Term Life Insurance: What It Is and How It Works - NerdWallet (2024)

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Imagine a world without yourself in it. Would your family need help paying the bills? Term life insurance can help you bridge that gap at a relatively low cost. If you die while the policy is in force, you’ll leave behind a lump sum of cash for whomever you choose.

Because term life insurance doesn’t last forever and has no cash value, it’s typically much cheaper than whole life insurance.

» MORE: Term life insurance definition

Key terms in this article


The person(s) or entity a life insurance company pays after an insured person dies.

Cash value

The portion of a permanent life insurance policy that grows over time and can typically be used to withdraw or borrow against. Term life insurance plans do not have a cash value component.

Death benefit

The money a life insurance company pays beneficiaries after an insured person dies.


The cost of your life insurance policy (typically paid monthly, semiannually or yearly).

What is term life insurance?

Term life insurance offers temporary coverage for a specific period of time, such as 10, 20 or 30 years. As long as you keep up with your premium payments, your insurer will pay a sum of money to your life insurance beneficiaries if you die during the term.

Unlike whole life and other types of permanent life insurance that may last your entire life, term life insurance coverage typically expires when the term ends. This means that if you outlive your policy, your beneficiaries won't receive any money. If you still need life insurance, you may be able to renew your policy, convert it to permanent coverage at a higher premium or buy another policy.

Term life doesn’t build cash value that you can borrow against, like permanent life insurance does. This is one reason term life is cheaper than whole life. Term life purely provides insurance, and with whole life, you're paying for longer coverage and the ability to grow the policy's cash value.

» MORE: Term vs. whole life insurance: Differences, pros and cons

Do you need term life insurance?

Term life insurance is sufficient for most people who are in the market for coverage. Consider term life insurance if:

  • People — like a spouse or child — depend on you financially.

  • Your death would be a financial burden to others.

  • You have debt that will be paid off after a number of years, such as a mortgage.

  • You’re a stay-at-home parent and your family would have to pay someone to handle household tasks and other services if you die.

How long does term life insurance last?

Term life insurance policies often last for 10, 20 or 30 years, but some insurers offer policies in one- and five-year increments. If you’re a breadwinner in your family, aim to choose a term length that matches the years your family will rely on your income.

Ideally, by the time your coverage ends, you’ll no longer need life insurance. Your children will be grown, your mortgage will be paid off, and you’ll have enough savings to be financially secure.

🤓Nerdy Tip

If you expect your needs will change over time, you can buy more than one life insurance policy, giving you extra coverage during the stages of life when you need it most. This strategy is known as “laddering,” and it’s useful if you have financial obligations set to end at different times. For example, you could take out a 30-year policy to match your 30-year mortgage and a 20-year policy to cover your children until early adulthood, when they’re likely to start earning their own money.

Deciding between term and permanent life insurance

Find out whether term life insurance is the best fit for you by using our tool below.

Can I switch to permanent life insurance?

Many policies allow you to convert your term life policy to permanent insurance. Your premiums will go up, but you can stay insured without having to prove you’re still in good health. Some policies allow conversion at any time, while others permit it only in the first few years of coverage or before you reach a certain age, like 75.

How much does term life insurance cost?

Term policies are often the most affordable life insurance. The cost of a term life insurance policy depends on several factors, including:

With most term life insurance policies, premiums and payouts stay the same throughout the term. In this way, term life is one of the more predictable types of life insurance.

» MORE: Average life insurance rates

Sample life insurance rates for men and women

Here’s a look at how much you might expect to pay for a 20- or 30-year term life policy, compared with the cost for a whole life policy with the same death benefit.

Average annual life insurance rates for women

Age at purchase

Policy amount

20-year term life

30-year term life

Whole life




$1 million













$1 million













$1 million













$1 million




Not available.




Source for all rates: Quotacy. Lowest three rates for each age and policy type averaged. Valid as of Jan. 7, 2023. Rates are for applicants in the super preferred health class.

Average annual life insurance rates for men

Age at purchase

Policy amount

20-year term life

30-year term life

Whole life




$1 million













$1 million













$1 million













$1 million




Not available.




Source for all rates: Quotacy. Lowest three rates for each age and policy type averaged. Valid as of Jan. 7, 2023. Rates are for applicants in the super preferred health class.

» MORE: Behind the scenes: How does life insurance underwriting work?

Term life insurance shopping guide

If you've settled on term life insurance, there are a few decisions you'll need to make to get the policy that best fits your needs.

1. Know the types of term life policies

  • Level-premium term life is a common type of term life insurance and the right choice for many people. In most cases, your premiums stay the same every year, and your beneficiaries receive the death benefit if you die while the level term life policy is active. According to the Insurance Information Institute, 20-year policies are the most popular.

  • Renewable term life gives you the option to renew your coverage after the term expires, even if your health would otherwise prevent you from buying a new policy. However, your premiums may increase when you renew. Annual renewable term is an example of this type of coverage, and it's suitable for those with a brief life insurance need — like covering a short-term loan. Otherwise, you’ll likely save money by locking in a rate with a longer level-premium policy.

  • Decreasing term life policies have a death benefit that goes down over time, though premiums usually stay the same. One example is mortgage protection insurance. People may choose this type of policy to cover a specific debt that they plan to pay off during the term.

2. Consider policy riders

Some companies offer extra features called life insurance riders, often for an additional fee. Here are a few common life insurance riders.

Return of premium rider

With return-of-premium life insurance, if you keep your policy until the end of its term, the insurer will refund the premiums you paid. This option may be appealing if you don’t like the idea of outliving your policy and getting nothing in return for paying years’ worth of premiums.

However, your premiums are likely to be considerably higher if you choose this option.

Accelerated death benefit rider

If you become seriously ill, an accelerated death benefit rider allows you to withdraw part of the money from the death benefit while you’re still alive. This is often referred to as a “living benefit.”

Some insurers only offer living benefits for those with terminal illnesses, while others may let you tap in to your payout early if you have a critical illness. It’s important to read the fine print on your policy or the rider options to make sure you understand the eligibility criteria.

Note that if you use this option, the amount you withdraw will no longer be paid to your family when you’re gone. If you think you might use an accelerated death benefit, make sure to buy enough coverage that your family’s financial needs will still be met when you die.

Waiver of premium rider

A waiver of premium rider pauses your premiums if you become unemployed or disabled and can’t work for a specified period of time, typically six months or longer. Your policy remains in force even though you’re no longer required to make premium payments.

Accidental death benefit rider

This option increases the payout if you die due to an accident. But be aware that "accident" might not mean what you think.

Insurance companies may strictly define what types of accidental deaths qualify for the extra payout. In addition, there may be time limits. For example, if you're injured in an accident and die of your injuries four months later, your beneficiaries won’t get an extra payout if the rider covers only deaths within three months of an accident.

3. Understand the approval process

Before you buy coverage, insurers typically want to know how healthy you are. You may need to answer some health questions, and it’s important to be truthful. Companies can reject a life insurance claim if the application was inaccurate or incomplete.

The approval process varies based on the type of policy you're applying for:

  • Fully underwritten life insurance typically requires a medical exam. A medical professional may take blood and urine samples and check factors like your weight, height and blood pressure. Even if you have some health issues, you can generally find the lowest price by applying for a fully underwritten life insurance policy.

  • Simplified issue life insurance doesn’t require a medical exam. You’ll still answer health questions, and the insurer may pull data about you from other sources, such as your prescription drug history and driving record.

  • Guaranteed issue life insurance skips both the questionnaire and exam and doesn’t require any information about your health.

For some people, accelerated underwriting is another way to get life insurance without a medical exam. You answer health questions online or by phone, and the insurer uses outside data and sophisticated algorithms to evaluate your application. You might get rapid approval, with rates similar to those you’d get if you’d taken an exam. However, if you’re in less-than-perfect health, some companies that offer instant life insurance may require a medical exam before deciding whether to approve your application.

🤓Nerdy Tip

If you have a hobby or occupation that’s considered dangerous, like scuba diving or aviation, you can expect to pay higher rates. Some insurance companies may also deny you coverage or exclude deaths resulting from a dangerous activity from being covered. Find out whether your hobby is covered and how much it will cost you before you commit to a plan. If the premiums seem unreasonable, keep shopping around.

» MORE: Why you’ll pay more for high-risk life insurance

4. Compare prices

Every insurer has its own criteria for setting rates, so premiums can vary — sometimes significantly. It's worth getting quotes from a handful of insurers to make sure you're locking in the lowest possible rate.

It’s easy to compare life insurance quotes online for term policies. Be sure to choose the same coverage amounts and options for each policy you compare.

» MORE: Cheap life insurance companies

More about term life insurance

Learn more about how term life insurance works, and find the right coverage for you.

Term life insurance definition

How to buy term life insurance

Advantages of term life insurance

Best term life insurance companies

Frequently asked questions

What are the top questions to ask when considering term life insurance?

Whether you’re dealing with a company representative or an independent life insurance agent, consider asking the following questions:

  • What life insurance lengths do you offer?

  • What coverage amounts are available?

  • Are there any hobbies or medical conditions that will exclude me from getting term life insurance or make me pay a higher premium?

  • What options will I have if my term life insurance plan expires?

How long do I need term life insurance for?

Term life insurance policies last only for a specified period — often 10, 20 or 30 years. The best term for you will depend on why you need life insurance. If you’re buying it to make sure a short-term debt can be covered, a 10-year policy might be enough. If you want to make sure your spouse can pay off your mortgage and put your children through college without your income, a 30-year policy might be better.

What happens if my term life insurance plan expires?

Term life insurance isn’t meant to last forever. But if you find you still need life insurance upon its expiration date, you may be able to renew your policy, convert it to a permanent policy at a higher premium or buy a new policy. It’s best to check with your insurance company or agent before you buy a policy to check what your options are.

What is the difference between term and whole life insurance?

Term life insurance lasts for a set number of years, while whole life insurance typically lasts your entire life. Because whole life insurance pays out regardless of when you die and includes a “cash value component” — a reserve attached to your policy that grows over time — it’s more expensive than term life insurance. Read NerdWallet’s term life vs. whole life insurance: differences and how to choose.

What happens if I can't afford my term life insurance premiums?

Most life insurance companies offer a grace period after a missed bill, usually between 30 and 90 days. During this time, your policy is still active. As long as you pay in full by the end of the grace period, you’ll be fully protected.

What if you still can’t pay? Insurers often allow customers to apply for reinstatement within a certain time period after the policy’s lapse.

Term Life Insurance: What It Is and How It Works - NerdWallet (2024)


What is a term life insurance and how does it work? ›

At its most basic level, a term life policy is an agreement between the person who owns the policy (the owner) and an insurance company: The owner agree to pay a premium for a specific term (usually between 10 and 30 years); in return, the insurance company promises to pay a specific death benefit in cash to someone (a ...

What does Dave Ramsey say about term life insurance? ›

Don't throw your money away. Think for yourself and get the coverage you need, not the policy that someone making a commission wants to sell you on. I recommend you get 10 to 12 times your annual income worth of term coverage. For stay-at-home parents, I recommend a term policy valued between $250,000 - $400,000.

What does Suze Orman say about term life insurance? ›

Suze Orman recommends that generally most people should get a 20 year term life insurance policy at 20 times your annual income. What does that mean? That means if you're 30 years old and you make $50,000 a year you should get a million dollar 20 year term life insurance policy.

What are the disadvantages of term life insurance? ›

Cons of level term insurance

Unlike permanent life insurance , level term contracts have an end date, so you won't have coverage or death benefits once the policy has run out. No cash value. Level term insurance contracts don't accumulate cash value.

Why is term life insurance not worth it? ›

When is term life insurance not worth it? Term life insurance probably isn't worth the costs if you don't have any significant debts to pass on to your loved ones or you don't have dependents or a spouse that you'd leave in a bind by passing away.

Do you get your money back at the end of a term life insurance? ›

Another reason companies are able keep term life premiums lower is that premiums are almost never refunded. This is normally the case even if you cancel your policy. So in most cases you shouldn't expect any money back after your term expires.

At what age should you stop paying term life insurance? ›

At What Age Is Life Insurance No Longer Needed? Life insurance is no longer needed for many people once they reach their 60s or 70s. At this point they have retired, their kids have grown up, and they've paid off their mortgage and other debts.

What happens if you never use your term life insurance? ›

If a term policy expires, it typically ends without any action needed from the policyholder. The insurance carrier sends a notice, premiums stop and there is no longer a death benefit. If the policy included a return-of-premium feature, the policyholder would receive a check for the premiums paid during the term.

Does term life insurance actually pay out? ›

If you pass away during this 10-year period, your beneficiaries will receive the policy's death benefit. If you outlive the policy term, the coverage ends — unless you choose to renew or convert your policy — and no death benefit is paid. Beneficiary designations are an important aspect of term life insurance.

Why do financial advisors push term life insurance? ›

A financial advisor who makes a living through commissions has a strong financial incentive to include life insurance, as some insurance companies pay rather well for selling their products.

When should you cash out a term life insurance policy? ›

Since a term life insurance policy doesn't come with a cash value component, it's not possible to cash it out. This policy solely includes a death benefit that your beneficiaries may receive if you die before the end of the policy's term.

What is the best length for term life insurance? ›

For most people, a term life insurance policy should last as long as your major financial obligations, like the length of your mortgage or until your kids are old enough to support themselves financially.

What is the drawback to term life insurance? ›

Drawbacks of Term Life Insurance, Explained

A variety of factors affect the price of term insurance. For example, a larger death benefit or longer length of coverage will certainly increase the premiums. Also, most policies require a medical exam, so any health complications could raise your rates above the norm.

Why do people prefer term life insurance? ›

When it comes to term life insurance, one of the major benefits is the ability to choose the amount of coverage for a specific period of time to create the best term life policy for you. In many cases, you're able to pick a term length that can be anywhere from 10 years to 30 years.

Who is term life insurance best for? ›

Term life is often a better choice for parents with young children and a mortgage, as their family may be dependent on their income to meet basic expenses. Whole life is often more expensive than term life, but the coverage is permanent as long as you make your payments.

Can you cash out term life insurance? ›

While you can't cash out term life insurance, you can sell your policy. Additionally, you may have other options if you want to change your coverage, such as lowering your premium payments or converting to a permanent policy.

Which is better, whole life or term? ›

Term life insurance tends to be much cheaper than whole life coverage because term policies do not have a cash value component and may expire without paying any benefits. Whole life insurance is a form of permanent life insurance that covers the person for their entire life rather than a fixed period of time.

What happens to term life insurance when it ends? ›

When your term life insurance plan expires, the policy's coverage ends, and you stop paying premiums. Therefore, if you pass away after the policy ends, your beneficiaries will not be eligible to receive a death benefit.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.