Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (2024)

Should you fly today?

Check the weather!

But how do you view the big picture? It’s pretty tedious to manually look for weather reports for each station along your route.

Surface analysis charts!

Learning to read a surface analysis chart gives you a clear idea of what drives the weather around you.

Here’s how to interpret them.

Key Takeaways

  • The surface analysis chart shows current weather conditions at the surface and low altitudes.
  • It’s only valid for 3 hours.
  • The chart uses symbols for station plots, pressure lines, and frontal boundaries.
  • Station plots show local weather data like sky cover, pressure, temperature, wind, and significant weather.
  • Pressure lines (isobars) indicate areas of equal pressure.
  • Other features on the chart include highs and lows, troughs, ridges, dry lines, squall lines, and tropical waves.

What is a Surface Analysis Chart?

A surface analysis chart overlays weather conditions on a map. Pilots use it to get a visual understanding of phenomena like pressure, temperature, wind, and precipitation in the area at a given time.

The National Weather Service (NWS) generates surface analysis charts. The NWS operates the Weather Prediction Center, where you can find surface analysis charts, among others.

A surface analysis chart shows a snapshot of the weather at a specific time. It doesn’t give forecasts or predict how the weather will change. That’s the job of the Prognostic Chart, nicknamed the prog chart.

The distinction between current weather and forecasts is significant. Before you depart, you can check the surface analysis chart to help decide whether or not it’s safe to take off. You can also use it to understand the conditions you’ll encounter during your climb.

But depending on the flight length, the weather might be different by the time you land. That’s why a prog chart is more suitable than a surface analysis chart for en-route and destination weather. The surface analysis chart might show clear weather right now. However, prog charts could indicate deteriorating weather at your expected arrival time.

How Long Is It Valid For?

The NWS issues surface analysis charts every three hours. The chart gets less accurate the farther you get from that time.

Surface analysis charts aren’t published immediately after the NWS takes the weather snapshot. It takes around 90 minutes from snapshot creation to publication. When you see the chart, the data is about an hour and a half old.

So, remember that the chart represents the weather at the snapshot time, not the time of issuance.

How to Read a Surface Analysis Chart

Surface analysis charts need to present a large amount of data very concisely. To make that possible, the chart uses symbols and codes.

Here’s an example of a surface analysis chart. It might seem overwhelming at first glance, so let’s break it down.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (1)

The first thing to look for is the date and time the chart is valid. You’ll find this in the text box at the bottom left along with the time of issuance.

In the above example, the chart is valid from 0900Z. The NWS issued the chart at 1028Z on January 21, 2024.

The NWS surface analysis chart shows three main components.

  • Light blue dots surrounded by numbers that represent station plots.
  • Curved maroon lines that represent isobars (lines of equal pressure).
  • Lines with red, blue, or purple shapes that represent fronts.

Understanding Station Plots

Here is an example of an NWS station plot. It represents a weather station, usually located in or near a major airport.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (2)

Each station plot gives you a complete picture of the weather conditions at its location. It includes information about:

  • Sky cover.
  • Atmospheric pressure and trend.
  • Temperature and dew point.
  • Wind.
  • Any significant weather conditions.

It’s important to note that some weather sources use a different station plot layout. For example, the Aviation Weather Center (AWS) charts use a unique format for pilots.

Here is an example of an AWS station plot.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (3)

This plot layout doesn’t show the pressure trend. But it contains the following additions:

  • Visibility (in statute miles).
  • Altimeter setting (coded in inches of mercury).
  • Cloud ceiling (hundreds of feet above ground level).
  • Color-coded flight category.
  • Airport ID.

Sky Cover

The dot in the center shows the amount of cloud cover at the location. The unit of measurement used here is the Okta.

The Okta system divides the sky into a circle with eight parts. An all-white circle means the sky is clear. As more parts get shaded, the circle represents few, scattered, and broken clouds. A fully shaded circle means overcast conditions.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (4)


At first glance, a pressure of 107 (NWS) or 022 (AWS) makes no sense.

NWS station plots show sea level pressure in three digits to the nearest tenth of a millibar (mb). For pressures greater than 1,000 mb, the number starts with 10. If the pressure is lower than that, it starts with 9.

So, in this case, a pressure of 107 means 1010.7 mb. If the pressure reading were 998.7 mb, the station plot would show it as 987.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (5)

AWS plots show the altimeter setting in hundredths of an inch of mercury. The plot omits the leading number.

For altimeter settings of 30 inches of mercury or more, the number starts with a 0. You’ll need to add a 3 to the start, then place the decimal point in the middle.

If the altimeter setting is under 30 inches of mercury, the number will start with a 9. Add 2 to the start in this case.

Pressure Trend

Atmospheric pressure can change very quickly compared to other weather parameters. The surface analysis chart is just a snapshot, so an instantaneous pressure reading doesn’t tell the whole story. That’s why station plots also include the change, or trend, in atmospheric pressure.

The pressure trend shows how many tenths of millibars the pressure increased or decreased in the past three hours. The number -6 in the example above means the pressure dropped by 0.6 mb. The symbol next to it shows the change graphically.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (6)

Temperature and Dew Point

The number on the top left shows the surface air temperature in Fahrenheit.

The number on the bottom left represents the dew point.

What is the dew point?

The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor in air starts to condense. Air temperatures close to the dew point indicate high humidity. You’ll start to see fog or clouds and might be at risk for icing. Rain or snow is also possible. In warm weather, high humidity can signal thunderstorms building up.

Since the station plot also shows the dew point temperature in Fahrenheit, comparing it with the air temperature is easy.


Wind is represented by the barb coming out of the center circle. The direction of the barb shows where the wind is coming from. The marks at the outer end let you know the wind speed.

A short line means 5 knots.

A long line means 10 knots.

A flag means 50 knots.

Add up all the marks on the barb to get the wind speed.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (7)

If there’s no barb on the circle, it means the winds are calm.

Weather Condition

Finally, the symbol to the left of the circle indicates the current weather conditions.

The symbol only shows up if there’s a condition affecting visibility or causing precipitation. Here’s a list of some common weather symbols you’ll encounter on surface analysis charts.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (8)

The complete list of symbols is available on

Understanding Pressure Lines

The wavy lines on this surface analysis chart are isobars. Isobars are lines of equal pressure. So, areas under a single isobar have the same atmospheric pressure conditions.

Isobars include a label with their pressure measurement in the same color. The labels are often underlined to increase their visibility among the clutter on the chart. Note that, unlike station plots, isobars directly show the pressure in millibars.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (9)

Generally, isobars are spaced every four millibars. However, areas with a weak pressure gradient can show intermediate isobars after every 1 or 2 millibars.

Isobars also inform you about the winds you can expect at heights between 2,000 and 3,000 feet. At these heights, expect the wind to flow parallel to the isobars. Below 2,000 feet, the wind gets impeded by surface obstacles and slowed down by friction with the surface.

Highs and Lows

If you see an isobar loop around and form a circle or oval, it’s called a closed isobar. Closed isobars surround areas where the pressure is either the highest or the lowest in the region.

High-pressure systems are also called anticyclones or just highs. Low-pressure systems are called cyclones or lows. The surface analysis chart shows highs with a large blue H and lows with a large red L.

Lows are typically associated with stormy weather. The air in a low-pressure system cools and rises rapidly, forming clouds and precipitation. Pilots are also wary of low atmospheric pressure as it directly relates to reduced air density, which reduces engine power.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (10)

The lower the pressure, the more dangerous the pressure system. Extremely low-pressure systems turn into cyclones and hurricanes. This surface analysis chart shows Hurricane Idalia making landfall in Florida in 2023. You can see the closed isobars circling it and a low of 981 millibars. The symbol in the middle represents a hurricane.

On the other hand, highs exhibit fair and dry weather. Air sinks and dries in anticyclones, preventing cloud formation and creating gentle winds.

You can read more about highs and lows here.

Troughs and Ridges

In some cases, the isobars have elongated shapes that are not closed. If these shapes represent low pressure, they’re called troughs. Their high-pressure equivalents are ridges.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (11)

Surface analysis charts show troughs as brown or yellow dashed lines. Troughs feature typical low-pressure weather, including gusty winds, clouds, and precipitation.

Most surface analysis charts don’t show ridges. Charts that do display ridges depict them as yellow or brown zig-zag lines. Ridges have typical high-pressure weather with clear skies and light winds.

Understanding Fronts and Boundaries

Fronts are boundaries between two types of air masses.

What is an air mass?

Air masses are vast bodies of air that have generally uniform weather conditions. They form when air lies stagnant over an area such as a tropical ocean, a desert, or a polar region.

The stagnant air takes on the temperature and moisture properties of its surroundings. The newly formed air mass then gets pushed around by weather systems. Eventually, two or more air masses collide, which brings us back to fronts.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (12)

The type of front we see on the chart depends on which air masses collide. The arrival of any front always means the weather is about to change.

The types of fronts are:

  • Warm
  • Cold
  • Stationary
  • Occluded

Warm Fronts

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (13)

Warm fronts happen when a warm air mass moves to replace a cooler air mass. They’re associated with gradual weather changes, including light rain, drizzle, and a temperature rise.

Warm fronts move slowly and can stay in an area for days. Since the warm air is lighter, it slides over the top of the cold air mass and gradually pushes it away.

Surface analysis charts represent warm fronts as a red line with semicircles pointing toward the warm air movement.

Cold Fronts

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (14)

We get cold fronts when a cold, dense air mass advances and replaces a warm air mass. Cold fronts result in abrupt weather changes, such as thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, and temperature drops.

Cold fronts can travel at twice the speed of warm fronts. They form rapidly and generally cause violent weather activity along the frontal boundary. The cold air stays close to the ground and lifts the warmer air mass ahead of it.

On surface analysis charts, cold fronts are blue lines with triangular spikes pointing in the direction of their movement.

Stationary Fronts

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (15)

Stationary fronts exist where the forces pushing each air mass cancel each other out. Neither air mass can displace the other. The front remains suspended in one place for up to several days.

There’s a sharp temperature contrast between the adjacent air masses, causing prolonged bad weather and rain.

Stationary fronts feature alternating blue spikes and red semicircles in opposite directions.

Occluded Fronts

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (16)

An occluded front forms when a cold front and a warm front travel in the same direction. The cold front, being faster, catches up to the warm front and overtakes it. This leads to the warm air mass lifting off the ground.

If the cold front is colder than the air ahead of the warm front, the cold front slides downwards and lifts the warm front aloft. This is called a cold front occlusion and is the most common type of occluded front. Cold occlusions generally cause heavy rainfall.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (17)

Alternatively, if the cold front is not colder than the air ahead of the warm front, we end up with a warm front occlusion. In this case, the cold front slides between the warm front and the cold air ahead. Warm occlusions show a more gradual weather change but lead to prolonged periods of rain.

Both types of occlusions appear as a purple line with alternating spikes and semicircles in the same direction.

Dry Line

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (18)

A dry line is a boundary separating a moist and a dry air mass. It’s most common in spring and early summer and lies north-south in the central US states.

The moist air mass is usually on the east side, bringing moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. The dry desert air comes from the west side.

Dry lines appear as brown lines with scallops facing the moist air mass. Pilots try to avoid them, as they can trigger severe weather.

Squall Line

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (19)

Squall lines represent a continuous line of thunderstorms. They usually occur near severe pressure fluctuations, often just ahead of cold fronts. Squall lines can travel at a speed of 25 to 50 miles per hour or more.

They’re drawn as a pattern of two red dots and two dashes.

Tropical Wave

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (20)

Trade wind easterlies are surface winds near the equator that blow east to west. Tropical waves are troughs within these winds that can develop thunderstorms and even tropical cyclones.

Given their unstable nature, pilots keep well away from them.

On the surface analysis chart, they’re shown with a curved orange line with the label ‘TRPCL WAVE.’

Frontogenesis (Initial Front Formation)

As fronts generally bring bad weather, pilots need to know whether the front is in its initial formation stage or is weakening and is about to dissipate.

Frontogenesis is the initial formation of a frontal zone. Surface analysis charts show it by breaking up the front line into dashes. Every single segment has the symbols of spikes or semi-circles representing the type of front.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (21)

If a chart shows frontogenesis, pilots can expect that front to grow stronger with rapid and significant weather changes. They might need to adjust their route around the front or consider diversions to alternate airports.

Frontolysis (Front Dissipation)

Frontolysis is the dissipation of a frontal zone. This stage is also represented with a dashed line, but the frontal type symbol is only drawn on every other segment.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (22)

Frontolysis on a surface analysis chart indicates that the front could dissipate soon. Expect the adverse weather to clear up and stable atmospheric conditions to follow.


Understanding the weather is always complex. Pilots try to use as many sources of weather information as possible to improve their safety in the air.
After using the surface analysis chart for initial flight planning, the next step involves reading METARs and TAFs. Learn how to read them here.

Surface Analysis Charts Explained - Pilot Institute (2024)


What do the numbers on a surface analysis chart mean? ›

Forecast pressure values are written with 2 digits omitting the preceding 10 or 9. As an example a high pressure center with a central pressure of 1032 mb would be 32 and low pressure of 974 mb would be 74. For intense low pressure centers below 1000 mb, the analyst may use a dashed line to depict the 1000 mb isobar.

What is the surface analysis chart in aviation? ›

The surface analysis chart shows current weather conditions at the surface and low altitudes. It's only valid for 3 hours. The chart uses symbols for station plots, pressure lines, and frontal boundaries. Station plots show local weather data like sky cover, pressure, temperature, wind, and significant weather.

What does a surface analysis chart depict? ›

A report that depicts an analysis of the current surface weather. Shows the areas of high and low pressure, fronts, temperatures, dewpoints, wind directions and speeds, local weather, and visual obstructions.

What is the difference between a surface analysis chart and a prog chart? ›

The Prog Chart is really just a surface analysis chart with predicted precipitation added as an overlay (oh, and it is a forecast too, not an observation). Some Prog Chart Facts: 12hr and 24hr forecast Issued every 4hrs. 36hr, 48hr, and 60hr forecast are issued twice daily.

What do the numbers on charts mean? ›

Numbers on a nautical chart are depth measurements.

Soundings, or water depth measurements, are represented by numbers on nautical charts. Water depths are measured by soundings usually acquired by hydrographic surveys. The depths may be in either feet or fathoms (the chart will indicate which).

What are the orange lines on a surface analysis chart? ›

Orange lines show low-pressure troughs (these lines are dashed).

How to read isobars? ›

Isobars are the lines on a weather chart. Isobars join points of equal pressure. When the lines are close together, the wind is strong. When the lines are far apart, the wind is light.

What does a squall line look like on a surface analysis chart? ›

The squall line will normally be placed at the leading edge of the wind shifts and inside the leading pressure trough. The symbol for squall line is an alternating two dot-dash pattern, in the color of red. Cold fronts, warm fronts, and troughs do not have text labels on the Unified Surface Analysis.

What is the orange line on a prog chart? ›

Unlike frontal systems, surface pressure troughs depicted as an orange dashed line on the surface analysis and PROG charts issued by the Weather Prediction Center do not separate air masses. Consequently, most surface troughs do not have "weather" associated with them in the form of clouds and precipitation.

How to read wind on surface analysis chart? ›

A half line represents five knots, a full line denotes ten knots, and flags are reserved for increments of 50 knots. The wind barbs above show winds blowing from the northwest at 35 knots (plot A) and the southeast at 75 knots (plot B). If the winds are calm, a thin circle will appear around the station plot (plot C).

What is the difference between a ridge and a trough? ›

Ridges and troughs are often mentioned on the weather forecast. A ridge is an elongated area of relatively high pressure extending from the center of a high-pressure region. A trough is an elongated area of relatively low pressure extending from the center of a region of low pressure.

What does a surface chart show? ›

Surface chart

This chart is useful when you want to find optimum combinations between two sets of data. As in a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that are in the same range of values. You can create a surface chart when both categories and data series are numeric values.

Who issues surface analysis charts? ›

NCEP now has three centers preparing surface analysis charts over much of the Northern Hemisphere and all are available to all users. The oceanic areas eliminated from the WPC analysis are better served by the Ocean Prediction Center (OPC) and the National Hurricane Center (NHC).

How often are surface analysis charts issued? ›

Issuance & Validity:

Issued every 3 hours. Valid Time (VT) of the chart on the lower left corresponds to the time of the observations. Valid time is given in UTC. Information is about 2-3 hours old.

What does an orange dotted line mean on weather maps? ›

Dashed orange --- trough or extended area of low pressure. Dashed red with double dots --- squall line of intense thunderstorm activity.

What do the numbers on surface finish mean? ›

Lower numbers indicate a smoother finish. Ra: Known as the arithmetic mean, this measurement represents the average of all peaks and valleys. Lower numbers indicate a smooth finish.

What do the numbers on stock charts mean? ›

Open, high, low and previous close. The open is the first price at which a stock trades during regular market hours, while high and low reflect the highest and lowest prices the stock reaches during those hours, respectively. Previous close is the closing price of the previous trading day.

What do the numbers mean in my Human Design chart? ›

Your profile will consist of two numbers (ex: 5/1, 1/3, etc.) The first number represents the part of you that you're more aware of, and the second number reflects how others see you (so you may be less aware of these qualities). Work on embracing the second number while honoring the first.

How do you read a surface station plot? ›

The air temperature is plotted on the chart to the upper left of the station model, while the dewpoint value is placed below the temperature, or to the lower left of the station circle. A negative sign is included when the air temperature or dewpoint is less than 0 degrees F.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.