Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning (2024)


Stock market prediction has been a significant area of research in Machine Learning. Machine learning algorithms such as regression, classifier, and support vector machine (SVM) help predict the stock market. This article presents a simple implementation of analyzing and forecasting Stock market prediction using machine learning. The case study focuses on a popular online retail store, and Random Forest is a powerful tree-based technique for predicting stock prices.

In this article, we explore stock market prediction using machine learning, highlighting a stock price prediction project using machine learning that demonstrates how effective algorithms can enhance stock prediction accuracy. We’ll also introduce a stock price prediction python approach to offer a practical implementation of the discussed techniques.

Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning (1)

Learning Objectives

  • In this tutorial, we will learn about the best ways possible to predict stock prices using a long-short-term memory (LSTM) for time series forecasting.
  • We will learn everything about stock market prediction using LSTM.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • What is the Stock Market?
  • Importance of Stock Market
  • What is Stock Market Prediction? [Problem Statement]
  • Stock Market Prediction Using the Long Short-Term Memory Method
    • Step 1: Importing the Libraries
    • Step 2: Getting to Visualising the Stock Market Prediction Data
    • Step 4: Plotting the True Adjusted Close Value
    • Step 5: Setting the Target Variable and Selecting the Features
    • Step 7: Creating a Training Set and a Test Set for Stock Market Prediction
    • Step 9: Building the LSTM Model for Stock Market Prediction
    • Step 10: Training the Stock Market Prediction Model
    • Step 11: Making the LSTM Prediction
    • Step 12: Comparing Predicted vs True Adjusted Close Value – LSTM
  • Conclusion

What is the Stock Market?

The stock market is the collection of markets where stocks and other securities are bought and sold by investors. Publicly traded companies offer shares of ownership to the public, and those shares can be bought and sold on the stock market. Investors can make money by buying shares of a company at a low price and selling them at a higher price. The stock market is a key component of the global economy, providing businesses with funding for growth and expansion. It is also a popular way for individuals to invest and grow their wealth over time.

Importance of Stock Market

Capital FormationIt provides a source of capital for companies to raise funds for growth and expansion.
Investment OpportunitiesInvestors can potentially grow their wealth over time by investing in the stock market.
Economic IndicatorsThe stock market can indicate the overall health of the economy.
Job CreationPublicly traded companies often create jobs and contribute to the economy’s growth.
Corporate GovernanceShareholders can hold companies accountable for their actions and decision-making processes.
Risk ManagementInvestors can use the stock market to manage their investment risk by diversifying their portfolio.
Market EfficiencyThe stock market helps allocate resources efficiently by directing investments to companies with promising prospects.

What is Stock Market Prediction? [Problem Statement]

Let us see the data on which we will be working before we begin implementing the software to anticipate stock market values. In this section, we will examine the stock price of Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ). The stock price data will be supplied as a Comma Separated File (.csv) that may be opened and analyzed in Excel or a Spreadsheet.

MSFT’s stocks are listed on NASDAQ, and their value is updated every working day of the stock market. It should be noted that the market does not allow trading on Saturdays and Sundays. Therefore, there is a gap between the two dates. The Opening Value of the stock, the Highest and Lowest values of that stock on the same day, as well as the Closing Value at the end of the day are all indicated for each date. Analyzing this data can be useful for stock market prediction using machine learning techniques.

The Adjusted Close Value reflects the stock’s value after dividends have been declared (too technical!). Furthermore, the total volume of the stocks in the market is provided. With this information, it is up to the job of a Machine Learning/Data Scientist to look at the data and develop different algorithms that may extract patterns from the historical data of the Microsoft Corporation stock.

Stock Market Prediction Using the Long Short-Term Memory Method

We will use the Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) method to create a Machine Learning model to forecast Microsoft Corporation stock values. They are used to make minor changes to the information by multiplying and adding. Long-term memory (LSTM) is a deep learning artificial recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture.

Unlike traditional feed-forward neural networks, LSTM has feedback connections. It can handle single data points (such as pictures) as well as full data sequences (such as speech or video).

Program Implementation

We will now go to the section where we will utilize Machine Learning techniques in Python to estimate the stock value using the LSTM.

Step 1: Importing the Libraries

As we all know, the first step is to import the libraries required to preprocess Microsoft Corporation stock data and the other libraries required for constructing and visualizing the LSTM model outputs. We’ll be using the Keras library from the TensorFlow framework for this. All modules are imported from the Keras library.

#Importing the Librariesimport pandas as PDimport NumPy as np%matplotlib inlineimport matplotlib. pyplot as pltimport matplotlibfrom sklearn. Preprocessing import MinMaxScalerfrom Keras. layers import LSTM, Dense, Dropoutfrom sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplitfrom sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_scoreimport matplotlib. dates as mandatesfrom sklearn. Preprocessing import MinMaxScalerfrom sklearn import linear_modelfrom Keras. Models import Sequentialfrom Keras. Layers import Denseimport Keras. Backend as Kfrom Keras. Callbacks import EarlyStoppingfrom Keras. Optimisers import Adamfrom Keras. Models import load_modelfrom Keras. Layers import LSTMfrom Keras. utils.vis_utils import plot_model

Step 2: Getting to Visualising the Stock Market Prediction Data

Using the Pandas Data Reader library, we will upload the stock data from the local system as a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file and save it to a pandas DataFrame. Finally, we will examine the data.

#Get the Datasetdf=pd.read_csv(“MicrosoftStockData.csv”,na_values=[‘null’],index_col=’Date’,parse_dates=True,infer_datetime_format=True)df.head()

Step 3: Checking for Null Values by Printing the DataFrame Shape

In this step, firstly, we will print the structure of the dataset. We’ll then check for null values in the data frame to ensure that there are none. The existence of null values in the dataset causes issues during training since they function as outliers, creating a wide variance in the training process.

#Print the shape of Dataframe and Check for Null Valuesprint(“Dataframe Shape: “, df. shape)print(“Null Value Present: “, df.IsNull().values.any())Output:>> Dataframe Shape: (7334, 6)>>Null Value Present: False
DateOpenHighLowCloseAdj CloseVolume

Step 4: Plotting the True Adjusted Close Value

The Adjusted Close Value is the final output value that will be forecasted using the Machine Learning model. This figure indicates the stock’s closing price on that particular day of stock market trading.

#Plot the True Adj Close Valuedf[‘Adj Close’].plot()
Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning (2)

Step 5: Setting the Target Variable and Selecting the Features

The output column is then assigned to the target variable in the following step. It is the adjusted relative value of Microsoft Stock in this situation. Furthermore, we pick the features that serve as the independent variable to the target variable (dependent variable). We choose four characteristics to account for training purposes:

  • Open
  • High
  • Low
  • Volume
#Set Target Variableoutput_var = PD.DataFrame(df[‘Adj Close’])#Selecting the Featuresfeatures = [‘Open’, ‘High’, ‘Low’, ‘Volume’]

Step 6: Scaling

To decrease the computational cost of the data in the table, we will scale the stock values to values between 0 and 1. As a result, all of the data in large numbers is reduced, and therefore memory consumption is decreased. Also, because the data is not spread out in huge values, we can achieve greater precision by scaling down. To perform this, we will be using the MinMaxScaler class of the sci-kit-learn library.

#Scalingscaler = MinMaxScaler()feature_transform = scaler.fit_transform(df[features])feature_transform= pd.DataFrame(columns=features, data=feature_transform, index=df.index)feature_transform.head()

As shown in the above table, the values of the feature variables are scaled down to lower values when compared to the real values given above.

Step 7: Creating a Training Set and a Test Set for Stock Market Prediction

Before inputting the entire dataset into the training model, we need to partition it into training and test sets. The Machine Learning LSTM model will undergo training using the data in the training set, and its accuracy and backpropagation will be tested against the test set.

To accomplish this, we will employ the TimeSeriesSplit class from the sci-kit-learn library. We will configure the number of splits to be 10, indicating that 10% of the data will serve as the test set, while the remaining 90% will train the LSTM model. The advantage of employing this Time Series split lies in its examination of data samples at regular time intervals.

#Splitting to Training set and Test settimesplit= TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=10)for train_index, test_index in timesplit.split(feature_transform): X_train, X_test = feature_transform[:len(train_index)], feature_transform[len(train_index): (len(train_index)+len(test_index))] y_train, y_test = output_var[:len(train_index)].values.ravel(), output_var[len(train_index): (len(train_index)+len(test_index))].values.ravel()

Step 8: Data Processing For LSTM

Once the training and test sets are finalized, we will input the data into the LSTM model. Before we can do that, we must transform the training and test set data into a format that the LSTM model can interpret. As the LSTM needs that the data to be provided in the 3D form, we first transform the training and test data to NumPy arrays and then restructure them to match the format (Number of Samples, 1, Number of Features). Now, 6667 are the number of samples in the training set, which is 90% of 7334, and the number of features is 4. Therefore, the training set is reshaped to reflect this (6667, 1, 4). Likewise, the test set is reshaped.

#Process the data for LSTMtrainX =np.array(X_train)testX =np.array(X_test)X_train = trainX.reshape(X_train.shape[0], 1, X_train.shape[1])X_test = testX.reshape(X_test.shape[0], 1, X_test.shape[1])

Step 9: Building the LSTM Model for Stock Market Prediction

Finally, we arrive at the point when we construct the LSTM Model. In this step, we’ll build a Sequential Keras model with one LSTM layer. The LSTM layer has 32 units and is followed by one Dense Layer of one neuron.

We compile the model using Adam Optimizer and the Mean Squared Error as the loss function. For an LSTM model, this is the most preferred combination. The model is plotted and presented below.

#Building the LSTM Modellstm = Sequential()lstm.add(LSTM(32, input_shape=(1, trainX.shape[1]), activation=’relu’, return_sequences=False))lstm.add(Dense(1))lstm.compile(loss=’mean_squared_error’, optimizer=’adam’)plot_model(lstm, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning (3)

Step 10: Training the Stock Market Prediction Model

Finally, we use the fit function to train the LSTM model created above on the training data for 100 epochs with a batch size of 8.

#Model, y_train, epochs=100, batch_size=8, verbose=1, shuffle=False)Eросh 1/100834/834 [==============================] – 3s 2ms/steр – lоss: 67.1211Eросh 2/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 70.4911Eросh 3/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 48.8155Eросh 4/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 21.5447Eросh 5/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 6.1709Eросh 6/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 1.8726Eросh 7/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.9380Eросh 8/100834/834 [==============================] – 2s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.6566Eросh 9/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.5369Eросh 10/100834/834 [==============================] – 2s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.4761.... Eросh 95/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.4542Eросh 96/100834/834 [==============================] – 2s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.4553Eросh 97/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.4565Eросh 98/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.4576Eросh 99/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.4588Eросh 100/100834/834 [==============================] – 1s 2ms/steр – lоss: 0.4599

Finally, we can observe that the loss value has dropped exponentially over time over the 100-epoch training procedure, reaching a value of 0.4599.

Step 11: Making the LSTM Prediction

Now that we have our model ready, we can use it to forecast the Adjacent Close Value of the Microsoft stock by using a model trained using the LSTM network on the test set. We can accomplish this by employing simple prediction model on the LSTM model

#LSTM Predictiony_pred= lstm.predict(X_test)

Step 12: Comparing Predicted vs True Adjusted Close Value – LSTM

Finally, now that we’ve projected the values for the test set, we can display the graph to compare both Adj Close’s true values and Adj Close’s predicted value using the LSTM Machine Learning model.

#Predicted vs True Adj Close Value – LSTMplt.plot(y_test, label=’True Value’)plt.plot(y_pred, label=’LSTM Value’)plt.title(“Prediction by LSTM”)plt.xlabel(‘Time Scale’)plt.ylabel(‘Scaled USD’)plt.legend()
Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning (4)

The graph above demonstrates that the extremely basic single LSTM network model created above detects some patterns. We may get a more accurate depiction of every specific company’s stock value by fine-tuning many parameters and adding more LSTM layers to the model.


However, with the introduction of Machine Learning and its strong algorithms, the most recent market research and Stock Market Prediction using machine learning advancements have begun to include such approaches in analyzing stock market data. The Opening Value of the stock, the Highest and Lowest values of that stock on the same day, as well as the Closing Value at the end of the day are all indicated for each date. Furthermore, the total volume of the stocks in the market is provided; with this information, it is up to the job of a Machine Learning Data Scientist to look at the data and develop different algorithms that may help in finding appropriate stocks values.

Predicting the stock market was a time-consuming and laborious procedure a few years or even a decade ago. However, with the application of machine learning for stock market forecasts, the procedure has become much simpler. Machine learning not only saves time and resources but also outperforms people in terms of performance. it will always prefer to use a trained computer algorithm since it will advise you based only on facts, numbers, and data and will not factor in emotions or prejudice. It would be interesting to incorporate sentiment analysis on news & social media regarding the stock market in general, as well as a given stock of interest.

Hope you like the article and now have a clear understanding of stock market prediction using machine learning. This innovative approach can enhance accuracy in stock prediction projects, making stock price prediction projects even more effective.

Key Takeaways

  • Stock Price Prediction using machine learning helps in discovering the future values of a company’s stocks and other assets.
  • Predicting stock prices helps in gaining significant profits.

Q1. How to make stock price predictions using machine learning?

A. Machine learning plays a significant role in the stock market. We can Predict market fluctuation, study consumer behavior & analyze stock prices.

Q2. Which machine learning algorithm is best for stock prediction?

A. LSTM (Long Short-term Memory) is one of the extremely powerful algorithms for time series. It can catch historical trend patterns & predict future values with high accuracy.

Q3. How to predict the stock market using AI?

A. Anyone can use Ai to perform technical analysis by having a clear understanding of the historical data and trends by noticing patterns & analyzing to determine what can happen to the stock. And can term this phenomenon as prediction, based on which strategies are made to achieve goals.

Q4.What is the AI project for stock price prediction?

AI predicts stock prices using data. Challenging due to market changes. Not guaranteed accurate.

The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.

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Prashant13 Sep, 2024

Hello, my name is Prashant, and I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree. I'm in my 3rd year of study, specializing in machine learning, and attending VIT University.In addition to my academic pursuits, I enjoy traveling, blogging, and sports. I'm also a member of the sports club. I'm constantly looking for opportunities to learn and grow both inside and outside the classroom, and I'm excited about the possibilities that my B.Tech degree can offer me in terms of future career prospects.Thank you for taking the time to get to know me, and I look forward to engaging with you further!

BeginnerDeep LearningMachine LearningPythonStock Trading

Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning (2024)


Is it possible to predict the stock market with machine learning? ›

With recent research trends, a popular approach is to apply machine learning algorithms to learn from historical price data, thereby being able to predict future prices. The scale demonstrates predictive power on historical stock price data that outperforms other methods due to its suitability for this data type.

What is the most accurate stock market predictor? ›

1. AltIndex – Overall Most Accurate Stock Predictor with Claimed 72% Win Rate. From our research, AltIndex is the most accurate stock predictor to consider today. Unlike other predictor services, AltIndex doesn't rely on manual research or analysis.

Which AI model is best for stock prediction? ›

High-frequency Trading

AI-based high-frequency trading (HFT) emerges as the undisputed champion for accurately predicting stock prices. The AI algorithms execute trades within milliseconds, allowing investors and financial institutions to capitalize on minuscule price discrepancies.

What are the disadvantages of stock market prediction using machine learning? ›

What are the Challenges and Limitations of Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning?
  • Data Volatility. Stock prices are influenced by a multitude of factors, including news, geopolitical events, and market sentiment. ...
  • Nonlinearity. ...
  • Limited Historical Data. ...
  • Overfitting. ...
  • Data Quality and Bias.
Sep 28, 2023

How accurate is AI stock prediction? ›

The machine learning models can predict stock returns with remarkable accuracy, achieving an average monthly return of up to 2.71% compared to about 1% for traditional methods," adds Professor Azevedo. The study's findings highlight the potential of such technology for the financial market.

Can ChatGPT predict stocks? ›

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool for general- purpose language-based tasks, it is not explicitly trained to predict stock returns. In addition to evaluating ChatGPT, we also assess the capabilities of other prominent natural language processing models.

What is the best algorithm for stock market prediction? ›

LSTM, short for Long Short-term Memory, is an extremely powerful algorithm for time series. It can capture historical trend patterns, and predict future values with high accuracy.

What is the formula for predicting the stock market? ›

This method of predicting future price of a stock is based on a basic formula. The formula is shown above (P/E x EPS = Price). According to this formula, if we can accurately predict a stock's future P/E and EPS, we will know its accurate future price.

Which indicator has highest accuracy in stock market? ›

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is one of the best indicators for identifying entry and exit points. It measures the speed and change of price movements to signal overbought or oversold conditions. This information helps traders make decisions based on likely trend reversals or continuations.

Is there an AI bot that predicts stocks? ›

Intellectia offers a comprehensive range of features, including real-time stock tracking, in-depth technical analysis, and customizable stock selection, all driven by AI. Users can leverage over 100 technical indicators and receive up-to-the-minute financial news, summarized by AI for quick and easy consumption.

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7 best-performing AI stocks
TickerCompanyPerformance (Year)
NVDANVIDIA Corp139.84%
PRCTProcept BioRobotics Corp125.48%
SOUNSoundHound AI Inc106.17%
ISRGIntuitive Surgical Inc58.05%
4 more rows

Is there any AI tool for stock market? ›

Trade Ideas is an free AI tool for stock market india that works with the stock market to find trading opportunities by utilizing AI cloud computing. It sorts through a lot of data to identify equities that are doing strangely. It analyzes vast amounts of market data, news and trends to Identify trading opportunities.

What is the most accurate stock predictor? ›

Capital Economics has been named the most accurate forecaster of major global stock indices in Reuters polls. The 2023 LSEG StarMine Award was given for forecasting accuracy across 11 equities benchmarks and reflects the breadth and depth of our global coverage of macro and markets.

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It was also noted that artificial neural networks, logistic regression, and support vector machines algorithms were capable of predicting the directional movements of all indices with an accuracy rate of over 70 %. Keywords: Classification algorithms; Financial analysis; Machine learning; Stock market indexes.

What is the best method to forecast the stock price? ›

Stock price forecasting is a popular and important topic in financial and academic studies. Time series analysis is the most common and fundamental method used to perform this task.

Can machine learning make predictions? ›

Businesses use machine learning to recognize patterns and then make predictions—about what will appeal to customers, improve operations, or help make a product better.

Can machine learning beat the market? ›

The best it can hope to do is to match the market over the long term. My second reason to predict that AI approaches won't beat the market is that the market already discounts virtually all the publicly available information that would otherwise be used to train machine-learning models.

Which learning methods is best used for predicting the price of a stock? ›

Moving average, linear regression, KNN (k-nearest neighbor), Auto ARIMA, and LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) are some of the most common Deep Learning algorithms that predict stock prices.

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Machine learning trading strategies offer the ability to make more accurate predictions about future market movements. The algorithms can analyze large amounts of historical market data and identify patterns and relationships that are not immediately obvious to human traders.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.