The Average Website Conversion Rate by Industry (2024) – Invesp (2024)

Information related to conversion rate benchmarks is among the most protected data on the web.

There’s a reason for this secrecy. Not many website owners wish to share their performance metrics with competitors.

That said, there are tools to decipher the number of visitors a website receives and give an idea about its conversion rate.

The question now is: what is a reasonable conversion rate?

The answer: it varies. What’s great for one industry might be subpar for another.

One multi-billion-dollar company I once worked with had conversion rates of 41% for first-time visitors. And they still wanted more.

The key is understanding the average ecommerce conversion rate and benchmarking your performance against it. Once you know whether you’re meeting the average for your industry, you can work to improve conversion rates until you’re in the top 10 percentile of performers.

You need to improve if your website converts at around the average mark.

This article has been updated for 2024 to include new data for the average conversion rate across ecommerce industries, countries, etc.

Understanding Average Conversion Rates: What Is A Good Conversion Rate?

First, you should understand that the conversion rate is highly contextual.

A store selling high-end electronics isn’t going to have the same conversion rate as one selling $10 t-shirts. Similarly, a store with a loyal email list of 100,000 hungry buyers will see far better conversions than one buying cold traffic off Facebook.

Some of the variables that impact conversion rate include:

  • Product Type
  • Product cost or average order value
  • Traffic source
  • Device (mobile, tablet, or PC)
  • Platform (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, etc.)
  • Location

Furthermore, “conversion rate” generally signifies the percentage of visitors who turn into customers. You might have different goals you are trying to optimize for (say, the percentage of visitors who add a product to a cart, download a lookbook, fill out a contact form, etc.).

The term “average conversion rate,” thus, can be a bit misleading.

If you’re having a hard time boosting your ecommerce conversion rate, this video is for you:

7 Ways To Boost eCommerce Conversion Rate (Part 1)

Overall Conversion Rate Benchmark Report

Conversion rates are a vital metric for understanding the effectiveness of your online presence.

A “conversion” isn’t just about making a sale—it involves any essential action a visitor takes on your website, turning them from a casual browser into a lead or customer.

Before we get into more details, let’s look at the overall conversion rate benchmarks:

  • Overall Average: According to a study by Ruler Analytics, the average conversion rate across all fourteen industries is 3.3%. This study defines a “conversion” as a qualified lead who has shown interest in products or services and is likelier to become a customer or client.
  • Direct Traffic: The study also highlights that direct traffic (often labeled as “direct” in analytics tools) constitutes around 20% of overall traffic across the companies analyzed.
  • Ecommerce Average: According to an ecommerce conversion rate benchmark report, For e-commerce websites, the average conversion rates for ecommerce websites hover around 2.5% to 3%.

What is an Ecommerce Conversion Rate?

An ecommerce conversion rate refers to the number of people who placed an order online at your store compared to the amount of traffic.

You can discover your ecommerce conversion rate using this formula:

Ecommerce conversion rate = orders/number of visits X 100%

Consider this scenario:

Your store gets 1500 visits and 75 places an order. Using the formula above, this will be;

75/1500 = 5%.

This metric has different names depending on your analytics.

  • In Google Analytics, it’s called eCommerce conversion rate
  • In Shopify Analytics, it’s called online store conversion rate;
  • Other analytics tools may refer to it as transaction rate or order rate.

Here’s an example of ecommerce conversion rate in Google Analytics:

The Average Website Conversion Rate by Industry (2024) – Invesp (1)

Why is Ecommerce Conversion Rate Important?

The ecommerce conversion rate measures how well your online store is converting.

Success for an ecommerce business isn’t in the monthly traffic it gets but in the number of orders placed from that traffic. This is what defines conversion rate.

If you’re driving a ton of traffic with little to no conversions, it’s not a traffic issue on your site but a conversion problem that requires a deep dive into your site to find possible areas of improvement.

How do you know you need to investigate your site’s conversion rate?

  • You don’t get a sufficient number of orders from site visitors.
  • High cart and checkout abandonment rates.
  • Product stock is always in the store.

These are just some reasons to consider your site’s conversion rate.

That said, you can’t implement changes suddenly. The first step to boosting your conversion rate is analyzing your website and customer behavior.

How will you analyze your website and customer behavior to improve conversion rates? Here are some ways:

  • Set up exit pop-ups or on-site surveys asking clients about their experience and why they didn’t purchase from you.
  • Conduct JTBD interviews with recent customers to discover their difficulties and how they overcame them. You can also ask them what they use your product for—the answer might surprise you.
  • Leverage heatmaps and session recordings to see how users engage and drop off on your site, and mark those areas for further investigation through survey questions and interviews. Tools like FigPii will come in handy here.
  • Conduct user and usability tests to get more feedback from respondents.

All these actions aim to look for common patterns and complaints. Then, you prioritize them based on which impacts the bottom line more, create a hypothesis for the more significant issue, and then proceed to A/B tests.

This is how you tackle conversion rate issues. You don’t just make changes to your site—you need to hear from your site visitors about their experience and how you can improve.

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Benchmarks 2024

Let’s see how industry, channels, and additional influential factors categorize the latest commerce conversion rate benchmarks.

Where does our data on conversion rate benchmarks come from?

This article uses data from over 300 websites tracked by Invesp, publicly available statistics from sources like Statista, and various analytics tools.

Industry-Specific Conversion Rate Benchmarks

As ecommerce continues to grow globally, understanding industry-specific conversion rates becomes essential for businesses aiming to optimize their online sales strategies.

Here’s a look at how different sectors perform, reflecting variations in consumer behavior and purchase patterns across industries.

The Average Website Conversion Rate by Industry (2024) – Invesp (2)

Conversion rate benchmarks in the fourth quarter of 2023 by industry (Source: Statista)

  • Fashion and Apparel: This ranges from 1.01% to 2.20%, varying significantly based on the style and price of items​ (Yaguara). According to Statista, active apparel had a conversion rate of 1.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023, while luxury apparel had a conversion rate of 0.9%.
  • Health and Wellness: Notably higher, from 1.87% to 4.20%, influenced by the quality and perceived necessity of the products​ (Yaguara). If you look at Statista’s analysis, it’s just about similar—with the health and beauty vertical showing an average conversion rate of 1.8% in the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Pet Care: This sector shows strong performance, with rates between 2.20% and 2.53%, likely due to pet owners’ loyal purchasing habits ​ (Growth Collective).
  • Food and Beverage: Currently, one of the highest at 3.7% in the fourth quarter of 2023, reflecting increased consumer comfort with online grocery shopping​ (Statista).

Ecommerce Conversion Rate By Channel

Here’s a quick overview of conversion rate benchmarks across various channels, including social media, paid search, email marketing, and direct traffic. It will give you an idea of what to expect and how different channels serve unique roles in the consumer journey.

Social Media Channels:

  • Facebook: the benchmark across industries for Facebook conversion rates is 9.21%. This means that for every 100 clicks a Facebook post receives, about nine will convert. This high rate indicates that Facebook is good at reaching and engaging the right audience, leading to more people purchasing. However, success can vary between sectors, such as industrial services (0.71%) and fitness (14.29%).
  • Instagram: According to Bazaarvoice, top-performing brands see an average conversion rate of 1% on Instagram. For example, for every 100 interactions (clicks, views, etc.) a brand’s Instagram post receives, approximately one person converts (makes a purchase or takes a desired action).
  • Pinterest: Known for its product discovery features, Pinterest has an average conversion rate of 1.16%.

Paid Search (Google Ads):

  • Paid search campaigns on Google Ads can yield good results. The average conversion rate for paid search is approximately 4.8%.
  • Again, this average varies by industry, ranging from 1.8% (IT & Managed Services) to 6.5% (HVAC).

The Average Website Conversion Rate by Industry (2024) – Invesp (3)

Email Marketing:

  • While the average conversion rate for email marketing generally falls between 2% and 5%, the specific e-commerce industry context matters.
  • The benefits of email marketing are evident, with an average ROI of $36-$40 for every $1 spent.

Direct Traffic:

  • Users who directly visit your website (typing the URL or using bookmarks) tend to have higher intent. The average conversion rate for direct traffic is approximately 3.5%.

Overall, each channel contributes uniquely to the sales funnel. Understanding these contributions will help you allocate resources accordingly and develop strategies that resonate with your target audiences.

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Benchmarks By Device

Let’s delve into the ecommerce conversion rates by different devices (Source: Statista).

The Average Website Conversion Rate by Industry (2024) – Invesp (4)

Ecommerce conversion rates as of December 2023, by device (Source)

Desktop Devices:

  • Desktop users tend to have higher conversion rates compared to mobile users.
  • As of December 2023, the average conversion rate on desktop ecommerce sites was approximately 2.8%.
  • Desktops remain a popular choice for serious shoppers due to their larger screens and ease of navigation.

Tablet Devices:

  • Tablets had the highest conversion rate among all devices, with an average of 3.1%.
  • Tablets balance screen size and portability, making them conducive to ecommerce activities.

Mobile Devices:

  • Mobile phones accounted for an average conversion rate of 2.8%.
  • While mobile usage is widespread, conversion rates tend to be lower due to smaller screens, distractions, and usability challenges.
  • Optimizing mobile experiences is crucial for improving these rates.

Despite growing mobile usage, conversion rates on mobile devices are slightly lower than on desktop, stressing the importance of mobile-optimized shopping experiences.

Also, remember that these averages can vary based on industry, user behavior, and other factors. Regular monitoring and optimization are essential to enhance conversion rates across all devices.

Average Conversion Rates By Platform

If your ecommerce product is on the tech scene, paying attention to these ecommerce conversion rates by platform is crucial.

  • Windows (4.94%): Windows users tend to have higher intent and engagement, contributing to this conversion rate.
  • Macintosh (3.78%): Mac users are known for their affinity toward premium products and services.
  • Chrome OS (2.9%): Chromebooks are famous for their simplicity and affordability.
  • iOS (1.88%): Smaller screens and potential distractions contribute to this lower rate.
  • Android (1.8%): Android’s vast user base impacts overall ecommerce performance.
  • Windows Phone (0.5%): Windows Phone is no longer actively supported, affecting its performance.
  • Linux (0.02%): Linux users are typically more tech-savvy and may not use Linux to engage in as much ecommerce activity.

Average Conversion Rate Benchmarks By Region

If you’re planning to expand your business globally, these average ecommerce conversion rates by region will come in handy:

  • Americas (North and South): Its robust conversion rate of 3.56% reflects a mature ecommerce market​ (Yaguara).
  • EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa): At 4.11%, the EMEA region leads with the highest average conversion rates, possibly due to diverse ecommerce adoption and digital infrastructure (Yaguara).
  • APAC (Asia-Pacific) has the lowest rate among the regions at 2.76%, which may reflect varied digital payment penetration and consumer trust​ (Yaguara).

The following section covers how to improve your website’s conversion rate.

Quick Tips to Optimize Your Ecommerce Conversion Rates

You can take action to improve user experience on your website, which will eventually help you increase your ecommerce conversion rates.

Here’s a list of some of the best ecommerce conversion rate optimization strategies you can implement immediately. The list won’t be exhaustive; it is just a pointer.

1. Use Clearer Images.

Have you tried zooming into images to get clearer details yet couldn’t?

Did you end up making the purchase? Most likely, no.

The same thing happens on your website. When users cannot zoom in to see smaller details and your image resolution is poor, they will not buy.

The solution is to use images with higher resolution, 360-degree function, and zooming ability.

2. Use More Social Proof

‘This product was good.’

‘I enjoy using this product.’

‘I couldn’t sleep well at night for years until I came across the Aquapedia mattress; now I need to set the alarm to wake up; if not, I’m not sure I’ll ever wake up. This experience is so good, I don’t want it to end.’

Which of these reviews do you prefer?

Which of these reviews will motivate potential customers to buy from you?

If your guess is as good as mine, the third review.

Use more social proof with stellar reviews on your money pages to increase conversions.

3. Tweak Your Checkout Process.

Many checkout stages have unnecessary steps that make the shopping experience unpleasant.

How do you compel your audience to make the purchase? Here are four quick steps to improving your checkout page.

  • Remove every unnecessary field/form.
  • Allow guest checkout.
  • Show a progress bar.
  • Show security seals.

4. Focus On Top-Converting Traffic Channels

The above charts show that social media converts fairly poorly compared to search and email; both underperform against direct traffic.

If improving conversion rates is your priority, focusing on better converting channels will yield better results. Dig into your analytics report to see where most of your traffic comes from. If your top channel is social and you have very little direct traffic, it might be a good idea to divert marketing resources to PPC or invest in an email campaign.

Similarly, email yields better conversion rates than social and search. Consider investing in an email marketing campaign to increase your store’s overall conversions.

5. Promote Best-Converting Products/Categories

Different product pages and product categories will have different conversion rates. Dig through your analytics to see what pages convert best. These should be the top priority in your marketing campaigns.

For example, if your t-shirts convert better than your shoes, promote the former on your site and your marketing.

At the same time, also consider what products contribute the most to your bottom line. A $1,000 product that converts to 2% is better for your store than a $10 product that converts to 10%.

Finding a product with a reasonably high order value and strong conversion rates can do wonders for your store.

6. Go Deeper With Your A/B Tests

When split testing, it is easy to fall into the trap of making small changes (such as changing a button color) and expecting significant returns.

Such an approach will rarely, if ever, yield unicorn-level conversion rates of 5-10% or higher. To get to that level, you have to look beyond cosmetic changes.

Try the following with your tests:

  • Overhaul page design. Experiment with minimalist pages, busy pages, etc. Be prepared to try out ten or more radically different designs to see what works.
  • Experiment with different offers. Instead of selling products conventionally, try to run a time-limited sale (like Groupon).
  • Change up traffic sources. Use the same landing page on different channels (Facebook, Twitter, AdWords, etc.). Try a remarketing campaign with a top-performing channel to increase conversion rates even further.

7. Invest In A Mobile Shopping App

Optimize your site for mobile users even if you don’t invest in a mobile app. According to Criteo, mobile-optimized sites convert more than 100% higher than non-optimized sites.

However, smartphone traffic conversion rates are lower than desktops and tablets.

Improving the mobile shopping experience can significantly boost your bottom line. One way to do this is to invest in a mobile app.

While the upfront costs will be high, a mobile app offers several advantages over a mobile website:

  • Personalization: A mobile app can offer a more personalized experience to customers by using location data and tracking user engagement.
  • Notifications: You can use mobile notifications to alert customers about sales and deals – something that’s not possible (so far) with mobile websites.
  • Design and Performance: A mobile app gives your designers more room to create innovative shopping experiences. Apps also perform better than websites since they can tap into the full power of the smartphone.

This is one reason some retailers are switching mobile websites altogether and going ‘app only.’

Conclusion: Mastering Ecommerce Conversion Rate Benchmarks

Understanding and applying the right conversion rate benchmarks can be a game-changer for your e-commerce sites.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your strategies, knowing where you stand with these benchmarks allows you to set realistic goals. Once you know where you stand, you can strive to reach the top of your business performance.

Remember, every percentage point increase in your conversion rate can boost your revenue. Therefore, constantly testing and optimizing your site based on these benchmarks isn’t just a good practice—it’s essential for staying competitive and growing your business.

Ready to explore conversion rate optimization more deeply? Visit the Invesp blog for more CRO insights, the latest trends, and actionable strategies to boost conversions and your ecommerce success.

Resources You’ll Love

1.How To Calculate Your Website Or Campaign Conversion Rate

2. How to Create a Robust Conversion Optimization Plan?

3. Google Analytics Metrics That Impact Conversion Rate Optimization

4. The Conversion Framework: 7 Principles to Increase Conversion Rates

5. The Science Behind Successful Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization

The Average Website Conversion Rate by Industry (2024) – Invesp (2024)


What is the average conversion rate in 2024? ›

Average conversion rate: YoY

The industries with the highest conversion rate increases were Apparel, Fashion, and Jewelry (112%), Career and Employment (80.97%), and Restaurants and Food (72.16%). The 2024 overall average conversion rate of 6.96% is only slightly lower than last year's average of 7.04%.

What is the industry average website conversion rate? ›

Industry Benchmarks

Website conversion rates have quite a bit of variance depending on the industry and business model. Generally though, ecommerce conversion rates are lower coming in between 1.84% and 3.71% - while the average conversion rate across industries ranges between 2.35% and 5.31%.

What is the conversion rate for eCommerce in 2024? ›

The average conversion rate across sectors within eCommerce in 2024 is 2% to 4% average e-commerce conversion rates depending on the industry.

What should be the conversion rate for a website? ›

An average conversion rate for a website is between 2 percent and 5 percent. Website conversion rates higher than 5% are considered to be “good” or above the average.

What are predicted rates for 2024? ›

The Mortgage Bankers Association didn't include mortgage rate predictions in its August 2024 Economic Forecast, but its latest forecast in May 2024 showed rates falling from 6.4% in January to 5.9% in December.

What is the consumer forecast for 2024? ›

Retail sales during 2024 will grow between 2.5% and 3.5% from 2023 to between $5.23 trillion and $5.28 trillion.

What is the industry average website engagement rate? ›

Average Website Engagement Rate by Industry
IndustryEngagement Rate
Consulting & Professional Services52.43%
eCommerce & Marketplaces63.86%
11 more rows

What is the conversion rate of a website ad? ›

Conversion rates are calculated by simply taking the number of conversions and dividing that by the number of total ad interactions that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period. For example, if you had 50 conversions from 1,000 interactions, your conversion rate would be 5%, since 50 ÷ 1,000 = 5%.

What is the conversion percentage of a website? ›

The conversion rate formula is Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Total number of visitors) * 100. For example, if a website had 200 conversions from 5,000 visitors, the conversion rate would be (200 / 5,000) * 100 = 4%, indicating that 4% of the total visitors took the desired action.

What is the average conversion rate for eCommerce in the US? ›

Average E-commerce Website Conversion Rates: The average e-commerce conversion rates hover around 2.5% to 3%, as per industry leaders. However, this is a generalized figure and should be used as a starting point rather than a definitive target​​.

Will e-commerce overtake physical retail in 2024? ›

20.1% of retail purchases are expected to take place online in 2024. Each year, fewer and fewer people are shopping in physical stores. To stay ahead of the game, your company needs to maximize its online presence and give customers a viable way to shop online.

What is the formula for conversion rate in eCommerce? ›

To calculate a conversion rate, take the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors. For example, if an ecommerce site receives 200 visitors in a month and has 50 sales, the conversion rate would be 50 divided by 200, or 25%.

What is the industry's average conversion rate? ›

Overall Average: According to a study by Ruler Analytics, the average conversion rate across all fourteen industries is 3.3%. This study defines a “conversion” as a qualified lead who has shown interest in products or services and is likelier to become a customer or client.

Which website has the highest conversion rate? ›

The top 10 converting sites:
  • Schwan's, Food, 41.7 percent.
  • ProFlowers, Flowers and gifts, 26.5 percent.
  •, Health and nutrition, 24.0 percent.
  • Woman Within, Catalog /clothing, 22.4 percent.
  • Blair, Catalog /clothing, 20.5 percent.
  • Lands' End, Catalog /clothing, 19.5 percent.
Aug 19, 2010

What is the average landing page conversion rate by industry? ›

Across all industries, landing pages maintain an average conversion rate of 5.89%. eCommerce platforms may experience lower conversion rates than educational websites, for example. However, this is influenced by the offering. Factors like industry, audience behavior, and service type collectively shape these rates.

What is the exchange rate forecast for 2025? ›

Price range in 2025: $1.0670 – $1.2783 (as of July 31, 2024). Panda Forecast analysts predict that the EURUSD exchange rate will grow in 2025.

What is the growth forecast for the US in 2024? ›

From 2024 through 2028, GDP will increase at an average annual rate of 2.2% per year, 0.5 percentage points higher than the baseline forecast. This scenario also results in higher long-term potential for the economy at 2.3%, compared to 1.7% in the baseline.

What is the expected inflation rate for 2024? ›

On the basis of these inflation forecasts, average consumer price inflation should be 3.2% in 2024 and 1.9% in 2025, compared to 4.06% in 2023 and 9.59% in 2022.

What is the average rate of conversion? ›

What is a good conversion rate? Conversion rates vary wildly between industries, with some industries converting only 1% of their visitors to customers, while others sell 10% or more of their visitors' first-time purchases. But you could say that the average rate is around 2.35 percent among all industries.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.