String.EndsWith Method (System) (2024)


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Determines whether the end of this string instance matches a specified string.


EndsWith(String, Boolean, CultureInfo)

Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified culture.

EndsWith(String, StringComparison)

Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option.


Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified character.


Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string.

EndsWith(String, Boolean, CultureInfo)


Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified culture.

public: bool EndsWith(System::String ^ value, bool ignoreCase, System::Globalization::CultureInfo ^ culture);
public bool EndsWith (string value, bool ignoreCase, System.Globalization.CultureInfo? culture);
public bool EndsWith (string value, bool ignoreCase, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture);
member this.EndsWith : string * bool * System.Globalization.CultureInfo -> bool
Public Function EndsWith (value As String, ignoreCase As Boolean, culture As CultureInfo) As Boolean



The string to compare to the substring at the end of this instance.


Cultural information that determines how this instance and value are compared. If culture is null, the current culture is used.



true if the value parameter matches the end of this string; otherwise, false.



value is null.


The following example determines whether a string occurs at the end of another string. The EndsWith method is called several times using case sensitivity, case insensitivity, and different cultures that influence the results of the search.

// This code example demonstrates the // System.String.EndsWith(String, ..., CultureInfo) method.using System;using System.Threading;using System.Globalization;class Sample { public static void Main() { string msg1 = "Search for the target string \"{0}\" in the string \"{1}\".\n"; string msg2 = "Using the {0} - \"{1}\" culture:"; string msg3 = " The string to search ends with the target string: {0}"; bool result = false; CultureInfo ci; // Define a target string to search for. // U+00c5 = LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE string capitalARing = "\u00c5"; // Define a string to search. // The result of combining the characters LATIN SMALL LETTER A and COMBINING // RING ABOVE (U+0061, U+030a) is linguistically equivalent to the character // LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE (U+00e5). string xyzARing = "xyz" + "\u0061\u030a"; // Display the string to search for and the string to search. Console.WriteLine(msg1, capitalARing, xyzARing); // Search using English-United States culture. ci = new CultureInfo("en-US"); Console.WriteLine(msg2, ci.DisplayName, ci.Name); Console.WriteLine("Case sensitive:"); result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, false, ci); Console.WriteLine(msg3, result); Console.WriteLine("Case insensitive:"); result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, true, ci); Console.WriteLine(msg3, result); Console.WriteLine(); // Search using Swedish-Sweden culture. ci = new CultureInfo("sv-SE"); Console.WriteLine(msg2, ci.DisplayName, ci.Name); Console.WriteLine("Case sensitive:"); result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, false, ci); Console.WriteLine(msg3, result); Console.WriteLine("Case insensitive:"); result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, true, ci); Console.WriteLine(msg3, result); }}/*This code example produces the following results (for en-us culture):Search for the target string "Å" in the string "xyza°".Using the English (United States) - "en-US" culture:Case sensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: FalseCase insensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: TrueUsing the Swedish (Sweden) - "sv-SE" culture:Case sensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: FalseCase insensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: False*/
// This code example demonstrates the // System.String.EndsWith(String, ..., CultureInfo) System.Globalization[<EntryPoint>]let main _ = // Define a target string to search for. // U+00c5 = LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE let capitalARing = "\u00c5" // Define a string to search. // The result of combining the characters LATIN SMALL LETTER A and COMBINING // RING ABOVE (U+0061, U+030a) is linguistically equivalent to the character // LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE (U+00e5). let xyzARing = "xyz" + "\u0061\u030a" // Display the string to search for and the string to search. printfn $"Search for the target string \"{capitalARing}\" in the string \"{xyzARing}\".\n" // Search using English-United States culture. let ci = CultureInfo "en-US" printfn $"Using the {ci.DisplayName} - \"{ci.Name}\" culture:" printfn "Case sensitive:" let result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, false, ci) printfn $" The string to search ends with the target string: {result}" printfn "Case insensitive:" let result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, true, ci) printfn $" The string to search ends with the target string: {result}\n" // Search using Swedish-Sweden culture. let ci = CultureInfo "sv-SE" printfn $"Using the {ci.DisplayName} - \"{ci.Name}\" culture:" printfn "Case sensitive:" let result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, false, ci) printfn $" The string to search ends with the target string: {result}" printfn "Case insensitive:" let result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, true, ci) printfn $" The string to search ends with the target string: {result}" 0(*This code example produces the following results (for en-us culture):Search for the target string "Å" in the string "xyza°".Using the English (United States) - "en-US" culture:Case sensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: FalseCase insensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: TrueUsing the Swedish (Sweden) - "sv-SE" culture:Case sensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: FalseCase insensitive: The string to search ends with the target string: False*)
' This code example demonstrates the ' System.String.EndsWith(String, ..., CultureInfo) method.Imports System.ThreadingImports System.GlobalizationClass Sample Public Shared Sub Main() Dim msg1 As String = "Search for the target string ""{0}"" in the string ""{1}""." & vbCrLf Dim msg2 As String = "Using the {0} - ""{1}"" culture:" Dim msg3 As String = " The string to search ends with the target string: {0}" Dim result As Boolean = False Dim ci As CultureInfo ' Define a target string to search for. ' U+00c5 = LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE Dim capitalARing As String = "Å" ' Define a string to search. ' The result of combining the characters LATIN SMALL LETTER A and COMBINING ' RING ABOVE (U+0061, U+030a) is linguistically equivalent to the character ' LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE (U+00e5). Dim xyzARing As String = "xyz" & "å" ' Display the string to search for and the string to search. Console.WriteLine(msg1, capitalARing, xyzARing) ' Search using English-United States culture. ci = New CultureInfo("en-US") Console.WriteLine(msg2, ci.DisplayName, ci.Name) Console.WriteLine("Case sensitive:") result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, False, ci) Console.WriteLine(msg3, result) Console.WriteLine("Case insensitive:") result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, True, ci) Console.WriteLine(msg3, result) Console.WriteLine() ' Search using Swedish-Sweden culture. ci = New CultureInfo("sv-SE") Console.WriteLine(msg2, ci.DisplayName, ci.Name) Console.WriteLine("Case sensitive:") result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, False, ci) Console.WriteLine(msg3, result) Console.WriteLine("Case insensitive:") result = xyzARing.EndsWith(capitalARing, True, ci) Console.WriteLine(msg3, result) End SubEnd Class'This code example produces the following results (for en-us culture):''Search for the target string "Å" in the string "xyza°".''Using the English (United States) - "en-US" culture:'Case sensitive:' The string to search ends with the target string: False'Case insensitive:' The string to search ends with the target string: True''Using the Swedish (Sweden) - "sv-SE" culture:'Case sensitive:' The string to search ends with the target string: False'Case insensitive:' The string to search ends with the target string: False'


This method compares the value parameter to the substring at the end of this string that is the same length as value, and returns a value that indicates whether they are equal. To be equal, value must be a reference to this same instance or match the end of this string.

This method performs a word (culture-sensitive) comparison using the specified casing and culture.

See also

  • InvariantCulture

Applies to

EndsWith(String, StringComparison)


Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option.

public: bool EndsWith(System::String ^ value, StringComparison comparisonType);
public bool EndsWith (string value, StringComparison comparisonType);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)]public bool EndsWith (string value, StringComparison comparisonType);
member this.EndsWith : string * StringComparison -> bool
[<System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)>]member this.EndsWith : string * StringComparison -> bool
Public Function EndsWith (value As String, comparisonType As StringComparison) As Boolean



The string to compare to the substring at the end of this instance.


One of the enumeration values that determines how this string and value are compared.


true if the value parameter matches the end of this string; otherwise, false.





value is null.


comparisonType is not a StringComparison value.


The following example determines whether a string ends with a particular substring. The results are affected by the choice of culture, whether case is ignored, and whether an ordinal comparison is performed.

// This example demonstrates the // System.String.EndsWith(String, StringComparison) method.using namespace System;using namespace System::Threading;void Test(String^ testString, String^ searchString, StringComparison comparison){ String^ resultFormat = "\"{0}\" {1} with \"{2}\"."; String^ resultString = "does not end"; if (testString->EndsWith(searchString, comparison)) { resultString = "ends"; } Console::WriteLine(resultFormat, testString, resultString, searchString);}int main(){ String^ introMessage = "Determine whether a string ends with another string, " + "using\ndifferent values of StringComparison."; array<StringComparison>^ comparisonValues = { StringComparison::CurrentCulture, StringComparison::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparison::InvariantCulture, StringComparison::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparison::Ordinal, StringComparison::OrdinalIgnoreCase}; Console::WriteLine(introMessage); // Display the current culture because the culture-specific comparisons // can produce different results with different cultures. Console::WriteLine("The current culture is {0}.\n", Thread::CurrentThread->CurrentCulture->Name); // Perform two tests for each StringComparison for each (StringComparison stringCmp in comparisonValues) { Console::WriteLine("StringComparison.{0}:", stringCmp); Test("abcXYZ", "XYZ", stringCmp); Test("abcXYZ", "xyz", stringCmp); Console::WriteLine(); }}/*This code example produces the following results:Determine whether a string ends with another string, usingdifferent values of StringComparison.The current culture is en-US.StringComparison.CurrentCulture:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".StringComparison.InvariantCulture:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".StringComparison.Ordinal:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".*/
// This example demonstrates the // System.String.EndsWith(String, StringComparison) method.using System;using System.Threading;class Sample { public static void Main() { string intro = "Determine whether a string ends with another string, " + "using\n different values of StringComparison."; StringComparison[] scValues = { StringComparison.CurrentCulture, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparison.InvariantCulture, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparison.Ordinal, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase }; Console.WriteLine(intro); // Display the current culture because the culture-specific comparisons // can produce different results with different cultures. Console.WriteLine("The current culture is {0}.\n", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name); // Determine whether three versions of the letter I are equal to each other. foreach (StringComparison sc in scValues) { Console.WriteLine("StringComparison.{0}:", sc); Test("abcXYZ", "XYZ", sc); Test("abcXYZ", "xyz", sc); Console.WriteLine(); } } protected static void Test(string x, string y, StringComparison comparison) { string resultFmt = "\"{0}\" {1} with \"{2}\"."; string result = "does not end"; if (x.EndsWith(y, comparison)) result = "ends"; Console.WriteLine(resultFmt, x, result, y); }}/*This code example produces the following results:Determine whether a string ends with another string, using different values of StringComparison.The current culture is en-US.StringComparison.CurrentCulture:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".StringComparison.InvariantCulture:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".StringComparison.Ordinal:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".*/
// This example demonstrates the // System.String.EndsWith(String, StringComparison) Systemopen System.Threadinglet test (x: string) y (comparison: StringComparison) = let result = if x.EndsWith(y, comparison) then "ends" else "does not end" printfn $"\"{x}\" {result} with \"{y}\"."let scValues = [| StringComparison.CurrentCulture StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase StringComparison.InvariantCulture StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase StringComparison.Ordinal StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase |]printfn "Determine whether a string ends with another string, using\n different values of StringComparison."// Display the current culture because the culture-specific comparisons// can produce different results with different cultures.printfn $"The current culture is {Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name}.\n"// Determine whether three versions of the letter I are equal to each other. for sc in scValues do printfn $"StringComparison.{sc}:" test "abcXYZ" "XYZ" sc test "abcXYZ" "xyz" sc printfn ""(*This code example produces the following results:Determine whether a string ends with another string, using different values of StringComparison.The current culture is en-US.StringComparison.CurrentCulture:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".StringComparison.InvariantCulture:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".StringComparison.Ordinal:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase:"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ"."abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".*)
' This example demonstrates the ' System.String.EndsWith(String, StringComparison) method.Imports System.ThreadingClass Sample Public Shared Sub Main() Dim intro As String = "Determine whether a string ends with another string, " & _ "using" & vbCrLf & " different values of StringComparison." Dim scValues As StringComparison() = { _ StringComparison.CurrentCulture, _ StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, _ StringComparison.InvariantCulture, _ StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, _ StringComparison.Ordinal, _ StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase } Console.WriteLine(intro) ' Display the current culture because the culture-specific comparisons ' can produce different results with different cultures. Console.WriteLine("The current culture is {0}." & vbCrLf, _ Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name) ' Determine whether three versions of the letter I are equal to each other. Dim sc As StringComparison For Each sc In scValues Console.WriteLine("StringComparison.{0}:", sc) Test("abcXYZ", "XYZ", sc) Test("abcXYZ", "xyz", sc) Console.WriteLine() Next sc End Sub Protected Shared Sub Test(ByVal x As String, ByVal y As String, _ ByVal comparison As StringComparison) Dim resultFmt As String = """{0}"" {1} with ""{2}""." Dim result As String = "does not end" ' If x.EndsWith(y, comparison) Then result = "ends" End If Console.WriteLine(resultFmt, x, result, y) End SubEnd Class''This code example produces the following results:''Determine whether a string ends with another string, using' different values of StringComparison.'The current culture is en-US.''StringComparison.CurrentCulture:'"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ".'"abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".''StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase:'"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ".'"abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".''StringComparison.InvariantCulture:'"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ".'"abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".''StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase:'"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ".'"abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".''StringComparison.Ordinal:'"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ".'"abcXYZ" does not end with "xyz".''StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase:'"abcXYZ" ends with "XYZ".'"abcXYZ" ends with "xyz".'


The EndsWith method compares the value parameter to the substring at the end of this string and returns a value that indicates whether they are equal. To be equal, value must be a reference to this same string, must be the empty string (""), or must match the end of this string. The type of comparison performed by the EndsWith method depends on the value of the comparisonType parameter.

See also

  • StringComparison

Applies to



Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified character.

public: bool EndsWith(char value);
public bool EndsWith (char value);
member this.EndsWith : char -> bool
Public Function EndsWith (value As Char) As Boolean



The character to compare to the character at the end of this instance.



true if value matches the end of this instance; otherwise, false.


This method performs an ordinal (case-sensitive and culture-insensitive) comparison.

Applies to



Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string.

public: bool EndsWith(System::String ^ value);
public bool EndsWith (string value);
member this.EndsWith : string -> bool
Public Function EndsWith (value As String) As Boolean



The string to compare to the substring at the end of this instance.



true if value matches the end of this instance; otherwise, false.



value is null.


The following example indicates whether each string in an array ends with a period (".").

using System;public class Example{ public static void Main() { String[] strings = { "This is a string.", "Hello!", "Nothing.", "Yes.", "randomize" }; foreach (var value in strings) { bool endsInPeriod = value.EndsWith("."); Console.WriteLine("'{0}' ends in a period: {1}", value, endsInPeriod); } }}// The example displays the following output:// 'This is a string.' ends in a period: True// 'Hello!' ends in a period: False// 'Nothing.' ends in a period: True// 'Yes.' ends in a period: True// 'randomize' ends in a period: False
let strings = [| "This is a string."; "Hello!"; "Nothing." "Yes."; "randomize" |]for value in strings do let endsInPeriod = value.EndsWith "." printfn $"'{value}' ends in a period: {endsInPeriod}"// The example displays the following output:// 'This is a string.' ends in a period: True// 'Hello!' ends in a period: False// 'Nothing.' ends in a period: True// 'Yes.' ends in a period: True// 'randomize' ends in a period: False
Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim strings() As String = { "This is a string.", "Hello!", "Nothing.", "Yes.", "randomize" } For Each value In strings Dim endsInPeriod As Boolean = value.EndsWith(".") Console.WriteLine("'{0}' ends in a period: {1}", value, endsInPeriod) Next End SubEnd Module' The example displays the following output:' 'This is a string.' ends in a period: True' 'Hello!' ends in a period: False' 'Nothing.' ends in a period: True' 'Yes.' ends in a period: True' 'randomize' ends in a period: False

The following example defines a StripEndTags method that uses the EndsWith(String) method to remove HTML end tags from the end of a line. Note that the StripEndTags method is called recursively to ensure that multiple HTML end tags at the end of the line are removed.

using namespace System;using namespace System::Collections;String^ StripEndTags( String^ item ){ bool found = false; // try to find a tag at the end of the line using EndsWith if ( item->Trim()->EndsWith( ">" ) ) { // now search for the opening tag... int lastLocation = item->LastIndexOf( "</" ); // remove the identified section, if it is a valid region if ( lastLocation >= 0 ) { item = item->Substring( 0, lastLocation ); found = true; } } if (found) item = StripEndTags(item); return item;}int main(){ // process an input file that contains html tags. // this sample checks for multiple tags at the end of the line, rather than simply // removing the last one. // note: HTML markup tags always end in a greater than symbol (>). array<String^>^strSource = {"<b>This is bold text</b>","<H1>This is large Text</H1>","<b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>","<b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>","This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>"}; Console::WriteLine( "The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:" ); Console::WriteLine( "-----------------------------------------------------------------" ); // print out the initial array of strings IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = strSource->GetEnumerator(); while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() ) { String^ s = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum1->Current); Console::WriteLine( s ); } Console::WriteLine(); Console::WriteLine( "The following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:" ); Console::WriteLine( "----------------------------------------------------------------" ); // Display the array of strings. IEnumerator^ myEnum2 = strSource->GetEnumerator(); while ( myEnum2->MoveNext() ) { String^ s = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum2->Current); Console::WriteLine( StripEndTags( s ) ); }}// The example displays the following output:// The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:// -----------------------------------------------------------------// <b>This is bold text</b>// <H1>This is large Text</H1>// <b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>// <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>// This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>// // The following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:// ----------------------------------------------------------------// <b>This is bold text// <H1>This is large Text// <b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags// <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.// This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>
using System;public class EndsWithTest { public static void Main() { // process an input file that contains html tags. // this sample checks for multiple tags at the end of the line, rather than simply // removing the last one. // note: HTML markup tags always end in a greater than symbol (>). string [] strSource = { "<b>This is bold text</b>", "<H1>This is large Text</H1>", "<b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>", "<b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>", "This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>" }; Console.WriteLine("The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); // print out the initial array of strings foreach ( string s in strSource ) Console.WriteLine( s ); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------"); // print out the array of strings foreach (var s in strSource) Console.WriteLine(StripEndTags(s)); } private static string StripEndTags( string item ) { bool found = false; // try to find a tag at the end of the line using EndsWith if (item.Trim().EndsWith(">")) { // now search for the opening tag... int lastLocation = item.LastIndexOf( "</" ); // remove the identified section, if it is a valid region if ( lastLocation >= 0 ) { found = true; item = item.Substring( 0, lastLocation ); } } if (found) item = StripEndTags(item); return item; }}// The example displays the following output:// The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:// -----------------------------------------------------------------// <b>This is bold text</b>// <H1>This is large Text</H1>// <b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>// <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>// This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>//// The following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:// ----------------------------------------------------------------// <b>This is bold text// <H1>This is large Text// <b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags// <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.// This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>
let rec stripEndTags item = let mutable item: string = item let mutable found = false // try to find a tag at the end of the line using EndsWith if item.Trim().EndsWith ">" then // now search for the opening tag... let lastLocation = item.LastIndexOf "</" // remove the identified section, if it is a valid region if lastLocation >= 0 then found <- true item <- item.Substring(0, lastLocation) if found then stripEndTags item else item// process an input file that contains html tags.// this sample checks for multiple tags at the end of the line, rather than simply// removing the last one.// note: HTML markup tags always end in a greater than symbol (>).let strSource = [| "<b>This is bold text</b>"; "<H1>This is large Text</H1>" "<b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>" "<b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>" "This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>" |]printfn "The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:"printfn "-----------------------------------------------------------------"// print out the initial array of stringsfor s in strSource do printfn $"{s}"printfn "\nThe following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:"printfn "----------------------------------------------------------------"// print out the array of stringsfor s in strSource do printfn $"{stripEndTags s}"// The example displays the following output:// The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:// -----------------------------------------------------------------// <b>This is bold text</b>// <H1>This is large Text</H1>// <b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>// <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>// This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>//// The following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:// ----------------------------------------------------------------// <b>This is bold text// <H1>This is large Text// <b><i><font color=green>This has multiple tags// <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.// This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>
Public Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim strSource() As String = { "<b>This is bold text</b>", "<H1>This is large Text</H1>", "<b><i><font color = green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>", "<b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>", "This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>" } Console.WriteLine("The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:") Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------------") ' Display the initial array of strings. For Each s As String In strSource Console.WriteLine(s) Next Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("The following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:") Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------") ' Display the array of strings. For Each s As String In strSource Console.WriteLine(StripEndTags(s)) Next End Sub Private Function StripEndTags(item As String) As String Dim found As Boolean = False ' Try to find a tag at the end of the line using EndsWith. If item.Trim().EndsWith(">") Then ' now search for the opening tag... Dim lastLocation As Integer = item.LastIndexOf("</") If lastLocation >= 0 Then found = True ' Remove the identified section, if it is a valid region. item = item.Substring(0, lastLocation) End If End If If found Then item = StripEndTags(item) Return item End Function End Module' The example displays the following output:' The following lists the items before the ends have been stripped:' -----------------------------------------------------------------' <b>This is bold text</b>' <H1>This is large Text</H1>' <b><i><font color = green>This has multiple tags</font></i></b>' <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.</b>' This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>' ' The following lists the items after the ends have been stripped:' ----------------------------------------------------------------' <b>This is bold text' <H1>This is large Text' <b><i><font color = green>This has multiple tags' <b>This has <i>embedded</i> tags.' This line simply ends with a greater than symbol, it should not be modified>


This method compares value to the substring at the end of this instance that is the same length as value, and returns an indication whether they are equal. To be equal, value must be a reference to this same instance or match the end of this instance.

This method performs a word (case-sensitive and culture-sensitive) comparison using the current culture.

Notes to Callers

As explained in Best Practices for Using Strings, we recommend that you avoid calling string comparison methods that substitute default values and instead call methods that require parameters to be explicitly specified. To determine whether a string ends with a particular substring by using the string comparison rules of the current culture, signal your intention explicitly by calling the EndsWith(String, StringComparison) method overload with a value of CurrentCulture for its comparisonType parameter. If you don't need linguistic-aware comparison, consider using Ordinal.

See also

  • StartsWith(String)
  • Compare(String, String)

Applies to

String.EndsWith Method (System) (2024)
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Article information

Author: Duncan Muller

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Views: 6568

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.