The advantages and disadvantages of convertible notes - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. The advantages of convertible notes

2. The disadvantages of convertible notes

3. How convertible notes work?

4. The benefits of convertible notes

5. The drawbacks of convertible notes

6. What are the best uses for convertible notes?

7. When should you avoid using a convertible note?

8. How do I structure a convertible note deal?

9. What are the key terms in a convertible note agreement?

1. The advantages of convertible notes

Advantages of a convertible

Advantages of convertible notes

A convertible note is a type of short-term debt that can be converted into equity, usually at a discount, after a predetermined period of time. convertible notes are often used by startups to raise seed capital because they are less risky and less dilutive than equity financing.

There are several advantages to using convertible notes to finance a startup:

1. Convertible notes are less risky for investors than equity financing.

2. Convertible notes are less dilutive than equity financing.

3. Convertible notes can provide flexible financing for startups.

4. Convertible notes can be used to delay pricing the company.

5. Convertible notes can help startups attract higher-quality investors.

1. Convertible notes are less risky for investors than equity financing.

Convertible notes are less risky for investors because they are debt instruments, not equity instruments. This means that if the company fails, investors will be repaid their principal before any equity holders receive anything. In contrast, with equity financing, investors could potentially lose their entire investment if the company fails.

2. Convertible notes are less dilutive than equity financing.

Another advantage of convertible notes is that they are less dilutive than equity financing. When a company issues equity, all shareholders ownership stakes are diluted. However, when a company issues convertible notes, only the shareholders who convert their notes into equity are diluted. This can be beneficial for early-stage investors who want to maintain a larger ownership stake in the company.

3. Convertible notes can provide flexible financing for startups.

Convertible notes can also be beneficial for startups because they can provide flexible financing. Startups often have difficulty securing traditional bank loans because they lack collateral and have high risk profiles. However, convertible notes do not require collateral and can be structured in a way that is less risky for investors. This makes them a more attractive financing option for startups.

4. Convertible notes can be used to delay pricing the company.

Another advantage of convertible notes is that they can be used to delay pricing the company. In an equity financing round, the price of the company's stock is determined at the time of the investment. However, with convertible notes, the price of the company's stock is not determined until the note matures and is converted into equity. This can be beneficial for startups because it allows them to delay pricing their company until they have more data and information about their business model and prospects for growth.

5. Convertible notes can help startups attract higher-quality investors.

Finally, convertible notes can also help startups attract higher-quality investors. In an equity financing round, all investors are typically given the same price per share. However, with convertible notes, early-stage investors often receive a discount on the price per share when they convert their notes into equity. This can make convertible notes more attractive to high-quality investors who are looking for a better deal on their investment.

The advantages and disadvantages of convertible notes - FasterCapital (1)

The advantages of convertible notes - The advantages and disadvantages of convertible notes

2. The disadvantages of convertible notes

Disadvantages to using a convertible

Disadvantages of using convertible notes

Convertible notes have some disadvantages that should be considered before using them to finance a startup.

First, convertible notes can be expensive. The interest rate on a convertible note is typically higher than the interest rate on a traditional loan, because the lender is taking on more risk.

Second, convertible notes can be dilutive. If the company raises money from investors at a later date, the convertible noteholders will get dilutive preference, meaning they will get more shares for their investment than the new investors.

Third, convertible notes can create a "cliff" for the company. If the company does not reach certain milestones by the time the convertible note matures, the entire investment is due and payable to the lender. This can put a lot of pressure on the company to meet its milestones, and can lead to bad decision-making in an effort to reach those milestones.

Fourth, convertible notes can create tension between the founders and investors. If the founders want to sell the company or take it public before the convertible note matures, they may have to pay back the entire investment plus interest and fees. This can create a lot of tension between the founders and investors, and can lead to the investors taking control of the company.

Overall, convertible notes have some advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before using them to finance a startup. If used correctly, they can be a great way to get funding for a startup. However, if not used correctly, they can be very costly and dilutive to the company.

3. How convertible notes work?

Convertible notes are a type of financing that allows startups to raise money from investors without having to give up equity in the company. The notes are typically issued when a startup is looking to raise money quickly and doesn't have time to negotiate equity terms with investors.

convertible notes are debt instruments that convert into equity at a later date. They are typically used by startups that are looking to raise money quickly and do not have time to negotiate equity terms with investors. The conversion price is typically based on the valuation of the company at the time of the investment.

Convertible notes have a few advantages over traditional equity financing. First, they are easier and faster to raise than equity. Second, they provide flexibility to the startup in terms of how much equity to give up to investors. And third, they allow the startup to delay setting a valuation for the company.

There are also some disadvantages to convertible notes. First, they can be expensive if the company's valuation increases significantly between the time the notes are issued and when they convert to equity. Second, they can create dilution for existing shareholders if the conversion price is set too low. And third, they can create tension between the startup and its investors if the terms of the notes are not clearly understood or agreed upon by both parties.

Overall, convertible notes can be a helpful tool for startups that are looking to raise money quickly and don't have time to negotiate equity terms with investors. However, its important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of convertible notes before using them to finance your business.

4. The benefits of convertible notes

Benefits of a Convertible

Benefits of convertible notes

Convertible notes are a type of debt that can be converted into equity. They are often used by startups to raise seed funding from angel investors and venture capitalists. The main advantage of convertible notes is that they offer flexibility to both the issuer and the investor. For the issuer, convertible notes can be converted into equity at a later date, which means that the issuer does not have to repay the full amount of the loan if the company is not doing well. For the investor, convertible notes offer the potential for a higher return on investment if the company is successful. Convertible notes also have some disadvantages. For example, if the company is not successful, the investor may not get their money back. Convertible notes can also be complex and difficult to understand.

While we would typically encourage young people to start saving for the future as early as possible, it's unlikely that a budding entrepreneur will be able to do so. The entrepreneur will need every bit of capital available for the business, which will likely crowd out personal savings.

5. The drawbacks of convertible notes

convertible notes are a type of short-term debt that can be converted into equity. They are often used by startup companies that are seeking funding but have not yet established a valuation for their equity. Although convertible notes have some advantages, there are also some significant drawbacks to consider before deciding whether to use them.

One of the biggest drawbacks of convertible notes is that they can create a "valuation cap." This means that the investors who provide the funding will receive a discount on the price per share when the notes are converted to equity. This can result in the dilution of the existing shareholders' ownership stake and can decrease the value of their investment.

Another downside of convertible notes is that they typically have a higher interest rate than traditional debt. This is because there is more risk involved for the lender, since the loan may not be repaid if the company is unsuccessful. In addition, if the company is sold or goes public before the notes are converted to equity, the investors may not receive anything for their investment.

Finally, convertible notes can complicate the process of raising additional funding. If a company has already raised money through a convertible note, it may be difficult to convince future investors to provide more funding at a higher valuation. This is because the existing investors will have already received a discount on the price per share, and it may be difficult to justify giving them an even better deal.

Overall, convertible notes can be a helpful tool for startup companies seeking funding. However, there are some significant drawbacks to consider before deciding whether to use them.

When times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge.

6. What are the best uses for convertible notes?

A convertible note is a type of debt that can be converted into equity. Convertible notes are often used by startups to raise capital. The main advantage of convertible notes is that they offer flexibility to the startup in terms of how much equity they will ultimately give up to investors. The disadvantage of convertible notes is that they can be expensive for the startup if the company is successful and the notes are converted into equity at a high price.

Convertible notes are often used by startups that are not yet ready to value their company or issue equity. The notes give the startup time to grow and mature before they have to give up any equity. This can be beneficial for the startup, as they can raise capital without giving up any ownership stake in the company. Convertible notes can also be used by investors as a way to get a better return on their investment if the startup is successful.

The disadvantage of convertible notes is that they can be expensive for the startup if the company is successful and the notes are converted into equity at a high price. This is because the interest on the loan accrues from the date of the loan, not from the date of conversion into equity. This means that the startup will have to pay back more money than they would have if they had raised capital through equity.

The best uses for convertible notes are for startups that are not yet ready to value their company or issue equity, and for investors who want a better return on their investment if the startup is successful.

7. When should you avoid using a convertible note?

As with any type of investment, there are advantages and disadvantages to convertible notes. While convertible notes can be a great way to raise capital for your business, there are also a few potential drawbacks to consider.

The biggest advantage of convertible notes is that they offer flexibility to both the investor and the company. Convertible notes can be structured in a variety of ways, so they can be tailored to the specific needs of the company and the investor. For example, the conversion price and discount can be negotiated to better suit the company's valuation at the time of conversion. This flexibility makes convertible notes a very attractive option for both early-stage companies and investors.

Another advantage of convertible notes is that they are less dilutive than equity financing. Convertible notes convert into equity at a later date, so the dilutive effects are delayed. This can be beneficial for companies that are not yet ready to give up equity or that want to minimize dilution for existing shareholders.

There are a few potential disadvantages to convertible notes as well. One is that they can be complex and difficult to understand. This complexity can make it difficult to negotiate terms with investors and to predict the future dilutive effects of the notes.

Another potential disadvantage is that convertible notes can create down rounds when they convert. A down round is when a company raises additional capital at a lower valuation than the previous round. This can happen if the conversion price is set too low or if the company's valuation decreases between the time the note is issued and when it converts. Down rounds can be dilutive and discouraging to existing shareholders.

Finally, convertible notes can be expensive. The interest payments on convertible notes can add up, especially for early-stage companies that may not yet be generating revenue. In addition, the legal fees associated with setting up a convertible note can be significant.

Overall, convertible notes can be a great way to raise capital for your business. However, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider before deciding if a convertible note is right for your company.

8. How do I structure a convertible note deal?

Note deal

Convertible note deal

convertible notes have become a popular financing tool for early stage companies. They are simple to structure and provide flexibility to both the issuer and the investor. However, there are also some disadvantages to using convertible notes which should be considered before entering into this type of financing agreement.


1. convertible notes are simple to structure and can be completed quickly.

2. They are flexible, providing both the issuer and the investor with options and flexibility.

3. Convertible notes can be a less expensive way to raise capital than equity financing.

4. Convertible notes can provide a way to delay dilution of the company's equity.


1. Convertible notes can create a down round problem, where the conversion price is set at a lower price than the current valuation of the company, resulting in the investor receiving less equity than they would have if they had invested at the current valuation.

2. Convertible notes can be complex, and there is potential for misunderstanding and conflict between the parties.

3. The use of convertible notes can delay the company's ability to raise additional equity financing at a later date.

4. Convertible notes can create a debt-like obligation for the issuer, which may be undesirable for some companies.

The advantages and disadvantages of convertible notes - FasterCapital (2)

How do I structure a convertible note deal - The advantages and disadvantages of convertible notes

9. What are the key terms in a convertible note agreement?

Terms of a Convertible

Terms in a convertible note

Note Agreement

Convertible note agreement

A convertible note is a type of investment that is typically used by startups to raise capital. The key terms in a convertible note agreement are the interest rate, maturity date, conversion price, and conversion discount.

The interest rate is the rate of return that the investor will receive on their investment. The maturity date is the date when the loan must be repaid. The conversion price is the price at which the loan can be converted into equity. The conversion discount is the percentage by which the loan will be discounted when it is converted into equity.

The key terms in a convertible note agreement are important because they determine the risk and return of the investment. interest rates and maturity dates are important for determining the risk of the investment. The higher the interest rate, the higher the risk. The longer the maturity date, the higher the risk. The conversion price and discount are important for determining the return of the investment. The higher the conversion price, the higher the return. The lower the conversion discount, the higher the return.

Investors should carefully consider all of these terms before investing in a convertible note. They should make sure that they understand all of the risks and rewards associated with the investment.

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The advantages and disadvantages of convertible notes - FasterCapital (2024)


What are convertible notes advantages and disadvantages? ›

For the investor, convertible notes offer the potential for a higher return on investment if the company is successful. Convertible notes also have some disadvantages. For example, if the company is not successful, the investor may not get their money back.

Are convertible notes good or bad? ›

Low risk and efficient – Convertible note terms do not technically sell actual share ownership. For all practical purposes, it is still a loan. So both the issuer and the investor can skip the risk of incorrect company valuation, thus preventing tax implications as well.

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Benefits of convertible loans for companies
  • Quick access to capital.
  • Flexible and uncomplicated contract structure.
  • Low costs associated with contract drafting.
  • Interest and repayment typically occur at the end of the term, minimizing the impact on the companies' cash flow.
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If future equity rounds are not completed, the convertible note will remain debt and thus require redemption, potentially pushing still-fragile companies into bankruptcy.

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Capital Account Convertibility
  • Advantages. Improved access to international financial markets. Greater financial competitiveness. ...
  • Disadvantages.
  • Improper management of CAC can lead to currency depreciation and affect trade and capital flows. Speculative activity can lead to capital flight from the country.
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What is downside protection of convertible note? ›

A convertible note is a debt instrument that is convertible into shares of the issuer or another entity. They offer investors the downside protection of a debt instrument and the upside potential of an equity investment, but in return typically offer lower interest rates than straight debt instruments.

Can you cash out a convertible note? ›

Another advantage of convertible notes is that they offer a higher level of liquidity than equity financing. This means that investors can more easily cash out their investment if they need to, which can be helpful in the event of an emergency.

What happens if you don't convert a convertible note? ›

As debt instruments, convertible notes come with an interest rate and a maturity date (when the note expires). If the note hasn't already converted into equity by the maturity date, the company typically is required to repay the noteholder's principal investment plus interest.

What happens when a convertible note matures? ›

When a convertible note reaches its maturity date, it will either convert, and the investor receives equity in the company, or it will not convert, and the principal and interest are due as debt.

What are the benefits of a convertible? ›

Convertibles give a company more control over its debt/equity ratios. The call feature allows a company to shift debt to equity, which can be especially attractive for companies that require capital to drive their growth plans. As a company's stock price increases, convertibles may be called.

Is convertible debt SAFE? ›

Convertible notes

Like SAFE, a convertible note allows the startup the option to delay the process of valuing their company until a later date. However, unlike a SAFE, a convertible note is an actual loan that the startup must pay back with interest.

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Convertible preferred shares give their holders the option of converting them into a set amount of common stock shares in the future. This gives the shareholder the potential benefit of capital appreciation in addition to the guaranteed benefit of a regular dividend.

What are the dangers of convertible notes? ›

The following are just a couple of the possible disadvantages of using convertible notes as a financing mechanism. If they don't convert, the notes eventually come due. This can result in the end of the startup if the note holders aren't willing to negotiate, and the startup doesn't have the means to pay off the notes.

What happens to a convertible note if startup fails? ›

If a startup fails to raise a priced equity round before the maturity date, it's highly unlikely it will have the funds needed to repay the note principal. In such a case, the convertible noteholders have several options: Force a repayment. Technically speaking, the noteholders could demand repayment of the note.

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The two main advantages of convertible notes are their legal simplicity and the fact that they do not price the company. They are a way for founders and seed stage investors to quickly agree on an investment and punt legal complexity and deliberation over company value to a later equity financing round.

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When a startup issues a convertible note, the investor provides funding in exchange for a promissory note, which outlines the terms of the investment. The note typically includes details such as the principal amount, interest rate, maturity date, conversion terms, and other relevant provisions.

Do convertible notes always convert to equity? ›

A convertible note is a short-term debt instrument that automatically turns into equity when a predetermined milestone or conversion event occurs. Essentially, a convertible note functions like a business loan that converts into equity instead of being repaid..

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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