The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (2024)

Today I’m going to show you the eight definitive signs that a man is missing you during a no contact rule.

If you aren’t familiar, the no contact rule is defined as,

A period of time where you cut off all conceivable communication with an ex after a breakup. The intent of this tactic should NOT be used to make your ex miss you but instead should be used to rebuild your own life so that you outgrow your ex. By doing this, the no contact rule can have the added benefit of making an ex miss you

Usually this period of time lasts anywhere between 21-45 days. Of course, for many of our clients are left wondering how they can tell if it is even working.

After all, our studies have shown that most exes won’t reach out to you during the no contact rule,

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (1)

In all, my team and I strongly believe that there are eight signs that men can exhibit when a no contact rule is being used on them,

  1. He tries to get information about you from your sphere of influence
  2. He’s trying to prove he’s over you on social media
  3. He reaches out excessively in a neutral way(obviously)
  4. He then shifts his attitude to being angry
  5. The topics he reaches out to you with follow the JBN method (jealous, bragging, nostalgia)
  6. When he reaches out you notice a trend about when the attempts are happening
  7. He writes a letter a sends it to you
  8. He purposely tries to see you in person

I’ve listed these signs in an order that I feel is most likely to occur. In other words, sign #1 is probably going to occur before sign #8.

Let’s dive in.

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (2)

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Sign #1: He Tries To Get Information About You From Your Sphere Of Influence

So, time to educate you on a bit of our terminology.

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (3)

Sphere of Influence: Essentially the people who a human surrounds themselves with whose opinions they care about.

Generally the most common candidates for a sphere of influence are friends and family.

Yet we notice something fascinating happening in our clients exes after a breakup.

As stated above, we’ve actually found that most exes won’t reach out during a no contact rule.

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (4)

That doesn’t mean the no contact rule isn’t effective. It says more about the ex boyfriends state of mind.

Instead, what we often see ex boyfriends doing is spying on you via your sphere of influence.

This can happen in a number of ways,

They’ll reach out to mutual friends to check up on you

They’ll have mutual friends pass messages to you You get the idea.

This is in fact the most common sign that we see after a breakup.

Sign #2: He’s Trying To Prove He’s Over You On Social Media

Notice how many of the other articles covering this topic cover the more direct ways of communication during no contact.

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (5)

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I’m a bit resistant to that because in the real world that’s not what we are seeing.

My colleague, and head coach Anna Gonowon, wrote this really great piece a few weeks ago about the major difference in how men and women handle breakups.

Here’s what she had to say,

So maybe the real story should go something like this:

  • Boy and girl meet.
  • Boy tells girl he loves her.
  • There is no one else but her.
  • But then, at some point, boy says, “It’s not you, it’s me. Let’s be friends.”
  • The boy changes his Facebook status to “single” and fills his Instagram feed with photos of himself partying with never-before-seen women.
  • The girl, meanwhile, falls apart and tells her friends how unfair it is that he’s already over the relationship, while she’s busy analyzing every minuscule thing that she might have done wrong, for months, maybe even years.
  • But the boy falls apart, too—he just doesn’t show or tell anyone.
  • It sucks for both boy and girl, just in different ways.
  • And it probably sucks even more for him, but he’ll never tell you, because he’s not allowed to.

That societal pressure she mentions about men not being allowed to show they are broken or missing an ex or partner is huge to understanding if an ex will even miss you during no contact.

The truth is that often the most common signs we see during no contact are passive communication.

Whether that’s engaging in sign #1’s sphere of influence shenanigans or engaging in this signs shenanigans by trying to put on a front via social media.

So, what does that look like?

Here’s my general rule of thumb, if you are looking at your exes social media and they are trying REALLY hard to show that they are over the breakup then that’s usually a sign they aren’t over the breakup.

Yes, I’m talking about them posting,

Sappy love songs

Inspiring posts about how love is overrated

Jealousy ploys

Going out waayyyy too much

As my other colleague, Dr. Ramsey says,

The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.

Sign #3: He Reaches Out In A Neutral Way (Obviously)

Really signs #3 and #4 are linked so bear that in mind as you read.

Technically speaking, there’s a 60% chance that after a breakup your ex won’t reach out to you during no contact.

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (6)

However, that also means there’s a 40% chance they will reach out to you.

Where many of my peers go wrong in my opinion is that they propagate this false narrative and create unrealistic expectation for their readers.

It seems obvious, right? If a guy misses you during no contact then he will for sure reach out to you and tell you that he misses you.

I’ve seen it happen but it usually doesn’t happen at first. Normally they just want to reach out to you with a feeler text.

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (7)

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The most common one is this,

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (8)

You are in the middle of a no contact rule of course so you ignore it.

That’s when sign #4 comes into play.

Sign #4: His Attitude Then Shifts To Angry

After realizing that you are making a conscious effort to ignore him he grows angry with you and you’ll get a response like this,

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (9)

There’s a lot going on here so allow me to unpack.

Firstly, the no contact rule revolves around the psychology of reactance.

Reactance: take a human beings freedom away and they are likely to react in a way to try to take that freedom back.

The no contact rule technically is about taking a mans freedom of talking to you away and what you see with an angry response from them is reactance rearing its ugly head.

But there’s more to it than that.

In this video,

Coach Anna and I discussed at length the psychology behind anger and she said something that really resonated with me and I’m not the only one. The top comment of that YouTube video calls it out too,

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (10)

“If we look at situations where someone else is wrong and we feel correct we distract ourselves from feeling pain. That’s why so many exes feel angry and judgmental.”

To quote the science fiction novel, Dune,

“How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.”

The truth is that for many being left alone is the scariest thing alone because you are forced with all the shortcomings you exhibited in the relationship.

The no contact rule exacerbates that and so often we find that exes getting angry for being ignored are lashing out because it’s easier to blame you for their own shortcomings.

Sign #5: The Topics He Reaches Out To You With Follow The JBN Method

Almost always a guy is going to reach out to you neutrally during the no contact rule.

Sometimes that neutrality will turn to scorn as mentioned above.

However, sometimes it follows a different pattern.

  • J: Jealousy
  • B: Bragging
  • N: Nostalgia

If your ex brings up either of these things its a good bet they are missing you (though they may not be willing to admit it to themselves yet.)

The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (11)

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

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So, what do these look like?

Let’s explore.


This one is more insecurities speaking more than anything else but usually it’s calling attention to something you did on social media.

They’ll sometimes create their own narrative about how while you were out with friends you met someone else.

Stuff like that is very common.


Usually they’ll send a picture of some achievement. There’s an element of,

“Look what you’re missing out on by not being with me.”

Also, it harkens back to sign #2 with them trying to prove that they are over you.


This usually happens towards the end of no contact and it seemingly can occur out of nowhere.

In fact, Dr. Ramsey brought this up in a video I did with him,

Here’s how it works. Your ex literally reaches out to you bringing up some super emotional memory.

Sign #6: You Notice A Trend About When The Reach Out Attempts Are Happening

This is purely a timing element that I want you to keep your eyes peeled out for.

If your ex is reaching out to you consistently during the no contact rule at a time that they’d likely be by themselves it gives some interesting insight into their state of mind.

Remember above with the anger sign I said that sometimes the scariest thing for a person to be left alone with themselves.

This is a bit of that.

So, pay attention to the timing of the reach outs.

Not much more to expand on here.

Sign #7: He Writes A Letter And Sends It To You

Now, coach Anna and I have made our opinions clear on YOU sending letters to your ex after a breakup here,

But we have seen plenty of letters received during a no contact period.

Usually it is some closure based thing but Coach Anna has an interesting technique to deciphering the intent of the letter.

Pay attention how often they write in the first person.

  • I
  • Me
  • My

Compare that to how often them mention you. Generally speaking if the entire letter is written in a way to make themselves feel better they are still hurt deeply by the breakup.

Sign #8: He Purposely Tries To See You In Person

Usually we have the opposite problem with our clients meaning they like to break no contact to see their exes early.

This is the opposite.

If your ex boyfriend is manufacturing ways to see you in person and purposely runs into you then it’s a good sign that they are missing you in some way shape or form.

For many it can be extremely difficult to have such a dramatic change in routine.

Throughout our relationships we got used to our routines and then with he breakup you suddenly remove any opportunity for them to phase out in a way that feels more natural.

Such is the power of no contact.

Of course, one of the thing that sets our program apart is that we don’t want you focused on an ex or a guy at all during no contact.

We want you focused on you.

I recommend checking out some of these resources to learn more about that concept because that’s really what makes our version of no contact so successful.

  • The definitive guide of the no contact rule
  • Letting go of your ex may be the key to getting them back
The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact (2024)


The 8 Definitive Signs He Misses You During No Contact? ›

1 For an amicable breakup: around 30 days. 2 For a long-term relationship: at least 60 days. 3 If things got ugly at the end: roughly 90 days. 4 For an especially toxic separation: indefinitely.

How many days of no contact before he misses me? ›

1 For an amicable breakup: around 30 days. 2 For a long-term relationship: at least 60 days. 3 If things got ugly at the end: roughly 90 days. 4 For an especially toxic separation: indefinitely.

How to know if he secretly misses you? ›

If he keeps in constant contact with you, still gives you little presents and treats, and talks about the good times you shared in the past, he probably misses you. In a long-distance relationship, help him cope with missing you by staying in frequent contact and giving him something of yours to keep close.

How do you know if he's thinking about you during no contact? ›

He'll show signs that “no contact” is working.

It could be a simple “Hey” text, or he might even flatout ask to get back together. Other signs your ex misses you during “no contact” could be: He asks mutual friends about you (or they tell you that he misses you).

How long does it take a guy to realize he wants you back? ›

If you had an intense, serious relationship that lasted over 6 years, it might take him less than 8 weeks to miss you because you were such a big part of his life. If you had a casual relationship that only lasted a couple of months, he might hit you up a couple of months later, but it's more likely he'll just move on.

Does absence make a man miss you? ›

Does Absence Make a Man Miss You? Anyone who's ever been away from their loved ones knows for a fact that absence makes the heart grow fonder. So, it's comforting to know that science confirms what we already know empirically.

Can someone sense when you miss them? ›

When You Miss Someone, Can They Feel It? While we could find no scientific evidence of this, some people believe that the answer is yes and that if you have dreams about the other person often or can feel their presence, these are signs that they're missing you.

What makes a man really miss you? ›

To make him miss you regardless of the specifics, create some space, control the communication, and use subtle hints like scents, spontaneity, and intentionally "forgotten" possessions to make him think of you when you're not around. Soon enough, your guy should be longing for you and craving that passion again.

How do I know if he's thinking about me? ›

Signs He Thinks about You

You can tell if a guy is thinking about you if he texts you good morning and good night, he sends you random short messages all day, he asks you a lot of questions about you, he likes and comments on your social media posts, or he messages you when he's hanging out with his friends.

Do men forget about you during no contact? ›

So out of sight, out of mind is it's very helpful to know that when you're in no contact, you're leaving your ex alone. You're allowing them to sit with the decision. You're allowing them to start to wonder if it's the right idea. They're not going to forget about you.

How do you know if a guy misses you after no contact? ›

17 signs your ex misses you during no-contact
  • He now spends excessive time online. ...
  • He tries “too hard” to flirt with other girls. ...
  • He's paying extra attention to his looks. ...
  • You feel strong energy around you. ...
  • You've been running into each other a lot. ...
  • You've stopped seeing him around.
Oct 30, 2023

Do guys realize they lost a good girl? ›

Yes, many men do experience regret after letting a good girl go. This regret often stems from hindsight and a deeper understanding of the value and uniqueness of the relationship they lost. Over time, as men reflect on past relationships, they may recognize qualities and moments that were special.

How do you know if your man is missing you? ›

11 Signs He Misses You
  • He texts you mundane things just to get you to talk to him. ...
  • You have missed calls in the double digits. ...
  • He's been listening to the "songs about being on the road" playlist on Spotify. ...
  • He responds to your text immediately. ...
  • He falls asleep spooning your pillow.
May 21, 2015

How do you know if he forgot you? ›

See whether he pays attention.

When guys are interested in someone, they will make an effort to remember important things about that person like their interests, their schedule, or facts about them. Guys will stop paying attention and remembering these things when they aren't interested anymore.

Can a guy miss you but not contact you? ›

This could mean that the person is feeling conflicted about their feelings for you. They may miss you but feel that it is best to keep their distance. It could also mean that the person is trying to protect themselves from getting too emotionally invested in the relationship.

How long does it take a man to contact you after no contact? ›

As I tell clients when I'm coaching them to get their ex back, often times it takes mere days for an ex to reach out. Other times it's weeks or months. However, there are some stages that are common to most people that can give us some idea of what your ex is thinking during no contact.

How many days of no contact is enough? ›

People who talk about the 30-day no contact rule will often give little messages you can send after the 30 days as though your ex is receptive enough for this after that amount of time and then you kind of back off and do another message as your ex is slowly gotten back.

Will he miss me after 3 days no contact? ›

If you two have been together for three months or less, he certainly could be missing you if you have only been in no contact for a few days. But it will likely take a few weeks or often more.

How long should no contact be to get him back? ›

You'll see people say "30 days" or "6 weeks"—the truth is, the process is different for every person and every relationship, but these can serve as guidelines. Coming up with a time limit at first will help make it easier for you to handle not reaching out to your ex because it's just a temporary thing.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.