Superstitions: What They Mean for Your Mental Health (2024)

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Superstitions are long-held beliefs that appear to be rooted in coincidence or cultural tradition rather than logic or facts.

Superstitions are often connected to pagan beliefs or religious practices that were widespread in the past.

Our ancestors didn’t come up with superstitions because they were more ignorant or naive than we are, but because they lacked many concrete ways to influence the survival outcomes of their lives. Superstitions offered a way to feel more in control, the same way they do now. That’s why highly educated, sophisticated people still believe in certain superstitions.

Most superstitions are fun and harmless, whether you sincerely believe in them or not. But some superstitions can play into mental health conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Here’s what common superstitions mean and when to be concerned about superstitious behaviors.

Let’s take a look at common superstitions, their origins, and what they mean to us today.

Black cats

At some point, black cats became associated with evil forces and shape-shifting witches. In German tradition it’s believed that a black cat crossing your path from left to right is a sign of bad news and death in the near future.

Interestingly, some cultures believe that black cats are a sign of good luck.

Walking under a ladder

When ladders are in use, they create a triangle shape. Cultures such as the ancient Egyptians found triangles to be sacred, and walking under a ladder disrupts the perfect triangle shape.

Walking under ladders is seen to be an act of defiance and an invitation to bad luck.

Breaking a mirror

Looking at your own reflection wasn’t just a way to check yourself out — in ancient cultures, consulting a mirror was a way to consult the future. Looking into a broken mirror would result in a distorted reflection, which would indicate tragedy or bad luck ahead.

Number 13

In some religious traditions, “12” is regarded as the perfect number. The number that comes after 12 would be regarded as imperfect or defiled.

In early Christian and Nordic traditions, the 13th guest at a table is the one who will bring the whole group down. There’s even a word for fear of the number thirteen, called triskaidekaphobia.

Four-leaf clover

It’s not clear why four-leaf clovers came to mean good luck. Presumably, a four-leaf clover would be an anomaly found in a patch of three-leaf clover, and finding one is a rare occurrence.

The four leaves of the four-leaf clover are meant to symbolize faith, hope, love, and luck.


Crows are scavenger birds and many believe they can sense death before it happens. For this reason, some people believe seeing a lone crow means calamity is eminent.

Knocking on wood

Making a statement like “this will be a good year” was seen to be arrogant and an invitation to meddlesome spirits intent on disrupting your plans.

After making a statement to indicate that you predict good things ahead, it became customary to “knock on wood” of walls or furniture around you as a way to drive off these evil spirits.

Seeing the bride the night before the wedding

To this day, many soon-to-be spouses avoid seeing each other the night before the wedding.

This tradition may date back to arranged marriages, where spouses would encounter each other for the first time moments before speaking their vows. Keeping the bride and groom apart even right before the wedding was believed to keep both parties from backing out.

Something old, something new

This superstition is more about tradition than it is about luck. Wearing “something old and something new” on your wedding day was a way of honoring the bride’s heritage and carrying the past into the future.

“Something borrowed” invited the bride’s community into her new relationship, and “something blue” was meant to represent love, purity, and fidelity.

Catching the bouquet

During and after the wedding ceremony, women who wanted to get married were desperate to find a way for the new bride’s luck to rub off on them. Marriage was, after all, the only institutional protection women were seen to have access to after a certain age.

Single women would try to take pieces of fabric or petals off the bride’s attire, and often she would turn, throw the bouquet, and flee. The bouquet was seen as a lucky object to the person who could catch it.

The daisy oracle

The old trope of counting off a daisy’s petals to determine if “he loves me, he loves me not” is sometimes called “to pluck the daisy” or “the daisy oracle” originating from a French game.

In the game, the player plucks the petals off a daisy one at a time, alternating “he loves me” or “he loves me not.” When the last petal is pulled, the phrase the player lands on is the answer to the question.

Don’t sit in the corner

Particularly in Russian traditions, single women are encouraged not to sit at the corner during a dinner party. Sitting in the corner, the superstition goes, will “doom” that woman to a life of eternal spinsterhood.

This superstition might just be a matter of practicality, as sitting in the middle of a lively dinner party is a much better way to meet people than sitting at the corner or the end.

Itchy hands

Anecdotally, itchy hands are supposed to be an indicator that wealth is on its way and you’ll soon be holding money. Of course, it can also mean dry skin or another skin condition.

Throwing salt

Salt has long been thought to carry a spiritual energy. Salt, which used to be extremely hard to procure and the only way to safely preserve meat, was so valuable it could be used as a currency.

Spilling salt was seen to be so irresponsible, it was an invitation to catastrophe. Throwing salt over your left shoulder, however, was thought to undo the bad luck of spilling it and restore the balance of things.

Saying “God bless you”

Saying “God bless you” after a person sneezes started before people understood how diseases were transmitted.

Since many people in the Middle Ages were killed by plague, the practice of saying “God bless you” was meant to protect a person who was showing symptoms, like coughing and sneezing.

The blessing may have also been an attempt to keep evil spirits from entering the body after the sneeze, which some believed contained a person’s essence trying to escape.

Old broom in a new home

Bringing an old broom into a new home was thought to transfer bad energy from one place to the next. Similarly, it was considered bad luck to use a broom that was left behind by a home’s previous occupant.

Using a new broom upon moving to a new place was meant to be a cleansing act that purified the residence.

Boil milk and rice

In some cultures, boiling milk and rice is a way to christen a new home. Milk and rice symbolize fullness, prosperity, and wealth being welcomed into the new space.

Superstitions have two main causes: cultural tradition and individual experiences.

If you grew up steeped in the superstitions of a particular culture or religion, you may carry these beliefs forward, even subconsciously.

Superstitions can take the form of sitting in a “lucky” chair when your favorite team is facing their rival, or performing the same series of taps on the plate when it’s your turn up at bat in baseball.

These behaviors are simply ways to soothe anxiety or prepare your brain to concentrate. They’re more like habits that give the person doing them a feeling of control over the unknown.

For example, if you wore your favorite player’s jersey to a football game, and that player scored a touchdown, you may believe that the two circ*mstances were connected — that one choice (wearing the jersey) caused your desired outcome (the touchdown). You probably know that the two things aren’t linked, but holding on to the belief feels better than letting it go.

One review of literature on this showed that even though superstitious beliefs don’t necessarily connect to better outcomes for athletes, the placebo effect of belief was enough to make it worth believing.

According to the American Psychological Association, many people know that their superstitious rituals or beliefs are disconnected from reality. But that doesn’t mean that they’re ready to let go of the belief.

One study in 2016 strongly suggests that superstitions are powerful intuitions that our brains don’t want to correct. While the logical part of us may know that our superstitious behaviors don’t affect outcomes, holding on to them is still a way of “playing it safe.”

For most people, superstitions are harmless. But there are times when superstitions can become an obstacle in your everyday life.

For people with OCD, superstitions can manifest as fixations. People with OCD may feel unable to be dismissive of superstitious behaviors or beliefs. This can trigger obsessive thoughts or anxiety, among other OCD symptoms. This is sometimes referred to as “magical thinking” OCD.

People who have other mental health conditions, such as generalized anxiety disorder, can also be negatively impacted by superstitions.

When superstitions become a strong motivator for participating in or avoiding certain activities, it’s an indication that an underlying mental health condition may be present.

When to seek help

If you feel that you’re being controlled or afraid of your superstitions, you’re not alone. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, fear, and avoidance behavior are all signs you may need help. You can contact a mental health professional or seek counsel from the hotline numbers listed below.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness Hotline: 800-950-NAMI (open M-F, 10am–6pm EST)
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (open 24/7, 365 days a year)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Helpline: 800-662-HELP

If superstitions have become an obstacle for you, you’ll be referred to a mental health specialist who can help. Treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and habit reversal training.

For some people, medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), beta-blockers, or rarely, sedatives may be prescribed to help relieve anxiety. Since sedatives can sometimes lead to misuse or dependence, they’re not typically a first-line treatment.

In most cases, superstitions are harmless. In fact, it’s possible that you hold superstitions that you’re so used to that you aren’t even aware of them and they don’t impact your life much.

There are instances where so-called “magical thinking” can create a chasm between imagination and reality. In those cases, treatment from a mental health professional may help.

Superstitions: What They Mean for Your Mental Health (2024)


Superstitions: What They Mean for Your Mental Health? ›

Superstitious beliefs are common, and many psychologists consider them to be expressions of inner tensions and anxieties. Some even consider them to indicate mental disorders, although there is no reliable clinical correlation between superstitious beliefs and mental illness.

How do superstitions affect mental health? ›

Sometimes superstitions can have a soothing effect, relieving anxiety about the unknown and giving people a sense of control over their lives. This may also be the reason why superstitions have survived for so long — people have passed them on from generation to generation.

What personality disorder is superstitious belief? ›

What is schizotypal personality disorder? Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) is a mental health condition marked by a consistent pattern of intense discomfort with close relationships and social interactions. If you have STPD, you may have distorted views of reality, superstitions and unusual behaviors.

What are the negative effects of superstitions? ›

Superstition may lead to stress, depression, and related health problems (Day & Maltby, 2003; James & Wells, 2002).

How does beliefs affect mental health? ›

Religious beliefs, practices, and coping may increase the prevalence of anxiety through the induction of guilt and fear. On the other hand, religious beliefs may provide solace to those who are fearful and anxious.

How does negativity affect mental health? ›

It contributes to low self-worth. It makes you feel you're not effective in the world. Psychologists link negative thinking to depression, anxiety, chronic worry and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). But almost all human beings contend with it — even those born with a positive outlook on life.

What are the worst superstitions? ›

  • Placing a hat on a bed.
  • Three on a match.
  • Tipping a salt shaker over.
  • Viewing one's doppelgänger may be considered a harbinger of bad luck.
  • Killing a ladybug.
  • Walking under a ladder.
  • Black cat crossing one's path.
  • Picking up a penny with the tails side up.

Are superstitions a sin? ›

The Bible clearly condemns the occult, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, astrology and idolatry (Deuteronomy 4:19; 5:7-10; 18:10; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Isaiah 47:13; Acts 19:19; Revelation 9:21; 21:8). We are not to give credence or pay attention to superstitions. God's laws, plans and help should be our focus.

What mental illness causes false beliefs? ›

Delusional disorder is a type of psychotic disorder. Its main symptom is the presence of one or more delusions. A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that's untrue. The belief isn't a part of the person's culture or subculture, and almost everyone else knows this belief to be false.

Do I have OCD or am I just superstitious? ›

Occasional superstitions are generally harmless and may not interfere significantly with a person's life. In contrast, OCD-related compulsions become excessive and time-consuming and interfere with a person's ability to engage in regular activities.

Does anxiety cause superstition? ›

Superstitious beliefs are common, and many psychologists consider them to be expressions of inner tensions and anxieties. Some even consider them to indicate mental disorders, although there is no reliable clinical correlation between superstitious beliefs and mental illness.

What is the psychology behind superstitions? ›

While superstitions may seem illogical, they serve as a coping mechanism to deal with uncertainty and unpredictability in our lives. They provide a sense of control and comfort, even when facing situations that are beyond our control. Uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of human existence.

How superstition affects your health? ›

This can trigger obsessive thoughts or anxiety, among other OCD symptoms. This is sometimes referred to as “magical thinking” OCD. People who have other mental health conditions, such as generalized anxiety disorder, can also be negatively impacted by superstitions.

How to stop superstitious thinking? ›

Some of the strategies that can help us ignore superstitions are by working on fears. By facing them it is easier to overcome the barriers they create in our life. Having clear goals can help us work on achieving them with purpose and deliberation.

How do superstitions affect people's lives? ›

Anxiety and Stress: Superstitions can contribute to anxiety and stress, especially if individuals believe that certain actions or behaviors are necessary to avoid negative outcomes. Anxiety may arise from the fear of violating superstitious rituals.

How does superstition affect critical thinking? ›

All participants also completed two critical thinking tests, one focused on psychology, and one assessing general critical thinking abilities. Critical thinking abilities negatively related to levels of superstition (ps < . 05), meaning that highly superstitious participants scored lower on the critical thinking tests.

How does belief in superstition affect one's decision? ›

Overall, the perceptions of luck and superstition seem to have some effect either in the choices we make or at least in the perceptions of why we make choices. Especially when it comes to making important decision, such as financial decisions Figure 1. Percentage of decisions (risky and safe) made based on mood.

What do you call a person who believes in superstitions? ›

British English: superstitious /ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃəs/ ADJECTIVE. People who are superstitious believe in things that are not real or possible, for example magic.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.