Tax-Smart Ways to Help Your Kids or Grandkids Pay for College (2024)

No matter how old your child or grandchild is, it's never too early to start figuring out how you may help them pay for their education. According to the College Savings Plans Network, it's estimated that, at an inflation rate of 6%, it will cost $261,277 to send a two-year old toddler in 2023 to an in-state, public college for four years, including tuition, fees, room, and board. Are you thinking about a private college? That’s going to run $598,063 by the time your toddler is ready for higher education.

Here, learn tactical, tax-smart methods for helping your child or grandchild save and pay for college.

Key Takeaways

  • The cost of college keeps rising, so it's wise for parents and grandparents to start savings plans now when their children are young.
  • A 529 plan is one of the best tax-advantaged ways to save for higher education.
  • Traditional and Roth IRAs can be used to pay for college expenses, but parents should be sure their retirement needs are covered.

The Cost of Going to College

According to, tuition rates will increase at about twice the general inflation rate. On average, tuition tends to increase about 8% per year. This means that the cost of college doubles every nine years.

And as of March 2023, college tuition and fees have increased 4.7% since February 2020. Interested in seeing what you can expect to pay for each year of tuition, fees, and room and board by the time your kids or grandkids are ready to head off to college, factoring in the cost of inflation? Use theCollege Cost Calculatorat the College Savings Plans Network.

Keep in mind, these numbers represent a single year of costs. The number of years your child attends college will depend on the degree(s) they are seeking. While many students will qualify for financial aid, scholarships, and grants to help cover college costs, there are a number of ways to trim college costs.

One of the easiest ways is to invest the money you’ve set aside for your child or grandchild’s college years is in tax-smartinvestment vehicles. These plans and accounts allow you to efficiently save for your child or grandchild’s education while shielding the savings from the IRS as much as possible.

Tax-Smart Ways to Help Your Kids or Grandkids Pay for College (1)

529 Plans

“One of the best ways to help a child financially while limiting your own tax liability is to use a 529 college plan,” Sam Davis, partner/financial advisor with TBH Global Asset Management, said. A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged investment plan that lets families save for the future college costs of a beneficiary.

Plans have high limits on contributions, which are made with after-taxdollars. You can contribute up to the annual exclusion amount each year, which is $17,000 in 2023 (the "annual exclusion" is the maximumamount you can transfer by gift, in the form ofcash or other assets, to as many people as you wish,without incurring a gift tax). The amount will increase to $18,000 in 2024. All withdrawals from the 529are free from federal income tax as long as they are used for qualified education expenses (most states offer tax-free withdrawals, as well).

Those who have the funds can "superfund" a 529 plan by contributing five years of gifts at once, per child, per person without being subject to the gift tax. This means, for example, that a pair of super-wealthy grandparents could contribute $75,000 each ($150,000 per couple) when a child is young and let that money grow to cover their entire costs. There are complicated rules about how to do this, so don't try it without detailed tax advice.

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, signed into law by President Donald Trump in December 2019, created multiple provisions intended to improve retirement and savings plans. Under the new law, 529 plan funds can now be used to pay off up to $10,000 in student loans, and the funds can also be used to pay for expenses related to registered apprenticeship programs.

Types of 529 Plans

There are two types of 529 plans:

College Savings Plans

These savings plans work like other investment plans, such as 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts (IRAs), in that your contributions are invested in mutual funds or other investment products. Account earnings are based on the market performance of the underlying investments, and most plans offer age-based investment options that become more conservative as the beneficiary nears college age. The 529 savings plans can only be administered at the state level.

Prepaid Tuition Plans

Prepaid tuition plans (also called guaranteed savings plans) allow families to lock in today’s tuition rate by pre-purchasing tuition. The program pays out at the future cost to any of the state's eligible institutions when the beneficiary is in college. If the beneficiary ends up going to an out-of-state or private school, you can transfer the value of the account or get a refund. Prepaid tuition plans can be administered by states and higher education institutions, though a limited number of states have them.

“I strongly advise my clients to fund 529 plans for the unsurpassed income tax breaks,” Davis said. “Although the contributions are not deductible on your federal tax return, your investment grows tax-deferred, and distributions to pay for the beneficiary's college costs come out federally tax-free.”

Traditional and Roth IRAs

An IRA is a tax-advantaged savings account where you keep investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You get to choose the investments in the account and can adjust the investments as your needs and goals change.

Under the SECURE Act of 2022, you can now wait until age 73 (for people born between 1951 and 1959) or age 75 (for those born in 1960 or later) to begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs). The previous SECURE Act of 2019 removed the age requirement for depositing money into a traditional IRA, so you can continue making contributions at any age if you are still working. In general, if you withdraw from your IRA before you are 59½ years old, you will owe a 10% additional tax on the early distribution.

However, you can withdraw money from your traditional or Roth IRA before reaching age 59½ without paying the 10% additional tax to pay for qualified higher education expenses for yourself, your spouse, or your children or grandchildren in the year the withdrawal is made. The waiver applies to the 10% penalty only; you will still owe income tax on the distribution unless it's a Roth IRA.


Using your retirement funds to pay for your child or grandchild’s college tuition does come with a couple of drawbacks:

  1. It takes money out of your retirement fund—money that can’t be put back in (unless you are still working)—so you need to make sure you are well-funded for retirement outside of the IRA.
  2. IRA distributions can be counted as income on the following year’s financial aid application, which can affect eligibility for need-based financial aid.

To avoid dipping into your own retirement, you may be able to set up a Roth IRA in your child's or grandchild’s name. The catch: Your child (not you) must have earned income from a job during the year for which a contribution is made. You can actually fund their annual contribution, up to the maximum amount, but only if they have earnings.

The IRS doesn’t care where the money comes from as long as it does not exceed the amount your child earned. If your child earns $500 from a summer job,for example, you canmake the $500 contribution tothe Roth IRA with your own money, and your child can do something else with their earnings.

Here's how to do it: If your child is a minor (younger than 18 or 21 years old, depending on the state in which you live), many banks, brokers, and mutual funds will let you set up a custodial or guardian IRA. As the custodian, you (the adult) control the assets in the custodial IRA until your child reaches the age of majority, at which point the assets are turned over to them.


A Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) can be set up at a bank or brokerage firm to help pay the qualified education expenses of your child or grandchild. Like 529 plans, Coverdell ESAs allow money to grow tax-deferred and withdrawals are tax-free at the federal level (and in most cases, the state level) when used for qualifying education expenses.

Coverdell ESA benefits apply to higher education expenses, as well as elementary and secondary education expenses. If the money is used for nonqualified expenses, you will owe tax and a 10% penalty on earnings.

Coverdell ESA contributions are not deductible, and contributions must be made before the beneficiary reaches age 18 (unless the child is a special needs beneficiary, as defined by the IRS). While more than one Coverdell ESA can be set up for a single beneficiary, the maximum contribution per beneficiary—not per account—per year is limited to $2,000.

To contribute to a Coverdell ESA, your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) must be less than $110,000 as a single filer or $220,000 as a married couple filing jointly.

Custodial Accounts

Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) accounts and Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) accounts are custodial accounts that allow you to put money and/or assets in a trust for a minor child or grandchild. As the trustee, you manage the account until the child reaches the age of majority (18 to 21 years of age, depending on your state). Once the child reaches that age, they own the account and can use the money in any manner they wish. That means they don't have to use the money for educational expenses.

Although there are no limits on contributions, parents and grandparents can cap individual annual contributions at $17,000 per individual ($34,000 per married couple) to avoid triggering the gift tax. These amounts will increase to $18,000 and $36,000, respectively, in 2024. One thing to be aware of is that custodial accounts count as students' assets (rather than parents'), so large balances can limit eligibility for financial aid. The federal financial-aid formula expects students to contribute 20% of assets, versus a maximum of 12% of assets for the parents.


The annual exclusion allows you to give $17,000 in 2023 (increasing to $18,000 in 2024) in cash or other assets each year to as many people as you want. Spouses can combine annual exclusions to give $34,000 (increasing to $36,000 in 2023) to as many individuals as they like—tax-free.

As a parent or grandparent, you can gift a child up to the annual exclusion each year to help pay for college or other higher education costs. Gifts that exceed the annual exclusion count against the lifetime exemption, which is $12.92 million per individual in 2023 (increasing to $13.61 million in 2024).

Concerned about the lifetime exemption? As a grandparent, you can help your grandchild pay for college while limiting your own tax liability by making a payment directly to their higher-education institution.

“Grandparents can pay the educational expense directly to the provider, and that does not count against the annual exclusion," said Joanna Foster, MBA, CPA. So, even if you send $20,000 a year to your grandchild’s college, the amount over $17,000 ($3,000 in this case) would not count against the lifetime exemption.

Why Is It Never Too Early to Start Saving for College?

No end is in sight for rising college costs. Due to inflation, the costs of college continue to increase. To ensure that you can cover the cost of college for your child or grandchild, it is recommended to start saving as soon as you can, whether that's through a 529 plan or other tax-advantaged account.

How Much Might College Cost for a Family Whose Child Is a Toddler in 2022?

According to the College Savings Plans Network, the cost of college for an individual who is a toddler in 2023 is estimated to be $261,277 for an in-state, public college for four years, including tuition, fees, room, and board. For a private college, it is estimated to be $598,063.

What Are Examples of Education Savings Accounts That Will Help People Plan for College Expenses?

A 529 plan is one of the best tax-advantaged ways to save for higher education. They come as either savings or prepaid tuition plans. Coverdell ESAs are another popular way to save. A plan can be set up at a bank or brokerage firm to help pay the qualified education expenses of your child or grandchild. Like 529 plans, Coverdell ESAs allow money to grow tax-deferred and withdrawals are tax-free at the federal level (and in most cases, the state level) when used for qualifying education expenses.

The Bottom Line

Many people approach saving for college the same way they approach retirement: They do nothing because the financial obligations seem insurmountable. Many people say their retirement plan is never to retire (not a real plan, needless to say, unless you die young). Similarly, parents might joke (or assume) that the only way their kids are going to college is if they get a full scholarship.

Aside from the obvious flaw with this plan, it’s a back-seat approach to a situation that really needs a front-seat driver. Even if you can save only a small amount of money in a 529 or Coverdell plan, it’s going to help.

For most families, paying for college is not as simple as writing a check each quarter. Instead, it’s an amalgamation of financial aid, scholarships, grants, and money that the child has earned, as well as money that parents and grandparents have contributed to tax-smart college savings vehicles.

Tax-Smart Ways to Help Your Kids or Grandkids Pay for College (2024)


Is paying grandchild tuition tax deductible? ›

According to the Internal Revenue Service, tuition that you pay for someone else is exempt from the federal gift tax. There is no limit to how much you may contribute towards your grandchild's tuition, said O'Connell, but the special gift tax exclusion only allows donors to pay for college tuition.

How can grandparents help pay college tuition? ›

Grandparents can help their grandchildren avoid going deep into debt by helping them pay for college. If you're in a solid financial situation, you may want to fund a 529 plan your grandchild can use to cover some of the costs of higher education. Or, you may want to provide money as gifts.

How much can grandparents gift to grandchildren for college? ›

Assist your grandchild with student loan payments after the fact. As of 2023, you are allowed to gift your grandchild up to $17,000 a year to help pay down his or her loans (or for any reason) without running into any gift tax issues. If your grandchild is married, you could also gift their spouse an additional $17,000 ...

Is paying for your child's college tax deductible? ›

The American Opportunity Tax Credit is based on 100% of the first $2,000 of qualifying college expenses and 25% of the next $2,000, for a maximum possible credit of $2,500 per student. You can claim the AOTC for a credit up to $2,500 if: Your student is in their first four years of college.

What is the grandparent loophole 529? ›

The FAFSA Simplification Act brings a lucrative “grandparent loophole” that allows you to contribute generously to a 529 plan without jeopardizing your grandchild's eligibility for financial aid. This opens up a wealth of strategic opportunities for families.

Does paying college tuition count as a gift? ›

Payments made directly from a person to an educational institution that are used for tuition, not room and board, just tuition, those payments are not deemed a taxable gift.

How do I set up a college fund for my grandchildren? ›

A parent or grandparent can use an UGMA or UTMA account (i.e., "custodial" account) to save for a child, and they would have broad investment options and no limit on contributions. But the child named on the account would gain control once they reach a specified age governed by state rules, which in many places is 18.

Do grandparents get a tax benefit by contributing to a 529? ›

529 plans are one of the best ways for grandparents to save for college because while contributions to a 529 plan are not deductible at the federal level, over 30 states offer a tax deduction or credit for contributions.

How much money can a grandparent give a grandchild tax-free? ›

Annual gifting exclusion limits

This is known as the annual exclusion. For 2024, the annual limit per recipient is $18,000. In other words, you can give up to annual limit per grandchild without worrying about tax implications or filing a gift tax return.

How do I get the full $2500 American Opportunity Credit? ›

Be pursuing a degree or other recognized education credential. Have qualified education expenses at an eligible educational institution. Be enrolled at least half time for at least one academic period* beginning in the tax year. Not have finished the first four years of higher education at the beginning of the tax year.

Is it better to not claim a college student as dependent? ›

If your income is high enough to lose out on the dependent exemption for a child attending college, your family may benefit from opting not to claim your college student as a dependent. By this point, your child is over the age of 17, so the child tax credit is not available.

Do college students get $1000 back on taxes? ›

You can get a maximum annual credit of $2,500 per eligible student. If the credit brings the amount of tax you owe to zero, you can have 40 percent of any remaining amount of the credit (up to $1,000) refunded to you.

What can grandparents write off on taxes? ›

Deduction for interest on qualified education loans – Grandparents may qualify to claim an above-the-line deduction for up to $2,500 of interest paid on a qualified higher education loan for any debt they incurred solely to pay qualified higher education expenses for a dependent grandchild, who is at least a half-time ...

Is paying someone else tuition tax deductible? ›

Under the IRS tax code, individuals may pay an unlimited amount for someone's tuition and not be taxed. To make a tuition gift that qualifies for the federal gift tax educational exclusion, you can't give the money directly to a student, you must make the tuition payment directly to the student's school.

Can a grandparent pay off a student loan? ›

Paying student loan debt.

You can't pay student loan debt directly, but you could always gift money to cover the debt to your grandchildren. Again, because the FAFSA has a two-year lookback, grandparents should wait until after the grandchild's sophom*ore year or after the grandchild graduates to help pay student loans.

Can I deduct tuition paid for my niece? ›

You are not able to claim any education credits for a non-dependent child. To be able to claim education credit, the student in question must be a dependent claimed as an exemption on your tax return.

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