The Art of Selling a Losing Position (2024)

Percentage LossPercent Rise To Break Even

A stock that declines 50% must increase 100% to return to its original amount. Think about it in dollar terms: a stock that drops 50% from $10 to $5 ($5 / $10 = 50%) must rise by $5, or 100% ($5 ÷ $5 = 100%), just to return to the original $10 purchase price. Many investors forget about simple mathematics and take in losses that are greater than they realize due to emotional distress. They falsely believe that if a stock drops 20%, it will simply have to rise by that same percentage to break even.

This isn't to say that rebounds never happen. Sometimes a stock has been unfairly pummeled.But the long turnaround waiting periodsometimes yearsalso means that stock is tying up money that could be put to work in a different stock with possibly better potential.

The Best Offense Is a Good Defense

Championship teams have one thing in common: a good defense. This principle can be applied to the stock market as well. You can't win unless you have a predetermined defense strategy to prevent excessive losses.

Having a defensive strategy, or exit strategy, in place before placing a trade hedges against emotional trading. Once we own something, we tend to let emotions such as greed or fear take over and get in the way of good judgment.

An Adaptable Selling Strategy

The classic axiom of investing in stocks is to look for quality companies at the right price. Following this principle makes it easy to understand why there are no simple rules for selling and buying; it rarely comes down to something as easy as a change in price. Investors must also consider the characteristics of the company itself. There are also many different types of investors, such as value or growth on the fundamental analysis side.

A selling strategy that's successful for one person might not work for somebody else. Think about a short-term trader who sets a stop-loss order for a decline of 3%; this is a good strategy to reduce any big losses. The stop-loss strategy can be used by longer-term traders also, such as investors with a three- to five-year investment time frame.

However, the percentage decline would be much higher, such as 15%, than that used by short-term traders. On the other hand, this stop-loss strategy becomes less and less useful as the investment time frame is extended.

Questions to Ask Before Selling

If you know your investing style and have put some thought into your investment, use this framework to help you think about whether or not you want to sell. Start by asking yourself these questions:

  1. Why did you buy the stock?
  2. What changed?
  3. Does that change affect your reasons for investing in the company?

The first question will be an easy one. Did you buy a company because it had a solid balance sheet? Were they developing a new technology that would one day take the market by storm? Whatever the reason was, it leads to the second question. Has the reason you bought the company changed?

If a stock has gone down in price, there is usually a reason for it. Does the quality you originally liked in the company still exist or has the company changed? It is important to not limit your research to only the original purchase reasons. Review all of the latest headlines related to that firm as well as its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings for any events which could potentially diminish the reasons behind the investment.

If you have determined that there has been a change, then proceed to the third question: Is the change material enough that you would not buy the company again? For example, does it alter the company's business model? If so, it is better for you to offload the position in the company, as its business plan has greatly diverged from the reasons behind your original investment.

By remembering not to get emotionally attached to companies, your ability to make smart selling decisions will become easier and easier.

A Value Investor's Approach to Selling

Let's demonstrate how a value investor would use this approach. Simply put, value investing is buying high-quality companies at a discount. The strategy requires extensive research into a company's fundamentals.

1. Why Did You Buy the Stock?

Let's say our value investor only buys companies with a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) in the bottom 10% of the equity market, with earnings growth of 10% per year.

2. What Changed?

Say the stock declines in price by 20%. Most investors would wince at seeing this much of their investment fall. The value investor, however, doesn't sell simply because of a drop in price, but because of a fundamental change in the characteristics that made the stock attractive.

The value investor knows that it takes research to determine if a low P/E ratio and high earnings still exist. The value investor will also look at other stock metrics to determine if the company is still a worthy investment.

3. Does That Change Affect Your Reasons for Investing in the Company?

After investigating how or if the company has changed, our value investor will find that the company is experiencing one of two possible situations: It either still has a low P/E ratio and high earnings growth, or it no longer meets these criteria. If the company still meets the value-investing criteria, the investor will hang on. In fact, the investor might actually purchase more stock because it is undervalued and selling at a discount.

With any other situation, such as high P/E and low earnings growth, the investor is likely to sell the stock, hopefully minimizing losses. This approach works with any investing style. A growth investor, for example, would have different criteria in evaluating the stock. But the questions to ask would remain the same.

When Should You Sell a Stock At a Loss?

This depends on your trading strategy and overall portfolio composition. You may be able to hold stock at a loss for a longer period if it is a smaller part of your portfolio and doesn't drag your portfolio's value down. An investor may also continue to hold if the stock pays a healthy dividend. Generally though, if the stock breaks a technical marker or the company is not performing well, it is better to sell at a small loss than to let the position tie up your money and potentially fall even further.

What Is the Best Time of Day to Sell Stock?

The periods of highest liquidity in the stock markets are always during trading hours, usually right at the open and about ten minutes before the close to the closing bell. Many companies are so liquid that trades are placed near instantaneously throughout the day, but if you are invested in smaller companies, there could be a substantial lag between when you place an order and when it is filled. There may be no one on the other side of the trade, and that is compounded after-hours or pre-market, when liquidity is low.

How Long Should I Hold a Stock?

Your stock placements and how long you should hold them depend on your investing style and goals. Many investors will buy something they intend to hold for years. When harvesting and reinvesting dividends, an investor may hold that position for 25 years or more, as their dividends are used to purchase additional shares. On the flip side, day traders and forex traders may hold a position for less than a minute.

The Bottom Line

Determining when to sell requires thought and work on your part to ensure these guidelines maximize the effectiveness of your investing style. All investors are different, so there is no hard-and-fast selling rule that all investors should follow.

Even with these differences, it is vital that all investors have some sort of exit strategy. This will greatly improve the odds that the investor will not end up holding worthless share certificates at the end of the day. Know what your investing style is and then use that strategy to stay disciplined, keeping your emotions out of the market.

As a seasoned financial expert with a deep understanding of investment strategies and market dynamics, I want to shed light on the concepts discussed in the article and provide additional insights to reinforce the importance of a well-thought-out selling strategy in the stock market.

Firstly, let's delve into the fundamental principles highlighted in the article:

  1. Percentage Loss and Gain:

    • The article emphasizes the mathematical reality that a stock that experiences a 50% loss requires a 100% gain to break even. This underscores the significance of avoiding substantial losses, as recovering from them demands disproportionately larger gains.
  2. Defense Strategy:

    • Drawing an analogy to championship teams, the article stresses the importance of a good defense in the stock market. This defense strategy involves having a predetermined exit plan to prevent excessive losses, mitigating the impact of emotional trading.
  3. Adaptable Selling Strategy:

    • The article acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all selling strategy. It discusses the use of stop-loss orders and how the effectiveness of such strategies varies based on the investor's time frame, distinguishing between short-term and longer-term traders.
  4. Questions to Ask Before Selling:

    • The article provides a framework for investors to evaluate whether they should sell a stock. By asking questions such as why the stock was purchased, what has changed, and whether the change affects the investment thesis, investors can make more informed and rational selling decisions.
  5. Value Investor's Approach:

    • The article demonstrates how a value investor would approach selling. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamental reasons for buying a stock, assessing changes, and determining if those changes affect the initial investment thesis.
  6. When to Sell a Stock at a Loss:

    • The timing of selling at a loss depends on the investor's trading strategy and overall portfolio composition. The article suggests that if a stock breaks a technical marker or the company is not performing well, it might be better to sell at a small loss to prevent further decline.
  7. Best Time of Day to Sell Stock:

    • Liquidity is highlighted as a crucial factor in determining the best time to sell stock. The periods of highest liquidity are during trading hours, emphasizing the importance of trading during these times, especially for smaller companies with lower liquidity.
  8. How Long to Hold a Stock:

    • The duration of holding a stock is contingent on the investor's style and goals. Long-term investors may hold for years, while day traders may hold for minutes. The article underscores the diversity in investment styles and the need for individualized strategies.

In conclusion, the key takeaway is that a well-defined and adaptable selling strategy is essential for investors. This strategy should align with the investor's goals, time frame, and risk tolerance. Understanding the dynamics of percentage loss and gain, having a solid defense strategy, and asking critical questions before selling are crucial elements in navigating the complexities of the stock market.

The Art of Selling a Losing Position (2024)


What is the 7 percent sell rule? ›

1 Rule For When To Sell Stocks. To make money in stocks, you must protect the money you already have. That brings us to the cardinal rule of selling. Always sell a stock it if falls 7%-8% below what you paid for it.

At what point do you sell a losing stock? ›

When To Sell And Take A Loss. According to IBD founder William O'Neil's rule in "How to Make Money in Stocks," you should sell a stock when you are down 7% or 8% from your purchase price, no exceptions.

Should I sell a losing position? ›

Regardless of whether an investment has lost or gained value, you should never keep it if it no longer fits your strategy. That said, it can be hard to let go of an investment that's lost value, thanks to the break-even fallacy, or our instinct to wait to sell an investment until it rebounds to our purchase price.

Should I sell losing stocks at the end of the year? ›

An investor may also continue to hold if the stock pays a healthy dividend. Generally, though, if the stock breaks a technical marker or the company is not performing well, it is better to sell at a small loss than to let the position tie up your money and potentially fall even further.

What is the 50 30 20 rule when selling? ›

The rule goes like this, each month, your after-tax paycheck is broken down into three buckets: 50% for needs. 30% for wants. 20% for savings.

What is the 70 30 rule in selling? ›

Our 70/30 rule is the key to healthy outbound/inbound sales time. 70% of the time is outbound focused resulting in 30% of our new customers. 30% of the time is spent on inbound prospecting which brings in about 70% of customers. But when you get it to revenue, it's almost an even split 50/50.

What is the 3 5 7 rule in stocks? ›

The 3-5-7 rule in trading is a risk management guideline that suggests limiting the amount of capital you put into any single trade. According to this rule, you should not risk more than 3% of your trading capital on any one trade, no more than 5% on any one sector, and no more than 7% on all trades combined.

What is the 3 5 7 rule in trading? ›

The 3–5–7 rule in trading is a risk management principle that suggests allocating a certain percentage of your trading capital to different trades based on their risk levels. Here's how it typically works: 3% Rule: This suggests risking no more than 3% of your trading capital on any single trade.

What is the best day to sell stocks? ›

If Monday may be the best day of the week to buy stocks, then Thursday or early Friday may be the best day to sell stock—before prices dip.

What to do with a losing stock position? ›

Investors who have suffered a substantial loss in a stock position have been limited to three options: "sell and take a loss," "hold and hope," or "double down." The "hold and hope" strategy requires that the stock return to your purchase price, which may take a long time, if it happens at all.

How to recover from stock loss? ›

If tough market conditions in the past have left you with cold feet, consider this six-point plan to help you start trading again.
  1. Learn from your mistakes. ...
  2. Keep a trade log. ...
  3. Write it off. ...
  4. Slowly start to rebuild. ...
  5. Scale up and scale down. ...
  6. Use limit and stop orders.
Mar 11, 2024

How much stock loss can you write off? ›

You can deduct stock losses from other reported taxable income up to the maximum amount allowed by the IRS—$3,000 a year—if you have no capital gains to offset your capital losses or if the total net figure between your short- and long-term capital gains and losses is a negative number, representing an overall capital ...

When should you dump losing stock? ›

Here are some good reasons you might want to sell a stock at a loss:
  1. Changes in company fundamentals.
  2. Changes in earnings.
  3. Changes in revenue.
  4. Debt levels.
  5. Changes in dividends.
Feb 23, 2024

At what point should you sell a stock? ›

It depends. If a stock price plunges because of a significant and long-term change in the company's outlook, that's a good reason to sell. Virtually all stocks, even the bluest of the blue chips, experience temporary setbacks and then move back upwards. Averaging down in such cases is a strategy to consider.

What are the rules for selling stocks at a loss? ›

1. What is the wash sale rule? The wash sale rule states that if you buy or acquire a substantially identical stock within 30 days before or after you sold the declining stock at a loss, you generally cannot deduct the loss.

What is the 7% rule for retirement? ›

What is the 7 Percent Rule? In contrast to the more conservative 4% rule, the 7 percent rule suggests retirees can withdraw 7% of their total retirement corpus in the first year of retirement, with subsequent annual adjustments for inflation.

What is the 7% rule for 401k? ›

The seven percent savings rule recommends saving seven percent of your gross salary each year. Gross salary is your income before any taxes, health insurance, retirement contributions, or other deductions are taken out of your paycheck.

What is the 10 10 10 rule in sales? ›

The 10–10–10 rule is a transformative approach that involves examining the potential impact of our decisions over distinct time horizons. When faced with choices, individuals are encouraged to consider the effects of their decisions over the next 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years.

What is the 50 30 10 rule for selling? ›

The general rule of thumb for pricing is 50-30-10: NEW, unused items = 50% of their retail cost; SLIGHTLY USED items = 30% of retail; and USED items = 10% of retail. Have a calculator handy for totaling up purchases.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.