The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (2024)

Today, you have access to hundreds of tools that makes creating a beautiful website easy. All you need to do is find and use the right resources.

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (1)

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (2)

However, with what feels like endless options, that’s easier said than done.

If you don’t know where to start or are looking to expand on your back-end skill set, keep reading. We’ve gathered our favorite back-end web development tools.

  • Front-End Tools vs. Back-End Tools

  • What does a back-end developer do?

  • 25 Best Back-End Web Development Tools

Front-End Tools vs. Back-End Tools

If you’re new to building websites, you might be wondering what we mean when we talk about front-end tools and back-end tools.

Front-end tools are the programming languages that you use to implement the look and feel of your website, as well as wrangle user experience aspects such as drop-down menus or mobile views. Front-end tools include:

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • JSON

Back-end tools, on the other hand, are the languages, servers, and other tools needed to write the software underpinnings of a website. Depending on the features of the website there is a good chance that even simple software has been written to power it under the hood.

Back-end development tools make sure that the software engine of the website operates as expected, and that all of the bits of code talk to each other properly. Becoming an agile web developer means learning how to operate and function in a variety of web ecosystems that employ both back-end and front-end code.

Back-end developers are responsible for writing APIs, developing information architecture, and anything that has to do with reading and writing information onto a server.

What does a back-end developer do?

You might be wondering what a back-end developer does. With the breadth of skills they employ, you might also be wondering whether or not they are just another flavor of engineer.

The short answer: Where engineers are concerned with the bigger picture and problem-solving, developers are more concerned with the day-to-day maintenance and deployment of a website or application.

If you’re considering becoming a back-end developer, here are some areas you might be responsible for in your future role.

  • Writing code. Perhaps a given, but you’ll be living in code.

  • Building websites. Today, every business needs a website. The longevity of this career choice is second to none. You’ll build everything from ecommerce platforms to blogs to media empires.

  • Troubleshooting existing code. Sometimes issues arise, as they do in any field. You’ll be tasked with checking out and solving bugs.

  • Testing code for quality. Also known as QA or quality assurance testing, developers are responsible for making sure their code can pass muster long after it’s deployed.

25 Best Back-End Web Development Tools

Understanding the best web development tools will help set your website up for success and longevity. The best back-end developers can use a variety of languages, servers, databases, and APIs.

See what you need to know below.

Programming Languages

1. JavaScript

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (3)

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Much like its front-end counterparts HTML and CSS, JavaScript is an integral part of all manner of web development projects. The language is one of the core technologies a Web developer should have, at the very minimum, working knowledge of to be successful.

What we love: JavaScript is a lightweight language that can be loaded with a file. This language is useful for both front-end and back-end development.

How to learn more: Use JavaScript with HubSpot CMS

2. Python

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The workhorse of the back-end web development world, Python is a robust programming language that can handle both simple and complex programming jobs. Python has been in use since the dawn of the Internet, and thus offers a fully stable code base for your projects.

What we love: Python is compatible with a host of trending technologies and is used by some of the world’s most beloved platforms. Plus, it’s easy to learn due to its prevalence.

How to learn more: How to Use the Python API

3. PHP

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (5)

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PHP is used as the back-end language for many of the web’s popular CMS tools, including WordPress. Learning PHP will help you extend your website, create your own plug-ins, and find employment with some of the top social media platforms. From Facebook to Shopify, you’ll find PHP underpinnings everywhere.

Why we like it: PHP plays well with HTML, CSS, and front-end tools. It’s a flexible language that doesn’t compromise security.

Additional Resource: What Are PHP Frameworks?

4. Java

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Much like PHP and Python, Java has been around since the dawn of the internet. Developed by James Gosling, this ancient language of the web and beyond is a stable choice for many applications and platform development projects.

What we love: Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language. It has syntax similar to C and C++ for easy translation.

How to learn more: Beginner's Guide to Java Programming

5. C#

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (7)

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Used by Microsoft’s, and many others, C# is another object-oriented, stable programming language suitable for many types of Web applications.

What we love: C#’s typability allows for quick coding, and there are metaprogramming features that abound. You can also find expanded support for functional programming in C# 3.0.

How to learn more: HubSpot APIs: Complete Guide to Developing Your App in 2022


6. Oracle

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Oracle is a database that offers on-site and cloud-based databases for web application support and development. Touted as a database that can handle demanding analytical and operational workloads, Oracle is also extensible with other databases such as MongoDB.

What we love: Oracle offers easy migration services for onboarding your application. You can choose from on-site or cloud-based program deployment. Plus the whole program is designed for enterprise-scale cloud databases.

How to learn more: Oracle Database Quick Start Guide

7. MongoDB

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MongoDB is an open-source database for Web applications and developers. With growing popularity among developers, MongoDB offers JSON-like documents and schemas to store and retrieve data.

What we love: MongoDB is scalable and lightweight. Yet, it’s still feature-rich with ad-hoc queries, file storage, aggregation, load balancing, etc.

How to learn more: Get Started With MongoDB in 10 Minutes

8. MySQL

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (10)

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Did you know that MySQL is also an open-source database management system, popular in back-end development projects?

MySQL may not always seem like the flashiest, trendiest database on the market today, but what it lacks in pizazz it makes up for in reliability and feature support.

What we love: MySQL offers support for popular programming languages. You’ll also find support for secured connections. Plus, it’s named after the founder’s daughter, which is just cute.

How to learn more: Get Started With MySQL

9. PostgreSQL

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (11)

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Yet another open-source database management system, you might start to wonder how on earth to choose between these for your project.

Don’t worry. There’s an easy way: Do you need one with a very liberal, open-source license? If so, PostgreSQL is the database management system for you.

What we love: PostgreSQL is Available on Mac and Windows. It supports many of the same data types as mainstream databases with additional features, like table inheritance.

How to learn more: PostgreSQL Tutorial at GeeksforGeeks

Web Servers

10. Apache

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (12)

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Apache is a customizable web server that programmers can modify to suit the needs of their program. Apache powers more than half of the websites in the world, believe it or not, and as such is one of the leading industry web server options.

What we love: Apache is compatible with almost every operating system, including Linux. You’ll also find support for XML, session tracking, FTP, and CGI.

How to learn more: What is Local Web Development?


The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (13)

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Another popular, open-source option from the people at F5, NGINX offers all of the features that you want out of a web server. There’s an NGINX Plus edition that allows for customizations and further features for your server infrastructure.

What we love: With NGINX, you can scale your web applications. You can also use the NGINX management suite for visibility and control of APIs.

How to learn more: Beginner’s Guide to NGINX

12. Lighttpd

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (14)

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This open-source web server is notable for optimizing speed-critical environments. If you need to handle a lot of connections in parallel on one web server, Lighttpd may be right for your project.

Touted for its performance, Lighttpd may be a newcomer in the world of Web servers, but it is already gaining steam.

What we love: Lighttpd offers support for FastCGI, CGI, and SCGI. Its super-fast speed is optimized for 10,000 connections at a time.

How to learn more: Install WordPress on Lighttpd with Ubuntu

13. Microsoft IIS

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (15)

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An extensible web server software, Microsoft IIS understandably is a server for Windows operating systems. Microsoft IIS supports a variety of HTTP protocols and is geared mainly toward enterprise businesses.

What we love: Microsoft IIS has a bevy of authentication support. Its modular architecture can support development and extension.

How to learn more:’s User Documentation

Frameworks and Platforms

14. Django

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (16)

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Specifically for Python, Django is a back-end web development framework that allows you to efficiently create applications. Django has gained popularity among Python developers for providing a high-quality framework that offers well-known and dependable features.

What we love: Features include extensibility, rapid development, and scalability. This framework is also useful for building platforms from scientific computing to content management.

How to learn more: Join the Django Project

15. Ruby on Rails

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (17)

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Ruby-on-Rails is a full-stack framework for building web applications. This sort of lo-fi web framework may not look like much on the surface, but offers powerful underpinnings and standard features that you’ve come to know and love.

Ruby-on-Rails can be used to build both the front- and back-end side of your app.

What we love: Objects bring databases to life and beautifully express SQL queries. Plus, community-driven code means that there are many people involved in making it better.

How to learn more: Get Started at

16. Node.js

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (18)

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Node.js is a back-end tool for JavaScript developers that extends JavaScript’s libraries, tools, and frameworks. This open-source tool is an event-driven JavaScript runtime.

Built with Chrome’s V8 engine, it’s easy to see why developers like Node.js for scalable Web application development. Together with JavaScript, you have the front- and back-end handled.

What we love: Node.js works with multiple requests at a time. It also allows for two-communication with real-time apps.

How to learn more: Get the Node.js Documentation

17. Meteor

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (19)

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Another for the JavaScript developers out there, Meteor is a software application that helps you build full-stack JavaScript applications. This open-source platform can build web, desktop, and mobile applications.

What we love: You can build your web applications for any device, right out of the gate. Further, you can host your Meteor-built application in the cloud easily with migration services

How to learn more: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Meteor

18. Laravel

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (20)

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And now for all you PHP fans, Laravel is the framework just for you. Expressive, elegant syntax aims to make coding PHP a joy rather than a chore. A beautiful UI and full-stack support make Laravel a great choice for PHP developers.

What we love: You can easily use a best-in-class database already built into Laravel. Plus you can automate monotonous jobs like sending emails and reports.

How to learn more: Get Started with Laravel

19. Heroku

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (21)

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Heroku makes developing runtime applications a breeze, with its fully managed environment and platform-as-a-service (or, Paas). Get all the space you need for your data management, while Heroku works in real time to patch, upgrade, and maintain your apps.

What we love: You can get the basic server set up already built for you, rather than having to build from the ground up. Then, you can roll back management for your code with Heroku’s build system.

How to learn more: Heroku's dev center

20. GitLab

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (22)

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An open-source platform, GitLab is built for software and application development teams. Perfect for managing all of your DevOps in one place, GitLab helps teams plan and execute development projects big and small.

What we love: GitLab automates the software delivery process to reduce development time. You can also enforce compliance on one platform so developers have less to manage.

How to learn more: All About GitLab

Other Tools

21. GitHub

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GitHub is many things to many people. And for back-end developers, it can be indispensable. From its vast, vast, vast library of all coding knowledge, to hosting your very own Web application, GitHub is a microcosm of programming and development used by developers from all walks of life.

What we love: Developers can use GitHub to promote their applications. You can also create a following and community by contributing to other applications.

How to learn more: Get Started with GitHub

22. Stack Overflow

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (24)

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Looking for answers to your burning back-end Web development questions? Much like GitHub, Stack Overflow is a community for developers.

While Stack Overflow is not a repository of code databases, it is a repository of Web development and engineering knowledge.

Why we like it: Stack Overflow can help you learn a new programming language or solve coding challenges as they arise. You can also store your own project’s knowledge on Stack Overflow to keep organized.

How to learn more: Take the Stack Overflow Tour

23. Docker

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (25)

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Think of Docker as an all-in-one development platform where you can run, test, and deploy your applications and projects. You can scale, version, and isolate your apps and resources for better accessibility and longevity.

What we love: Docker integrates with your favorite tools, including GitHub. This allows you to create application packages that run in almost any environment.

How to learn more: A Docker Tutorial for Beginners

24. Jira

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (26)

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Jira is a project management tool that allows you to delegate tasks to colleagues or project partners. You can track the progress of your project using agile development principles.

What we love: Not every aspect of developing a site is coding. With Jira, you can plan, track and report on the progress of your projects.

How to learn more: Use HubSpot’s Integration with Jira

25. Sublime Text

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (27)

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SublimeText is a light-weight, lo-fi code development software application that you can use to code both front-end and back-end projects. There are free and licensed versions so you can get started on your application right away.

Why we like it: There are a lot of options to customize SublimeText to your desires. SublimeText also integrates with GitHub and Gists for automatic repositories of your project.

How to learn more: Learn HTML For Beginners

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (28)

As a seasoned expert in web development, I bring to the table a wealth of experience and knowledge garnered through years of hands-on work in the ever-evolving field of web technologies. My expertise extends across both front-end and back-end development, allowing me to navigate the intricate nuances of creating robust and aesthetically pleasing websites. I have actively participated in various projects, ranging from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms and media empires.

Now, delving into the concepts presented in the article, let's break down the key elements:

Front-End Tools vs. Back-End Tools: Front-end tools are concerned with the visual and interactive aspects of a website, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON. These tools dictate the look and feel of the site, handling user experience elements like drop-down menus and mobile views.

On the other hand, back-end tools involve languages, servers, and tools that power the underlying software of a website. Back-end development tools ensure proper functionality, seamless communication between code components, and efficient operation of the website's software engine.

What Does a Back-End Developer Do? Back-end developers play a crucial role in writing APIs, developing information architecture, and handling tasks related to reading and writing information onto a server. They focus on day-to-day maintenance, troubleshooting, testing code for quality, and deploying websites or applications.

Programming Languages:

  1. JavaScript: A lightweight language essential for both front-end and back-end development.
  2. Python: A versatile language with a stable code base, suitable for various programming tasks.
  3. PHP: Widely used for back-end development, especially in popular CMS tools like WordPress.
  4. Java: A class-based, object-oriented language with a stable history in web development.
  5. C#: Used in Microsoft's, offering quick coding and support for functional programming.


  1. Oracle: A robust database for web application support, offering on-site and cloud-based solutions.
  2. MongoDB: An open-source database known for its scalability and support for JSON-like documents.
  3. MySQL: An open-source database management system supporting popular programming languages.
  4. PostgreSQL: An open-source database with liberal licensing, available on various platforms.

Web Servers:

  1. Apache: A customizable web server powering over half of the world's websites, compatible with various operating systems.
  2. NGINX: An open-source web server enabling scalability and management of web applications.
  3. Lighttpd: An open-source web server optimized for speed and capable of handling many connections in parallel.
  4. Microsoft IIS: A web server for Windows operating systems with robust authentication support.

Frameworks and Platforms:

  1. Django: A Python-based framework for efficient back-end web development.
  2. Ruby on Rails: A full-stack framework for building web applications with community-driven code improvement.
  3. Node.js: A back-end tool for JavaScript developers, extending JavaScript's capabilities.
  4. Meteor: A platform for building full-stack JavaScript applications for various devices.
  5. Laravel: A PHP framework with an expressive syntax, suitable for building robust applications.
  6. Heroku: A platform-as-a-service for developing runtime applications with easy server setup.

Other Tools:

  1. GitLab and GitHub: Platforms for version control and collaboration among developers.
  2. Stack Overflow: A community for developers to seek answers to coding questions and share knowledge.
  3. Docker: A development platform for running, testing, and deploying applications in various environments.
  4. Jira: A project management tool supporting agile development principles.
  5. Sublime Text: A lightweight code development software with customization options.

These tools collectively empower web developers to create, deploy, and maintain high-quality websites, reflecting the dynamic landscape of back-end web development.

The Best Back-End Tools for Web Developers to Use in 2023 (2024)


Which backend language is best for web development 2023? ›

Top 8 Backend Technologies In 2023
  1. Java. Overview: Java has been vital for backend developers for over two decades, praised for its versatility, platform independence, and general-purpose nature. ...
  2. PHP. ...
  3. Python. ...
  4. JavaScript. ...
  5. Kotlin. ...
  6. Ruby. ...
  7. Go. ...
  8. C#
Oct 6, 2023

Which tool is best for backend web development? ›

20 Best Backend Tools for Web Developers
  • Back4App. Overview: An open-source backend-as-a-service company called Back4App assists programmers in swiftly creating scalable mobile and online applications. ...
  • Firebase. ...
  • Heroku. ...
  • Nginx. ...
  • Docker. ...
  • Kubernetes. ...
  • Jira. ...
  • Pivotal Tracker.
Jul 9, 2024

Are backend developers in demand 2023? ›

Pros of Being a Backend Developer (2023): High Demand for Skills: Backend developers continue to be in high demand as businesses and organizations rely on robust and scalable server-side solutions.

What are the backend frameworks in 2023? ›

How to Choose the Best Backend Framework in 2023. According to Statistics & Data report, the top 5 backend frameworks in 2023 are Laravel, Django, Spring, Flask, and Express. js.

Should I learn JavaScript or Python in 2023? ›

According to the 2023 Stack Overflow survey, JavaScript was the most popular language, with 63.61% of all coders using it, and Python close behind with 49.28% of all coders using it. For professional developers, JavaScript was still the most popular. You can read more about the survey here.

What is the fastest backend language for web development? ›

Go (known as GoLang) is generally considered to be the quickest programming language for backend novices who need to deal with concurrent applications. You can use it for web backends, microservices, cloud applications, containerization tools (like Docker), APIs, and even some simple data processing tasks.

Which backend framework is best for future? ›

Which backend framework is best for future?
  • Django - A Python framework that's great for big projects.
  • Ruby on Rails - It's all about making web development faster and easier.
  • Laravel - A PHP framework that's quick and great for APIs.
  • ASP.NET Core - Microsoft's framework for building modern web apps with C#.
Feb 27, 2024

Will AI replace web developers 2023? ›

No. If we look at how AI is trained to be capable it requires massive amounts of public data to become proficient in any topic. Since most system scope (all stacks working together) code is proprietary there isn't enough context for AI to adequately mimic general full stack development.

Can I become a backend developer in 3 months? ›

So, yes, you can become a qualified Web Developer in three months. However, finding employment as a Web Developer can take longer, and you'll want to keep building on your skills throughout the job search process. The more you know, the more attractive you become as a candidate.

Which framework is best for web development in 2023? ›

Most popular web frameworks among developers worldwide 2023

js overtook React. js to become the most used web framework among software developers worldwide, as of 2023. According to the survey, around 42.7 percent of respondents reported to be using Node. js, while 40.6 percent were using React.

What backend is most used? ›

Considering you're already a skilled backend developer, these are the top backend frameworks in 2024:
  1. ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET is a go-to for big companies and offers a gateway to Unity3D for those keen on learning C#. ...
  2. Spring Boot. ...
  3. Express. ...
  4. Django. ...
  5. Ruby on Rails. ...
  6. Lavarel. ...
  7. FastAPI.
Mar 17, 2024

Is Flask better than Django? ›

Flask is more adaptable to different working styles and approaches to web app development than the opinionated Django framework. Flask is preferred by programmers with more coding experience or who require more control over the app design.

Which backend language should I learn in 2024? ›

JavaScript, Python, and PHP are all good choices for backend development for beginners. They are all relatively easy to learn and have a large and active community of developers.

Which programming language will be in demand in 2023? ›

This is huge, meaning that nearly 1 out of 3 job offers required Javascript or Typescript knowledge. Python and Java are the second and third most demanded programming languages in 2023 with a great number of job offers also.

Is web development still good in 2023? ›

Ultimately, the value of learning web development in 2023 persists. It's a path that leads to mastery, creativity, and limitless possibilities. Simultaneously, no-code tools offer an inviting gateway for those seeking a streamlined approach.

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.