The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (2024)

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (1)

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, one of the longest-running series in manga history, has given us plenty of memorable quotes over the years.

Hirohiko Araki’s supernatural superhero series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure began in 1992, when he first introduced it to the world.

Since its most recent season was one of the best-received yet and is destined to influence anime and manga narratives for years to come, we thought now would be a great time to list our Top JoJo quotes.

We’ve collected 79 of the best quotes from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure for you to enjoy. Here are some quotes from the world of JoJo!


Jonathan Joestar Quotes

Silver arm metal overdrive! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (2)

Even Speedwagon is afraid! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (3)

I—I can’t lay a finger on him. If I lose now, I’ll spend the rest of my life cowering under Dio’s shadow. But more importantly, I have to fight – I have to defend Erina’s honor! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (4)

There are times, even when his opponent is bigger than he is and he knows he’s going to lose! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (5)

Sunlight yellow overdrive! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (6)

How my heart resonates! I’m pulsing with heat and life! My very blood is a symphony within me! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (7)

My heart resonates heat enough to burn. My blood is razor-sharp! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (8)

I’ll make you cry like a baby, Dio! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (9)

Leave me alone! Go away! I didn’t attack them for your sake! I want to be a true gentleman! You were a damsel in distress. A true gentleman needs to be brave enough to go into a fight he knows he’ll lose. But one day, I’ll be strong enough to win. ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (10)

This ends here! You will not leave this place alive! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (11)

Guess who survived his time in hell, Dio. ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (12)

My name is Jonathan Joestar of the Joestar family! Please call me JoJo. ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (13)

Father, rest in peace. Let the smoke guide your soul to heaven. But I ask you for a final favor—let the flames burn with your strength. ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (14)

What are you doing? Unforgivable! ―Jonathan Joestar

The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (15)

Joseph Joestar Quotes

Eagh! Those tentacles are so gross, I can’t even look at ’em! ―Joseph Joestar

The way I see it, if I make you well again, and then kick your ass, I won’t be ‘bullying the weak’ then, now will I ? ―Josuke Joestar

What the hell did you say about my hair? I will not forgive anyone who insults my hair, no matter who he is! Did you just say my hair looks like Sazae-san’s? ―Josuke Joestar

Well, if I’m gonna be sitting around for 30 minutes, I’ve got nothing better to do. Best place to wait is right in front of Lisa Lisa’s door. And if my eye just happens to wander near the keyhole—nice. ―Joseph Joestar

That’s curious. Help me understand, why would you do something like that? It’s just such an unsavory thing to do. ―Joseph Joestar

Gah! Oh no! I can’t believe this! What the hell was that woman thinking! Wait! ―Joseph Joestar

Hey! How dare you address your mother that way? And what kind of language is that! ―Joseph Joestar

Let me guess, you’re gonna say, ‘Did you plan this too, JoJo?’ Tell me. ―Joseph Joestar

No matter how you look at it, I look like a normal high school student, so why would you ask me to help? ―Josuke Joestar

You’re goddamn right! Everything worked out according to the plan—from the very beginning! ―Joseph Joestar

Suzie Q, what the hell! You had one job, woman! One job! ―Joseph Joestar

Well, my arms are folded and my eyes are closed, this is a victory laugh, Esidisi. You lost today because you snoozed for 2000 years. ―Joseph Joestar

Shoot me if you want to! But you better be prepared to face the consequences. The moment you try to pull that trigger, I’ll snap your fingers in half like matchsticks! ―Joseph Joestar

Jotaro Kujo Quotes

Ask for forgiveness from Enya—the woman you killed. But as for me, I never had the slightest intention of forgiving you. ―Jotaro Kujo

Good grief, don’t underestimate me just because I’m a kid. ―Jotaro Kujo

A road is something that you make yourself. ―Jotaro Kujo

Just shut up already. I have nothing more to say to you. You’re way too pathetic—I’m done wasting my breath. ―Jotaro Kujo

The more you mess with me, the harder it gets for you! Never forget that! ―Jotaro Kujo

I’ve always cherished you. ―Jotaro Kujo

Ora! Here’s your receipt. ―Jotaro Kujo

You truly are the lowest scum in history. You can’t pay back what you owe with money. ―Jotaro Kujo

Impossible? We did a lot of impossible things on this journey. I’m tired of hearing that things are impossible or useless. Those words mean nothing to us. ―Jotaro Kujo

I covered you with gasoline so I can track your smell. I feel bad, kicking a guy when he’s down, but nah, I don’t feel bad about this at all. My friends and a lot of bystanders are dead because of you. ―Jotaro Kujo

Nice watch. Too bad you won’t be able to tell the time after I break it. Break your face, that is. ―Jotaro Kujo

Koichi, you truly are a reliable guy. ―Jotaro Kujo

Dio, I don’t understand why you’re so loyal to him. Are you honestly telling me that you’d die for him? ―Jotaro Kujo

Shut up! Get outta my face. ―Jotaro Kujo

To persist in your ways is to guarantee your death. ―Jotaro Kujo

Good grief, now that I can see it up close, your watch looks rubbish. But you won’t have to worry about that. After all, I’m about to make it look even worse. Your face, that is. ―Jotaro Kujo

It appears that your wounds are not fatal. You have my sympathy. ―Jotaro Kujo

Evil is when you use the weak for your own gain and crush them under your foot. ―Jotaro Kujo

Relax, I’m lying. That said, it looks like we found the idiot, didn’t we? ―Jotaro Kujo

I have to move closer if I want to beat your sorry ass to a pulp. ―Jotaro Kujo

Hold it! I still have the right to raise—I raise you my mother’s soul. ―Jotaro Kujo

The blanket of death will cover you with its dark warmth! ―Jotaro Kujo

Your disappointing performance only fuels my anger! ―Jotaro Kujo

Your stunning display of weakness has left me speechless! ―Jotaro Kujo

Dio Brando Quotes

JoJo! Let me go! Release me! Think of what we can achieve! You’d like a taste of eternity, would you not? I can heal your wounds! You and Erina can live together, forever! JoJo! No, it’s too late—he’s dead. ―Dio Brando

You’re ugly and disgusting. You drove mother to an early death. You’re the worst father ever! You want me to be rich? Oh, yes, and I will use any means necessary for that—starting with this Joestar family! Trash! No one will bring me down. ―Dio Brando

So this is the brat I must usurp. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is quick to anger. This pampered fool is nothing for the likes of Dio Brando! ―Dio Brando

JoJo, hubris has led me to this end. This fall from grace has taught me a valuable lesson. However, one may scheme or assemble, my downfall tonight is part of the human condition. A condition that I now forsake. You fools, I am about to become so much more! ―Dio Brando

That reason is as compelling as rat sh*t in the bathroom, and it will be your demise. ―Dio Brando

Oh? So you still want to fight? It would appear pigheadedness runs in the family. How ungrateful can you be? You’re blatantly ignoring your grandfather’s wishes, even after he gave his life to tell you about the power of the world. Surely his pathetic pleas warranted a bit of consideration. ―Dio Brando

For seven years, I have to make nice with that buffoon. But now that I am of age, it is time for my plan to reach its fruition. At long last, the Joestar fortune will be mine. And the Devil takes anyone who tries to stop me. ―Dio Brando

Are you really trying to shoot me? I like you. At the moment you tried to kill me, you weren’t sweating, and your breathing was even. You were absolutely calm, as I’d expect from Hol Horse. ―Dio Brando

JoJo, being a human means having limits. I’ve learned something. The more carefully you scheme, the more unexpected events come along, as long as you’re human. I reject my humanity, JoJo! ―Dio Brando

Most men’s hearts are restrained by mortals, recoiling in fear from the fabulous fruits of evil. But some do not constrain themselves to mortality and its tyranny. They are the vanguard. Serve me, Jack the ripper. Submit yourself to me, and I shall give powers beyond your belief. I ask for only one thing in return. ―Dio Brando

What the hell! It’s impossible! I am the immortal Dio—I am Dio! ―Dio Brando

Listen up, JoJo, I might be your guest, but I’m not taking any lip from you. I like being the first, I’m number one! No one looks down their nose at me! Also another thing, I hate dogs. They don’t scare me, I just can’t stand their bootlicking towards humans. So keep your dumb mutt, Danny, away from me, okay? ―Dio Brando

Tell me, have you and JoJo kissed yet? I’ll take that as a no. You thought your first kiss would be JoJo, but it was I, Dio! ―Dio Brando

I don’t know. How many loaves of bread have you eaten in your lifetime? ―Dio Brando

I shall give you a chance. Go down two steps and I’ll let you join my side again. But if you’d rather die, than climb those stairs. ―Dio Brando

Go out there and take this useless world for all you can get. ―Dio Brando

I don’t let anyone swagger over me! ―Dio Brando

Erina Pendleton Quotes

I don’t want evil from half a century to take you. ―Erina Pendleton

You are such a thoughtful boy, JoJo. ―Erina Pendleton

Jonathan Joestar passed away into undeserved oblivion. His life was an important part of history, but invisible to ordinary people. Most of humanity, for who he sacrificed, will never know of his noble accomplishments. But his descendants will. The life within me, newly created by Jonathan and I, will certainly hear his story. ―Erina Pendleton

No. People are entitled to their opinions. But this misbegotten oaf has given insult to our friend! Be mindful of the other guests, now, but teach him a lesson! ―Erina Pendleton

Best JoJo Quotes You’d Love to Tweet

Go out there and take this useless world for all you can get. ―Dio Brando Click To TweetShoot me if you want to! But you better be prepared to face the consequences. The moment you try to pull that trigger, I’ll snap your fingers in half like matchsticks! ―Joseph Joestar Click To TweetYou truly are the lowest scum in history. You can’t pay back what you owe with money. ―Jotaro Kujo Click To TweetWhat? The loser is evil? Well, in that case… you're the evil one after all! The one who'll be the judge is my stand! ―Jotaro Kujo Click To TweetDIOOO! I’m going to make you cry like a baby! ―Jonathan Joestar Click To TweetThe last thing I need right now is listening to trash like you, let alone being touched by you. But if you want to embrace me, feel free to try… as long as you don’t mind a painful demise. ―Lisa Lisa Click To Tweet

Best JoJo Quotes with Images

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What is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure?

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. The story follows the adventures of the Joestar family, with each arc focusing on a different member of the family. The series is known for its over-the-top characters and plot, as well as its memorable quotes.

Where does the story take place?

The story of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is set in Japan and follows the story of the Joestar family. The first part of the story focuses on Jonathan Joestar and his battle against the evil Dio Brando. The second part follows Jotaro Kujo, Jonathan’s grandson, as he travels to Egypt to stop the evil spirit Dio. The third part follows Jotaro’s daughter, Josuke Higashikata, as he tries to stop the evil Stand user Yoshikage Kira.

How did the author come up with the idea for the story?

In 1987, author Hirohiko Araki was thinking about what kind of manga he wanted to write next. He thought about a story featuring the Super Stand Star Platinum, but wasn’t sure how to make it work. Then he remembered an old saying his grandfather used to tell him: If you’re going to do something, do it with all your might. With that in mind, he decided to create a story about a young man who was willing to fight for what he believed in, no matter what the cost.

What are some of the most famous quotes from the series?

Some of my favorite quotes from JoJo’s series are:
* There is no such thing as an impossible wish.
* I’m not going to stand here and do nothing while the world goes to hell!
* You can’t keep running away from who you are.
* A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.
* If you keep living, you will find a way to live even without money.


In the end, no matter what life throws at you, it’s always important to keep moving forward. That’s one of the things that makes Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure so special.

It’s a story about never giving up, even when the odds seem insurmountable.

These quotes from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure capture that spirit perfectly.

Hope you loved these quotes from JoJo Quotes! Let us know your thoughts by leaving your comments on theContact Uspage.

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The 79 Best Quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Verses | Quotes (2024)


What is the most famous JoJo quote? ›

The famous quote "Gureato, daze!" by Jojo has become an iconic catchphrase in popular culture. It originates from the manga series "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure," created by Hirohiko Araki.

What is jotaro most famous line? ›

Iconic lines from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure include "Ora Ora Ora!" by Jotaro Kujo, Dio Brando's "Za Warudo! Toki wo tomare!" ("The World! Stop time!"), Joseph Joestar's "Oh my God!" and "Your next line is...", and "Yare Yare Daze" by Jotaro Kujo.

What is Dio's most famous line? ›

Standing tall above all the phrases and noises to have ever been breathed from Dio like red hot fire, "Za warudo!" makes the pinnacle of this list as well as any anime catchphrase ever.

What was Josuke's famous line? ›

"What did you say about my hair!?"

So Josuke's most character-defining quote actually sounds like a sitcom catchphrase. Josuke's hair is very important to him, as it represents the man who saved his life.

What is yare yare daze? ›

In Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, “yare yare daze” (やれやれだぜ) is often uttered by a completely annoyed Jotaro Kujo. It is translated as “Good grief,” “Give me a break,” “Give me a f$&@?;$ break,” and “What a pain.”

What is the number 1 Stand in JoJo? ›

Araki's Fountain Boy artwork at Innogate Osaka features seven Stands, including Star Platinum ranked as the most powerful Stand in the series. The artwork ranks Stands based on their base form abilities, excluding evolved forms like Gold Experience Requiem, highlighting the complexity of JoJo's power system.

What is Diavolo's famous line? ›

Diavolo : No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them. All that remains is the end, where you will perish. Eternal greatness exists only within myself. Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished!

What does DIO yell? ›

Its Stand cry, seemingly communicated by DIO, is Muda Muda Muda! (無駄 無駄 無駄!, lit. "Useless, useless, useless!") The World Itself doesn't make much attempts at speech.

What do the 14 phrases in DIO's diary mean? ›

The 14 phrases outlined in the diary are nonsense words that DIO's mother sang to him as a lullaby in his youth.

Who is Josuke's crush? ›

Yasuho is an average student who discovers Josuke Higashikata on the coast of Morioh. As Josuke seeks his identity, she becomes his primary ally and love interest.

What did Jotaro say to Josuke? ›

Jotaro tells Josuke that his father is Joseph Joestar and that Josuke will get 1/3 of his inheritance when Joseph passes away. Jotaro also tells Josuke to beware of a man lurking around in Morioh that Joseph discovered with Hermit Purple.

What is the quote at the end of JoJo? ›

Jojo Rabbit concludes with a line from Rilke's “Go to the Limits of Your Longing”: “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. / Just keep going. No feeling is final.” What is the poet saying in this passage?

What does Jotaro always say? ›

His catchphrase "good grief" (やれやれだぜ, yare yare daze) was also an imitation of the type of lines Eastwood would say in his movies.

Who is the most famous JoJo? ›

The most well-known and arguably fan-favorite JoJo, Jotaro Kujo, is the protagonist of Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. In terms of overall strength and power, Jotaro takes the cake.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.