The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (2024)

Let’s face it. There are days when the budget needs help, but food still needs to go on the table.

A no-spend grocery challenge can help you go at least a week, if not longer, without spending a dime on groceries. That can equal hundreds of dollars saved.

If you go longer than a week, say a month, you can probably spend very, very little, if anything at all.

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My no spend grocery challenge

My first no spend grocery challenge was a few years ago, in the month of January. I always try to cut expenses in January and try to recover from Christmas.

However, what really inspired me was a book I read, The Nightingale.

It was a book filled with poverty and hunger like nothing I ever understood before reading it. It made me realize how fortunate we really are in our home.

Many nights I complained of no food available, and in reality, the blessings of food were overflowing. This experiment was humbling, to say the least.

As I took on this challenge, I read of other people doing similar challenges, like surviving on only $25 per week for groceries.

Many of these people were doing the challenge because they had no other choice.

Twenty-five dollars a week is not much money to feed a family. I felt so spoiled and unappreciative. It was time for a change.

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (1)

You will save money

When you take on a no spend grocery challenge, you will save money. A lot of it. Every time I do a no spend challenge for a month, I end up saving hundreds of dollars.

I like to put these hundreds of dollars towards a vacation we take every spring.

When you are feeling down, like the challenge is impossible, or like you can’t possibly eat another repeat, leftovers meal, think about the money you are saving or why you are taking on this goal.

That will be what gets you through it!

Make sure you also communicate your intentions and your goals with your family. If you don’t, this will be an uphill, loooooong battle. I promise.

Related Post: Take a No Spend Month + Free Printables

My rules for a no spend grocery challenge:

No stocking up

Don’t stock up for your no spend grocery challenge.

I’ve read so many challenges where step 1 is to go get everything you need to survive a month.

In what world is that not spending money? That’s cheating, and not many people can go out and drop $200 on “essentials” before doing a no spend challenge.

The whole point is to survive on what you have already!

Trust me when I say this, you probably have way more groceries in your cabinets than you think you do. You don’t need to stock up.

Throughout this challenge, if successful, you will learn resourcefulness like never before.

You will find some clever substitutions for ingredients, learn cooking really isn’t rocket science and will be ever so proud of your creativity.

I’m telling you, this challenge will change how you think about grocery shopping, meal planning, and food waste!

Set a money limit for “essentials”

When you are doing a no spend grocery challenge, you may start to see everything you run out of as “essential”. It really isn’t.

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (2)

I guarantee you there is a substitution or an alternative or the “essential” item isn’t something you really need.

If you are doing a no spend grocery challenge for one week only, I would set the limit at $0. Most people can survive on the contents of their fridge, freezer and pantry for one week.

It will take some creativity and probably a couple boring meals, but you can make it.

If you are doing the no spend grocery challenge for longer than one week, set yourself a very small grocery budget for essential fresh items, like milk, eggs, or flour.

I tried not to go over $20 for the week. I tried really hard not to spend a dime, if at all possible, but sometimes, it was unavoidable.

Before going to the grocery store, where options will be plentiful, first try to find a substitution for the item you “need”.

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (3)

No eating out in place of eating at home

Don’t eat out in place of eating at home. That defeats the whole purpose of a no spend grocery challenge, and you will end up spending way more money than if you went to the grocery store and bought a cart full of groceries.

So avoid the temptations. Be prepared.

Tell your co-workers your plans so they don’t invite you out for lunch. You can do this. The time doing the no spend grocery challenge will go much faster than you think.

How to successfully complete a no spend grocery challenge:

Take inventory

If you want to be successful in your no spend grocery challenge, you are going to need to take inventory of what you have already. This task will feel immense, but it will be worth the effort!

Write down on a sheet of paper every single item and the quantity of the item. For example, “yogurt, 1/2 quart”.

If you do this, meal planning will go much smoother and more efficiently.

Put a notation next to the ingredients that need to be consumed first. For example, if you have chicken that needs to be cooked in the next day or two, either plan to cook it first or freeze it.

Meal plan

In order to successfully complete a no spend grocery challenge, you are going to need to meal plan. Meal planning isn’t fun when you are working with limited ingredients. I know. You can still do it.

First, list out all your activities for the week.

Need a crockpot meal on Tuesday because the kids have soccer practice? OK, maybe it is time to use up some dried beans and a can of diced tomatoes.

Determine what kind of meals you can make for each day of the week. If you have more time on Sundays, prepare your more time-consuming meals on that day.

In the car all day on Saturday? Plan a “snack lunch” of random items like trail mix, nuts, dried fruits or anything else in your pantry that needs a good clean out and is portable.

The primary goal is to be prepared. When you know your schedule, it will be easier to plan ahead and not break the rules by going out to eat.

Once you are done with the challenge, check out eMeals. They are by far my favorite meal planning service and help cut down a lot of food waste. You even get a free trial when you click through this link.

Don’t get fancy with your meals

Pantry and fridge clean-out is not the time to be fancy with your meals.

I remember one pantry clean-out when we were down to bare bones. I was determined to not go out to eat, it was late and a school night.

Chick-fil-A drive-through would have been so easy! Instead, I opened a can of baked beans and a can of peaches up for my kids.

Guess what?! They LOVED it.

I was so surprised my two little ones were ecstatic over baked beans and peaches. I think they thought it was funnythat mama just opened up two cans and poured them onto their plates.

Whatever! I called it a win in my book, and we were all happy. They also had a decent enough meal.

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (4)

Get creative

A no spend grocery challenge requires a decent amount of creativity. However, you may be surprised by some of the meals you create.

My favorite resource for creating meals with random ingredients is You put in the ingredients you have at home that you think might go together in some capacity, and it will search the internet for recipes.

Missing a key ingredient for a recipe you like? Search the internet for possible substitutions. You may be surprised!

My favorite meal I made included half a block of cream cheese (we were out of bagels), half a box of spaghetti noodles, and some shrimp. I threw in some broccoli florets from a near-empty freezer bag, and we were all set with a fancy looking meal.

I was super proud that night, and desperate for something a little more special!

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (5)

Commit to using up everything you can

Commit to using up as many groceries as you can find in your pantry, fridge, and freezer before going out to buy something from the store.

Will there be a time you need milk? Probably. First, make sure there isn’t a can of coconut milk hiding in the back of your pantry.

Learn substitutions

One of my favorite cookbooks has an introduction that says “cooking isn’t rocket science.” I don’t know why, but that statement stuck with me.

I’ve never been an amazing cook, but that statement gave me the confidence to try new things and embrace the unknown!

One thing you will do a lot of in a no spend grocery challenge is finding substitutions for ingredients. Don’t skip making a meal because you are missing something. Search the internet to find a replacement.

Out of oil for a muffin recipe? Use applesauce or a smashed banana.

Flax eggs have saved me on more than one occasion.

Use canned coconut milk or evaporated milk.

Use frozen berries instead of fresh ones.

Make your own “kitchen sink” granola bars using random leftover dry goods.

Exchange like vegetables, like broccoli instead of green beans or sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes.

You can use brown sugar, regular sugar, honey, syrup or agave syrup all as sweeteners.

Related Post: Organize Your Pantry for the Last Time

Embrace leftovers

The no spend grocery challenge taught me to embrace leftovers. We have always been a family that eats leftovers, but boy, we ate more than our normal share with the challenge.

With the no spend challenge, since you are not letting any food go to waste, you will learn the appropriate quantities to make for your meals.

I learned real fast that if my husband was on a work trip, I better cut down the size of our meals, or we would be eating the same leftovers for days straight. It was a good lesson to learn to prevent future food waste.

Use a no spend challenge as a teaching moment

Some people will argue with me and tell me this was a poor parenting move, to force my kids to eat foods that weren’t fresh, or golly, go an entire three days without milk!

My thoughts are this isn’t their normal routine, and it taught them a valuable lesson. Having almost unlimited food options as their norm is a privilege.

While we sat around the table eating our boring leftovers or canned goods no one really wanted, we had some great conversations about how lucky we were to have “boring food”.

My kids surprised me with the challenge.

Did they complain some days? You betcha. However, they complain some days when I am making food from a well-purchased grocery run too.

Other days, we all sat around the table and laughed, enjoying our creativity and fun ideas.

My favorite nights were called “leftovers choice” night. Everyone got to choose what leftovers they wanted! They thought it was fun because we were all often eating something different.

Celebrate your no spend grocery challenge success and practice often

When you are done with your no spend grocery challenge, take note of how much you spent on groceries the month prior and how much you spent this month. You may be blown away!

I try to practice what I call a “pantry clean-out” at least one week out of every month.

It never fails, we buy groceries, a meal doesn’t get eaten, we freeze leftovers, or we have leftover ingredients.

Once a month, I try to use up those random ingredients before going back to the grocery store. It saves us money every month.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes.

Related Posts:

Review of Emeals: A Meal Planning Service for Busy People

A Step-By-Step Guide to Declutter Your Kitchen

3 Secrets to Decluttering Your Home

Save to Pinterest for later:

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (6)

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (7)

The Best Tips for a No-Spend Grocery Challenge (2024)


How to grocery shop without overspending? ›

From pickling and freezing to getting to know your local butcher, these ideas will help you shop smarter without skimping on quality.
  1. Shop your pantry first.
  2. Befriend your butcher.
  3. Freeze, pickle or ferment.
  4. Switch to store-branded products.
  5. Store food in portions.
  6. Pay with a cash back credit card.
Feb 2, 2024

How to do the no spend challenge? ›

What is the no-spend challenge? This viral trend involves going as long as possible without spending money on non-essential. (Rent, groceries and other necessities are okay.) Participants track their progress on a calendar, trying to rack up as many consecutive no-spend days as possible.

What is the low spend month rule? ›

“It's crazy how quickly things can get out of control.” To better track her spending, Yoo, 26, decided to try out a “low-spend month”—a budgeting trend in which participants aim to spend only on essentials, like rent or car payments, while limiting or cutting out discretionary spending entirely.

How to eat without buying groceries? ›

How to cook without going shopping
  1. Limit trips to the supermarket by planning a week or two of meals you can cook without going shopping more than once. ...
  2. Do a stock take to help you cook without going shopping. ...
  3. Make a plan of what you're going to eat on what day. ...
  4. Use what you already have as a starting point.

What is the average grocery bill for 2 people a week? ›

According to the most recent data released from the Household Pulse Survey, American households spend an average of $270 on groceries a week. Broken down by household size: One person - $156.02. Two people - $220.82.

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

The 6-to-1 grocery method entails buying six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads and one treat. Continue to shop carefully while at the store to get the best deals. Flexibility with your purchases will be a key to making this method a success.

What is the no spending list? ›

Generally, the types of categories that fall on the no-spend list include meals out, alcohol, clothing, entertainment and impulse purchases. Ideally, said CNBC, you will take the money you would have spent there and put it "toward a long-term financial goal."

What are the colors for the no-spend challenge? ›

There are free downloadable trackers to help you on your journey. Start with one day and color it green if you make it through the entire day without spending any money. No Apple Pay, no Amazon, no online shopping from your phone, and no going in stores, then mark it red for the days you do spend.

What are the rules for the no-buy challenge? ›

The rules of a no-buy challenge are self-imposed and simple: Make a list of the nonessential items you won't spend money on for a set period of time and stick to it. Easier said than done. Many people start such challenges at the beginning of the year and commit to keep going until the end of it.

What is the $1000 a month rule? ›

The $1,000 per month rule is designed to help you estimate the amount of savings required to generate a steady monthly income during retirement. According to this rule, for every $240,000 you save, you can withdraw $1,000 per month if you stick to a 5% annual withdrawal rate.

What is the 5 hour rule if you're not spending? ›

5-Hour Rule: If you're not spending 5 hours per week learning, you're being irresponsible. “In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn't read all the time — none.

What is the 50 30 20 spending rule? ›

Key Takeaways. The 50-30-20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should dedicate 20% to savings, leaving 30% to be spent on things you want but don't necessarily need.

What is the cheapest dinner to make? ›

72 Easy And Cheap Dinner Ideas That You'll Want To Make On Repeat
  • Bacon and Egg Toast Cups. ...
  • Chicken Noodle Soup. ...
  • Black Bean Burgers. ...
  • Creamy Tomato Shells. ...
  • Zucchini Corn Quesadillas. ...
  • Super-Fresh Cucumber Tomato Salad. ...
  • Chicken and Mandarin Salad With Simple Sesame Dressing. ...
  • Garlic Butter Capellini Pomodoro With Shrimp.
Aug 27, 2024

How do I not spend too much on groceries? ›

6 ways to cut your grocery bill
  1. Take advantage of loyalty schemes. ...
  2. Switch to own-brands. ...
  3. Plan meals and portions carefully. ...
  4. Work out if you're really getting a good deal. ...
  5. Check the temperature of your fridge. ...
  6. Make better use of your freezer.
Apr 24, 2024

What is the most cost effective way to grocery shop? ›

How We Make Money
  • Make a meal plan.
  • Shop alone if you can.
  • Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  • Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  • Buy generic products.
  • Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  • Stick to the store's perimeter.
  • Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

How can I buy groceries without wasting? ›

Here are a few simple tips to reduce the waste commonly generated while perusing each shelf.
  1. Take Inventory. One of the first steps to eliminating grocery store waste is to only buy what you need (easier said than done, I know). ...
  2. Make a Meal Plan. ...
  3. Reusable Bags. ...
  4. Buy in Bulk. ...
  5. Farmers' Markets. ...
  6. Deli Duties. ...
  7. Coupon Caution.

How do I not overspend when shopping? ›

Here are some ideas to help you stop spending money and build healthier financial habits:
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Visualize What You're Saving For.
  3. Always Shop with a List. ...
  4. Nix the Brand Names. ...
  5. Master Meal Prep.
  6. Consider Cash for In-store Shopping. ...
  7. Remove Temptation.
  8. Hit “Pause"
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.