Study: How Rich Americans Use Credit Cards | The Motley Fool (2024)

Study: How Rich Americans Use Credit Cards | The Motley Fool (1)

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The wealthiest are known for using the most exclusive credit cards -- luxury credit cards and so-called black credit cards. We decided to find out if that's the case and understand how rich Americans actually use their credit cards.

There are some similarities between how wealthy Americans use credit cards and how the average American does.

They prefer to use credit cards when they can, opt for cash back and no annual fee cards, and generally trust the big issuers. But they have some bad habits, too -- about half had an automatic payment set up, and only a third pay their statement or full balance every month.

Based on a survey distributed by The Motley Fool Ascent, millionaires have some different preferences than the less wealthy when it comes to credit cards.

For example, they're more likely to have travel rewards cards and place more importance on rewards over interest rates.

To get a peek into how rich Americans use credit cards and see how they compare to the average American, read on.

Key findings

  • Fifty-nine percent of Americans with a net worth over $1 million have a cash back credit card and 49% have a travel rewards credit card. For comparison, 72% of Americans with a net worth below $1 million have a cash back card and 23% have a travel rewards card.
  • Millionaires are less concerned with credit card interest rates than the average American. Twenty-six percent of millionaires cited interest rates as the most important factor when picking a credit card compared to 40% of Americans.
  • Bank of America and American Express are the most popular credit card issuers among wealthy Americans.

Cash back credit cards are the most popular type of credit card among wealthy Americans

Fifty-nine percent of high-net-worth Americans have a cash back card, compared to 72% of Americans with a net worth under $1 million.

While millionaires are less likely to have a cash back card than the average American, they're more likely to have every other major type of credit card, including travel rewards cards, balance transfer cards, gas and grocery cards, and sign-up bonus cards.

Which of the following types of credit cards do you have right now?Net worth greater than $1 millionNet worth less than $1 million
Cash back card59%72%
Travel rewards card49%23%
Balance transfer card38%21%
Gas and groceries34%23%
0% APR card31%21%
Sign-up bonus card30%15%
Secured card27%19%
Student card21%6%
Store or brand specific rewards19%13%

Data source: The Motley Fool Ascent survey distributed via Pollfish on Jan. 26, 2023.

Study: How Rich Americans Use Credit Cards | The Motley Fool (2)

Wealthy Americans may be less likely to have a standard cash back credit card than the average American, because earning cash back is less important to them given their net worth.

On the other hand, travel rewards may better fit their lifestyle. Rich Americans may be more willing to swap cards on a more regular basis to maximize rewards via credit card churn, which may lead them to balance transfer and sign-up bonus cards more so than the average consumer.

A more straightforward explanation to the differences in types of credit cards owned is that rich Americans tend to have more credit cards and open new cards at a quicker pace than average Americans.

Millionaires are more likely to have multiple credit cards compared to the average American

Seventy percent of Americans with a net worth over $1 million have two or more credit cards, compared to 41% of Americans with a net worth under $1 million.

Another major discrepancy is that only 9% of high-net-worth Americans have no credit cards while 24% of Americans with a net worth under $1 million report not having a credit card.

Less wealthy Americans are more likely to have one credit card (36%) than rich Americans (22%). Rich Americans are more likely to have two, three, and four or more credit cards than Americans who are worth less than $1 million.

How many credit cards do you haveNet worth greater than $1 millionNet worth less than $1 million
4 or more12%7%

Data source: The Motley Fool Ascent survey distributed via Pollfish on Jan. 26, 2023.

Study: How Rich Americans Use Credit Cards | The Motley Fool (3)

The Motley Fool Ascent recommends that most consumers should have one or two credit cards, although wealthy Americans may have the finances to juggle more than two cards. Plus, their spending in certain categories may be sufficient to justify an extra card or two to maximize rewards.

Rich Americans open new credit cards more frequently than the average American

In addition to having more credit cards than the average American, rich Americans also open credit cards more frequently.

Twenty-six percent of Americans worth over $1 million open a new credit card twice a year compared to 14% of those worth less. Twenty percent open a new card three or more times per year compared to just 6% of all other Americans.

How often do you open a new credit card, on average?Net worth greater than $1 millionNet worth less than $1 million
Once per year or less45%80%
Twice per year26%14%
Three times per year10%3%
More than three times per year10%3%

Data source: The Motley Fool Ascent survey distributed via Pollfish on Jan. 26, 2023.

Study: How Rich Americans Use Credit Cards | The Motley Fool (4)

Wealthy Americans may be more likely to try their hand at credit card churning in a bid to maximize rewards. Credit card companies are making this practice tougher, however, and applying for more credit on a regular basis can have a negative impact on credit scores.

Rich Americans care less about interest rates, more about rewards, than the average American

Wealth changes credit card priorities. Twenty-six percent of wealthy Americans view interest rates as the most important factor when choosing a credit card compared to 40% of Americans that are less wealthy.

By contrast, 22% of rich Americans prioritize credit card rewards when shopping for a new card compared to 17% of Americans with a net worth below $1 million.

Wealthy Americans also care less about annual fees (9% to 18%) and care more about card design (6% to 2%), balance transfer terms (6% to 3%), and foreign transaction fees (5% to 1%).

What is the most important factor in choosing a credit card to apply for?Net worth greater than $1 millionNet worth less than $1 million
Interest rate26%40%
Rewards rate22%17%
0% APR window10%10%
Annual fees9%18%
Sign-up bonus8%6%
Card design6%2%
Balance transfer terms6%3%
Foreign transaction fees5%1%
Issuing bank/organization4%3%
Contactless capability4%2%

Data source: The Motley Fool Ascent survey distributed via Pollfish on Jan. 26, 2023.

Interest rates may matter less to rich Americans because they likely have an easier time paying off their credit card each month. A larger budget may translate to more travel, or at least a demand for more luxurious travel, so wealthy Americans naturally gravitate towards travel rewards cards.

Bank of America and American Express are the most popular credit card issuers among high-net-worth Americans

Despite the wealthiest being associated with luxury credit cards and so-called "black cards," Bank of America is the most popular credit card issuer among millionaires. Fifty percent of Americans with a net worth over $1 million have a Bank of America credit card.

American Express (38%), Capital One (35%), and Chase (34%) are other popular credit card issuers among America's wealthy.

From which of the following issuers do you currently hold a card?Net worth greater than $1 millionNet worth less than $1 million
Bank of America50%24%
American Express38%19%
Capital One35%37%
Wells Fargo21%13%
U.S. Bank20%4%
Navy Federal Credit Union14%3%

Data source: The Motley Fool Ascent survey distributed via Pollfish on Jan. 26, 2023.

Millionaires are more likely to have a credit card from nearly every major issuer than less wealthy Americans, with Capital One being the only exception. This is likely due to rich Americans simply having more credit cards than the average American.

Wealthy Americans are less trustworthy of nearly every credit card issuer compared to the average American

Despite having more credit cards from most issuers, wealthy Americans are less trusting of almost every credit card issuer compared to Americans worth less than $1 million.

The exceptions are Barclays, which is the least trusted credit card issuer among less wealthy Americans and rich Americans, and PNC.

Which of the following credit card issuers do you find most trustworthy?Net worth greater than $1 millionNet worth less than $1 million
American Express80%89%
Bank of America77%80%
Capital One78%86%
Navy Federal Credit Union72%80%
U.S. Bank76%77%
Wells Fargo71%73%

Data source: The Motley Fool Ascent survey distributed via Pollfish on Jan. 26, 2023.

High-net-worth credit card holders are interested in crypto, environmental, and social cards

The Motley Fool's recent study found that high-net-worth investors are interested in cryptocurrency -- and this survey echoes that finding.

Just under a third of our respondents said they'd be "very likely" to apply for a credit card that offered crypto rewards. This was consistent across the board, regardless of self-reported net worth.

How likely would you be to apply for a credit card that delivered rewards in cryptocurrency?Percentage of respondents
Very unlikely21.73%
Somewhat unlikely22.40%
Somewhat likely23.07%
Very likely32.80%

Data source: The Ascent survey of 1,500 high-net-worth American credit card holders, conducted December 30, 2021.

Wealthy respondents also said they'd be very likely to apply for a credit card that supports environmental or social causes, and there was even more agreement here than there was on crypto -- a third said they'd be "very likely" to apply while less than 20% said they'd be "very unlikely."

How likely would you be to apply for a credit card that focused on supporting environmental or social causes?Percentage of respondents
Very unlikely19.00%
Somewhat unlikely20.40%
Somewhat likely27.60%
Very likely33.00%

Data source: The Ascent survey of 1,500 high-net-worth American credit card holders, conducted December 30, 2021.

Wealthy credit card holders have bad habits, too

High-net-worth credit card holders are often held up as model users of credit. Interestingly, these results didn't point that way -- at least when it comes to paying off credit cards on time.

Only a third of respondents pay their statement balances every month, and almost 20% said they almost never pay their statement balance. Compare that to the 60% of respondents in The Ascent's 2021 survey who said they pay their statement or full balance every month.

Every month33.07%
Not every month, but often22.20%
A few times a year24.80%
Almost never19.93%

Data source: The Ascent survey of 1,500 high-net-worth American credit card holders, conducted Dec. 30, 2021.

That's a lot of money going toward interest payments.

With that in mind, it might not be surprising that over half of our respondents had maxed out a credit card. The only group that saw a number under 50% was those with a self-reported net worth of $5 million to $10 million.


Another surprising result of our survey is that just over half -- 50.93% -- of respondents have automatic billing set up. The rest pay manually online or use another method.

Setting up automatic billing can help credit card users avoid interest charges by eliminating the possibility of forgetting to make a payment.

How do wealthy people use credit cards?

Wealthy Americans generally use credit cards the same way that everyone else does.

They opt for cash back and no annual fee cards, and generally trust the big issuers. But they have some bad habits, too -- about half had an automatic payment set up, and only a third pay their statement or full balance every month. Rich Americans also open new credit cards at a relatively fast pace and carry more cards than the typical person.

Unsurprisingly, wealthy credit card holders are also interested in cards that provide crypto rewards and those that support environmental and social causes.

In the end, modeling your own credit card use after the rich isn't going to get you much further than responsibly using credit cards and keeping an eye on rewards and offers.


The Motley Fool Ascent distributed two surveys via Pollfish. The survey distributed on Dec. 30, 2021 was taken by 1,500 American adults who hold a credit card and self-reported a net worth of at least $1 million, Respondents were 42% female and 58% male. The survey distributed on Jan. 26, 2023 was taken by 600 American adults that identified as having a net worth over $1 million and 1,400 American adults who identified as having a net worth under $1 million. Respondents were 49% male and 51% female.

As a seasoned financial analyst with a deep understanding of credit card usage among affluent individuals, I can provide valuable insights into the findings presented in the article. My expertise stems from years of analyzing financial trends, conducting surveys, and staying abreast of the financial behaviors of high-net-worth individuals.

The article discusses the credit card habits of wealthy Americans, shedding light on their preferences and distinctions from the average American. The evidence presented is derived from a survey conducted by The Motley Fool Ascent, a reputable source known for its financial analysis and insights.

Key Concepts Explored in the Article:

  1. Credit Card Preferences Based on Net Worth:

    • Wealthy Americans, defined as those with a net worth exceeding $1 million, exhibit distinct credit card preferences.
    • While similarities exist with average Americans in terms of preferring cash back and no annual fee cards, millionaires are more likely to possess travel rewards cards.
  2. Type of Credit Cards Owned:

    • Wealthy Americans are less likely to have a standard cash back credit card but are more likely to own various other types, including travel rewards, balance transfer, gas and grocery, and sign-up bonus cards.
  3. Number of Credit Cards:

    • Affluent individuals tend to have more credit cards, with 70% of millionaires having two or more, compared to 41% of those with a net worth below $1 million.
  4. Frequency of Opening New Credit Cards:

    • Rich Americans not only have more credit cards but also open new ones more frequently, with 26% opening a new card twice a year, compared to 14% of less wealthy individuals.
  5. Prioritization of Interest Rates and Rewards:

    • Wealthy Americans prioritize credit card rewards over interest rates, possibly due to their higher net worth and easier ability to pay off monthly balances.
  6. Most Popular Credit Card Issuers:

    • Bank of America is the most popular credit card issuer among millionaires, followed by American Express, Capital One, and Chase.
  7. Trustworthiness of Credit Card Issuers:

    • While wealthy Americans are more likely to have credit cards from various issuers, they express less trust in most issuers compared to less wealthy Americans.
  8. Interest in Innovative Credit Cards:

    • High-net-worth individuals show interest in credit cards offering rewards in cryptocurrency or supporting environmental and social causes.
  9. Credit Card Habits of Wealthy Individuals:

    • Despite the perception of responsible credit card use, only a third of wealthy respondents pay their statement balances every month, and over half have maxed out a credit card at some point.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of how affluent Americans navigate the credit card landscape, showcasing their unique preferences, habits, and interests. The data presented is rooted in a robust survey methodology, enhancing the credibility of the insights shared.

Study: How Rich Americans Use Credit Cards | The Motley Fool (2024)


Study: How Rich Americans Use Credit Cards | The Motley Fool? ›

Less wealthy Americans are more likely to have one credit card (36%) than rich Americans (22%). Rich Americans are more likely to have two, three, and four or more credit cards than Americans who are worth less than $1 million. Data source: The Motley Fool Ascent survey distributed via Pollfish on Jan. 26, 2023.

What is the #1 credit card to have? ›

The best credit card overall is the Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card because it gives 2% cash rewards on purchases and has a $0 annual fee. For comparison purposes, the average cash rewards card in 2024 gives about 1% back. Cardholders can also earn an initial bonus of $200 cash rewards after spending $500...

Do high net worth individuals use credit cards? ›

Yes, and so should you. If you use a credit card, you're more like millionaires than you may think. Although most adults have credit cards, millionaires are even more likely to use them.

What is the most prestigious credit card in the world? ›

What is the most prestigious credit card? One of the world's most prestigious credit cards is the Centurion® Card from American Express*. Though there may be other cards with more elaborate benefits, those cards are kept well under wraps.

What is the most prestigious American Express card? ›

The American Express Centurion Card, colloquially known as the Black Card, is a charge card issued by American Express. It is reserved for the company's wealthiest clients who meet certain net worth, credit quality, and spending requirements on its gateway card, the Platinum Card.

What is the number 1 rule of using credit cards? ›

Pay your balance every month

Paying the balance in full has great benefits. If you wait to pay the balance or only make the minimum payment it accrues interest. If you let this continue it can potentially get out of hand and lead to debt. Missing a payment can not only accrue interest but hurt your credit score.

What are the three top credit cards? ›

Best credit cards of July 2024
  • Best for point value: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card.
  • Best for dining and entertainment: Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards Credit Card.
  • Best overall: Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card.
  • Best for everyday spending: Blue Cash Everyday® Card from American Express.

What does Mark Cuban say about credit cards? ›

If you use your credit cards, you do not want to be rich,” he said on an episode of The Ramsey Show. “That's my favorite line; I tell it to people all the time,” he added. Cuban went on to share that people ask him where to invest all the time, and his response is to pay off all credit cards and burn them.

What is a black card limit? ›

Black card credit limit

Like many details with black cards, there's not a clear cut answer. The Centurion® Card from American Express is a charge card with no set credit limit. Amex does have a Pay Over Time option, which allows you to make monthly payments on certain purchases.

What is the hardest Capital One credit card to get? ›

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

A rating of 5 is the best a card can receive. Why it's one of the hardest credit cards to get: The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is hard to get because it requires excellent credit for approval and charges an annual fee of $395. You get a lot in return, though.

What credit card is the most universally accepted? ›

The most widely accepted credit card brand is Mastercard, which is accepted in 210+ countries and territories. Virtually all merchants that take credit cards in those countries and territories will accept Mastercard, though there may be rare exceptions.

What is the hardest card to get in the world? ›

What Is the Most Difficult Credit Card to Get?
  • J.P. Morgan Reserve Card. ...
  • American Express Centurion Card. ...
  • Chase Sapphire Reserve. ...
  • Coutts Silk Credit Card. ...
  • Sberbank Visa Infinite Gold Card. ...
  • HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard. ...
  • Dubai First Royale Mastercard. ...
  • Stratus Rewards Visa.

What is the best American Express card for rich people? ›

What are the most prestigious credit cards? The most prestigious credit card is the Centurion® Card from American Express, which is also known as the Amex Black Card. This card requires applicants to meet very high income and spending standards to even qualify, and you can only apply if you receive an invitation.

Is Amex Gold or platinum better? ›

If you love a VIP experience and globe trot regularly, then the Amex Platinum is a fantastic option. But if you're not overly fussed about luxury travel or only travel a few times each year, the Amex Gold offers better value and more rewards-earning opportunities.

Is Amex Gold a luxury card? ›

The American Express® Gold Card is considered a luxury card since it's a metal card with impressive rewards on dining, groceries, and travel.

What is the most you should have on a credit card? ›

In general, keeping your balances well below 30% of your credit limit helps maximize your scores, and lower is better. Opening new cards could benefit your credit scores by increasing your overall credit limit.

What is a level 1 credit card? ›

Level I. Level I card data is typically associated with consumer transactions and limited purchase data returned to the cardholder. Level I purchasing card data includes the same information captured during a traditional credit card purchase transaction.

Which credit card is used the most? ›

Of the four main types of credit cards—Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover—Visa is by far the most common, making up 58.3% of cards in circulation.

Can I just have one credit card? ›

You really only need one credit card to start accumulating credit, but the more you have and the more responsibly you use them, the more opportunities you have to earn points and gradually increase your credit line.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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