The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (2024)

There is no shortage of interest in finance books. Sales of business and economics print books reached a 10-year high in 2022, accounting for a quarter of all nonfiction unit volume and realized a 10% raise from 2021, according to market research firm The NPD Group. Business is the second-highest category in print publishing after books about religion. This large, complex print category has more than 100 categories and over 200 subcategories.

To help you sort through these offerings, we’ve put together a list of the best—everything from a biography; how-tos on managing money and investments; a lively reference book about cryptocurrency; policies that impact economics; scandals and personalities laid bare; and the thinking behind decision making in the stock market and other areas, as well as the all-time best book on negotiating. These books, written by authors of diverse backgrounds, offer the most comprehensive picture and the freshest insights to provide a broad perspective on the economy in these complicated and high-risk times and will help you make better financial choices.

Best Overall: No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (1)

Sarah Frier’sNo Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram ranks as the best overall book on our list of fine finance books. The title doesn’t do the book justice, because it’s so much more than a book about two smart tech guys creating a novel app and then selling it to Facebook.

Through her well-written and -reported prose, Frier, the Bloomberg editor in charge of Big Tech coverage, tackles the significance of social media—how it can alter the outcomes of elections, impact the self-esteem and behavior of followers who don’t have the seemingly perfect lives of celebrities and influencers, and generally hurt society when it professes to do the opposite. She alsotakes us inside Facebook, especially profiling itsco-founder Mark Zuckerberg, who Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom called the most strategic thinker he has ever met.It’s a gripping read.

“If Facebook was about friendships, and Twitter was about opinions, then Instagram was about experiences—anyone could be interested in anyone’s visual experiences, anywhere in the world,” Frier writes in her tale of app envy among Silicon Valley leaders. In 2010, Instagram co-founders Mike Krieger and Systrom were coming to terms with the scope of their online creation, a social media app for photos and video that led Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg to acquire it for $1 billion two years later.

Systrom stayed on after the sale and tried to preserve the app’s initial intent of a way station for beautiful images, but he clashed with Zuckerberg, who wanted to grow Instagram while keeping it from overshadowing the parent. “Facebook was like the big sister that wants to dress you up for a party, but does not want you to be prettier than she is,” an unnamed former Instagram executive is quoted in the book as saying. Instagram comes out poorly, too, as its images of “perfect-looking” women caused some its followers to seek out cosmetic surgery, and opioids were sold through its site for several years.

Silicon Valley’s workings are thoroughly reported, thanks to Frier’s extensive interviews with venture capitalists and tech executives and Instagram influencers and celebrities. Accolades poured in for No Filter: It was named the best business book in 2020 by the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book, and it received equally effusive attention from Fortune, The Economist, Inc., and NPR.

Best on Personal Finance: Rich Dad Poor Dad

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (2)

As any investor knows, it’s not how much money you make, but how much you keep—a main premise of Rich Dad Poor Dad, now published in a 20th anniversary edition. This conversational book—which considers being financially literate crucial to acquiring wealth—cites the lessons from a “rich dad,” a friend’s father who rises from humble beginnings to create a lucrative business and a capitalist, and a “poor dad,” author Robert T. Kiyosaki’s own father, who was a highly educated government employee his entire working life and a socialist.

Kiyosaki obviously took the “rich dad” lessons to heart in co-writing what’s still considered, after 25 years, a top personal finance book. Chapter 2 questions the “American dream” of homeownership by spelling out Kiyosaki’s controversial argument that owning a house is a financial liability, not an asset, because paying for and maintaining it is a drain on finances, while Chapter 4 delves into the history of taxes and the power of corporations. He says that having financial literacy means a broad understanding of accounting and investing and knowing the markets and the law.

Each chapter ends with a “Study Session,” which reviews the material and poses questions.

Rich Dad spent nearly seven years on the New York Times bestseller list, one of the first self-published books to land there. “It [offers] useful information for a generation on the brink of making important financial decisions,” says Eric Estevez, a member of Investopedia’s Financial Review Board and an independent insurance broker. “Robert has a track record of breaking down complex financial concepts into simple explanations.”

Best Cryptocurrency Reference: The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (3)

You can judge this book by its cover because it delivers on its title, resulting in a comprehensive, lively must-have reference book on cryptocurrencies. Antony Lewis, a former technologist at Credit Suisse in Singapore and London, left banking to join the startup iBit, where clients buy and sell Bitcoins, and has never looked back.

His nine-chapter book starts with defining money—followed by definitions of digital money, cryptography, cryptocurrencies, digital tokens, and blockchains—and illustrates points with pictures, graphs, tables, pie charts, and infographics. He suggests, for example, that Bitcoin be called an “electronic asset” because “the word currency often sidetracks people when they are trying to understand Bitcoin. They get caught up trying to understand aspects of conventional currencies which do not apply to Bitcoin, what backs it (nothing) and who sets the interest rates (there is none).”

Investopedia’s Vinamrata Chaturvedi, senior editor overseeing blockchain and cryptocurrency,says this about the book: “There are many questions we have when thinking about blockchain. This book answers all of them. It explains how blockchain technology works and why cryptocurrencies are the future of money.”

Lewis freely admits that he “loves the industry” of crypto assets, Bitcoins, and blockchains, yet he also cautions about the very real dangers to investors. In a section called “Scams,” he lays out the swindles of Ponzi schemes, exit and fake scams, pump-and-dumps, scam initial coin offerings (ICOs), spoof ICOs, scam mining schemes, and fake (digital) wallets. “People have made and lost fortunes trading cryptocurrencies and investing in ICOs, but there are many risks,” he writes. “If you do decide to get involved, be careful and do a lot of research before committing your money.”

Best for Investing: A Random Walk Down Wall Street

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (4)

Burton G. Malkiel is an economics professor, a former director at Vanguard, and a former dean of the Yale School of Management, yet his most recognizable contribution to finance is his Random Walk book, originally published in 1973 and, as of 2019, in its 12th edition. If you wait for Jan. 3, 2023, you can get the 50th anniversary edition in a green, not yellow, cover—the one pictured above.

“A random walk is one in which future steps or directions cannot be predicted on the basis of past history,” writes Malkiel. “When the term is applied to the stock market, it means that short-run changes in stock prices are unpredictable.” Sound familiar?

Amy Drury, a member of Investopedia’s Financial Review Board, and CEO and founder of the financial training company OnPoint Learning, who recommended the book, had this to say: “I reread this recently and found that it was a pretty comprehensive overview about finance and investing. It is very dense, so maybe not one to take to the beach, but it is great as a reference book to dip into on specific topics.”

Best Personal Finance Disaster Management: What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (5)

There are two ways to read Michelle Singletary’s personal finance book, and both are right: You can tackle it from start to finish or dive into the topics that are the most pressing first and then read the rest. In her Survival Guide—an outgrowth of her nationally syndicated personal finance column, “The Color of Money,” for The Washington Post—Singletary covers how to manage money and deal with crises, using a question-and-answer format, which delivers authoritative, straightforward, and actionable answers.

When money is tight, Singletary advises triaging: assessing what must be paid for, such as having food on the table, and dealing with remaining creditors directly by working out payment plans. What’s especially impressive about her book is that it serves a wide range of readers—those who enjoy hefty incomes and live beyond their means, rank newcomers to financial self-care, and everyone in between.

Its “Resources” chapter lists organizations, companies, and government agencies that offer information and, as needed, possible relief for the consumer. “Very timely, relevant, practical, and helpful” is how Marguerita M. Cheng, CEO of Blue Ocean Global Wealth and an Investopedia Financial Review Board member, describes the book.

Best Global Perspective: The Silk Roads: A New History of the World

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (6)

To the uninitiated, the words “silk roads” may conjure up the deep beauty of shimmering silk fabric in exotic locales. The reality is quite different. In his 2015 book, Oxford University global history professor Peter Frankopan weaves a complex tale across centuries about fearless merchants, middlemen, soldiers, and leaders—many of whom traveled on life-challenging passages across treacherous terrain throughout the Middle East, China, the Balkans, and South Asia with the added provocations of unpredictable weather and peoples, crime and life-threatening disease, and even the proselytizing by clergy of religions old and brand-new, which led to deadly power grabs and wars.

So valued was silk that it became an international currency when others, such as grain, failed. Through the centuries, new cities sprouted and others faltered. The simple purpose, of course, was commerce.

The Silk Roads refocuses our attention on a region that has always and will always play a critical (and defining) role in the global economy,” says David M. Roth, CEO of Wakaya Group, a former director of FIJI Water in Fiji, and an entrepreneur-in-residence at INSEAD. “Frankopan also helps us contextualize and make sense of current events within the long arc of human history. To paraphrase [Democratic political operative] James Carville, it is and always has been about the economy.”

A follow-up from Frankopan is The New Silk Roads: The New Asia and the Remaking of the World Order (Vintage, 2018).

Best on the Dangers of the Gender Data Gap: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (7)

In this absorbing book—named 2019’s Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year and a London Times bestseller, British journalist and activist Caroline Criado Perez spells out how the data gender gap accounts for disadvantages for women worldwide, costing companies and governments plenty in missed opportunities and productivity. It shows how this bias can yield an unhappy workforce and populace and result in unnecessary illnesses—and even deaths—among women.

“The stories we tell ourselves about our past, present, and future. They are all marked—disfigured—by a female-shaped ‘absent presence,’” writes Criado Perez, who draws on numerous research studies. “This is the gender data gap.” Practically speaking, this means that medical studies—which often include miners and construction workers, mostly male, and leave out cleaning staff and nail-salon workers, mostly female—still largely focus on men as the default, leaving doctors to estimate drug dosages and treatments for women. In addition, car safety systems are designed for the larger male body, causing additional injuries for female drivers in the event of an accident. The same is true of personal protective equipment (PPE), which leaves female police officers, for example, unprotected on duty as bulletproof vests often don’t fit them.

Even transportation systems are geared toward the male breadwinner driving a car. Meanwhile, women, who are often responsible for primarily caring for children and aging adults and grocery shopping, are left to rely on usually time-consuming and inefficient public transportation and walking. One success story was a change in the order of snow-clearing practices in the Swedish town of Karlskoga. The governing body decided to clear snow from sidewalks before roadways. That’s because pedestrians, two-thirds of whom were women, sustained injuries, mostly through falls, three times more often in the winter. The estimated cost of all these falls in a single winter season was some $4 million.

Criado Perez maintains that using the male default isn’t intentional, but ingrained. However, the next time you see a female colleague wrapped in a blanket in the office, while male workers simply wear their regular clothes, know that the data gender gap is partly to blame.

Best Biography: The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (8)

Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett, the so-called “Oracle of Omaha,” has had volumes in many languages written about him. Yet his personal life from the earliest days and beyond remained a mystery until Alice Schroeder penned this eloquent biography at Buffett’s invitation. “Whenever my version is different from somebody else’s, Alice, use the less flattering version,” Buffett advised Schroeder.

This New York Times bestseller traces Buffett’s French Huguenot and German heritage, whose family motto was likely “spend less than you make,” with the addendum of “don’t go into debt.” She goes from his birth 10 months after the 1929 stock market crash to his unconventional marriage and fatherhood, to his many deals and the circus-like atmosphere surrounding Berkshire Hathaway’s popular shareholders meetings.

Buffett credits his success to “intelligent parents” and having “luck.” Yet the numbers-loving Buffett had, by age 10, figured out that having money meant coveted independence, the basics of buying and selling stocks, and how equity’s volatility can impact an investor. His metaphor for compounding is a snowball in wet snow that gathers strength and heft as it rolls down the hill. Still working 82 years later, Buffett is one of the world’s richest men, with an estimated net worth of $99.7 billion as of this writing.

Best Origin Story: Trillions

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (9)

“Over the past decade, 80 cents of every dollar that has gone into the U.S. investment industry has ended up at Vanguard, State Street, and BlackRock,” writes Robin Wigglesworth, editor of the Financial Times’ Alphaville, a news and commentary service for financial professionals. Wigglesworth’s compelling book tracks the beginning of index funds to the current day and ponders what their dominance means.

Wigglesworth begins by introducing a cast of 32 characters—among them, only two women: Jeanne Sinquefield, who designed derivatives, and former Barclays Global Investors CEO Pattie Dunn. Other key players:

  • “Early-twentieth-century French mathematician Louis Bachelier, whose work on the ‘random walk’ of stocks would make him the intellectual godfather of passive investing”
  • Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett, who won a 10-year-old bet with Ted Seides of Protege Partners in 2017 that the returns of index funds would outstrip those of a basket of hedge funds
  • Jack Bogle, the founder of Vanguard, often called “Saint Jack” because his company offered index funds to the public en masse. At the end of his life, Bogle questioned the value of index funds but also defended them. “It’s hard to know how big we can get, and the consequences...,” he said. “But to solve this, we should not destroy the greatest invention in the history of finance.”

Best for Decision-Making Skills: Thinking, Fast and Slow

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (10)

Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist by training. However, his work on prospect theory earned him a Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002, an award he acknowledges he would have shared with collaborator Amos Tversky, had Tversky lived, and with whom he also explored heuristics in judgment and decision making. Prospect theory means that investors value gains and losses differently, placing more weight on perceived gains than perceived losses.

His research also led him to conclude that women make better investors than men because they hold on to their investments, whereas men panic and sell when the market dips, thereby missing out on upswings. Kahneman estimates that the average person makes 35,000 decisions a day—the fast kind, such as when to get up, what to eat for breakfast, what to wear, and the slow kind that involve deliberative thinking, such as whether and whom to marry, which career to pursue, or where to live.

This data-heavy book, thoughtful and cerebral, is also full of anecdotes about Kahneman’s life of research and experiences. In 2016, Michael Lewis published The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds, on the close partnership of Kahneman and Tversky.

Best Read on Scoundrels and Saviors: The Predators’ Ball

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (11)

Today’s younger readers may only know Michael Milken as an advocate for prostate cancer research and the founder of the Milken Institute, a think tank that promotes market-based principles and everything from financial innovations to social issues. When New Yorker writer Connie Bruck’s gripping book was published, life was very different for Milken. He was fighting off federal charges of securities and tax violations. He had been the junk bond king who underwrote some of the biggest corporate raiders, such as Ronald Perelman and Carl Icahn, during the height of junk bonds’ popularity and the leveraged buyout boom.

So concerned was Milken about Bruck’s reporting that he offered to pay her for all the book’s copies sold in exchange for not publishing it. He was right to be scared.

The book chronicles how Milken built the junk bond market and supported the corporate raider culture, while working 18-hour days from his Southern California office, as well as his precipitous fall leading to a plea deal in 1990. In addition to Milken, the characters include Apollo Management’s Leon Black, KKR & Co.’s Henry Kravis, Loews Corp.’s Laurence Tisch, stock trader Ivan Boesky, and Rudy Giuliani, then the crusading U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Then-President Donald Trump granted Milken a full pardon in 2020.

The Predators’ Ball is a meticulous retelling of the era that spawned the sentiment “greed is good.”

Best for Dealmakers: Getting to Yes

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (12)

This classic book uses the words of poet Wallace Stevens to lay out its premise: “After the final no there comes a yes and on the yes the future of the world depends.” Getting to Yes, which debuted in 1981 and has been revised since, is the finest book on how to advocate for what you want with skill, integrity, and success.

It offers tips on developing a cordial relationship with the other side—that is, being a person, not the entity you represent—while avoiding the trap of being “nice” and getting walked all over, and deflecting and moving beyond the aggressive tactics of unscrupulous negotiators. Most helpful are examples of simple dealings in which the parameters of what’s at stake are expanded—the pie gets bigger, so to speak, so that both parties end up with more than they first asked for.

Underneath these outcomes are four steps: separating people from the problem; focusing on interests, not positions; inventing multiple options representing multiple gains for both sides; and insisting that the results be based on an objective standard.

Why Trust Investopedia?

Michelle Lodge is steeped in the book and book-reviewing world. She has been published in Publishers Weekly and was an editor and writer for Library Journal, both of which cover books and the industry. While a book review editor at LJ, which recommends books for public library collections, she selected a number of fine business books for review. She was also the editor of the On Wall Street Book Club, in which she reviewed books and interviewed authors on a podcast.

A burgeoning field of business and economics books needs many “heads” to cull out notable selections and pull it all together. Lodge marshaled the resources, in which she considered recommendations from Investopedia Financial Review Board members and Investopedia editors, business executives, bestseller lists from the Financial Times, The New York Times, The Times of London, and others, as well as her own experience as a book review editor. She also pulled three books from her own library: Getting to Yes, The Predators’ Ball, and Thinking, Fast and Slow. Her aim is to cover the bases in subject matter and expertise and tap into a diverse pool of writers, whose coverage reveals the impact on investing, while also ensuring that each selection is a good read.

The 12 Best Finance Books in 2024 (2024)


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Most Popular Books of 2024
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  • The Ghost Orchid : An Alex Delaware Novel.
  • The #1 Lawyer.

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The Must-Read Books of 2024 (So Far)
  • James. by Percival Everett. ...
  • All Fours. by Miranda July. ...
  • Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar. ...
  • The Husbands. by Holly Gramazio. ...
  • Good Material. by Dolly Alderton. ...
  • Come and Get It. by Kiley Reid. ...
  • There's Always This Year. by Hanif Abdurraqib. ...
  • Victim. by Andrew Boryga.

What is the best book for financial literacy? ›

10 Financial Literacy Books to Learn From
  • Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money – That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! ...
  • How to Retire Early: Your Guide to Getting Rich Slowly and Retiring on Less by Robert and Robin Charlton.
Nov 3, 2023

What is the best book to understand money? ›

The 8 Best Personal Finance Books to Read in 2023
  • Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry.
  • I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi.
  • Your Money Or Your Life by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez.

What is the No. 1 best-selling book? ›

The 24 Best-Selling Books of All Time
  • The Bible (5 billion)
  • The Quran (3 billion)
  • The Little Red Book: Quotations from Chairman Mao (900 million)
  • Don Quixote (500 million)
  • Selected Articles of Chairman Mao (450 million)
  • A Tale of Two Cities (200 million)
  • The Lord of the Rings (150 million)

What is the top 10 most read book? ›

Share this story:
  • The Bible. ...
  • Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong) ...
  • Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling. ...
  • The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. ...
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. ...
  • The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. ...
  • The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. ...
  • Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.
Oct 30, 2023

Who has the highest financial literacy in the world? ›

The countries with the highest financial literacy rates are Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, where about 65 percent or more of adults are financially literate.

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Financial literacy is the knowledge and ability to manage your money in a way that helps you grow stability and feel confident and resilient. Key aspects of financial literacy are budgeting, saving and managing debt.

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The 5 components of financial literacy. There's plenty to learn about personal financial topics, but breaking them down can help simplify things. To start expanding your financial literacy, consider these five areas: budgeting, building and improving credit, saving, borrowing and repaying debt, and investing.

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53 books recommended by Warren Buffett
  • Influence. Robert B. ...
  • Shoe Dog. Phil Knight.
  • How To Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie.
  • Poor Charlie's Almanack. Charlie Munger.
  • The Intelligent Investor. Benjamin Graham.
  • Seeking Wisdom. Peter Bevelin.
  • The Outsiders. William N. ...
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything. Bill Bryson.

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1. Rich Dad Poor Dad. The #1 Personal Finance book of all time, Robert Kiyosaki shares the story of his two dad: his real father, whom he calls his poor dad,' and the father of his best friend, the man who became his mentor and his rich dad.

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Forbes also published a list of the top 10 bestselling authors of 2024 on BookTok, TikTok's reading subcommunity. Maas dominated the list, with a staggering 4,829,853 copies of her books sold, eclipsing the No. 2 author, Colleen Hoover, who has sold 1,829,332 books this year so far.

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  • The Women by Kristin Hannah. ...
  • By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult. ...
  • The God of the Woods by Liz Moore. ...
  • Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. ...
  • Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros. ...
  • The Wedding People by Alison Espach. ...
  • All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker. ...
  • James by Percival Everett.
Sep 5, 2024

What's on the New York Times bestseller list right now? ›

New York Times Fiction Bestsellers
  • By Any Other Name. by Jodi Picoult. ...
  • The Women. by Kristin Hannah. ...
  • Spirit Crossing. by William Kent Krueger. ...
  • Fourth Wing. by Rebecca Yarros. ...
  • Iron Flame. by Rebecca Yarros. ...
  • The God of the Woods. by Liz Moore. ...
  • The Wedding People. by Alison Espach. ...
  • This Is Why We Lied. by Karin Slaughter.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.