The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (2024)

BONUS MATERIAL: Download myFREE sleep chart HEREthat has ALL my suggested wake windows, sleep totals, and nap totals for babies ages 0 until age 5!

For parents of little ones, there is NO shortage of advice on establishing proper routines and schedules for your babies. One VERY popular approach to daytime scheduling is otherwise known as the “2 3 4 nap schedule”. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I get asked about this schedule ALL THE TIME.

In this article, I will elaborate on what the 2 3 4 nap schedule looks like and provide you with my brutally honest thoughts on whether I recommend this schedule for most babies.

Firstly, what IS the 2 3 4 nap schedule?

The 2-3-4 nap schedule is a suggested framework to put your baby on who is napping twice a day.According to this schedule, your baby should be up for 2 hours before they go down for their first nap. 3 hours after that morning nap ends, your baby goes back down for their second nap. And then 4 hours after your baby wakes up from their second nap, it’s time for bedtime.

I should note that this framework is specifically geared towards babies over the age of 6 months. According to proponents of this schedule, babies on this schedule should be napping approximately 3 hours each day.

The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (1)

Hey Eva- should I use the 2 3 4 nap schedule for my baby?

Thanks for asking! Generally speaking, I’m not a huge fan of the 2-3-4 schedule. While this 2 nap schedule might work well for some easy-going babies, it’s not something I suggest for any baby from the get go.

Why? Simple. The 2 3 4 nap schedule doesn’t work most of the time.

In fact, this schedule will likely be disastrous for parents with babies struggling in the sleep department to begin with (i.e. almost every parent reaching out to me for sleep help). And here’s why:

1) Most babies by 6 months of age still need 3 naps.

The average 6 month-old baby can only be awake for 2-2.5 hours before becoming tired again. This means that most 6 month-olds will be VERY overtired on a 2 nap schedule due to the larger wake windows required to make any 2 nap schedule work, let alone the 2-3-4 nap schedule. And when a baby becomes overtired, this usually leads to MASSIVE sleep challenges.

The reality is that most 6 month-old babies require a 3 nap schedule until closer to the 8 month-mark (corrected) when they are ready to transition from 3 to 2 naps. This is because by 8 months of age, most babies can legitimately pull off bigger, 3-3.5 hour wake windows without becoming overtired.

2) The suggested wake windows in the 2-3-4 schedule (usually) don’t work!

Here’s the deal. If your baby is tired enough for a nap after only 2 hours of wake time in the morning, that same baby likely can’t stay awake for a full 4 hoursbefore bedtime without becoming overtired. And on the flip side, if your baby legitimately needs a 4-hour wake window before bedtime and isn’t tired earlier, he is likely not going to be tired enough to nap in the morning after only 2 hours of wake time. The range in size between these wake windows is too large to truly work for most babies.

For example, a 2-hour wake window before nap 1 for a 6-7 month-old baby makes sense. But that same 6-7 month-old will likely be overtired after 3 hours of wake time before nap 2, he’ll almost CERTAINLY be VERY overtired after 4 hours of wake time before bedtime.

For an 8-9 month-old, on the other hand, a 2-hour wake window before nap 1 is usually too short. And while a 3-hour wake window before nap 2 might be spot on, a 4-hour window before bedtime is almost always going to be too big at this age.

Now, for a 10-12 month-old, a 2-hour wake window before nap 1 is almost always too short. A 3-hour wake window before nap 2 will also be too soon of a nap . These short wake windows can lead to catnaps and even full-on nap refusals.

Now, obviously every baby is different. And if you happen to have your baby on this schedule and the wake windows appear to work, there’s no need to change anything. But for the majority of babies on this schedule, they will be undertired and overtired all at the same time, leading to difficulty falling asleep, nightwakings, early rising, and short naps.

3) The schedule (usually) doesn’t mathematically add up

On the 2-3-4 nap schedule, a baby is suppose to have 9 hours of wake time throughout the day (2+3+4), plus 3 hours of daytime sleep. This equals 12 hours of wake time plus daytime sleep. This means the baby would need to sleep a FULL 12 hours each night for this schedule to work.

Here’s a sample schedule for you using this 2-3-4 nap framework:

630am- wakeup
830am-10am- nap 1
1pm-230pm- nap 2
630pm- bedtime

Now, if your baby happens to be a 12 hour night sleeper, this schedule COULD work (though no guarantees- see problems # 1 and 2). BUT if your little one “only” sleeps 11-11.5 hours at night, your baby’s morning wake time will creep earlier each day on this schedule.

For example, when a baby is on the above daytime schedule, followed by 11 hours of nighttime sleep, your baby will be up at 530am for the day the following morning. That’s not fun.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Grab a copy of my free sleep chart here! This chart will help you figure out your little one’s sleep needs so you feel confident and empowered as a parent.

The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (2)

So what kind 3 nap schedule DO I recommend instead?

Again, so flattered you asked 🙂

A 6 month-old napping 3 times a day usually needs smaller wake windows, more wake time throughout the day, and more daytime sleep totals.

Here’s an example of a schedule that WORKS:

630am- wakeup
830am-10am- nap 1
1230pm-2pm- nap 2
430-515pm- nap 3
715pm- bedtime (lights out)

This schedule is MUCH more age-appropriate for a 6 month-old since it allows for 2-2.5 hour wake windows, an 11-11.5 hour night, and approximately 3.5 hours worth of daytime sleep. To learn more about 6 month-old schedules and wake windows, read this article.

And what about when a baby IS ready for a 2 nap schedule?

Here’s an example of a 2 nap schedule for a 10 month-old. A typical 2 nap schedule for a 10 month-old baby typically involves larger wake windows with slightly shorter nap totals than what we see with a 3 nap schedule.

630am- wakeup
930am-11am- nap 1
230pm-4pm- nap 2
730pm- bedtime

Unlike the 2-3-4 nap schedule, this schedule has a 3 hour window before nap 1 and 3.5 hours of wake time before nap 2 and before bedtime. This schedule also calculates 11 hours of nighttime sleep, all of which is MUCH more aligned with the needs of a baby in this age range.


While the 2 3 4 nap schedule might work well for some families, it’s crucial to recognize that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution and that it’s often a terrible fit for most babies. If it DOES work for your baby, just remember that your little one is the exception, not the rule 🙂

So if you’re attempting to make this schedule work for your baby and your little one agreeing to it, you now have all the clarity you need to understand why! The KEY is to ensure that your little one’s schedule and wake windows are customized towards THEIR specific needs.

**And lastly, come join myFREE Facebook community groupwhere you can get your sleep questions answered by experts, get access to free sleep tips and regular Q&As, and where you can connect with other sleep-loving parents of little ones!Can’t wait to personally connect with you there 🙂**

The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (3)

Other articles on baby sleep

6 month old schedules and wake windows
When can my baby sleep through the night without a feeding?
The truth about your teething baby and their sleep
Should you wake a sleeping baby during the day?

  1. The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (4)

    wibnboon September 5, 2017 at 6:15 pm

    I scooched up that first nap to get him on the schedule over a couple of days, and it made his naps longer, too.


    • The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (5)

      Eva Kleinon April 9, 2018 at 12:34 am

      Great to hear!


  2. The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (6)

    livedatingclub.comon September 7, 2017 at 1:26 pm

    The 2-3-4 schedule also only works if your baby is sleeping a lot—for example, about three hours during the day and 12 hours at night—and with fairly consistent nap times.


    • The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (7)

      Eva Kleinon April 9, 2018 at 12:33 am

      And most babies over the age of 6 months don’t need that much sleep!


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The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? (2024)


The 2 3 4 Nap Schedule- Will it work for your baby? ›

The 2-3-4 schedule also only works if your baby is sleeping a lot—for example, about three hours during the day and 12 hours at night—and with fairly consistent nap times.

What is the 2-3-4 rule for babies? ›

It's a very basic concept. Put baby down for their first nap 2 hours after they wake up for the day. Then put them down for their second nap 3 hours after the first naps. Then you put them down for bedtime 4 hours after they wake up from their second nap.

What is the best nap schedule for a baby? ›

Baby nap schedules
AgeTotal Daytime Sleep HoursLength of Each Nap
Newborn to 3 months5 to 830 minutes to 3 hours
3 to 6 months4 to 530 minutes to 2 hours
6 to 12 months3 to 420 minutes to 2 hours
9 to 12 months320 minutes to 2 hours
1 more row
Sep 26, 2022

What is the 2/3/4 sleep method for babies? ›

Two hours after your baby wakes up, put them in for their first nap, then the second one starts three hours after they wake up. Lastly, put them to sleep 4 hours after their second nap ends.

What is the 234 rule for baby sleep? ›

Consider the 2-3-4 Nap Schedule

It works by gradually increasing the amount of awake time between naps over the day. According to this approach, the first nap is about two hours after waking, the second nap is three hours after the end of the first nap, and bedtime is four hours after the end of the second nap.

Does the 2-3/4 nap schedule work? ›

The 2-3-4 schedule also only works if your baby is sleeping a lot—for example, about three hours during the day and 12 hours at night—and with fairly consistent nap times. That's 15 hours of sleep total, which is definitely on the high end of the sleep spectrum.

What is the golden rule for babies? ›

"Do unto others"… One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. When teaching The Golden Rule, look for opportunities to praise and encourage your child when they exhibit the rule's behaviour.

Do sleep schedules work for babies? ›

By 2 months old, many babies will benefit from short pre-sleep routines. Introducing a consistent routine before naps and bedtime can help cue that it's time to sleep and make the transition to sleep easier.

What is the baby nap predictor? ›

Napper is the game-changing, award-winning app that uses data, science, and a little bit of algorithmic magic to predict your baby's naps and bedtime - with almost uncanny accuracy.

What is a good sleep schedule for a baby? ›

First year of life sleep schedule summary chart
AgeAverage total amount of sleepAverage numbers of daytime naps
0–2 months15–16+ hours3–5 naps
3–5 months14–16 hours3–4 naps
6–8 months14 hours2–3 naps
9–12 months14 hours2 naps
Aug 21, 2019

What is the 80 20 rule for sleep for babies? ›

80% of the time, you stick to the well-established healthy sleep schedule and then 20% of the time, you have the option to take naps on the go, skip naps, go off track on the timing of sleep, or have a later bedtime. Each child is unique, and their sleep needs and temperaments are different.

What is the 60 minute crib rule? ›

Between feedings, diaper changes, short periods of wakefulness, more diaper changes, and naps, newborns rarely follow a predictable schedule — and that's OK! The key to having a well-rested infant is offering naps 60 minutes after each time they wake.

What is unsafe sleep for babies? ›

Unsafe sleep practices include infants sleeping on their tummies or sides or in places other than cribs/bassinets/play yards, such as adult beds, baby slings, car seats, couches or armchairs. Also unsafe is sleeping with pets, other children or adults, or with blankets or other bedding, crib bumpers, or stuffed toys.

What is the 5 5 5 rule baby? ›

The 5-5-5 rule in postpartum can help new mothers manage their wellbeing. It suggests taking five days in bed, five days on the bed, and five days around the bed, to be sure you're getting adequate rest. The first five days are intended for a mother to rest in bed, and have skin to skin bonding time with the baby.

What is the 333 rule baby? ›

Colic babies typically experience the "Rule of 3s" - crying episodes that last at least 3 hours a day, occur more than 3 times a week for more than 3 weeks. In contrast, the crying of a high needs baby starts at birth an increases in intensity throughout their life.

What is the 10 10 10 rule for babies? ›

Often, just 10 minutes of talking with someone who listens well can ease the stress and protect the baby. The 10-foot rule: Place the baby in a safe spot and stay 10 feet away until you feel calm. The 10-minute break: Focus on something else for 10 minutes after leaving the baby safely in an empty crib.

What is the 5 10 15 rule baby? ›

Ferber Method

This method involves putting your baby down for bed even if they are crying. In this method, you allow your baby to cry and check in on them at set time intervals (e.g., every 5, 10, 15 minutes). These intervals gradually get longer, allowing your baby to do the work of soothing themselves.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.