Sugar vs. Salt: What’s Worse for Blood Pressure? (2024)

For years, salt has been Public Enemy Number 1 when it comes to blood pressure. But what if salt isn’t the main culprit? Framed by another common ingredient? It turns out sugar could be the biggest cause of high blood pressure. Don’t fear! Natural sugar in fruits and vegetables is fine. It’s excess amounts of added sugars to watch out for – especially, high fructose corn syrup. Let’s take a closer look. According to a new study, drinking 24 ounces of soda can cause a jump in your blood pressure. And if 25 percent of your daily calories come from added sugar, you almost triple your chances of cardiovascular disease compared to people whose intake is less than 10 percent. The best way to avoid this? Stay away from processed foods, and eat a heart-healthy diet. For WebMD I’m Dr. Arefa Cassoobhoy.

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Sugar vs. Salt: What’s Worse for Blood Pressure? (1)

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    Dr. Arefa Cassoobhoy

    For years, salt has been Public Enemy Number 1 when it comes to blood pressure. But what if salt isn’t the main culprit? Framed by another common ingredient? It turns out sugar could be the biggest cause of high blood pressure. Don’t fear! Natural sugar in fruits and vegetables is fine. It’s excess amounts of added sugars to watch out for – especially, high fructose corn syrup. Let’s take a closer look. According to a new study, drinking 24 ounces of soda can cause a jump in your blood pressure. And if 25 percent of your daily calories come from added sugar, you almost triple your chances of cardiovascular disease compared to people whose intake is less than 10 percent. The best way to avoid this? Stay away from processed foods, and eat a heart-healthy diet. For WebMD I’m Dr. Arefa Cassoobhoy.

    Sugar vs. Salt: What’s Worse for Blood Pressure? (2024)
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