Sub-Accounts | Help Center (2024)

The Sub-accounts feature allows the Exchange users to set up multiple Sub-accounts under their existing primary account (“Master Account”). It enables users to better manage their trading risks by implementing different strategies in each Sub-account.

Each Sub-account shows its own balances, margin, and positions, and users can use each Sub-account for transactions they wish to group together under that Sub-Account. Profit and loss are shown separately within each Sub-account.

At this moment, you can only access underlying Sub-accounts through your Master Account, and the associated Master Account password and log in. The following table summarizes the key specifications of the Sub-accounts feature.




Max No. of Sub-accounts



KYC Verification

Sub-accounts inherit the Master Account’s KYC verification tier

Sub-accounts inherit the Master Account’s KYC verification tier

Trading Support

  • Spot Trading (Sub-accounts have access to Spot Trading by default)

  • Margin Trading (If permitted without geo-restriction)

  • Derivative Trading (If permitted without geo-restriction)

  • Spot Trading (Sub-accounts have access to Spot Trading by default)

  • Margin Trading (If permitted without geo-restriction)

  • Derivative Trading (If permitted without geo-restriction)

Trading Volume

All Sub-account spot trading volumes are calculated towards Master Account total spot trading volumes.

All Sub-account derivatives trading volumes are calculated towards Master Account total derivatives trading volumes.

All Sub-account spot trading volumes are calculated towards Master Account total spot trading volumes.

All Sub-account derivatives trading volumes are calculated towards Master Account total derivatives trading volumes.

Trading Fee Rebate & Discounts

Sub-accounts inherit the same trading fee tier as the Master Account. Trading fee rebates and discounts are calculated per account and paid to individual accounts respectively (i.e. Master Account, Sub-accounts).

Sub-accounts inherit the same trading fee tier as the Master Account. Trading fee rebates and discounts are calculated per account and paid to individual accounts respectively (i.e. Master Account, Sub-accounts).

Margin Trading Interest

Sub-accounts inherit the same interest rate tier as the Master Account.

Sub-accounts inherit the same interest rate tier as the Master Account.

API Keys Support

Each Sub-account has an API hard limit of 10 calls per URL per second (same as our current API hard limit when no Sub-accounts have been activated)

  • For user APIs, the limit count will be performed per Sub-account account.

  • For market APIs, the limit count will still be performed per IP address

Each Sub-account can have API keys associated with the specific Sub-account based on either of the following configurations:

  • Read Only

  • Enable Trading

Each Sub-account has an API hard limit of 10 calls per URL per second (same as our current API hard limit when no Sub-accounts have been activated)

  • For user APIs, the limit count will be performed per Sub-account account.

  • For market APIs, the limit count will still be performed per IP address

Each Sub-account can have API keys associated with the specific Sub-account based on either of the following configurations:

  • Read Only

  • Enable Trading


Transfers between Master Account Wallet and Sub-account Wallets are permitted.

Transfers between wallets associated with a specific Sub-account are also permitted.

Transfers between Master Account Wallet and Sub-account Wallets are permitted.

Transfers between wallets associated with a specific Sub-account are also permitted.

On-Chain Transactions

All on-chain deposits and withdrawals must be via your Master Account Wallet.

All on-chain deposits and withdrawals must be via your Master Account Wallet.

Off-Chain Transactions

Transfers to and from the App must be via your Master Account Wallet.

Not applicable

Use by Third Parties

Sub-accounts are only for your benefit alone. It should not be used by third parties.

You may grant certain Authorised Persons access to your account on your behalf. You remain responsible for all actions for Authorised Persons.

Segregation of Liabilities

The Master Account and all Sub-Accounts are still part of the same account you have with us. This means that provisions of our Agreement relating to liability and set-off apply across the Master Account and all Sub-Accounts. For example, if a margin top-up obligation in respect of a Sub-Account is not met, then we may have rights against any other assets, even if they are allocated to a different Sub-Account.

The Master Account and all Sub-Accounts are still part of the same account you have with us. This means that provisions of our Agreement relating to liability and set-off apply across the Master Account and all Sub-Accounts. For example, if a margin top-up obligation in respect of a Sub-Account is not met, then we may have rights against any other assets, even if they are allocated to a different Sub-Account.

A Master Account has access to the full features of the Exchange and is subject to the terms and jurisdiction requirements of each feature. For the underlying Sub-accounts, features may be more limited. This section describes the key functionalities and settings associated with Sub-accounts.

If any of the following events occur, then there is an immediate change to all associated Sub-accounts linked to that Master Account:

  • Master Account KYC level is downgraded

  • Master Account is ineligible for certain features

  • Master Account is closed down permanently

For example, if a Master Account is ineligible for Margin Trading, then its underlying Sub-accounts will not be able to access that feature.

Refer to the tables below for more information regarding functionality a Sub-account could do.

Trading Features



Spot Trading

✔ (By default)

Margin Trading

✔ (If permitted with no geo-restrictions)

Derivatives Trading

✔ (If permitted with no geo-restrictions)

✔ (Up to 20x Maximum Account Leverage)

Transfers Between Accounts

✔(To Master Account Wallet and to another Sub-account Wallet)

Order Management

Trading Fee Rebate

✔ (Inherits the fee rebate of Master Account)

Non-Trading Features




Report Generation

CRO Fixed Lockup


Soft Lockup

Inherited from Master Account

Sub-account Management






Referral Programme




Account Settings



2FA Configuration

Inherited from Master Account

(With per-Authorized Person differentiation where applicable)

Anti-phishing Code

Inherited from Master Account

(With per-Authorized Person differentiation where applicable)

API Keys

Each Sub-account has an API hard limit of 10 calls per URL per second (same as the API hard limit for a standard account when no Sub-accounts have been activated).

  • For user APIs, the limit count will be performed per Sub-account.

  • For market APIs, the limit count will be performed per IP address.

Each Sub-account can have API keys associated with the specific Sub-account based on either of the following configurations:

  • Read Only

  • Enable Trading

KYC and Verification Level

Inherit Master Account

Account Management

On the User Centre > Account Management page, you can create and update Sub-accounts.

Create Sub-account

To create a Sub-account:

  1. Go to User Centre > Account Management

  2. Tap Create Sub-account

  3. On Create Sub-account pop up

    • Provide input for Account Label

  4. Tap Review to land on Review Your Sub-account section

  5. Review your Sub-account details

  6. Tap Confirm

Kindly note 2FA set-up is required before you could create a Sub-account. Once the Sub-account creation is successful, you will land back on the User Centre > Sub-accounts > Account Management page, and you will be able to see the newly created Sub-account.

Below are some of the key details regarding the Sub-account features and limits. See “What can a Sub-account do?” for further details. Please note that each and every Sub-account opened and operated must be for you. No other person, except Authorised Persons of Institutional Users, are permitted to use your Sub-accounts.


Retail User

Institutional User


Max 20 creations per day

Max 200 creations per day

Max No. of Sub-accounts



Maximum Account Leverage for each Sub-account



Account Label

Required and unique

Required and unique

Log In via Master Account

Note: We also do not monitor any account labels for consistency with trading strategies or outcomes, nor do we control any Sub-account according to any label. For example, if you label a Sub-account as “Low risk” we do not apply any limits on that account to keep it to a lower risk profile. That remains your responsibility. However, we may investigate and/or require you to change an account label if we believe it may suggest conduct that is unlawful or in breach of our Agreement or policies.

Update Sub-account

To update a Sub-account Label:

  1. Go to User Centre > Account Management

  2. Tap Edit icon beside the Sub-account label

  3. Update input for Account Label

  4. Tap Review to land on the Update Confirmation section

  5. Review your updated Sub-account details

  6. Tap Confirm

Once the Sub-account update is successful, you will land back on the User Centre > Account Management page and you will see that the Sub-account is updated.

Suspend Sub-account

You can temporarily suspend your Sub-account(s) whenever needed. The suspension is reversible.

Kindly note that you have to close any open orders and open positions and transfer all remaining proceeds to another account yourself before you are able to suspend the sub-account.

To suspend a Sub-account:

  1. Go to User Centre > Account Management

  2. Tap More Actions to view the action dropdown

  3. Select Suspend Account

  4. On Important Notice pop up, read the notice carefully

  5. Tap Continue to acknowledge the important notice and land on Suspend Sub-account section

  6. Review your Sub-account details

  7. Tap Suspend Account to confirm the suspension

Once a Sub-account is suspended, account access including the API key will be revoked temporarily.

Reactivate Sub-account

You can reactivate your suspended Sub-account(s) whenever needed.

To reactivate a Sub-account:

  1. Go to User Centre > Account Management

  2. Tap More Actions to view the action dropdown

  3. Select Reactivate Account

  4. Review your Sub-account details

  5. Tap Reactivate Account to confirm the reactivation

Once a Sub-account is reactivated, account access will resume including API keys.

Terminate Sub-account

You can permanently terminate eligible Sub-account(s) whenever needed. The termination is irreversible.

Kindly note that you have to close any open orders and open positions yourself before you are able to terminate the sub-account.

To terminate a Sub-account:

  1. Go to User Centre > Account Management

  2. Tap More Actions to view the action dropdown

  3. Select Terminate Account

  4. On Terminate Sub-account Confirmation pop up, review your Sub-account details and read the notice carefully

  5. Tap Terminate Account to acknowledge the notice and to confirm the termination

Once a Sub-account is terminated, account access including Transaction History and API key access will be revoked permanently. If you close down your Master Account, all Sub-accounts will also be automatically terminated.

Note: If you choose to terminate a former Spot wallet Sub-account, its associated former Margin and/or former Derivatives Sub-accounts (if any) will be terminated at the same time. The association of Sub-accounts is determined by whether the former Spot/Margin/Derivatives wallets were under the same Sub-account before the Gen 3.0 Exchange upgrade on 1 November, 2022.

If you are having issues terminating any of your Sub-account(s), please reach out to our Customer Service at [emailprotected]. We generally require seven days’ notice to terminate any Sub-account.

Merge Sub-account

You can consolidate the number of Sub-accounts you have by merging them into one selected account. All balances will be transferred to the account you have selected to “Merge to”. Afterwhich, the account(s) you have selected to “Merge from” will be terminated.

To Merge Sub-accounts:

  1. Go to User Centre > Account Management

  2. Tap Merge Account

  3. Select the account(s) to Merge From

  4. Select the account to Merge To

  5. Tap Review

  6. On Confirm Merge Accounts Details pop up, review your selection

  7. Tap Confirm

Note: Only Sub-accounts without open orders and positions can be selected for merging.

To switch account view between Sub-accounts and Master Account:

Option 1:

  1. Navigate to Wallet or Orders

  2. Tap on the Account dropdown menu

  3. Select the account you would like to switch your account view to

Option 2:

  1. Tap the profile avatar

  2. Tap Switch Account

  3. On Switch Account pop up, select the account you would like to switch your account view to

Option 3:

  1. Tap on User Centre > Switch Account

  2. On Switch Account pop up, select the account you would like to switch your account view to

On the User Centre > Settings > API Management page, you can view and manage all API keys that are created by your underlying Sub-accounts. You can update or delete the API keys on your Sub-account behalf and any changes will become immediately effective after confirmation.

To view a Wallet of your underlying Sub-account:

  1. Go to User Centre > Account Management

  2. Tap View Wallet to view the Wallet of the corresponding Sub-account

To view the Wallet of a Former Margin Sub-Account, you will have to switch account view to the Former Margin Sub-Account and navigate to User Centre > Former Margin Wallet page.

Single Coin Transfers

On the User Centre > Account Management page:

  1. Tap Transfer

  2. Select the account to transfer to and from

  3. Tap ↑↓ to change transfer direction if needed

  4. Select Coin

  5. Input Amount or tap Transfer All

  6. Tap Review Transfer

  7. On Transfer Confirmation, review the transfer details

  8. Tap Confirm Transfer to proceed

Multi Coin Transfers

You can select multiple coins from multiple accounts to transfer to one selected account. Kindly note that you can only transfer from accounts which are without open leveraged orders and positions.

On the User Centre > Account Management page:

  1. Tap Transfer

  2. Tap Multi

  3. Select the account to transfer from (You may select more than one)

  4. Select the account to transfer to

  5. Select Coin (You may select more than one)

  6. Tap Review Transfer

  7. On Transfer Confirmation, review the transfer details

  8. Tap Confirm to proceed

Note: For Multi Coin Transfers, the full withdrawable balances of the selected coins will be transferred.

Trading Fee, Rebate & Discounts

All Sub-account spot trading volumes are calculated towards Master Account overall spot trading volumes.

Overall Spot Trading volume

= ∑(spot trading volume | Master Account) + ∑(spot trading volume | Sub-account)

∑(spot trading volume | Master Account)

= ∑(spot & margin | Master Account)

∑(spot trading volume | Sub-account)

= ∑(spot & margin | Sub-account)

This overall spot trading volume will be used to determine the spot and margin trading fee tier of the Master Account. Each Sub-accounts will inherit the same fee tier as the Master Account.

Refer here for more details about trading fees and rebates on the Exchange Spot and Margin Trading.

Overall Derivatives Trading volume

= ∑(derivatives trading volume | Master Account) + ∑(derivatives trading volume | Sub-account)

∑(derivatives trading volume | Master Account)

= ∑(derivatives | Master)

∑(derivatives trading volume | Sub-account)

= ∑(derivatives | Sub-account)

This overall derivatives trading volume will be used to determine the derivatives trading fee tier of the Master Account. Each Sub-accounts will inherit the same fee tier as the Master Account.

Refer here for more details about trading fees and rebates on the Exchange Derivatives Trading.

Soft Lockup Interest

If a Master Account is eligible for Soft Lockup and it is enabled, then the underlying Sub-accounts will also be eligible for the Soft Lockup interest. Soft Lockup interests are calculated per account and paid to individual accounts respectively (i.e. Master Account, Sub-accounts).

Refer here for more details about the Soft Lockup feature on the Exchange.

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Sub-Accounts | Help Center (2024)


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What are Sub-accounts? The Sub-accounts feature allows the Exchange users to set up multiple Sub-accounts under their existing primary account (“Master Account”).

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For any issues with the visa card, you may email us at: or contact us at 65-6264-0211.

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Check that you have entered the correct email address registered to your App account. Make sure you are clicking on the link in the most recent login email that you received from If you have lost access to your registered email account, please contact Customer Support at

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This is a case-by-case process and may take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of business days, depending on many factors (e.g. your country of application, nationality, quality of the pictures, etc.). If your status does not change within 3 business days, please contact Support through

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Sub-accounts can be used to help track expenses when several different activities may be funded by the same account. Budgets, actual activity, and encumbrances can be associated with a sub-account within an account.

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Sub-accounts are a feature of the financial system that allow accounts to be sub-divided for reporting purposes. For instance, sub-accounts could be used to group all transactions for a particular faculty member.

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It's generally a good idea to consider to be a self-service website, as customer support isn't necessarily helpful. It's likely best for those who are somewhat comfortable with online financial products and won't need much assistance.

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Below are some of the top crypto Discord groups that are worth looking into in 2024.
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  • Axion Crypto-Community. Members: 64,120. ...
  • LuxAlgo. ...
  • r/NFT Community. ...
Feb 22, 2024

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User reports indicate no current problems at

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Launch the App and tap Log In to Existing Account. Enter and verify your registered email address. Confirm the reason for locking your account. You will be requested to complete identity verification in the App to unlock your account or contact our Customer Support Team for a manual unlock.

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You will need to submit and talk with the support team from crypto to do verification on this link below they can verify you as the owner , they will send you a recovery page to let you in with the account.

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Yes. In the United States, your transactions on and other platforms are subject to income and capital gains tax. If you've earned or disposed of crypto (ex. Sold or traded away cryptocurrency) during the year, you'll have a tax liability to report to the IRS.

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SUB is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. The token is the fuel that operates the Substratum Network. The Substratum platform users can earn SUB from routing and use SUB tokens for consuming content.

What does it mean to open a sub account? ›

Key Takeaways. A sub account is a segregated account nested under a larger account or relationship. These separate accounts may house data, correspondence, and other useful information or contain funds that are kept under safekeeping with a bank.

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WHAT ARE SUB ACCOUNTS? Sub accounts are a feature that gives you advanced control over your trading, by allowing you to dedicate a portion of your assets to a particular trading purpose. Sub accounts are optional and their use is entirely free (standard fees still apply to any trading done with sub accounts).

What is sub account fee? ›

Subaccount fees usually include payment to an investment adviser who initiates decisions around investment with respect to the subaccount. Also, the charge will include the cost of buying and selling shares and managing those trades. This is equivalent to the fee paid for the investment manager of a mutual fund.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6482

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.