular equities, ETFs can be bought and sold on the stock market. Both the price at which the market maker is willing to purchase shares of the ETF (the bid) and the price at which it is ready to sell the ETF (the ask) will be displayed by market makers (ask).

Which ETFs are opaque?

Every night, ETFs update their portfolio so investors and market makers alike may see precisely what securities are included in the fund. This level of disclosure has always been a source of anxiety for active portfolio managers because it essentially “gives away” the manager’s trade secrets and investment methodology.

The SEC has authorized many less-than-transparent ETF formats to address this seeming contradiction. These structures reveal a subset of the ETF’s holdings rather than all of them, allowing investors and market makers to get a sense of the ETF’s value while still protecting the portfolio manager’s confidential information.

What is a passive or index ETF?

ETFs that track an index, also known as passive or index ETFs, hold a fixed portfolio of securities designed to match or follow the performance of an established index. Examples of such indices include the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard & Poor’s 500, which track the performance of stocks that undergo relatively little fluctuation. Either all of the supplies that make up the index are held by the index ETF, or the index ETF has a subset of the stores that make up the index.

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How Much Does ETF Launch and Operation Cost?

Beginning an ETF involves careful consideration and preparation, just like starting any other business. You should consider more than just the cost at the outset and calculate the future monthly cost. Before starting a fund, many factors must be considered, including regulatory mandates, resource commitments, and a schedule.

Whether an ETF is launched as part of a series or as a separate trust, the associated costs will differ (see Choosing the Right Fund Structure section below for more information about trust options). The business development team at Ultimus will consult with you to establish the most suitable fund structure and explain the costs associated with fund administration, annual audit, shareholder reporting and support, transfer agent, corporate governance, and compliance. Due diligence costs for platform access are separate and can range widely depending on whether improved efficiencies in operations or expanded distribution channels are your top priority.

Until the fund’s assets reach the breakeven figure, you will be responsible for all fund expenses (including the management charge) through either a waiver or reimbursem*nt. If the adviser waives their advisory fee entirely but continues to subsidize fund expenses, the adviser will stay intact even.

ETF launch costs and timelines?

The time it takes to register is comparable to that of introducing a mutual fund. The average time to market is 100-130 days after a trust is founded or a participant in a series trust, such as the one Ultimus supports, has joined the trust. This includes operational preparation and necessary links to the ETF ecosystem with the fund sponsor, your ETF vendors, and service partners, as well as authoring and filing the prospectus and relevant filings with the SEC. It may take you six to nine months to establish your independent trust from scratch.

Everyday initial expenses for an exchange-traded fund (ETF) within a series trust range from $40,000 to $60,000. Depending on legal fees and the cost of forming a governing board, the initial investment needed to establish a trust might range from $150,000 to $300,000. A new sponsor can take advantage of Ultimus’s institutional governance, fund efficiency, and shared costs at the trust level because of the trust’s scale and the large number of assets under management in the series trust setting.


An individual investor can launch an exchange-traded fund (ETF), although doing so requires substantial financial resources and a significant amount of labor. The proliferation of these funds has led to the development of various services that assist investors in establishing, listing, marketing, and managing exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Those who do not have the necessary resources can develop their portfolios by simulating an index and building their virtual exchange-traded fund (ETF).Weirdnewserathat you might not find any other platform which gives you all content about health sports business technology and entertainment.


Should I trade the ETF and run bespoke baskets? Who deals in my ETF?

As part of our service, we provide access to a top-tier group of traders and executors. Neither other in-house nor third-party trade help is required. ETF Architect takes great pleasure in its high-quality trading operations, guaranteeing that your shareholders will receive the utmost care as fiduciaries.

Does your company assist with distribution?

The exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry is centered around distribution. The distribution process, moreover, calls for a unique strategy (at least for boutique operators). One fund’s best course of action may be different than the best course of action for another. Regarding distribution, we’d instead give you personalized, one-on-one advice and use our extensive contacts to help you spread the word. Distribution is a potentially expensive endeavor. Instead of just handing you a premade distribution service or package, we’ll take the time to learn about your business, your goals for the ETF, and where you see it in the future so we can tailor our recommendations accordingly.

How does billing work? Is my service agreement count high?

The invoice from ETF Architect is simple and organized on one neat page. As part of our cheap, fixed price, we handle all bookkeeping, billing, and invoice payment for you. As part of your agreement with ETF Architect, we take all billing and invoice administration.

Can I pick my listing exchange?

Yes. All three listing exchanges can be accessed through ETF Architect (NYSE, NASDAQ, CBOE)

What else should I know about costs?

Every company that sponsors a fund must have EO/DO insurance and pay for other incidental expenses. We aim to pass through these costs at the lowest possible rate (i.e., no markup).

Your platform supports which funds?

Any fund can be hosted on our platform with the right collaborator. Strategy types are assessed independently (e.g., equities, fixed income, futures, etc.).

What are your screening requirements?

We aim to have a limited number of users or the most significant budget of any given platform. Our strategy for expansion is deliberate and selective; we only join forces with companies we have confidence in. We anticipate that our partners will have at least $500,000 in working capital, $5,000,000 in ETF launch capital on Day 1, and a reasonable plan for growing the fund’s assets under management to $50,000,000 or more.

Step by Step method How to launch an ETF (2024)


What is the process for launching an ETF? ›

We launch a new ETF via three key workstreams: SEC approval, Board approval, and internal compliance program development. Launch times can vary widely based on the Sponsor's registration status, ability to iterate on board materials, and desired launch date. A launch can occur as quickly as 90 days.

What is the ETF approval process? ›

The Ethereum ETF approval process

The process contains a two-step approach: the first step is the approval of the 19b-4 fillings, followed by the second step including the review and approval of each of the eight funds' individual S-1 registration applications.

How do ETFs work for dummies? ›

A cross between an index fund and a stock, they're transparent, easy to trade, and tax-efficient. They're also enticing because they consist of a bundle of assets (such as an index, sector, or commodity), so diversifying your portfolio is easy. You might have even seen them offered in your 401(k) or 529 college plan.

How do ETF managers make money? ›

Most ETF income is generated by the fund's underlying holdings. Typically, that means dividends from stocks or interest (coupons) from bonds. Dividends: These are a portion of the company's earnings paid out in cash or shares to stockholders on a per-share basis, sometimes to attract investors to buy the stock.

Can I buy ETFs without a broker? ›

You'll need a brokerage account to buy and sell securities like ETFs. If you don't already have one, see our resource on brokerage accounts and how to open one.

What is the seed process of an ETF? ›

Seed capital is the initial funding that allows an ETF to launch and become available to investors. The seed capital is used to fund the creation units that underlie the ETF so the shares can then be offered and traded in the open market.

How much does it cost to start an ETF? ›

How Much Does It Cost to Start an ETF? $100,000 to $500,000 for SEC regulation costs. The lower end is for plain-vanilla funds that don't stray from the basic strategy of mimicking a single large-cap index. About $2.5 million to seed the ETF with initial purchases of assets.

What is the 3 ETF strategy? ›

A three-fund portfolio is an investment strategy that involves holding mutual funds or ETFs that invest in U.S. stocks, international stocks and bonds. The strategy is popular with followers of the late Vanguard founder John Bogle, who valued simplicity in investing and keeping investment costs low.

Where do I start ETFs? ›

Step 1: Open a brokerage account.

You'll need a brokerage account before you can buy or sell ETFs. The majority of online brokers now offer commission-free stock and ETF trades, so cost isn't a major consideration. The best course of action is to compare each broker's features and platform.

How long does it take to start an ETF? ›

It generally takes 4-6 months to register an ETF. Much of this time is dedicated to the SEC review process and the exemptive relief application process.

How do ETFs get created? ›

ETF shares are created when an AP submits an order for one or more creation units. A creation unit consists of a specified number of ETF shares, generally ranging from 25,000 to 250,000 shares. The ETF shares are delivered to the AP when the specified creation basket is transferred to the fund.

How do you start a successful ETF? ›

Devise a business plan.

To improve the chances of a successful launch, you must be certain of an inflow of assets. Consider validating your ETF strategy with potential investors before committing to a launch or, better still, carry out formal fund-raising and secure anchor investors.

How much does it cost to launch an ETF? ›

How Much Does It Cost to Start an ETF? $100,000 to $500,000 for SEC regulation costs. The lower end is for plain-vanilla funds that don't stray from the basic strategy of mimicking a single large-cap index. About $2.5 million to seed the ETF with initial purchases of assets.

How long does it take to create an ETF? ›

It generally takes 4-6 months to register an ETF. Much of this time is dedicated to the SEC review process and the exemptive relief application process.

What are the requirements for an ETF? ›

ETFs don't have minimum investment requirements -- at least not in the same sense that mutual funds do. However, ETFs trade on a per-share basis, so unless your broker offers the ability to buy fractional shares of stock, you'll need at least the current price of one share to get started.

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