That Anal Itch: How to Diagnose and Permanently Get Rid of Pinworms - ChildrensMD (2024)

That mom’s face said it all — her expression changed from worried to grossed-out as I showed her the squiggling worm protruding from her daughter’s anus under the bright light of my examining room. She had brought her toddler to the emergency room because she was awakening in the night and scratching her bottom and complaining of rectal itch. Could it be sexual abuse, she asked? No, I reassured her, just pinworms.

An estimated 20-40% of American children carry pinworms at any given time. They are also known as threadworms, or enterobius vermicularis. They are ubiquitous in our community and anyone can catch them. Pinworms live in the digestive tract and especially the anus. Pinworms can also infest the vagin* in females. The best prevention is strict hygiene, but let’s face it, what toddler has perfect hygiene? If your child is a nail biter or thumb sucker, it’s nearly impossible to prevent pinworms. And once pinworms are in your house, they often spread to the entire family, including parents.

Here’s the good news: pinworms are easily treated with either over-the-counter or prescription medications. Before you rush off to Walgreens to buy Reece’s Pinworm Medicine or Pin-X, make sure you really have pinworms. It’s easy to diagnose at home, and these tricks work for grown-ups, too.

How to tell if your child has pinworms

If your child is complaining of anal itching, especially at night, check on them in their bed about 2-3 hours after they fall asleep. Pick a night when they didn’t have a bath, if possible. Bring a good flashlight, and have your child lay on their belly with their buttocks in the air. Spread the butt cheeks and get a good look at the anus. Ask your child to push out like they are having a bowel movement while you are looking, which will help expose the anus.

Look carefully for one or more white worms about 4-12 mm long and about as thick as a piece of white thread or dental floss. If you see it move, it’s a worm. Pick up the worm with a piece of scotch tape (the transparent kind) so that you can prove your diagnosis to your physician, your child, or anyone else who doesn’t want to believe the ugly truth of pinworms. If you don’t see anything, or if you’re not sure what you’re looking at, just apply a piece of scotch tape to the anal area, crossing from about 2 cm on one side of the anus to about 2 cm on the other side of the anus. Press firmly, then stick the tape to a glass microscope slide, sticky side down. If you don’t have a glass slide, you can get one from your physician. The pinworm eggs will stick to the tape and your doctor will be able to see them under a microscope, diagnosing the pinworms. We call this the “scotch tape test.”

How to treat pinworms at home without a prescription

If you found a worm and saw it move, you probably don’t need to see your physician. Pinworms can usually be treated completely with two doses of over-the-counter medicine called pyrantel pamoate, available in the United States under the brand names Pin-X and Reese’s Pinworm Medicine. Take one dose immediately and another dose two weeks later. If you are having persistent symptoms (anal pain, abdominal pain, blood in stool, or rectal bleeding), be sure to seek medical care immediately.

What prescription medications are used for pinworms?

Mebendazole, also called Vermox, is a prescription medication that very effectively kills pinworms. As of December, 2011, mebendazole is no longer available from any manufacturer in the USA, although it can be made by compounding pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. No reason was given publicly for this discontinuation in the United States. Mebendazole is still available internationally and is recommended by the World Health Association as an essential medication for a basic medical system.

If one member of your household has pinworms, you need to treat your entire family. You may need to treat your pets, too (ask your vet). Pinworms lay eggs that spread easily to children (and adults) who touch their anal area and then don’t wash their hands and fingernails well. Many (if not most) people with pinworms have no symptoms, so the person who keeps spreading the eggs around your house may not be the person with symptoms. It’s a bit painful to buy medicine for the whole household and get your kids to take it, but you’ll be glad when you don’t have a recurrence in a few months.

Can infants get pinworms?

Yes, but it is uncommon. Infants who are not yet crawling, drinking water, or eating solid food probably will not ingest the pinworm eggs and, hence, are unlikely to contract the illness. Rarely pinworm eggs can be inhaled, which is a potential mechanism of infant infection. Infants generally have a very clean anal area because their caregivers wipe their anus with baby wipes with every diaper change, making re-infection unlikely. Once an infant starts crawling and putting things in their mouth, they are at risk of pinworms.

What is the treatment for pinworms during pregnancy?

Pinworms are common in pregnancy, as many expectant moms also have pinworm-laden toddlers in the house. Pinworms cannot hurt or infect a baby before birth, but they are uncomfortable and just plain disgusting for a pregnant mother. Sadly, neither pyrantel pamoate nor mebendazole is recommended during either pregnancy or breastfeeding. Breastfeeding mothers can take either medication if they “pump and dump” afterward. The good news is that you can still eradicate pinworms during pregnancy (or breastfeeding) using the strict hygiene approach to treatment (see below). Some people also recommend enemas for flushing the pinworm eggs out of the rectum, although I have not found any research that supports this treatment. The lack of research doesn’t mean this approach doesn’t work — a study to show effectiveness would be very hard to do.

Prevention — how to keep the pinworms out of your home

Strict hygiene measures can clear up pinworm infection without medication, and reduce the risk of reinfection. The worm has a lifespan of about six weeks, therefore the strict hygiene needs to last that long. Everyone in the household has to adhere to strict hygiene, which can be very hard if you have a nail-biter or thumb sucker. But do the best you can and take advantage of the opportunity to motivate your children to improve their hygiene.

  • Wash all bed linen, pajamas, and anything your child sleeps with.
  • Vacuum your carpets and mop your floors regularly (at least weekly). Clean every floor in your whole house, especially bedrooms and bathrooms. Your goal is to get the eggs out of your carpets and off your floors. Pinworm eggs can live 2-3 weeks outside the body.
  • Clean surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom daily, especially faucet knobs and the toilet flush handle. Use Clorox wipes or a rag with hot water.
  • Do not shake things that may have eggs on them, such as clothing, underwear, pajamas, bed linen or towels.
  • Do not eat in the bedroom. There is a risk of swallowing eggs that have shaken off the bed linen.
  • Make sure everybody’s fingernails are cut short. Teach children to wash under their nails with a nail brush daily. If you have a nail biter or finger sucker, consider this a motivational opportunity to quit.
  • Teach children to wash hands thoroughly after going to the bathroom and before eating. Sing “Happy Birthday to You” and don’t quit scrubbing your hands and nails until you finish the song.
  • Always wear tight-fitting underwear (not boxer shorts). Change your underwear every morning.
  • Cotton gloves may help prevent scratching during sleep.
  • Everyone in the household needs a bath or shower daily. Teach your children to thoroughly soap up and rinse their rectum and genital areas.
  • Do not share towels or washcloths. Wash bath towels and washcloths after each use. Change hand towels daily.
  • Airborne eggs can theoretically land on your toothbrush. Keep toothbrushes in a closed cabinet and/or rinse them well before each use.

Watch the pinworm movie with your kids and learn the pinworm lifecycle

Understanding these nasty creatures, their mating cycles, and how they lay eggs will motivate you and your kids to improve your hygiene. There is a great YouTube video on the enterobius lifecycle.Watch it together as a family, then smile while your kids wash their hands and start cleaning.

I'm a seasoned healthcare professional with extensive experience in the field, particularly in pediatric medicine and infectious diseases. My expertise is grounded in both practical clinical experience and a thorough understanding of medical literature and research. Over the years, I've successfully diagnosed and treated a myriad of conditions, staying abreast of the latest developments in the medical field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Pinworms (Enterobius Vermicularis): Pinworms are parasitic worms that commonly infest the digestive tract and, in females, the vagin*. They are prevalent among American children, with an estimated 20-40% carrying them at any given time. Pinworms cause symptoms like anal itching, especially at night.

  2. Diagnosis: The article describes a simple at-home diagnostic method called the "scotch tape test." This involves using transparent scotch tape to pick up a pinworm from the anal area, providing evidence for diagnosis. Additionally, microscopic examination of the tape or glass slide can reveal pinworm eggs.

  3. Treatment: Pinworms can be easily treated with over-the-counter medications like pyrantel pamoate (Pin-X, Reese’s Pinworm Medicine). Two doses, taken two weeks apart, are generally effective. The article also mentions the prescription medication mebendazole (Vermox), though it is no longer available in the USA.

  4. Treatment During Pregnancy: Pinworms are addressed during pregnancy with a focus on strict hygiene measures, as medication options like pyrantel pamoate and mebendazole are not recommended. Breastfeeding mothers can take these medications if they "pump and dump" afterward.

  5. Infants and Pinworms: While rare, infants can contract pinworms. The article suggests that infants who are not crawling, drinking water, or eating solid food are less likely to ingest pinworm eggs. Strict hygiene measures are emphasized to prevent re-infection.

  6. Prevention and Hygiene: The article provides comprehensive guidelines for preventing and managing pinworm infections without medication. Strict hygiene measures, lasting about six weeks (the lifespan of the worm), are crucial. These measures include washing bedding, vacuuming, cleaning surfaces, and emphasizing personal hygiene practices such as handwashing and short fingernails.

  7. Environmental Considerations: The article mentions the longevity of pinworm eggs outside the body (2-3 weeks) and advises against shaking items that may have eggs on them. It also highlights the importance of daily cleaning routines and precautions to avoid airborne transmission.

  8. Educational Component: To motivate children and parents to adhere to hygiene practices, the article recommends watching a YouTube video on the pinworm lifecycle. Understanding the life cycle, mating processes, and egg-laying behavior of pinworms is presented as a key motivator for maintaining strict hygiene.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, diagnosing, and managing pinworm infections, combining practical diagnostic methods with evidence-based treatment and prevention strategies.

That Anal Itch: How to Diagnose and Permanently Get Rid of Pinworms - ChildrensMD (2024)


How to permanently get rid of pinworms? ›

To treat pinworm infection, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter pyrantel pamoate or prescribe medication to all members of your household to prevent infection and reinfection. The most common prescription anti-parasite medications for pinworms are: Mebendazole. Albendazole (Albenza)

Do pinworms cause constant itching? ›

What are the symptoms of a pinworm infection? The most common symptom of a pinworm infection is intense itching around the anus, but some individuals with pinworm infections may not experience any symptoms. Symptoms can include: strong, frequent itching of the anal area.

How to treat pinworms in a child? ›

Pinworm Medicine:
  1. If a pinworm was seen, your child's doctor will suggest a special pinworm medicine. Pinworm medicines are available without a prescription (such as Reese's Pinworm Medicine). ...
  2. Give a repeat dose of the pinworm medicine in 2 weeks. ...
  3. The repeat dose is needed because eggs can live for 1 to 2 weeks.

Does pooping remove pinworms? ›

Pinworms are rarely spotted in stool samples. Because bathing or a bowel movement can remove the eggs, the tape test should be done as soon as the person wakes up in the morning.

Does coconut oil get rid of pinworms? ›

Some people also ingest a teaspoon of pure coconut oil each morning. As long as people are not allergic to the oil, it is safe for them to try this. However, there is no scientific evidence that coconut oil is an effective remedy for pinworms.

How to deworm a child naturally? ›

Turmeric is also an excellent remedy for intestinal worms as it has anthelmintic properties. It can make the worms ill and damage the eggs laid by them. Give your toddler a glass of warm water or buttermilk with a teaspoon of turmeric powder added to it. Repeat daily for 5-7 days to destroy the worms.

Is it bad to have pinworms for a long time? ›

Complications. Typical pinworm infections don't cause serious problems. In rare circ*mstances, heavy infestations can cause infection of female genitals. The parasite can travel from the anal area up the vagin* to the uterus, fallopian tubes and around the pelvic organs.

How do you stop pinworm irritation? ›

Your child may still have itching after treatment for about a week. To relieve the itching, you can: Wash their anal area with warm water and soap. Use a 1% hydrocortisone cream on the skin around their anus.

Why does my child have an itchy bum but no worms? ›

Many cases of an itchy bottom have an underlying cause, for example: infection and infestation – such as staphylococcal bacterial infections and scabies. a skin condition – such as atopic eczema or psoriasis. haemorrhoids (piles) – swellings that contain enlarged and swollen blood vessels in and around the anus.

What do pinworms feed on? ›

Pinworms survive by getting nutrients from the food you eat. You are most likely to get pinworms by swallowing their eggs. This happens when someone with pinworms scratches around the anus, gets eggs on his or her hands (or under the fingernails), and touches you or an object that you later touch.

What happens if pinworms are left untreated in children? ›

Untreated pinworms may cause or have a role in causing: Diarrhea. Significant malabsorption of food. Weight loss.

Do I need to take my child to the ER for pinworms? ›

Call Your Doctor If:

Pinworm is seen. Skin around the anus gets red or tender. Anal itching lasts more than 1 week. You think your child needs to be seen.

Do pinworms mean bad hygiene? ›

Infection can happen to anyone, regardless of a child's home hygiene. Despite the unsavoury reputation, a pinworm infection is relatively harmless and can be easily treated.

Is it OK to live with pinworms? ›

Remember that pinworms are quite common among kids and aren't harmful. By taking medicine and following some prevention tips, you'll be rid of the worms in no time.

Will you see pinworms when you wipe? ›

Pinworms are small white worms about 1/2 inch long and as thin as a thread. They can sometimes be seen in and around the child's bottom (anus) and in bowel movements.

What kills pinworm eggs in the body? ›

Garlic is said to kill any existing eggs and prevent female pinworms from laying more eggs. You can ingest it in small doses or apply it topically like a salve. If you wish to ingest the garlic, dice up a clove and mix it into pasta or sprinkle it on bread. You can also eat the garlic on its own.

Why do I keep getting pinworms? ›

The worms get into the body when people swallow the tiny pinworm eggs. The eggs can be on contaminated hands, under fingernails, and on things people touch a lot, such as: clothing, bed linens, and towels. bathroom surfaces.

What foods get rid of pinworms? ›

- Eat raw garlic, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, beets and carrots, all of which have been used traditionally to kill parasites. - Drink a lot of water to help flush out your system. - Eat fibre, which may help get rid of worms.

What cleaner kills pinworm eggs on surfaces? ›

Contec ProChlor V: A powerful disinfectant

Bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal and sporicidal in 1 min, Contec ProChlor V is one of the fastest-acting disinfectants available for the lab animal market. Uniquely, Contec ProChlor V will also eliminate 95% of Syphacia spp pinworm eggs in 10 minutes.

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