The 9 Best Peer-To-Peer Lending Accounts In The UK 2024 (2024)

Table of Contents
Introduction The nine best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK are: CapitalStackers CapitalStackers’ talented, honest management team has enabled investors to consistently earn high interest rates. Why is CapitalStackers one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? Loanpad Loanpad is the lowest-risk P2P lending company in the UK, and probably one of the safest investments anywhere, in any asset class. Why is Loanpad one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? AxiaFunder AxiaFunder is the most exciting offering in this list, with remarkable returns of 25% or more being highly achievable. Limitations to lenders Why is AxiaFunder one of the best in the UK? Assetz Exchange Assetz Exchange offers stable lending but also with the potential to sell loans at a profit. Why is Assetz Exchange one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? Invest & Fund Invest & Fund has the best record of development loans repaying on time, with no losses on any loans to lenders. Why is Invest & Fund one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? Proplend Proplend has been extremely active – and successful – at keeping its borrowers and lenders in healthy shape. Why is Proplend one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? CrowdProperty CrowdProperty’s perfect record continues. Why is CrowdProperty one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? Kuflink Kuflink has a great record since 2011 and adds diversity to your investments. Why is Kuflink one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? Self-select lenders should aim for more senior loans Drip your money in and lend in longer-term accounts CapitalRise CapitalRise rounds off the list with its professionalism, only disappointing by being limited to wealthy or sophisticated investors. Limitations to lenders Why is CapitalRise one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK? Read more: And even more reading: FAQs

The best peer-to-peer lending accounts in the UK in 2024 differ in many ways, such as paying a wide range of interest rates. But they are similar in that they all do an exceptional job of containing risks for lenders.

My team and I have been assessing P2P lending accounts since 2014 and we continue to have a 100% record. (We won't always get all the most important calls right – that's impossible in investing – but we expect that we almost always will.) My picks of the absolute best P2P lending accounts in the UK are based on the fruit of all our labours pooled into one page.


4thWay’s specialists probe deeply and continuously into the P2P lending companies to assess them for ratings based on international banking standards. We sort the best peer-to-peer lending opportunities from the chaff.

We consider it a huge responsibility to give you impeccable information and for me personally it's an honour that you take the time to read what I have to say, so I want to ensure everything I write has been properly considered.

The industry itself makes it relatively easy to find enough quality opportunities. With today's report into the best of the best, you’ll see that the top standards in peer-to-peer lending remain very high and the risk-reward balance excellent.

Investors who spread their money across some of what I consider to be the best peer-to-peer lending accounts in the UK today can strongly expect to enjoy extremely attractive and stable results. The most likely overall return is between 5% and 8% per year.

You can even target at the higher end overall reasonably safely, and expect to get it most years.

For lenders who adopt the strategy of spreading their money across lots of platforms and loans, the rewards paid out to each of them shouldn’t vary much. In other words, there's a lot of stability and consistency, as demonstrated by the industry since it started in 2005.

The majority of the P2P lending companies I mention also offer lending through tax-free IFISAs. Even so, most people based in the UK with less than £10,000-£30,000 (£5,000-£15,000 for higher-rate taxpayers) will typically pay no tax even in regular P2P accounts.

As usual – as we at 4thWay have all said repeatedly – I am not concerned with whether you will always be able to sell your loans before borrowers repay you.

Market forces or other forces mean that any or all of the accounts listed below might one day tie you in till the end (although you do earn you interest over that period).

This aspect is just part of money lending that you have to accept, even with the best peer-to-peer lending accounts.

The nine best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK are:

CapitalStackers: talented, honest management team has enabled investors to consistently earn high interest rates.
Loanpad: the lowest-risk P2P lending company in the UK, and probably one of the safest investments anywhere, in any asset class.
AxiaFunder: the most exciting offering in this list, with remarkable returns of 25% or more being highly achievable.
Assetz Exchange: stable lending but also with the potential to sell loans at a profit.
Proplend: extremely active – and successful – at keeping its borrowers and lenders in healthy shape.
CrowdProperty: perfect record continues.
Kuflink: a great record since 2011 and adds diversity to your investments.
CapitalRise: rounds off the list with its professionalism, only disappointing by being limited to wealthy or sophisticated investors.

Click the above links to go the relevant section on each of the best P2P lending providers.


CapitalStackers’ talented, honest management team has enabled investors to consistently earn high interest rates.

CapitalStackers* offers property lending that has been paying 6.88% to 30.60%, and the average return is 13.06% per year.

IFISA is available. | High minimum lending amount of £2,500 per loan.

Why is CapitalStackers one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • The CapitalStackers team is very thorough in its approach in selecting borrowers and property developments to fund.
  • It allows for a large amount of leeway in the event that there’s both a substantial cost overrun and a serious delay in a sale of a development – and therefore a delay in receiving your money and interest.
  • Full loan funding for the whole development is retained in advance, but granted to the borrower in tranches after competent assessment of progress. This ensures that lending doesn’t dry up part way through the project.
  • The CEO and key decision maker is down-to-Earth, honest and excellent at communicating the position to lenders in a balanced way that exudes the caution you would hope for when providing these kinds of loans.
  • CapitalStackers has all the absolute basics that I would want from junior development loans. Namely, a lot of the right kinds of experience, as well as imagination when it comes to working with borrowers to solve any issues. It also pays an attention to detail and figures when approving loans.
  • As with all my recommendations, it has an excellent risk-reward balance. In seven years of carefully approved loans, the lowest return has been a fantastic 6.88% and the average has been 13.06%, with no penny lost. I don’t know precisely what returns will occur over the next seven years, but I’m confident, based on the quality of the loans, and the property that backs them up, that lenders will be very satisfied with their results.
  • CapitalStackers offers some of the highest lending rates of any P2P lending companies in the UK, but without the same level of risk you'd expect for these returns.

CapitalStackers doesn’t approve many loans, so make sure you're ready to jump in when one becomes available.

I just used the phrase “junior development loans”, which I’d like to explain.

A development loan is lending to a property developer to build or renovate property.

A junior loan is a loan that will not be first in the queue for repayment if the borrower or development falls into trouble. A senior lender – in the case of CapitalStackers this is often a high-street bank – would recover all their money and interest first. People lending through CapitalStackers get their money after all senior lenders are repaid.

The borrower only gets any money back or makes a profit after all the lenders have been paid.

Junior loans are often called mezzanine finance or subordinated debt.

Read more in the CapitalStackers Review. | Visit CapitalStackers*.

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Loanpad is the lowest-risk P2P lending company in the UK, and probably one of the safest investments anywhere, in any asset class.

Loanpad is paying 6.5%.

IFISA available. | Minimum lending amount of £10, spread automatically across all loans.

Why is Loanpad one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • In times like these, you can’t really do better than have your money automatically lent across all outstanding borrowers in a book of loans to spread your risks.
  • But actually you can do better: you can do so when the borrowers are securing their loans on properties that are all valued at the start at between 2-3 times the amount you’re lending. These loans are therefore very heavily sheltered from losses in any economic or property-market conditions.
  • Many of these loans are developments and so the properties will usually be worth even more than 2-3 times the loan size by the time the developments are completed.
  • Unlike competitors in development lending, Loanpad* doesn’t use the hoped-for sale valuation of the property when deciding to lend unless the development is already 75% complete. In which case, loans will be for under half the expected sale price.
  • Borrowers raise the money they need in advance, so that a recession, building crisis or another pandemic can’t suddenly send development projects to a grinding halt due to lack of new money.
  • Loanpad lenders are the senior lenders – receiving all the loans back and interest first. Anyone else who has lent to the developer gets repaid afterwards.
  • Loanpad’s champion lending partner, Handf, is primarily responsible for approving borrowers. This partner lends around a third on top of what you lend, and it loses all its money and interest first if a loan turns bad. Some other lending partners have the same arrangement with Loanpad.
  • All loans have either repaid successfully in full or are expected to do so.
  • Last, but certainly not least, Loanpad has been praised by lenders for the ease with which you can re-lend your money as interest and repayments come in, because of its very low minimum lending amount.

Read more in the Loanpad Review| Visit Loanpad*.

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AxiaFunder is the most exciting offering in this list, with remarkable returns of 25% or more being highly achievable.

Through AxiaFunder, you provide funding for legal cases. You can lose a lot of money if a case is lost, but the rewards if you win are usually very high.

Just one case has been lost so far, with the expected final loss to be nearly a quarter of the investment. On all other resolved cases, the worst result so far is 23% annualised return and the highest return has been 71%.

No IFISA available. | Minimum you can put in is £1,000 per investment.

Limitations to lenders

To use AxiaFunder, you need to be a sophisticated or professional investor, and you need to be wealthy. Full definitions here.

Why is AxiaFunder one of the best in the UK?

  • The sorts of legal cases you fund have a strong reputation for a high proportion of cases settling in your favour.
  • AxiaFunder has a lead solicitor who is highly experienced in this field.
  • It focuses on cases not just with strong prospects of winning, but where the other party appears highly likely to have both the will and the means to pay out on losing the case. The opposing party, for example, can be local authorities.

All that said, why are the returns so high?

The biggest reason is that it's theoretically possible to actually lose more than you put into any specific case – although AxiaFunder offers you a highly plausible way to reduce that risk, and calculates and balances the odds across different cases to put the maths in your favour.

Read more on all that in the AxiaFunder Review.

Visit AxiaFunder*.

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The 9 Best Peer-To-Peer Lending Accounts In The UK 2024 (4)Assetz Exchange

Assetz Exchange offers stable lending but also with the potential to sell loans at a profit.

Assetz Exchange involves lending to separate companies set up by Assetz Exchange that act as landlords. These landlords have properties that are tenanted by charities and housing associations, and sub-let to the people they are supporting.

Lenders have typically been earning close to 6%.

IFISA available. | Minimum £1.

Why is Assetz Exchange one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • This is a unique lending offer and it’s always great to diversify into different kinds of lending to further stabilise your returns.
  • The charities and housing associations are not just receiving rent from their sub-tenants, but they typically get funding from local authorities as well.
  • The unusual structure of the lending means that you also usually profit when selling your loans if house prices have risen when you sell (although you can also lose money, so in this sense it’s quite like being a landlord yourself).
  • The returns to you for this kind of lending are very attractive indeed, considering the risk of making overall losses is extremely low.

There’s an awful lot to unpack about Assetz Exchange, so, if you’re ready for a marathon, read more in the Assetz Exchange Review. | Visit Assetz Exchange*.

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Invest & Fund

Invest & Fund has the best record of development loans repaying on time, with no losses on any loans to lenders.

Invest & Fund has recently been paying an annual rate of 8.32% after fees and bad debts in its P2P lending account. It pays 7.82% in the IFISA, due to slightly higher fees.

IFISA available. | Minimum £2,500, which can be split across 10 loans.

Why is Invest & Fund one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • In seven years and £200 million in lending, just two loans have gone more than three months beyond their initial expected end date, before repaying in full.
  • With an average amount lent under 65% of the expected sale price of the completed developments, this is a good standard to go alongside the high quality of these particular loans.
  • Although it has approved some bridging loans,* sticks almost exclusively to development lending, where it’s strongest. It’s always good to see providers focusing where their experience lies.
  • Lending is almost always senior, meaning you’re repaid first in the event the borrower can’t pay and the property needs to be sold to recover your loan.
  • It only ever approves junior loans to existing developer borrowers and only in specific circ*mstances. Lenders earn a very attractive 15% to 25% for the additional risk. Just four very small junior loans are outstanding at this time.
  • Like most P2P development lending, it doesn’t take in all the funding for the entire development in advance. That is not optimal, as it means there’s a risk the developer struggles to get cash to complete started works. But Invest & Fund’s results keep lenders happy to lend more and it has institutional investors (i.e. financial companies that exist to invest) to support any shortfall in cash that is needed.

Read more in the . Visit *.

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Proplend has been extremely active – and successful – at keeping its borrowers and lenders in healthy shape.

Proplend* pays an average7.80% after fees on property mortgages. Properties are usually receiving rent, and with property valued at least twice as much as the loan. You can also lend in riskier loans too, if you choose, for 8.99% to 9.66%.

IFISA available. | Minimum lending amount of £1,000. You can choose loans or you can lend automatically across its lowest-risk ones – or both.

Why is Proplend one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • Lenders can limit the risks by choosing to lend in Proplend loans that are for no more than half the property valuations. This is an unusually excellent level of protection.
  • Proplend focuses mostly on lending to landlords against currently rented properties.
  • Interest rates are very attractive at Proplend for the risks involved. Higher rates give you additional protection against losses, since it can be used to cover losses.
  • Proplend adds diversity to your portfolio of lending accounts, because most other property peer-to-peer lending in the UK is focused on residential development lending or short-term (bridging) property lending. Diversity gives lenders additional protection.
  • Just one loan has ever suffered losses in Proplend’s near 10-year history, with less than two 100ths of a percent of the total lent through Proplend being written off.
  • Few loans turn bad. When they do, Proplend works quickly with borrowers to turn them around, so you're not normally left waiting a very long time for your loan amounts and all interest up to the actual repayment date. This is useful for lenders who get concerned when problem loans are dragged on for a very long time.
  • A substantial interest reserve held by Proplend on many loans means that landlords’ payments to Proplend lenders remain steady, even if landlords are late to make a payment. (Note this doesn't reduce risks, but it does stabilise payments, if that's important to you.)

Proplend’s downside is getting your money re-lent as interest and payments come in. That's partly due to its minimum lending amount of £1,000 and partly because other lenders are quick to lend. To keep lending, drip your money into many loans over lots of months. More tips on that in the Proplend Review.

Read more in the Proplend Review | Visit Proplend*.

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CrowdProperty’s perfect record continues.

CrowdProperty is paying an average 10.19% on development lending – after boosting rates substantially to help lenders fight inflation.

It also does some short-term bridging loans when developers require a sales period for their completed properties.

IFISA available. | Minimum lending amount of £500 per loan or, if you use auto-lend, your £500 could be split across as many as 10 borrowers.

Why is CrowdProperty one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • CrowdProperty has had a great record in development lending, with only tiny amounts written off on a couple of loans since 2015.
  • CrowdProperty isn’t as stringent as some of the other, best P2P lending companies in the UK about the amount initially borrowed compared to the starting property/site valuation. But these are the best borrowers, developers, and development projects that you can get. This gives lenders a different kind of diversity within the overall development lending area.
  • CrowdProperty lenders are always the senior lenders – receiving all the loans back and interest first. Anyone else who has lent to the developer gets repaid afterwards.
  • CrowdProperty borrowers don’t always raise all the money they need for a development project in advance. This is a potential weakness in P2P lending, but CrowdProperty has a variety of sources of cash for funding loans and has shown great ability to keep doing so. Indeed, it continued to grow through the pandemic and beyond, even while making its lending standards even tougher.

Read more in the CrowdProperty Review | Visit CrowdProperty.

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Kuflink has a great record since 2011 and adds diversity to your investments.

Kuflink* does development property loans and short-term “bridging” property loans.

IFISA available. | Minimum lending amount of £1,000, which could be spread across some loans automatically if you use auto-lend.

Why is Kuflink one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • These loans typically charge borrowers a total annualised rate, including fees, of about 15% to 20%. The cost is partly to cover the potential risks in this kind of lending, which are reflected in the 9.00% lending rates. Yet the high borrower rates are mostly to cover the difficulty of assessing these borrowers, as well as the costs in chasing loan payments, managing borrowers, and to make any inevitable delays in loan payments worthwhile.
  • Kuflink established an excellent repayment record. While its bridging loan record is deeper, due to a shift in its focus over the years, its deepening record in development lending is performing at least as well as its bridge lending.
  • For these kinds of loans, you typically see a lot of them being repaid some time after the initially agreed date – earning more interest while you wait – and with quite a few borrowers being chased to encourage repayment. This is true of Kuflink, too. Kuflink has demonstrated it has what it takes to manage these loans.
  • Looking at its more mature loans to see what happens after loans are rolled into new loans or extended, the results strongly show that Kuflink does ultimately collect the entire loan back plus interest for the whole period.
  • There are few options in the P2P space that offer this level of risk and provide sufficient data, access and information to 4thWay and the public, and that can demonstrate good results across a large number of loans. But Kuflink is one of them.
  • About one-in-ten loans now are junior loans, down from 1/3 historically. I think this reflects both an increasing maturity on the part of Kuflink as well as the desire to control the risks even more, despite their excellent historical results.
  • Kuflink takes the first loss of up to 5% on loans in its self-select account. While it protects auto lenders by trying to spread their money across different loans, it has also so far covered the very small amount of losses those lenders would have faced out of its own pocket, and it tries to do this in the first instance. Even if it had not done so, lenders would hardly have felt the impact of the losses up to this point.

Self-select lenders should aim for more senior loans

Rates paid to lenders in junior loans are actually slightly lower than senior ones.

Furthermore, on average, senior loans offer better cover against suffering any losses at all.

For senior loans, you won’t typically lose money unless the property is sold for less than about 57% of the property valuation (or 54% where Kuflink takes a 5% first loss).

With junior loans, you lose money if the property is sold for less than 61% (58%) of the property’s valuation.

Therefore, if selecting loans yourself, you should aim for the senior loans where you can. Since Kuflink has been approving few junior loans of late, this shouldn't be difficult.

Drip your money in and lend in longer-term accounts

Whether using the self-select or auto-lend account, drip your money in over 6-12 months to ensure your money is spread across enough loans, although Kuflink has more than most in the property space.

I think it makes little sense to go for Kuflink’s shorter-term lending accounts, which pay substantially less interest but with the same level of risk in the underlying loans.

The longer-term accounts currently target 9.00% interest and they have achieved consistently their targets so far.

Kuflink's website shows higher rates than we do, because we have standardised the calculation so that it is comparable to other P2P lending companies and because this better reflects reality.

Read more in the Kuflink Review | Visit Kuflink*.

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CapitalRise rounds off the list with its professionalism, only disappointing by being limited to wealthy or sophisticated investors.

CapitalRise does property development lending and has paid an average 7.90%.

IFISA available. | Minimum lending amount of £1,000 per loan.

Limitations to lenders

To use CapitalRise, you need to have:

  • Invested in an unlisted company in the past 12 months (such as through crowdfunding websites).
  • Or you need an income of at least £100,000 or savings and assets excluding your own home worth £250,000.
  • Or you need to be a professional investor or have been one in the past two years.

Why is CapitalRise one of the best peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK?

  • Most peer-to-peer lending providers in the UK fall over themselves to say they try and avoid lending against prime central London properties. But this is precisely where CapitalRise focuses, along with some lending in wealthier parts of outer London and the Home Counties. This can help you restore much needed balance to your lending or investing portfolio, because prime London has had excellent results. It will continue to have at least satisfactory results most of the time.
  • I always like it when a P2P lending company sticks to just one type of lending. CapitalRise almost exclusively does property development lending. Very rarely, it offers a bridging loan, for example to give one of the developers extra time to sell completed developments.
  • You're usually first in line to recover your money and earning an average of about 8% to do so, although recently it's been as much as 11% on some loans. On the rare occasions when you're not first in line, you’re looking at earning a couple of percentage points extra.
  • CapitalRise has a lot of in-house development experience and a keen understanding of numbers.
  • CapitalRise has fewer distinct loans from different development projects, but they are extremely high quality.

Read more in the CapitalRise Review | Visit CapitalRise*.

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Read more:

It's all very well lending through the best P2P lending providers in the UK, but that's only half the story to getting good lending returns. The other half is down to you. To that end, here's my suggested reading:

4thWay’s 10 P2P Investing Principles. If you'd followed these principles, you would have easily made money every single year through P2P lending.

8 P2P Lending Mistakes People Make. Don't do what others do. Make just a little bit of effort and you'll sleep much, much better at night, every night.

The 13 Key Peer-To-Peer Lending Risks. Find out not just what the risks are, but highly effective ways to minimise those risks.

And even more reading:

Which P2P Lending Sites Are Profitable?

Why Is Low-Risk P2P Lending Labelled As “High Risk”?

The 9 Best Peer-To-Peer Lending Accounts In The UK 2024 (2024)


What is the best peer-to-peer lending service? ›

Compare the best P2P lending
Prosper8.99% to 35.99%2 to 5 years
Avant9.95% to 35.99%1 to 5 years
Happy Money11.72% to 17.99%2 to 5 years
Upstart7.8% to 35.99%3 or 5 years

Is peer-to-peer lending legal in the UK? ›

In the UK, peer-to-peer platforms are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. You can check that a platform is regulated by searching for it on the FCA's register online.

What is the return of peer-to-peer lending UK? ›

The most likely overall return is between 5% and 8% per year. You can even target at the higher end overall reasonably safely, and expect to get it most years. For lenders who adopt the strategy of spreading their money across lots of platforms and loans, the rewards paid out to each of them shouldn't vary much.

Is P2P lending platform legit? ›

Is peer-to-peer lending safe? P2P lending is both a safe and legal way to get money for a loan or to invest money. As with other types of financing, it's important to work with a reputable lender because borrowing is not without risk.

Can I make money from peer-to-peer lending? ›

This means a solid portfolio of P2P loans can generate a steady stream of passive income. Higher Yields – Without question, the single most attractive aspect of P2P lending for investors is the potential for higher yields. A carefully curated portfolio of loans can potentially earn 10% annually or better.

Which P2P program is the best? ›

What's the Top 5 BitTorrent Applications For File Sharing?
  • uTorrent.
  • qBittorrent.
  • Vuze (formerly Azureus)
  • Deluge.
  • BitTorrent.

Why is TrustBuddy so famous? ›

With over 200 0000 members, TrustBuddy is the biggest Peer-to-Peer provider of short term loans in the world. TrustBuddy is the only Peer-to-Peer lending company in the world to be publicly traded and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX First North since 2011.

How much money do you need for peer-to-peer lending? ›

The amount of money you need to participate in P2P lending varies depending on your chosen platform. Some platforms allow you to start with a relatively small investment, while others may have minimum investment requirements. Generally, you can begin investing in P2P loans with as little as $25 to $1,000 or more.

What happens if you dont pay back a peer-to-peer loan? ›

A traditional bank might offer support such as a payment plan or a longer period to repay the loan before sending a loan to collections. However, peer-to-peer lenders may send a defaulted loan to a collection agency in as little as 30 days. If your payments are late, a P2P lender may raise interest rates or add fees.

How to get into peer-to-peer lending? ›

There are three main steps:
  1. Open an account with a P2P lender and pay some money in by debit card or direct transfer.
  2. Set the interest rate you'd like to receive or agree one of the rates that's on offer.
  3. Lend an amount of money for a fixed period of time – for example, three or five years.

Is P2P withdrawal safe? ›

The central bank's displeasure was directed at the highly risky P2P schemes that were designed with the look and feel of a (bank) fixed deposit — where a user can earn interest for a period and instantly withdraw funds even before maturity.

Can P2P be trusted? ›

During a P2P transaction, several security features are involved, such as encryption and two-factor authentications. This ensures a secured trade as the traders know their account details and funds are safe during transactions.

Which is the best P2P platform? ›

Lendbox. Lendbox comes under India's top peer-to-peer lending platform, licensed by the RBI under the NBFC-P2P model. It offers P2P lending services with a focus on personal loans. Lendbox is known for its transparent processes and offers personal loans, working capital loans, and business loans.

What is the most popular peer-to-peer payment app? ›

Here are seven of our recommended peer-to-peer payment apps:
  1. Zelle. To use Zelle, users need to create and set up an account first. ...
  2. PayPal. One of the most popular P2P services in the world, PayPal is ideal for personal money transfers and online payments. ...
  3. Venmo. ...
  4. Cash App by Square. ...
  5. Apple Pay. ...
  6. Samsung Pay. ...
  7. WorldRemit.

What is the minimum credit score for a P2P loan? ›

You typically need a score of at least 580-600 to get a P2P loan. However, the minimum credit score for a loan varies by lender.

Is peer-to-peer lending worth it? ›

As with any high-return investments, there are risks with P2P lending. Default rates tend to be high with this class of loans, which can lead to losses for investors. Fees charged by the platforms may eat into any potential returns as well.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.