Systematic review on medicinal plants used for the treatment of Giardia infection (2024)

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Systematic review on medicinal plants used for the treatment of Giardia infection (1)

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Saudi J Biol Sci. 2021 Sep; 28(9): 5391–5402.

Published online 2021 Jun 1. doi:10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.05.069

PMCID: PMC8381067

PMID: 34466120

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However, broad adoption of herbal remedies for giardiasis is at present hampered by uncertain findings of investigation not always sufficiently powered. This study was aimed at systematically reviewing the existing literature in herbal medicines to treat giardiasis.


This review was carried out 06- PRISMA guideline and registered in the CAMARADES-NC3Rs Preclinical Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Facility (SyRF) database. The search was performed in five databases which are Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Google Scholar without time limitation for all published articles (in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies). The searched words and terms were: “Giardia”, “giardiasis”, “extract”, “essential oil”, “herbal medicines”, “anti-Giardia”, “In vitro”, “In vivo”, “clinical trial” etc.


Out of 1585 papers, 40 papers including 28 in vitro (70.0%), 7 in vivo (17.5%), 2 in vitro/ in vivo (5.0%), and 3 clinical trials (7.5%) up to 2020, met the inclusion criteria for discussion in this systematic review. The most widely used medicinal plants against Giardia infection belong to the family Lamiaceae (30.0%) followed by Asteraceae (13.5%), Apiaceae (10.5%). The most common parts used in the studies were aerial parts (45.0%) followed by leaves (27.4%) and seeds (7.5%). The aqueous extract (30.0%), essential oil (25.4%) and hydroalcholic and methanolic (10.5%) were considered as the desired approaches of herbal extraction, respectively.


The current review showed that the plant-based anti-Giardia agents are very promising as an alternative and complementary resource for treating giardiasis since had low significant toxicity. However, more studies are required to elucidate this conclusion, especially in clinical systems.

Keywords: Giardiasis, Medicinal plants, In vitro, In vivo, Clinical trials

1. Introduction

Giardiasis is considered as one of the most prevalent protozoan infection of humans in the worldwide which caused by an intestinal protozoan flagellate called Giardia lamblia (syn. G. duodenalis, G. intestinalis) (Plutzer et al., 2010). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) reports over 200 million recent cases of giardiasis that are diagnosed around the world every year; where it has been classified in the “neglected diseases initiative” (Plutzer et al., 2010). Previous reviews have showed that the infection rate in asymptomatic people varies from 8 to 30% in developing countries; while in industrialized countries the prevalence rate is 1–8% (Savioli et al., 2006). Humans especially children are usually infected as fecal-oral routes via direct or indirect the ingestion of infectious cysts in water and food. The incubation period varies from 9 to 15days after ingestion of cysts (Feng and Xiao, 2011). Symptoms of this infection are varied from the absence of symptoms to acute watery diarrhea, nausea, epigastric pain and weight loss (Muhsen and Levine, 2012).

Since there is no effective and safe vaccine to prevent Giardia infection; therefore, chemotherapy with synthetic drugs is now considered as the best choice for giardiasis treatment (Watkins and Eckmann, 2014). In recent years, studies showed that the use of these synthetic drugs are associated with some limitations such as treatment-refractory cases and some drug-related side effects including nausea, mild headache, dizziness and a metallic taste in the mouth, yellowing of the skin and elevated liver enzymes (Watkins and Eckmann, 2014, Leitsch, 2015, Lalle and Hanevik, 2018); therefore, the search and discovery of new alternative anti-Giardia drugs with high effectiveness as well as minimal toxicity has been considered by researchers in recent years.

From ancient times, medicinal herbs and their derivatives have been broadly used for health promotion and therapy for chronic, as opposed to life-threatening, diseases (Lalle and Hanevik, 2018). Herbal medicines have also been successfully used in the treatment of a wide range of bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections (Vandana et al., 2012). Previous reviews have demonstrated the anti-Giardia effects of some herbal extract such as Carum copticum, Lavandula stoechas, Tanacetum parthenium, Ferula assa-foetida, Allium paradoxum, Allium sativum, Artemisia annua, Allium ascalonicum, Chenopodium botrys, ZizIphora clinopodioides, Zataria multiflorahad, Eucalyptus globulus, Lippia beriandievi, Punica granatum, they also reported that the hydroalcoholic extract of Ferula assa-foetida, Chenopodium botrys, and Tanacetum parthenium have the 100% in vitro efficacy against G. lamblia; while, the maximum in vivo efficacy against giardiasis was observed for the Allium sativum extract at the concentration of 80mg/mL (Hezarjaribi et al., 2015, Bahmani et al., 2014, Nazer et al., 2019). However, broad adoption of herbal remedies for giardiasis is at present hampered by uncertain findings of investigation not always sufficiently powered. This study aimed at systematically reviewing the existing literature in herbal medicines to treat giardiasis.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Search strategy

This review was carried out 06- PRISMA guideline and registered in the CAMARADES-NC3Rs Preclinical Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Facility (SyRF) database. In this review study, data were obtained from published articles indexed in multiple databases such as Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Other database like Google Scholar. We interrogated these databases for scientific articles that related to anti-Giardia effects of medicinal without a date limitation. Thus, all published studies in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies were identified. It included studies published in languages other than English in the searching process if they have an English abstract. These studies were retrieved using the search terms “Giardia”, “giardiasis”, “extract”, “essential oil”, “herbal medicines”, “anti-Giardia”, “in vitro”, “in vivo”, “clinical trial” (Fig. 1).

Systematic review on medicinal plants used for the treatment of Giardia infection (2)

Flowchart describing the study design process.

2.2. Quality assessment and article selection

Those studies were examined in which the effects of herbal medicines against giardiasis. First, the studies were imported to the EndNote X9 software (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA) and duplicate studies were deleted. Afterwards, three independent authors examined the title and abstract of the studies and the relevant studies were included for further analysis. The same authors carefully read the studies and the eligible studies with adequate inclusion criteria were selected.

2.3. Exclusion criteria

The studies with inadequate information, abstract submitted in congresses whose full texts were not available, failure to match methods with results the incorrect interpretation of the results was excluded from the current study.

2.4. Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria of this study were the articles testing the anti-Giardia effects of medicinal herbs against Giardia infection, emphasizing the in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trial studies (Fig. 1).

2.5. Data extraction

Three independent authors extracted information from the selected articles and, if needed, the differences were resolved by the corresponding author. The extracted data include plant name, family, part of used, extraction, dose, parasite form, results, reference.

3. Results

Out of 1585 papers, 40 papers including 28 in vitro (70.0%), 7 in vivo (17.5%), 2 in vitro/ in vivo (5.0%), and 3 clinical trials (7.5%) up to 2020, met the inclusion criteria for discussion in this systematic review with the data extracted presented in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3. The obtained results showed 57 plant species, belonging to 48 genera and 19 families, which have pharmacological confirmation and therapeutic effects against Giardia infection (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Fig. 2). Totally 19 families were found the anti-Giardia activity in vitro and in vivo. The most widely used medicinal plants against Giardia infection belong to the family Lamiaceae (30.0%) followed by Asteraceae (13.5%) and Apiaceae (10.5%) (Fig. 3).

Table 1

A list of medicinal herbs with in vitro anti-Giardia effects. From 40 papers which met the inclusion criteria for based on the 06- PRISMA guideline, 28 papers (70.0%) including 37 genera and 48 species of plants showed the anti-Giardia activity in vitro.

Plant nameFamilyPart of usedExtractionCollection placeDoseParasite formResultsYearRef.
Achillea santolinaAsteraceaeAerial partsAqueous extractIraq31.25–2000mg/mlTrophozoiteThe results showed that at the dose of 2000mg/ml completely eliminate the G. lamblia trophozoites.2010(Al-kaissi, 2010)
Ageratum conyzoidesAsteraceaeFlower, leaf,Essential oil- Hydroalcholic extractThailand100–1000μg/mLTrophozoiteWhite–purple leave and flower purple extracts showed high activity (IC50≤100μg/mL) against G. duodenalis trophozoites, with IC50±SD values of 45.67±0.51 and 96.00±0.46μg/mL, respectively. In subsequent experiments, IC50±SD values of LW–P and FP essential oils were 35.00±0.50 and 89.33±0.41μg/mL, respectively. TEM revealed the degeneration of flagella and ventral discs of G. duodenalis trophozoites following exposure to crude extracts.2020(Pintong et al., 2020)
Allium sativumAmaryllidaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran0.2, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001µg/mLTrophozoite-cystThe essential oil at the concentration of 0.1 and 0.2µg/mL indicated appreciate parasiticidal effect (p<0.05).2020(Azadbakht et al., 2020)
Allium sativumAmaryllidaceaeBulbHydroalcoholic extractsIran2 and 5mg/mlCystThe fatality rate on G. lamblia cysts in vitro was 22.65±10.47%.2016(Fallahi et al., 2016)
Artemisia annuaAsteraceaeAerial partsHydroalcholic extractIran100mg/mlCystResults of this study indicated that concentration of 50 and 100mg⁄ml of hydroalcholic extracted of A. annua after 3 and 24h has the most killing and cytotoxicity activity on G. lamblia cysts in vitro.2020(Bahman et al., 2012)
Artemisia annuaAsteraceaeAerial partsChloroformic extractIran1, 10, 50 and 100mg/mlTrophozoite cystCyst and trophozoite contact (intermix) of G. lamblia with extract of A. annua with variant concentrations (1, 10, 50 and 100mg/ml) after 1 and 180min caused following cyst and trophozoite elimination rates: (67, 69, 71 and 73%), (65, 67, 67 and 72%), (94, 96, 97 and 99%) and (100, 100, 100 and 100%), respectively.2016(Golami et al., 2016)
Artemisia annuaAsteraceaeLeaveChloroformic extractIran1, 10, 50 and 100mg∕mlCyst trophozoiteChloroformic extracts of A. annua at 10mg/ml and 100mg/ml concentration had affected on Giardia cyst 96%, 99% and trophozoit (100%) after 3h.2014(Gholami et al., 2014)
Artemisia campestrisAsteraceaeAerial partsAqueous extractIraq31.25–2000mg/mlTrophozoiteThe results showed that at the dose of 2000mg/ml completely eliminate the G. lamblia trophozoites.2010(Al-kaissi, 2010)
Artemisia sieberiAsteraceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran0.2, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001µg/mLTrophozoite-cystThe essential oil at the concentration of 0.1 and 0.2µg/mL indicated appreciate parasiticidal effect (p<0.05).2020(Azadbakht et al., 2020)
Carum copticumApiaceaeLeavesAqueous extract, essentialIran1–100mg/mlCystAfter 60min Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) of Carum copticum alcoholic extracts and essential oil were 100mg and 8mg/ml, respectively. After 120min, MIC of Carum copticum alcoholic extracts and essential oil were 75mg and 6mg/ml, respectively; and after 180min MIC of Carum copticum alcoholic extracts and essential oil were 75 and 4mg/ml, respectively.2009(Shahabi et al., 2009)
Chenopodium botrysChenopodiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran0.2, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001µg/mLTrophozoite/ cystThe essential oil at the concentration of 0.1 and 0.2µg/mL indicated appreciate parasiticidal effect (p<0.05).2016(Fallahi et al., 2016)
Chenopodium botrysChenopodiaceaeSeedAqueous and alcoholic extractsIran1.25, 2.5,5,10 and 20mg/mlCystThe highest giardicidal effect of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of Chenopodium botrys L. at 37°C, in 20mg/ml and 5h after experiment were 100% and 66.1% respectively.2013(Rezaeemanesh et al., 2013)
Citrus aurantifoliaRutaceaePeelsHexane extractMéxico1–10mg/mL.Trophozoite4-hexen-3-one, citral and geraniol showed IC50 values of 34.2, 64.5 and 229.49μg/ml in axenic cultures after 24 hr of incubation, respectively. When these results were compared with a positive control of metronidazole; 4-hexen-3-one was 66 times; citral was 112 and geraniol was 441 times less active respectively. The other tested compounds did not inhibit the growth of cultured G. lamblia trophozoites.2015(Domínguez-Vigil et al., 2015)
Cucurbita pepo L,CucurbitaceaeSeedPetroleum ether, and methanol.Sudan1000ppm, 500ppm, 250ppmtrophozoiteC. pepo seeds petroleum ether extract exhibited 100% mortality within 120h giving IC50 of 60671.32ppm (with a concentration of 500ppm).2013(Elhadi et al., 2013)
Cucurbita pepo L, Cucurbita maxima DCucurbitaceaeSeedPetroleum ether, and methanol.Sudan1000ppm, 500ppm, 250ppmtrophozoiteC. maxima seeds petroleum ether extract exhibited 100% mortality within 48h giving IC50 of 548.80ppm (with a concentration of 1000 and 500ppm).2013(Elhadi et al., 2013)
Cuminum cyminumApiaceaeAerial partsAqueous extractIraq31.25–2000mg/mlTrophozoiteThe results showed that at the dose of 2000mg/ml reduce the viability of the G. lamblia trophozoites to 25%.2010(Al-kaissi, 2010)
Curcuma longaZingiberaceaeStem barkdichloromethane extractsEgypt1, 10 and 50mg⁄mLCystThe mortality (death) rate on Giardia cysts in was 85% after treatment with extract at concentration of 50mg/mL after 60min.2016(Dyab et al., 2016)
Cymbopogon citratusPoaceaeLeavesAqueous extractEgypt500mg/mlCystC. citratus aqueous extracts were effective against G. lamblia both in vitro and in vivo and they could be natural therapeutic alternative agents to MTZ.2019(Harba et al., 2019)
Echinophora cinereaApiaceaeAerial partsAqueous xtractIran4 and 8mg/mlCystThe findings showed, 4 and 8mg/mL of the same extract caused the gradual destruction of G. lamblia cysts (7.92 and 7.89 cysts/h, respectively). Furthermore, the mean rate of cysts destruction was found to be 8.83 cysts/h by 8mg/mL of E. cinerea extract.2018(Ezatpour et al., 2018)
Eucalyptus camaldulensisMyrtaceaeAerial partsAqueous extractIraq31.25–2000mg/mlTrophozoiteThe results showed that at the dose of 2000mg/ml completely eliminate the G. lamblia trophozoites.2010(Al-kaissi, 2010)
Eucalyptus globulusMyrtaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran0.2, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001µg/mLTrophozoite-cystThe essential oil at the concentration of 0.1 and 0.2µg/mL indicated appreciate parasiticidal effect (p<0.05).2020(Azadbakht et al., 2020)
Eucalyptus radiataMyrtaceaeLeavesMethanol extractIran10, 100, 200mg/mlCystThe methanol extracts with the dilution of 200mg/ml in 60 mins have the fatality effect of 63.3%.2012(Safarnezhad Tameshkel et al., 2012)
Ferula assa-foetidaApiaceaeAerial partsAqueous and ethanolic extractIran1, 1.25, 25, 5, 10, and 20mg/mlCystThe highest effect of ethanol extract was 100% at 20mg/ml and in the 4th hour after experiment, while the maximum effect of aqueous extract was 57.23% at the same temperature and with the same concentration, in the 5th hour.2012(Rezaiemanesh and Shirbazou, 2012)
Ferula-asa-feotidaApiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran10–500mg/mlCystThis study determined some plant essential oils have benefit effect on Giardia cyst and are suitable for further study to make herbal remedy from them.2003(Nr et al., 2003)
Heracleum glabrescensApiaceaeGrainMethanolic extractIran10, 100, 200mg/mlCystThe methanol extracts with the dilution of 200mg/ml in 60 mins have the fatality effect of 44%.2012(Safarnezhad Tameshkel et al., 2012)
Lagenaria sicerariaCucurbitaceaeSeedPetroleum ether, and methanol.Sudan1000ppm, 500ppm, 250ppmTrophozoiteL. siceraria petroleum ether extract exhibited 100% mortality within 72h with IC50 of 95.65ppm.2013(Elhadi et al., 2013)
Lavandula angustifoliaLamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran1, 0.5 , 0.1%TrophozoiteThe results demonstrated that low (≤1%) concentrations of L. angustifolia oil can completely eliminate G. duodenalis.2017(Vazini, 2017)
Lavandula intermediaLamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran1, 0.5 , 0.1%TrophozoiteThe results demonstrated that low (≤1%) concentrations of L.×intermedia oil can completely eliminate G. duodenalis.2017(Vazini, 2017)
Lipia beriandieriVerbenaceaeAerial partsAqueous extractMéxico1, 2, 5, 10mg/mlTrophozoiteThe extract showed 90% mortality in trophozoites.1994(Ponce-Macotela et al., 1994)
Lippia graveolensVerbenaceaeAerial partsEssential oilPortugal10–400μg/mlTrophozoiteThe IC50 value was 257μg/ml. Considering morphoplogical changes, it was roundly shape, irregular dorsal and ventral surface, presence of membrane blebs, electrodense precipitates in cytoplasm and nuclei, and internalization of flagella and ventral disc.2010(Machado et al., 2010)
Mangifera indicaAnacardiaceaeAerial partsAqueous extractIraq31.25–2000mg/mlTrophozoiteThe results showed that at the dose of 2000mg/ml reduce the viability of the G. lamblia trophozoites to 75%.2010(Al-kaissi, 2010)
Mentha longifoliaLamiaceaeLeafChloroform extractEgypt25–200μg/mlTrophozoiteChloroform extract at the dose of 200μg/ml inhibit>20% of trophozoites.2010(El-Badry et al., 2010)
Mentha piperitaLamiaceaeLeavesMethanol, dichloro-methane and n-hexane extractBrazil1, 10, 50 and 100µg/mlTrophozoiteThe aqueous extract showed no effect against the trophozoites with an IC50>100μg/ml. The aqueous fraction presented a moderate activity with an IC50 of 45.5μg/ml. The dichloromethane fraction showed the best antigiardial activity, with an IC50 of 0.75μg/ml after 48h of incubation. The morphological and adhesion assays showed that this fraction caused several alterations on plasma membrane surface of the parasite and inhibited the adhesion of G. lamblia trophozoites.2007(Vidal et al., 2007)
Myrtus communisMyrtaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran10–500mg/mlCystThis study determined some plant essential oils have benefit effect on Giardia cyst and are suitable for further study to make herbal remedy from them.2003(Nr et al., 2003)
Nigella sativaRanunculaceaeSeedEthanolic extractEgypt500µg/mlTrophozoiteThe results exhibited 95% mortality within 96h, at a concentration 500μg/ml against G. lamblia trophozoites in vitro2015(Kabbashi et al., 2015)
Ocimum basilicumLamiaceaeLeavesPetroleum ether, ethyl acetate, methanol and aqueous extractEgypt100mg\ mlTrophozoitePet. Ether extract (IC50=14.9mgml-1), Ethyl acetate extract (IC50=25.4mgml-1), methanol extract from O. basilicum (IC50=33.8mgml-1) had potent activity against G. lamblia (IC50=2.383mg/ml).2013(Elbadr et al., 2013)
Ocimum basilicumLamiaceaeLeafChloroform extractEgypt5–200μg/mlTrophozoiteChloroform extract from O. basilicum was strongly active against G. duodenalis with IC50=53.31μg/ml.2010(El-Badry et al., 2010)
Olea europaeaOleaceaeLeaveHydroalcoholic extractsIran2 and 5mg/mlCystThe results demonstrated that olive leaf extract had the most fatality rate on G. lamblia cysts in vitro (37.90±7.01%).2016(Fallahi et al., 2016)
Origanum virensLamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilPortugal10–300μg/mlTrophozoiteThe IC50 value was 85μg/ml. Considering morphoplogical changes, it was roundly shape, irregular dorsal and ventral surface, presence of membrane blebs, electrodense precipitates in cytoplasm and nuclei, and internalization of flagella and ventral disc.2010(Machado et al., 2010)
Origanum vulgareLamiaceaeFlowering aerial partsHydroalcoholic extractIran10, 100 and 200mg/mlCystThe results indicated anti-Giardia activity of OV hydroalcoholic extract and the best response was achieved at higher levels so that there were no significant differences among OV groups at levels of 200mg/kg with metronidazole (P>0.052018(Davoodi and Abbasi-Maleki, 2018)
Pulicaria undulataAsteraceaeAerial partsAqueous extractEgypt200mg/kgCystP. undulata aqueous extracts were effective against G. lamblia both in vitro and in vivo and they could be natural therapeutic alternative agents to MTZ.2019(Harba et al., 2019)
Pulsatilla chinensisRanunculaceaeAerial partsEthyl acetate and aqueous extractChina39.65–5,000μg/mlTrophozoiteThe PWE and ethyl acetate extract inhibited G. intestinalis trophozoites adherence after 3h of incubation and killed almost 50% of the parasite population in a time-dependent manner. Changes in morphology, presence of precipitates in the cytoplasm, dissolved cytoplasm with large vacuole, break of flagella and ventral disk, membrane blebs, and intracellular and nuclear clearance of the treated trophozoites were observed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy.2012(Li et al., 2012 1)
Rosmarinus officinalisLamiaceaeLeavesPetroleum ether, ethyl acetate, methanol and aqueous extractEgypt100mg\ mlTrophozoitePet. Ether extract (IC50=4.382mgml-1), Ethyl acetate extract (IC50=2.02mg/ml), and methanol extract (IC50=2.383mgml-1) from R. officinalis were strongly active against G. lamblia (IC50=2.383mg/ml).2013(Elbadr et al., 2013)
Sambucus ebulusAdoxaceaeFruitAqueous ExtractIran1, 10, 50 100mg/mLCystConsidering excellent antigiardial activity of S. ebulus in vitro, it seems to have potential for the treatment of the parasitic disease caused by the protozoan G. lamblia.2013(Rahimi-Esboei et al., 2013)
Satureja hortensisLamiaceaeLeavesMethanol extractIran10, 100, 200mg/mlCystThe methanol extracts with the dilution of 200mg/ml in 60 mins have the fatality effect of 84.3%.2012(Safarnezhad Tameshkel et al., 2012)
Satureja khuzestanicaLamiaceaeLeavesHydroalcoholic extractsIran2 and 5mg/mlCystThe fatality rate on G. lamblia cysts in vitro was 32.52±9.07%.2016(Fallahi et al., 2016)
Stachys lavandulifoliaLamiaceaeLeavesAqueous and n-hexane extractIran2.5,5, 10,25,50mg/mLCystThe watery extract at the concentration of 100mg/mL killed 93% of cysts after 6h. The n-hexane extract at the concentration of 100mg/mL killed 100% of cysts after 6h. Both extracts showed dose dependent antigiardial activity and the n-hexane extract was better than the watery extract.2017(Barati et al., 2017)
Syzygium aromaticumMyrtaceaeLeavesAqueous extractEgypt100mg/mLTrophozoiteS. aromaticum was good activity against G. lamblia (IC50=0.755mg/mL).2015(Dahab, 2015)
Tanacetum partheniumAsteraceaeAerial partsChloroformic ExtractIran1, 10, 50 and 100mg∕mlTrophozoite-cystThe chloroformic extract of T. parthenium at 1mg/ml and 10mg/ml concentration killed 97%, 99% on cyst and at 1mg/ml 100% on trophozite after 3h, 50mg/ml effected 100% trophozite after one hour, respectively.2014(Gholami et al., 2014)
Thymbra capitataLamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilEgypt10–300μg/mlTrophozoiteThe IC50 value was 71μg/ml. Considering morphoplogical changes, it was roundly shape, irregular dorsal and ventral surface, presenceof membrane blebs, electrodense precipitates in cytoplasmand nuclei, and internalization of flagella and ventral disc.2016(Abdel-Hafeez et al., 2016)
Thymus vulgarize,LamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran10–500mg/mlCystThis study determined some plant essential oils have benefit effect on Giardia cyst and are suitable for further study to make herbal remedy from them.2012(Rezaiemanesh and Shirbazou, 2012)
Thymus zygisLamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilPortugal10–300μg/mlTrophozoiteThe IC50 value was 185μg/ml. Considering morphoplogical changes, it was roundly shape, irregular dorsal and ventral surface, presence of membrane blebs, electrodense precipitates in cytoplasm and nuclei, and internalization of flagella and ventral disc.2010(Machado et al., 2010)
Zataria multifloraLamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran10–500mg/mlCystThis study determined some plant essential oils have benefit effect on Giardia cyst and are suitable for further study to make herbal remedy from them.2012(Rezaiemanesh and Shirbazou, 2012)
Zatraria multifloraLamiaceaeAerial partsEssential oilIran0.2, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001µg/mLTrophozoite-cystThe essential oil at the concentration of 0.1 and 0.2µg/mL indicated appreciate parasiticidal effect (p<0.05).2020(Azadbakht et al., 2020)
Zingiber officinaleZingiberaceaeRootAqueous extractEgypt20mg/ml.TrophozoiteThe present study confirmed that ginger extract is equally active against G. lamblia as NTZ. Moreover, this simple G. lamblia axenic culture medium proved beneficial for evaluation of the susceptibility of isolates to antiparasitic drugs2016(Abdel-Hafeez et al., 2016)
Zingiber officinaleZingiberaceaeRhizomedichloromethane extractsEgypt1, 10 and 50mg⁄mLCystThe mortality (death) rate on Giardia cysts in was 97% after treatment with extract at concentration of 50mg/mL after 60min.2016(Dyab et al., 2016)

Table 2

A list of in vivo studies considering anti-Giardia effects some medicinal herbs. From 40 papers which met the inclusion criteria for based on the 06- PRISMA guideline, 7 in vivo (17.5%) and 2 in vitro/ in vivo (5.0%) up to 2020, met the inclusion criteria for discussion in this systematic review.

Plant nameFamilyPart of usedExtractionCollection placeDoseConditionsParasiteResultsYearRef.
Allium paradoxumAmaryllidaceaeLeaveHydroalcoholic extractsIran20, 50, 100mg/mlIn vivo (Balb/c mice)CystAt the dose of 100mg/ml is able to remove the G. lamblia cysts. This effect is significant compared to the control group (P<0.05).2014(Elmi et al., 2014)
Allium sativumAmaryllidaceaeBulbChloroform extractIran80mg/mlIn vivo (Balb/ c mice)CystThe cysts of G. lamblia were more sensitive to garlic extract than G. muris. Although, the infected mice in the test groups were not cured by the doses of 20 and 40mg/kg body weight, they were completely cyst-free with the dose of 80mg/kg within three days.2006(Safar Harandi et al., 2006)
Curcuma longaZingiberaceaeStem barkdichloromethane extractsEgypt10 and 20mg/kg/dayIn vivo (Balb/c mice)CystThe administration of curcumin especially at the dose 20mg/kg/day significantly reduced the excretion rates of dead cysts and intestinal trophozoite (84.7%) in the faeces of the treated groups.2016(Dyab et al., 2016)
Cymbopogon citratusPoaceaeLeavesAqueous extractEgypt500mg/kgIn vivo (Albino mice)CystC. citratus aqueous extracts were effective against G. lamblia both in vitro and in vivo and they could be natural therapeutic alternative agents to MTZ.2019(Harba et al., 2019)
Helianthemum glomeratumCistaceaeFlowerMetanolic extractMexico1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20mg /kgIn vivo (CD-1 mice)TrophozoiteThe ED50 (mg/kg) obtained was 0.125mg/kg. The extract was four times more active than the extract of Rubus coriifolius, and its activity is comparable to metronidazole and emetine2016(Barbosa et al., 2006)
Lavandula angustifoliaLamiaceaeAerial partsAqueous extractAustralia100,200, 400ml/mgIn vivo (Souri mice)CystThe results of the current study indicated that Lavandula angustifolia has conceivable effects in vivo and it will be a suitable alternative for treatment of Giardiasis.2006(Moon et al., 2006 1)
Lavandula stoechasLamiaceaeAerial partsHydroalcoholic extractIran100, 200, and 400mg/ml for 10daysIn vivo (Swiss albino mice)CystThe extract significantly reduced the excretion rates of cysts 95.1, 84.3, and 77.7% after treatment with 400, 200, and mg/ml for 10days2017(Vazini, 2017)
Pulicaria undulataAsteraceaeAerial partsAqueous extractEgypt200mg/kgIn vivoCystP. undulata aqueous extracts were effective against G. lamblia both in vitro and in vivo and they could be natural therapeutic alternative agents to MTZ.2019(Harba et al., 2019)
Punica granatumPunicaceaePeelMethanolic extractSaudi Arabia300mg/kg/day for 30daysIn vivo (Swiss albino mice)CystResults revealed that the prevention rate in the experimental groups reached approximately 50% by the 10th day of using pomegranate peel extract. Moreover, stool cyst counts of groups showed a significant reduction in the shedding of cysts approximately 75.6% by day 20 post-infection.2017(Al-Megrin, 2017)
Rubus coriifoliusRosaceaeFruitsMethanolic extractAustralia1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20mg /kgIn vivo (CD-1 mice)TrophozoiteThe methanolic extracts showed antigiardial activity with ED50 (mg/kg) obtained was 0.506mg/kg.2006(Moon et al., 2006 1)
Yucca baccataAsparagaceaeStemAqueous extractMexico24.4, 12.2, and 6.1mg/mL/day for 3daysIn vivo (Mongolian gerbils)TrophozoitesYucca extracts reduced, albeit not significantly, the trophozoite counts in the duodenum segment. Only the high-extract concentration significantly reduced the trophozoite counts in the proximal segment and it was similar to that of metronidazole2014(Quihui-Cota et al., 2014)
Zingiber officinaleZingiberaceaeRhizomedichloromethane extractsEgypt10 and 20mg/kg/dayIn vivo (Balb/c mice)CystThe administration of ginger especially at the dose 20mg/kg/day significantly reduced the excretion rates of dead cysts and intestinal trophozoite (100%) in the faeces of the treated groups similar to that of the 20mg/kg/day MTZ treatment.2016(Dyab et al., 2016)

Table 3

A list of clinical trial studies considering anti-Giardia effects some medicinal herbs. From 40 papers which met the inclusion criteria for based on the 06- PRISMA guideline, 3 clinical trials (7.5%) up to 2020, met the inclusion criteria for discussion in this systematic review.

Plant nameFamilyPart of usedExtractionCollection placeDoseParasiteResultsYearRef.
Anethum graveolensApiaceaeLeaveAqueous extractIraq1ml 3 times a day for 5daysTrophozoite-cystsThis study showed that pediatric patients with giardiasis may benefit from 5days treatment with AGAE administered as 1ml 3 times daily, the improvement in the symptom with this herbal agent was comparable to the standard pharmacological agent Met; results showed that AG is safe and tolerable over treatment course.2014(Sahib et al., 2014)
Mentha crispaLamiaceaeLeaveAqueous extractBrazil2g/day for 10daysCystResults showed that the cure rate for the Secnidazole group (84.0%) was significantly higher (P=0.0002) as that verified in the M. crispa group (47.83%).2011(Teles et al., 2011)
Triticum Vulgare (Wheat)PoaceaeGermOilCanada2g, 3 times a day for 7daysCystIn asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects, both cyst passage and coproantigen levels were significantly reduced in those taking WG compared with the placebo group (P<0.01 and P=0.06, respectively).2001(Grant et al., 2001)
Systematic review on medicinal plants used for the treatment of Giardia infection (3)

Schematic representation of medicinal plants and their extracts of various parts used against Giardia infection.

Systematic review on medicinal plants used for the treatment of Giardia infection (4)

Plant families evaluated for anti-Giardia activity. Totally 19 families were found the anti-Giardia activity in vitro and in vivo. The most widely used medicinal plants against Giardia infection belong to the family Lamiaceae (30.0%) followed by Asteraceae (13.f%), Apiaceae (10.5%).

The obtained results showed that the most common parts used in the studies were aerial parts (45.0%) followed by leaves (27.4%) and seeds (7.5%). Whereas, other parts used were flowers, peels, bulb, and fruits (Fig. 4). The findings of the present review showed that aqueous extract (30.0%), essential oil (25.4%) and hydroalcholic and methanolic (10.5%) were considered as the desired approaches of herbal extraction, whereas the chloroformic (10.7%) and petroleum ether extract (7.5%) were the second most used herbal extractions (Fig. 5).

Systematic review on medicinal plants used for the treatment of Giardia infection (5)

The most parts of herbal medicines used for anti-Giardia activity. The obtained results showed that the most common parts used in the studies were aerial parts (45.0%) followed by leaves (27.4%) and seeds (7.5%). Whereas, other parts used were flowers, peels, bulb, and fruits.

Systematic review on medicinal plants used for the treatment of Giardia infection (6)

The most type of formulations of herbal medicines used for anti-Giardia activity. The findings of the present review showed that aqueous extract (30.0%), essential oil (25.4%) and hydroalcholic and methanolic (10.5%) were considered as the desired approaches of herbal extraction, whereas the chloroformic (10.7%) and petroleum ether extract (7.5%) were the second most used herbal extractions.

Based on the obtained results demonstrated that the most effective medicinal plants against G. lamblia in vitro were A. sativum, Artemisia sieberi, and Chenopodium botrys which showed the greatest effect at a concentration of 0.1µg/mL. In vivo studies also demonstrated that the most effective medicinal herbs against animal model giardiasis was Helianthemum glomeratum metanolic extract with the ED50 value of 0.125mg/kg. By clinical studies, aqueous extract of Anethum graveolens at the dose of 1ml/tree times for 5days, significantly improved the symptoms in pediatric patients with giardiasis; whereas the extract was safe and tolerable over treatment way. Triticum vulgare and Mentha crispa at the dose of 2g/day for 7 and 10days considerably reduced both cyst passage and copro-antigen levels in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients with giardiasis compared with the placebo group.

4. Discussion

Based on WHO reports (2005), medicines herbs and plant-derived compounds due to minimal or no industrial processing and side effects have been widely applied to treat not only on infectious diseases but also on a wide range of other diseases such as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, diabetes, cancer through local or regional healing approaches in developing and developed countries (World Health Organization, 2005). Today, it has been proven that biological activity and beneficial medicinal possessions of medicinal herbs is because of having the secondary metabolites present in herbs which make them a reliable source for preparation of new drugs (Pavarini et al., 2012, Ghasemzadeh et al., 2016).

Totally 48 plant species were demonstrated to be pharmacologically assessed for their anti-Giardia effects in the current review, whereas the most medicinal plants used belong to the family Lamiaceae followed by Asteraceae, Apiaceae. Studies have shown that plants from families Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, and Apiaceae due to high content phenolic compounds, flavonoids, terpenoids and exhibited a wide range of biological activities such as antimicrobial ones (Raja, 2012, Amiri and Joharchi, 2016, Bessada et al., 2015).

Flavonoids as one of the main important secondary metabolites of herbs have various pharmacological and favorable health possessions such as antimicrobial activity (Tapas et al., 2008, Cushnie and Lamb, 2005). Based on previous studies, these compounds show their antimicrobial effects by membrane disruption, inhibit cytoplasmic membrane function, bacterial biofilm elimination, inhibition of cell envelope synthesis, inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, inhibition of electron transport chain, ATP synthesis, inhibition of DNA gyrase, etc. (Xie et al., 2015, Górniak et al., 2019); therefore, the anti-Giardia activity of some plants could be related to the presence of the flavonoids compounds.

Another secondary metabolite of plants to which the antimicrobial effects of plants can be attributed is phenolic compounds (Trombetta et al., 2005). Reviews have demonstrated that polyphenols compounds show their antimicrobial effects through some mechanisms such as variation in permeability of cell membranes, the effect on some intracellular functions produced by hydrogen bonding of the phenolic components to enzymes, and change of the cell wall stability with entirety losses because of various interactions with the cell membrane (Daglia, 2012).

Terpenes (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) are one of the main plant-based compounds with a wide range of pharmacological and clinical properties such as antimicrobial ones (Mahizan et al., 2019). Studies showed that these compounds through microbial membrane disruption, interacting with intracellular organelles, and affecting critical cell activity have potent antimicrobial effects (Mahizan et al., 2019, Tariq et al., 2017); suggested that anti-Giardia effects of many plants are contributed to their high content of terpenoids.

Here, we found that aerial parts and leaves were the most frequently part of used during pharmacological confirmation of medicinal herbs against Giardia infection. Based on the previous investigations, leaves are considered as the preferred part of herbs by researchers for pharmacological goals because of having some properties such as (i) having a high amount of bioactive compounds; (ii) choose as a sustainable source of natural compounds; and (iii) ease of harvesting without damaging the plant (Eseyin et al., 2014, Moshi et al., 2012, Bhat et al., 2013, Altemimi et al., 2017).

The findings of our review showed that essential oil (28.6%) and aqueous extract (28.6%) were the most used herbal formulations. Previously it has been proven the general use of essential oil and aqueous extract highlight the role of solvents in extraction of potential bioactive constituents from various herbs and different parts of these plants (Al-Shaibani et al., 2008).

Based on the obtained results, we found that most of the investigations are aimed at in vitro model rather than in vivo assessment of herbs against the Giardia infection. This might be due to some unique features of this assay such as low cost, less time-consuming, and ease of doing and getting results, that let herbs screening on a large scale (Bedell et al., 1997). Although, in vivo assay would be more perfect and specific than in vitro, however it has some disadvantages such as higher cost, being time-consuming, and difficulty to repeat because the animal and pharmacodynamics in the host (Woo et al., 2012).

With all interpretations associated with the high efficiency of medicinal plants, but in recent years, there has been a rising concern about the toxicity and safety of medicinal plants (Bateman et al., 1998). Reviews have reported that adverse health effects of medicinal plants are attributed to some factors such as toxicity of main components, absence of adherence to proper manufacturing practice and subsequently contamination of preparations by means of heavy metals or microorganisms, and adverse reactions because of age, and genetic and underlying diseases of the user (Mensah et al., 2019).

5. Conclusion

In recent years, a wide range of researches are regularly studying on herbal extracts and essential oils to discover agents with potent anti-Giardia efficacy which could be applied for the giardiasis treatment alone or in combination with current synthetic drugs. The major advantages of herbal medicines over chemical medicines is that there are lower risks to develop resistance due to having a combination of different biological compounds with different mechanisms of action. The findings of the present review demonstrated that the plant-based anti-Giardia agents are up-and-coming as an alternative and complementary resource for treating giardiasis since had fewer significant toxicity. In addition to medicinal herbs, plant-derived compounds and compounds derived from natural products can be considered as promising products of effective to treatment of giardiasis. However, more studies are required to elucidate this conclusion, especially in clinical systems.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.