Sushiswap Vs. Uniswap: What Are the Differences? (2024)

The popularity ofdecentralized exchanges (DEXs) is growing quickly because users can exchange cryptocurrencies through a third party without relinquishing control over them.

Among the many DEXs piggybacking onEthereum’s blockchain, Uniswap and Sushiswap are two of the most prominent. So, what are the differences in these two exchanges? Let’s take a closer look.

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What Is Uniswap?

Uniswap, a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based on the Ethereum blockchain, is adamant about changing the way most platforms operate financially. It’s free for all users and doesn’t come with exorbitant trading fees. As a result, people are flocking to the platform to trade their tokens and coins knowing they won’t have to shell out extra fiat to trade.

What Is Uniswap?

Uniswap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based on the Ethereum blockchain. The exchange is adamant about changing the way most platforms operate financially. It’s free for all users and doesn’t come with exorbitant trading fees.

How Does Uniswap Work?

Uniswap is a trading platform that uses modern technology to function and keeps your reserves safe. Itdoesn’t rely on or implement traditional advanced trading processes. Instead, it uses theAutomated Market Maker (AMM), which is a smart contract that holdsliquidity pools and reserves that dealers use when trading.

What Are Uniswaps Unique Features?

Uniswap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that runs on the Automated Liquidity Protocol (ALP). Traders get paid for putting money into aconsolidated fund, which they do by contributing to Uniswap.This fund, in turn, enables more efficient trades. Because there is an active fund that can accept any order regardless of its size, you dont have to wait for someone to match your price before you can execute your trade.

What Are the Pros of Uniswap?

Uniswap offers its users several advantages.

What Are the Pros of Uniswap?

  • No mandated KYC.
  • Asset self-management.
  • Endless access to new tokens and coins.

No Mandated KYC

KYC (Know Your Customer) is a standard process that requires new account owners to verify their identities. Unlike most financial institutions, Uniswap doesnt require this type of information because it wants to offer a simplepeer-to-peer trading experience.

Asset Self-Management

With Uniswap, you can handle everything from your wallet. As a result, youre in control of your funds and can trade them whenever you want without waiting for approval or sending money elsewhere.

Endless Access to New Tokens and Coins

Thousands of cryptocurrencies and tokens areavailable on Uniswap. This gives you a chance to invest in new projects while they’re still growing in popularity.You can also trade with people globally without worrying aboutborders or regulations.

What Are the Cons of Uniswap?

On the other hand, Uniswap has some drawbacks that potential users should be aware of.

What Are the Cons of Uniswap?

  • No support for fiat deposits.
  • High gas fees.

No Support for Fiat Deposits

Uniswap doesnt acceptfiat currencies like the U.S. dollar, so you’ll need to deposit crypto from anotherexchange-connected wallet.

High Gas Fees

When the Ethereum network is busy, it takes more gas to send a transaction.Gas fees depend on how many other people are sending transactions at the same time. Therefore, busy networks can increase Uniswaps gas fees.

What Is Sushiswap?

SushiSwap allows users to swap different virtual currencies by connecting their cryptocurrency wallets. The 11,700 currency pairs it supports make it the largest DEX in terms of available cryptocurrencies — larger than IDEX and EtherDelta.

What Is Sushiswap?

SushiSwap allows users to swap different virtual currencies by connecting their cryptocurrency wallets. The 11,700 currency pairs it supports make it the largest DEX in terms of available cryptocurrencies — larger than IDEX and EtherDelta. Users can deposit funds into SushiSwap using MetaMask or Ledger Nano S and trade from there. The platform lets you buy and sell with just one click and offers 24/7 customer support.

Users can deposit funds into SushiSwap using MetaMask or Ledger Nano S and trade from there. The platform lets you buy and sell with just one click and offers 24/7 customer support.

How Does Sushiswap Work?

SushiSwap is an Ethereum-based token exchange platform that uses the Uniswap protocol. Its based on the premise of Uniswap but uses tokens to incentivize its suppliers.

For example, they award users throughincome farming. In addition to their own token, SushiSwap also supports the following cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and Stellar Lumens (XLM).

What Are Sushiswap’s Unique Features?

Although Sushiswap originally started as ahard fork of Uniswap, it has since enhanced itscode to vary greatly from Uniswap.

Forkinghappens when there is a change in the blockchain, resulting in a transaction split. When that happens, the transactions go their own ways, and the two ends can keep their transaction keys safe.

Meanwhile, Sushi tokens are another innovation that inspired Uniswap to follow suit. Sushiswap grants Sushi tokens to users as a reward for generating volume.

What Are the Pros of Sushiswap?

A hard fork of Uniswap, Sushiswap is driven by community-focused features. It essentially milks Uniswaps liquidity while keeping its original design. Despite working like Uniswap, Sushiswap intends for its platform to look and feel different.

What are the pros of sushiswap?

  • Liquidity-provider-focused incentives.
  • Intricate rewards system.
  • Security audit approval.

Sushiswaps parent protocol followed a different path than initially intended, eventually acquiring 80 percent of Uniswaps liquidity by itself.

  • In the first phase of the ecosystems operation, traders useUniswap liquidity pool tokens and exchange them for Sushi.
  • As a next step, traders deposit their stake tokens into their Sushiswap accounts to trade with their decentralized exchanges (DEX).

Here are some of its benefits.

Liquidity-Provider-Focused Incentives

On Uniswap, liquidity providers earnnetwork trading fees by providing liquidity. Smaller traders are at greater risk of surpassing large cryptocurrency exchanges and mining pools as the primary sources of digital asset liquidity.

Sushiswap is different, though. The platform improves upon this model by providing incentives to liquidity providers: They can earn Sushi tokens — which are based on the fees generated by their trade — and use these tokens in exchange for goods or services.

Intricate Rewards System

Uniswaps distribution mechanism is different from the original chain and fork. Providers on Uniswap share 0.3 percent of a pools liquidity equally, whereas the original chain and fork each charged a fixed trading fee regardless of pool size.

Sushi, on the other hand, distributes 25 percent of trading fees to liquidity providers. The exchange also converts 5 percent into Sushi and redistributes it among token holders.

Looking at the difference, Uniswap’s trading fee is fixed, whereas on Sushiswap, 5 percent will be distributed to the platform’s token holders.

Security Audit Approval

Sushiswap has developed a new approach to how exchanges work and manages to address many issues at once. For instance, it conducts security audits and reserves 5 percent of its token distribution for ongoing development.

What Are Sushiswaps Cons?

As with Uniswap, however, Sushiswap does have some negatives worth noting.

What are sushiswap’s cons?

  • Insubstantial technology.

Insubstantial Technology

Sushiswap uses Uniswap version 2.0. This version of Uniswap’s protocol was licensed to allow other developers to do anything with it (as aGNU GPL) so Sushi developers took advantage. Unfortunately, this means Sushiswap doesn’t have its own steady platform. Although working on Uniswap’s platform seems easier, Sushi could’ve done more if the platform had its own protocol to maintain and develop.

When Uniswap released its newest protocol, it changed its licensing tactics to maintain commercial control for several years. They kept the source code public, however, and will revert to GPL after a delay. Sushi can update its core when the license changes.

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Sushiswap Vs. Uniswap: Making the Choice

If you want to maintain a higher level of privacy, Uniswap may be the best option for you. It doesn’t require a KYC process and you have complete visibility and control over your funds with limitless trading opportunities.If liquidity is a deal breaker, Sushiswap is the way to go. Sushiswap also has the best deals available as well as security audit approval.Both are excellent choices if you’re looking for an anonymous exchange with few restrictions.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. Built In strives to maintain accuracy in all its editorial coverage, but it is not intended to be a substitute for financial or legal advice.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and cryptocurrency trading, I can confidently delve into the intricacies of Uniswap and Sushiswap, providing a comprehensive understanding of their functionalities, unique features, and pros and cons.


Decentralized Exchange on Ethereum Blockchain: Uniswap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. Its primary objective is to revolutionize traditional financial platforms by offering a fee-free environment for users, eliminating exorbitant trading fees commonly associated with centralized exchanges.

Automated Market Maker (AMM) Technology: Uniswap operates on the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model, a cutting-edge approach that utilizes smart contracts to manage liquidity pools and reserves. Unlike traditional trading processes, Uniswap doesn't rely on order books but allows users to trade directly from liquidity pools.

Unique Features:

  • No Mandated KYC: Uniswap distinguishes itself by not imposing Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures, providing a simple peer-to-peer trading experience without the need for identity verification.
  • Asset Self-Management: Users have complete control over their funds, managing everything from their wallets without external approvals.
  • Endless Access to New Tokens: Uniswap offers a vast array of cryptocurrencies and tokens, enabling users to invest in emerging projects without geographical restrictions.


  • No Support for Fiat Deposits: Uniswap doesn't accept fiat currencies, requiring users to deposit cryptocurrencies from other exchange-connected wallets.
  • High Gas Fees: Gas fees on Uniswap can become significant during busy periods on the Ethereum network.


Ethereum-Based Token Exchange Platform: Sushiswap, initially a hard fork of Uniswap, has evolved into a unique Ethereum-based token exchange platform. It utilizes the Uniswap protocol but introduces innovative features, such as Sushi tokens and income farming, to incentivize users and liquidity providers.

Unique Features:

  • Liquidity-Provider-Focused Incentives: Sushiswap rewards liquidity providers with Sushi tokens, offering a different approach to Uniswap's fee distribution model.
  • Intricate Rewards System: Sushiswap distributes 25 percent of trading fees to liquidity providers, converting 5 percent into Sushi tokens redistributed among token holders.
  • Security Audit Approval: The platform conducts security audits and allocates 5 percent of its token distribution for ongoing development.


  • Insubstantial Technology: Sushiswap relies on Uniswap version 2.0, lacking its own steady platform. This choice limits its potential for independent development and maintenance.

Choosing Between Uniswap and Sushiswap:

  • Privacy Emphasis: If privacy is a priority, Uniswap, with its absence of KYC requirements, provides a favorable option.
  • Liquidity Concerns: Sushiswap excels in liquidity, making it a preferred choice for users emphasizing this aspect. It also boasts attractive deals and security audit approval.
  • Anonymous Exchange: Both Uniswap and Sushiswap serve as excellent choices for users seeking an anonymous exchange with fewer restrictions.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of Uniswap and Sushiswap allows users to make informed decisions based on their specific preferences and priorities in the decentralized exchange landscape.

Sushiswap Vs. Uniswap: What Are the Differences? (2024)


What is the difference between SushiSwap and Uniswap? ›

SushiSwap and UniSwap Differences

Although they come from the same family, SushiSwap and UniSwap have some differences: Sushiswap uses its token on a reward system. It distributes part of its revenue to its liquidity providers and token holders. UniSwap doesn't have any reward system for its holders.

What makes Uniswap different? ›

Uniswap is an automated liquidity protocol powered by a constant product formula and implemented in a system of non-upgradeable smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It obviates the need for trusted intermediaries, prioritizing decentralization, censorship resistance, and security.

Why are DEXs like Uniswap and SushiSwap important to the DeFi ecosystem? ›

DeFi has introduced a plethora of innovative financial products and services, including: #DecentralizedExchanges (#DEXs): Platforms like #Uniswap and #SushiSwap allow users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with one another without the need for a centralized intermediary.

Why did SushiSwap fork from Uniswap? ›

When forking the Uniswap code, Nomi recognized that liquidity was essential to making SushiSwap a success. It would be difficult to incentivize users to provide liquidity to a new platform when they could provide it to Uniswap, an established and tested protocol.

Why is Uniswap the best? ›

Uniswap was one of the first popular decentralized exchanges in large part because of its design. The Uniswap app is very user-friendly, so it doesn't take long to learn how it works. It's easy to connect a crypto wallet, swap one crypto for another, or deposit your crypto in a liquidity pool.

What is the disadvantage of Uniswap? ›

While Uniswap supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, some assets may have limited liquidity on the platform. This can make it challenging for users to trade certain tokens or find suitable trading pairs. Additionally, new tokens may face difficulties gaining traction on Uniswap due to the competition for liquidity.

What is the best decentralized exchange? ›

Top Best Decentralized Exchanges For 2024
  1. Uniswap. Uniswap exchange, one of the pioneers in the DEX space, is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. ...
  2. SushiSwap. Forked from Uniswap, SushiSwap is a community-driven DEX that has rapidly gained popularity. ...
  3. PancakeSwap. ...
  4. Balancer. ...
  5. 1inch.

What are the benefits of SushiSwap? ›

SushiSwap is geared to DeFi users. The platform allows anyone to swap tokens and add liquidity to pools. SushiSwap provides users with multiple ways to earn a passive income with less risk. You can also stake SLP tokens to earn SUSHI and stake SUSHI for xSUSHI and earn rewards.

What is the goal of Uniswap? ›

It allows users anywhere in the world to trade crypto without an intermediary. Uniswap is the largest decentralized exchange (or DEX) operating on the Ethereum blockchain.

What problem does Uniswap solve? ›

Uniswap tries to solve the liquidity problem that decentralized exchanges have by allowing the platform to swap tokens without buyers and sellers having to create liquidity.

Why does Uniswap fail? ›

The Uniswap interface sets a default slippage limit of 0.5%. This slippage limit is the difference between your expected output and the real output at the time of your swap. If the real output changes by more than your set slippage, the transaction will fail.

What is arbitrage between SushiSwap and Uniswap? ›

Send the token you want to trade to the contract address. Call the swap function on the contract, passing in the address of the token you want to trade and the amount of the token you want to trade. The contract will buy the token on Uniswap with ETH, and then sell the token on Sushiswap for a profit.

Which swap is better than Uniswap? ›

Pancake Swap offers users the ability to trade BEP-20 tokens, which are native to the Binance Smart Chain. One of the main advantages of Pancake Swap is its significantly lower transaction fees compared to Uniswap. This is primarily due to the Binance Smart Chain's lower congestion and higher scalability.

What is the point of SushiSwap? ›

SushiSwap is a blockchain protocol running on Ethereum that seeks to incentivize a network of users to operate a platform where users can buy and sell crypto assets. Similar to platforms like Uniswap and Balancer, SushiSwap uses a collection of liquidity pools to achieve this goal.

Why is it so expensive to use Uniswap? ›

Fees are collected by burning liquidity tokens to remove a proportional share of the underlying reserves. Since fees are added to liquidity pools, the invariant increases at the end of every trade.

Is Uniswap a wallet or exchange? ›

Uniswap Wallet. Uniswap is an up-and-comer in the crypto space, as both a cryptocurrency and a decentralized exchange. Uniswap is a way of securely exchanging ERC-20 tokens built on the Ethereum blockchain without using a centralized exchange.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.