Svelte vs React Framework 2024 – Pros, Cons, Use Cases - Konstantinfo (2024)

This Svelte vs React framework comparison will clear all your doubts and help you choose the best framework for your next project.

In the Stack Overflow 2022 survey, React was voted as the #1 most wanted and 2nd most popular framework by Developers.

Does that mean React is the best framework for your next project? Or is it Svelte or some other framework? We’ll find out soon…!

React and Svelte are some of the two most popular frameworks in the market to build user interfaces and applications. The war between Svelte vs React is still going and the correct framework is the one that suits your needs. While React is second most popular framework among developers & is used to build large, complex applications, Svelte is majorly used to build small but fast apps with varied features.

In this post, we will compare both the frameworks and present you a detailed overview. The article covers the definition, pros, cons, and use cases of both the frameworks. Apart from this, it also includes side-by-side comparison of React vs Svelte.

Table of Contents

  • What is React?
  • What is Svelte
  • Top Similarities between React vs Svelte
  • Side by Side Comparison between React vs Svelte
  • Major Differences between Svelte vs React
  • Who uses React?
  • Who uses Svelte?
  • Which is Best – Svelte vs React?
  • Final Thoughts
  • Top FAQs

See Also:

  • Reactjs vs Vuejs
  • React vs. React Native
  • Angular vs. React
  • Vue vs React
  • Svelte vs Vue

What is React? – Definition & Overview

React is a popular open-source JavaScript toolkit for developing interactive user interfaces for online applications. Jordan Walke, a Meta software engineer, created React in 2013.

React follows a component-based model, which divides the whole React application into discrete, autonomous React code pieces known as components. These components represent various UI parts. React Framework employs a declarative language, allowing developers to express how they want the user interface to appear. The Virtual DOM, which is a virtual replica of the actual DOM, is then used by React to handle the heavy work of updating the UI. The Virtual DOM, according to the React documentation, optimizes speed by making minimum changes to the underlying DOM.

Pros & Cons of React

Top 5 Pros of Reactjs Framework

Svelte vs React Framework 2024 – Pros, Cons, Use Cases - Konstantinfo (1)
1. Uses JavaScript:

React.js uses one of the most popular programming languages i.e. JavaScript. It is easy to learn and use even for beginners. The open end JavaScript library makes react a reliable programming tool for almost 298000 unique domains that can work on both mobile and web application development. Besides, it provides various handy tools for a Reactjs development company to edit the codes easily and create their own hierarchies.

2. Improved Design and Speed:

React.js is known for improving the performance and interoperability of your web application. It can help in running multiple interfaces simultaneously. It comes with a virtual Document Object Model (DOM) which ensures efficient traffic management and prevents cascading of problems in the whole chain (from bottom to top). This enhances its agility and accuracy and makes it one of the best programs for high volume applications.

3. Reusable UI Components:

React is lightweight and the codes are reusable. It also comes up with various shortcuts that simplify the coding process and improve efficiency. The free JSX extension enhances the speed of application by creating React Element trees out of your HTML mockups. As a result scaling and maintenance become a piece of cake for a Reactjs Development Company.

4. Supports SEO:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a must for any web application to feature in top results of Google and other search engines. This ensures that the website remains visible to its potential customers and the brand does not lose out on potential revenue. React.js is designed keeping in mind this goal. It comes with various SEO friendly features like server side rendering, Meta tags, dynamic rendering etc. which help the website feature in top results and reach its target audience.

5. Stability

Another great feature which gives it an edge over its competitors is its ability to create stable programs. React helps maintain stability in parent code by avoiding transfer of any bug or alterations in end structure to the top code. This is done through its tree structure wherein the transfer of data takes place from top to bottom and not the other way round, ensuring top speed and stability.

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Top 5 Cons of Reactjs Framework

1. Time Consuming:

Despite a lot of benefits, React.js has several downsides. One of them is that it becomes costly on each update. Since React.js is a library based tool, the users need to download additional libraries to use various tools. But downloading these tools requires time and money. For instance, a user working on a carbon framework for their app needs to have carbon components also. So he will download it from React which will increase his time and associated costs.

2. Limited Native Libraries:

React has a very limited number of native libraries. Most of its libraries are external and possess different specifications. Although these external libraries assist users, sometimes it becomes difficult for developers to learn additional functionalities. The user has to work on both JavaScript and HTML because JSX supports CSS and HTML. Therefore this may put an additional learning burden on programmers.

3. Long Tree Chain:

Since Reactjs Framework works on a tree-like model (top to bottom approach), the users find difficulty in navigating data through different levels. In other programming tools, the data handling is parallel. But this is not the case with React.JS. The user has to first go through the parent node, then the next level, and so on to switch between DIVs. This may create confusion and increase the complexity.

4. Difficult Adaptability:

Another problem faced by React.js users is that it keeps on evolving and the functionalities keep changing fast. Therefore some React js development companies face difficulties in keeping pace with the change because they have to undo the already learned concepts and relearn the new techniques. Furthermore they need to be constantly updating and adapting themselves to match the new environment.

5. Complex Documentation:

React.js framework helps only in making the User interface and doesn’t aid in other technicalities of the website. Therefore developers need to rely on other tools also for completing their projects. Furthermore, the constant updating of the program also poses problems in keeping proper documentation. As a result, the developers can’t blindly trust it and have to keep a backup for ensuring proper documentation.

What is Svelte? – Definition & Overview

Svelte is a free and open-source front-end compiler created by Rich Harris in 2016. Svelte compiles HTML templates to generate unique code that directly manipulates the Document Object Model. Svelte, unlike other JavaScript frameworks such as React, avoids the overheads associated with the virtual DOM.

Svelte is popular in the market for decreasing transferred file size and providing better client performance. When the compiler runs the application code, it inserts calls to automatically update the data and re-renders UI elements that have been changed by that data. Svelte is written in Typescript, which is a JavaScript superset.

Pros & Cons of Svelte

Top 5 Pros of Svelte

Svelte vs React Framework 2024 – Pros, Cons, Use Cases - Konstantinfo (2)
1. Easy to learn:

One of the top benefits of using Svelte is that Svelte is easy to learn and quite flexible to use. It aligns with beginner’s interests and comes with an official tutorial. The team is easy to approach for any guidance and they also posted an official blog for helping out new developers. Someone with even a basic understanding of Java, HTML or CSS can easily write codes on Svelte and do robust web application development.

2. Improved performance:

Svelte is widely acclaimed for enhancing user performance. Svelte is a pack of all three languages and comprehensive extensions. The web platform aligns with other platforms and if any problem arises the makers are quick to resolve it. Furthermore it comes with various tools like transitions, event forwarding, etc. which enhance user experience.

3. Flexible and context specific codes:

Svelte is also known for improving flexibility and providing context specific output codes. Its web tools can help in writing codes according to targets. It can also help in creating user interfaces without any need for runtime JavaScript. The users don’t need to change any component to change runtime strategy. This helps in compiling various UI components and provides output flexibility.

4. No Virtual DOM:

Svelte uses a different approach than existing java script libraries. It has a unique way to allow ReactJS developers to use their creativity in building original applications. Unlike React and Vue, Svelte doesn’t use any virtual DOM in the browser. Rather it compiles various codes into tiny elements. This helps in reducing any performance issues and also boosts its speed because DOM sometimes leads to shortcomings in content and styles.

5. Compiler approach:

Svelte is considered different from other programming tools because it uses a compiler approach. Various components like HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used to create smaller components to ensure effective utilization of browsers. The HTML templates combined in Java code creates a small size of application. Furthermore, there is no need to worry about runtime calculations. This reduces complications and verbosity and makes it a trend setter.

Top 5 Cons of Svelte

1. Certain Incompatibilities:

Although Svelte comes with various benefits, there are several incompatibilities in Svelte. The program is unable to name a prop class. There are several reserved words that need to be used as it is. For instance, the user has to use ‘on:click’ and not ‘onclick’ to name a class. This may create problems for users.

2. Small Community:

Another downside of Svelte is that it has a small community when compared to React vs Angular. Therefore if someone wants to take up a long term project on svelte, they might lose on the support from the big and active community. A big community is helpful for resolving various queries and solving any issues. So developers on Svelte might find it difficult to get help if needed.

3. Less Job Opportunities:

Another problem is that Svelte being a new framework doesn’t host that many job opportunities. Not many mobile app development companies look out for svelte proficiency. So if you are a beginner svelte developer who wants to pick up new skills, Svelte might not be of great help and if you are looking for a job, you might need to try other platforms.

4. Inefficient Cross Platform Support:

While working on Svelte, you might lose out on cross platform support. Svelte doesn’t provide efficient cross platform support. So the developers will have to write entirely new code if they decide to work on any other platform.

5. Manual Setup:

Svelte being a new tool doesn’t offer many web application development tools. It has a potential to grow but the growth is yet to come. So if you are working on svelte, you will need to work on setup and configuration manually. This is in stark contrast to other dev tools which come equipped with setup and configuration tools.

Top Similarities between React vs Svelte

Architecture based on components:

Although React and Svelte differ in many aspects, the fundamentals remain the same. Both the frameworks are created based on components. The extension of svelte component is .svelte and for React ‘.jsx’ extension is used.

Use of JavaScript

Both React and Svelte rely on JavaScript. Both are java script based open libraries to support front end development. The only difference is that while React directly relies on Java script, Svelte uses a superset of JavaScript i.e. Typescript.

Effect of Updates in interface:

Both the frameworks react to any update in the user interface at the bottom level. The automatic updates in React are achieved through state and props. In svelte, reactive variables adapt to any change in UI.

Open Source Community:

Another similarity is that both the programs support open community. They keep on evolving and improving through open source contributors. Furthermore, both have similarity in their syntax and allow HTML style codes.

Wide Range of Tools:

React and Svelte both are equipped with a wide range of tools to support swift development. Some of the popular tools in React include server side rendering, code splitting, static site creation, etc. Similarly, in svelte, tools like svelte kit, automatic code splitting, server side rendering, server less web applications, etc. serve similar purposes like React.

Side by Side Comparison between React vs Svelte

CreatorJordan WalkeRich Harris
Creation year20112016
PerformanceGoodVery good
Maintained byMetaCommunity
ReactivityHighHigher than React
PhilosophyVirtual DOM-based, reconciles changes efficientlyCompiler-based, eliminates virtual DOM
Bundle Size42.2 KB1.6 KB
Learning CurveModerateEasy to Learn
Development SpeedMay require more setup and configurationRapid development with less boilerplate
PerformanceEfficient but may have slight overheadFast runtime, efficient updates
Component-BasedYes, promotes component reusabilityYes, encourages modular, reusable components

Top Major Differences between Svelte vs React – Detailed Comparison

Sveltevs React – Bundle Size

Both React & Svelte use different bundle size optimization methods and thus has significant difference in the library size. Svelte is approximately 20 times lighter than React, resulting in faster app loading time.

Svelte’s compiler optimizes the output and eliminates the unused code to optimize bundle size. The framework also uses a method called Scope CSS that reduces the CSS stylesheet size. In comparison, React’s bundle optimization method has additional features, including tree shaking, code splitting, and lazy loading.

Overall, Svelte’s minified GZipped version was only 2 KB in size as compared to the React’s GZipped version size was 42 KB (React & ReactDOM Both Combined)

SveltevsReact– Performance & Speed

When it comes to compares speed & performance, Svelte is a clear winner and outperforms React in every sense. React does most of its work in the browser as compared to Svelte that does its work in compile step. This little change greatly enhances server start time and boosts the performance.

Apart from this, react also uses a virtual DOM to monitor the user interface and then updates the actual DOM, which eventually results in slow loading time. In comparison, Svelte’s compiler generates optimized JavaScript codes that are meant to use less memory and run faster.

SveltevsReact – Testing

Testing is essential to make sure that the application or platform is working fine and without any error. React depends on several third party tools such as React Testing Library or Jest to test the applications.

In comparison, Svelte has an in-built testing component called “testing-library/svelte” that ensures realistic testing by duplicating or creating demo user interactions. This is especially useful and easy for beginners in front-end testing.

React vs Svelte – Third Party Support Required

Third Party libraries and tools are used to add additional functionalities to the application that are integrated with the framework. React need to use several third party libraries such as Framer Motion or React Transition Group to add transition & animation. In comparison, Svelte has several built-in components to add features and has all the essential functionalities required to build a robust, modern web application.

React vs Svelte – Community & Popularity

There is no competition of React when it comes to popularity. React has been most popular framework among developers since a long time. The official react library has more than 44600 forks and 213K stars and thus has one of the most powerful communities.

In comparison, Svelte is on the rise but is significantly less popular than React. Svelte’s official GitHub library has about 4000 forks and 72K stars. As a result, the framework has fewer support options and less resources due to low use case among developers.

Svelte vs React – Learning Curve

React and Svelte both have component based development architecture but the developers find the former a little complex. Svelte is easily readable and has an optimized code, making it more reactive than react. Further, most developers are well known to the CSS, HTML, & JavaScript which are the primary languages for Svelte. Comparatively, React uses JavaScript XML, which is a little complex for developers to understand.

React vs Svelte – Documentation & Ecosystem

When it comes to documentation, React has a poorly developed and non-interactive documentation as compared to Svelte. React’s team is supposedly working actively to tackle this and is planning to release new docs to the public soon. In comparison, Svelte has interactive, in-built resources available to learn the language easily for developers.

On the other hand, Framework’s ecosystem determines how easy it is to find resources, get support and code help for developers. React, being one of the oldest and widely used web frameworks, has much larger ecosystem than Svelte.

Who uses React? – Top Companies using React.js

React is the 2nd most popular framework as it is easily scalable, fast, and implement. Some of the most popular companies that use React are Meta, Salesforce, Discord, Skype, Pinterest, Instagram, and Shopify.

Who uses Svelte? – Top Companies using Svelte

Svelte has been gaining popularity to build dynamic, fast applications with a lot of features. Some of the top companies that use Svelte are Bloomberg, Yahoo, Rakuten, The New York Times, Byte Dance, Spotify, Reuters, Brave, IKEA, and Square.

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Which is Best – Sveltevs React?

So, we presented a side by side comparison of svelte vs React along with pros & cons of each framework. However, choosing one among them is not a rational choice. Both the frameworks are great at their own places and are not here to replace each other. React is a popular JavaScript library that comes with a vast active community, a well structured ecosystem, and detailed documentation. It can be used to build complex, larger applications that can be scaled easily. In comparison, Svelte is used to build optimized applications with robust performance.

Overall, the decision to choose svelte vs React depends upon the individual requirements and the development company’s needs & preferences.

Final Thoughts – React vs Svelte Frameworks

So, this was the comparison between React vs Svelte. We have tried to cover almost every comparison point between both the frameworks and present you an unbiased comparison. The final decision is in your hands still. You can also consider other frameworks for your next project and compare them with React & Svelte. Here is a detailed comparison between svelte vs Vue, Next JS vs React, and Angular vs Node JS vs ReactJS.

You can consult any top web development company, like Konstant Infosolutions, to get a better understanding of the frameworks for your next project.

Till then, keep learning, keep building!!!

Top FAQs

1. Which framework has a simpler learning curve – React vs Svelte?

Svelte definitely has a simpler learning curve due to its similarity with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Its automatic reactivity and clearly stated syntax makes it easy to learn for beginners.

2. Is Svelte built on React?

No, Svelte is an independent JS framework with its own concepts and architecture.

3. Is Svelte replacing React?

Both Svelte and React are co-existing and are not replacing each other. However, Svelte has definitely gained popularity in the recent times for its optimized code and high performing applications.

4. Who is using React?

React is the most popular framework among developers and is used by high profile companies like Instagram, AirBnb, Walmart, Uber, Slack, Netflix, Skype, and DropBox.

5. Who is using Svelte?

Svelte is a popular framework and is used by many top companies including Yahoo, ByteDance, Apple, Spotify, Facebook, IKEA, Reuters, NameCoach, GoDaddy, and Yelp.

Svelte vs React Framework 2024 – Pros, Cons, Use Cases - Konstantinfo (2024)
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