Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (2024)

This delicious, flavorful sweet potato cheese is firm and sliceable. It’s slightly similar in taste and texture to Daiya but less expensive and is made of commonly available ingredients.

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (1)

Cheese could possibly be the worst amongst the animal-basedfoods. The health, environmental, and ethical consequences are enormous … and so totally unnecessary.

“I’d go vegan but I just can’t give up cheese!”

How many times have we heard this argument? Most people find dairy cheese tasty and creamy. And why not? It’smostly fat and salt, which evolution has ensured we humans find appetizing. But did you know that dairy contains chemicals that are mild opiates? No kidding. We can literally become “addicted to cheese.”

The Problem(s) With Dairy Cheese and Why Plant-Based is (Way) Better

Chloé Jo Davis, the founder of Girlie Girl Army and a vegan mama who’s nursed for 8.5 years, says, ”I find dairy to be the biggest offense we make against animals. Keep them pregnant/ steal their babies/ don’t let them nurse, and then steal their milk? It’s asinine and vicious. If anyone actually saw the mechanisms they put on the calves noses to keep them from drinking their Mama’s Milk, they’d go vegan on the spot – or should. Going dairy-free is the easiest of all vegan switchovers, anyone who needs help can always reach out to me.”

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (2)

Most importantly, the animal ethics issue is a big one when to comes to the dairy industry. Dairy cows and their babies suffer horribly for both milk and cheese. What most people don’t know is what Pamelyn Ferdin talks about in her essay, Every Glass of Milk or Slice of Cheese Supports the Veal Industry. I drive past a dairy farm regularly and the rows of veal crates are a heartbreakingreminder that it’s not just the cows that are harmed.

Health, Tho

Not only is dairy cheese unkind, but it’s also incredibly unhealthy. Not surprisingly, all dairycontains copious amounts of cholesterol and trans fats. It may also contain a variety of contaminants, ranging from aluminum to intestinal bacteria and parasites.

Thankfully, there are lots of yummy vegan options that don’t hurt anyone … including yourself.

Store Bought Vegan Cheese

There are a lot more choices today than when I went vegan 11 years ago. The soy cheese I ordered from my food co-op left a lot to be desired.

Chloé Jo says about commercially available vegan cheeses, “Treeline and Dr. Cow cashew cheeses are truly divine. Simple, clean, and tasty – plus protein packed. I’m psyched to try my friend Josh Kather’s new cheese coming out called Rind Affleur. I love Chao for a grilled cheese, and Miyoko’s for a Caprese! I do end up buying lot’s of Daiya since I have 3 kids who want a ‘cheeseburger’ here and there.”

Another Vegan Activist and Mom

Marisa Miller Wolfson, longtime vegan and film director of the documentary Vegucated, says, “When I actually did give up cheese in 2002 the vegan options were very limited. Now, though, there are so many excellent options that you don’t have to miss it anymore. I currently have a delicious stash of Miyoko’s cheeses in my fridge. They’re so tangy and creamy. They remind me of European cheeses I used to spread on good bread at my grandmother’s house in Germany growing up.”

Marisa is a mom as well. She says, “My son loves Treeline classic cashew cheese on crackers, and my daughter wants Daiya’s shredded cheeses on everything. It’s super kid-friendly and our go-to cheese for birthday party pizzas. I’m really excited to try the new gourmet RIND cheeses created by my friend Joshua Katcher and Dina DiCenso.”

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (3)

For me? I love vegan cheeses! Miyoko’s is a favorite for me and lots of other vegans I know. I’m also all over the Daiya cheese, which is getting easy to find. Vegan Gourmet from Follow Your Heart is delectable, too. However, vegan cheeses can be hard to find in some areas. The prices are pretty reasonable for plant-based cheeses, though, with Daiya running about $5 for an 8 oz pkg and others are in that price range as well.

As delicious as those are, and I highly recommend them to anyone desiring a plant-based cheese, I wanted to make my own.

DIY Vegan Cheese

Most vegan cheeses made at home use nuts, and are delicious. Some of us (ahem,me) don’t digestnuts very well. The cheeses I’ve seen so far without nuts use agar to make them firm. Agar is made from red seaweed. I’ve got nothing against seaweed, either. I love Nori. But there’s something about agar that just immediately sets off my gag reflex.

So, my quest was for a vegan, nut free, agar free, but also firm and sliceable cheese. With a few failures under my belt, I finally came up with something close towhat I was aiming for.

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (4)

This vegan cheese is fairly simple to make and results in a firm but reasonably melty product. Plus, the sweet potato makes it just a little bit sweet, which I love.

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (5)

Sweet potato cheese takes a little bit of attention, but not really that much time. The coconut oil helps make it firm and sliceable once it chills for a bit in the fridge.

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (6)

And finally, it passed the taste test with flying colors. and was deliciousness in a grilled cheese.

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (7)

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (8)

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Sweet Potato Cheese

This vegan and plant-based cheese uses commonly found ingredients and is easy to make!

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Chilling Time 3 hours

Total Time 20 minutes



  1. Line a small bowl, loaf pan, or tub with plastic wrap and set aside.

  2. Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and process for 2-3 minutes until very smooth.

  3. Pour the mixture into a heavy saucepan. Heat to a simmer over medium-high heat. Reduce to medium and stir constantly for about 4-5 minutes until very thick and stringy.

  4. Pour into the lined bowl and cover with more plastic wrap. Place in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.

  5. Slice and serve.

Chloé Jo Davis

is the founder of GirlieGirlArmy.com: Your Glamazon Guide To Conscious Living, an award-winning vegan site that’s been around for 25 years. She’s often in the media and in print espousing her funny-girl-with-a-bone-to-pick expertise in conscious living, eco style, veganism, animal rescue, sustainability, attachment parenting, and breastfeeding.Regularly featured on radio, print, and tv discussing her favorite lines, tips, and musts, Chloé lives with her husband, rescued pets, and 3 boys under 8 in NYC.

Connect withChloéat:

Marisa Miller Wolfson

is a food activist and vegan who has organized roughly 70 grassroots workshops and screenings of award-winning documentaries about healthy, humane, eco-friendly eating all across North America. She’s the writer and director of the 2011 documentary Vegucated and, in my opinion, a fantastic cake decorator!

Connect with Marisa at:

Get Vegucated

Facebook.com/Get Vegucated

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (9)

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (10)

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (11)

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (12)

Lisa Viger Gotte

Hello! I’m Lisa, a vegan artist, photographer, author, Vegan Life Coach Educator, and RYT 200 yoga teacher. I love showing others how simple and delicious a plant-based diet can be. I draw and paint, cook, write, take lots of pics, eat lots of chocolate, and practice gratitude daily.

Sweet Potato Cheese Firm Sliceable DIY Vegan Plant-Based Cheese Recipe (2024)


What is the difference between vegan cheese and plant-based cheese? ›

Vegan cheese, which is alternately referred to as dairy-free cheese or plant-based cheese, is a product that mimics some of the properties of cheese. These include its texture, its flavor, and to some extent its melting ability, even though vegan cheese is made without using any animal-based ingredients whatsoever.

Why is it so hard to make good vegan cheese? ›

Key challenges in plant-based cheese production include achieving the right cheese texture, cheese flavor, and melting properties. For instance, dairy-free cheese made with coconut oil or cashew often lacks the melty quality of traditional cheeses, making it harder to use in dishes like lasagna or grilled cheese.

What are three dominant ingredients in vegan cheese? ›

Usually, they're made from soy; nuts, such as cashews and macadamias; and vegetable oils, such as coconut oil.

Why doesn t vegan cheese melt well? ›

The problem is this tiny protein, casein. to explain the science behind vegan cheese. It's not found anywhere else in the natural world, only in the milk of mammals.

Is vegan cheese more unhealthy than normal cheese? ›

This probably isn't the answer you wanted, but here it is: Most vegan cheese is not healthy at all. This is because most vegan cheeses are very high in saturated fat and contain little or no protein.

Will vegan cheese ever taste like real cheese? ›

It's important to understand that vegan cheese, being made with different ingredients, typically does not taste exactly like traditional dairy cheese. However, it does replicate some of the flavors and textures that you might remember from dairy cheese and tastes great in its own right.

What makes vegan cheese taste cheesy? ›

Nuts, such as cashews or almonds, are often used as they contain a lot of natural fat that gives a creamy texture once blended. Many brands also use a vegan lactic acid to add the tang and umami that gives that quintessential cheese flavour.

Why isn't vegan cheese stringy? ›

The end result is also a stable mix of these ingredients that somewhat resembles cheese. But when heated, the stable mixture softens rather than melts because there are no casein micelles to create this stretchy slip n' slide. “You will never get the same kind of texture and taste as dairy cheese,” Ismail says.

What enzyme is in vegan cheese? ›

Sometimes the label will specify non-animal enzymes, which means the rennet is vegetarian-friendly. Vegetable Rennet – Seeing vegetable rennet on the label is pretty much a guarantee that the rennet used comes from a plant. Common plants used to make vegetable rennet are thistle, melon, safflower and fig leaves.

What kind of cheese is made without milk? ›

Violife cheese is the largest dairy-free cheese brand in the world, so wherever you are located, you are sure to find it at your local grocer. Violife is a creation all on its own, closely mimicking famous dairy cheeses like hard parmesan, manchego, always a cheese board favorite, and 'to die for' feta cheese crumbles.

Why is it so difficult to make vegan cheese? ›

What makes the development of a cheese-like vegan product so difficult is the protein called casein. “Casein is what makes cheese cheese: it is casein's unique properties that make cheese solidify, melt, and stretch.

How to get vegan cheese to brown? ›

You can use it in recipes where you expect to have melted cheese, like on pizza, in sandwiches, or on oven-baked veggies. Its texture is creamy and stringy at the same time, and you can melt it in the oven, with the broiler on, and it'll bubble and brown just like regular cheese.

What is the point of vegan cheese? ›

One of the main benefits of vegan cheese is its lack of natural cholesterol, which comes mostly from animal products, especially animal fats.

Does plant-based mean no cheese? ›

There are a lot of great plant-based protein sources, including tofu, lentils, beans, nuts and nut butters, seeds, and quinoa. Don't forget: Dairy, eggs, beef, poultry, and fish are allowed on the plant-based diet, they just shouldn't be the center of the meal.

What is another name for vegan cheese? ›

Chease. Chease is a common term used, it's even used as some brands name, such as Tyne Chease which are based in the United Kingdom.

Is vegan cheese anti-inflammatory? ›

The dietary fiber and polyphenols in whole plant foods are known to reduce gut inflammation, so a plant-based diet based on whole foods that includes moderate amounts of vegan cheese will likely be overwhelmingly anti-inflammatory.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.