The Brave browser basics: what it does, how it differs from rivals (2024)


The web browser from Brave Software relies on an unusual business model: it strips out ads from websites, replaces them with its own ads, then allows users to send money to sites they like.

By Gregg Keizer

Senior Reporter, Computerworld |

The Brave browser basics: what it does, how it differs from rivals (2)

Boutique browsers try to scratch out a living by finding a niche underserved by the usual suspects. Brave is one of those browsers.

Brave has gotten more attention than most alternate browsers, partly because a co-founder was one of those who kick-started Mozilla's Firefox, partly because of its very unusual — some say parasitical — business model.

That model, which relies on stripping every site of every ad, then substituting different ads, came under attack almost immediately from publishers that depended on online advertising for their livelihood. "Your plan to use our content to sell your advertising is indistinguishable from a plan to steal our content to publish on your own website ((emphasis in original," lawyers for 17 newspaper publishers wrote in a cease-and-desist letter to Brave Software in April 2016.

Computerworld took a deep dive into Brave to figure out what it is, what it does and how it does it. Here's what you need to know to decide whether Brave's for you. (If you do decide to try it out, download information is detailed below.)

The Brave browser basics: what it does, how it differs from rivals (3) Brave

What is the Brave browser?

Brave is a more-or-less standard browser that lets users navigate to websites, run web apps, and display online content. Like other browsers, it is free to download and use, remembers site authentication information, and can block online ads from appearing on sites.

Its maker, Brave Software, is among the newer entries in the browser battles, having previewed the browser in January 2016. (By comparison, Google's Chrome launched in September 2008 and Microsoft's Edge traces its lineage to July 2015.) The firm was co-founded by Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and a co-founder of Mozilla, after he left that browser vendor under pressure for supporting California's 2008 Proposition 8, a ballot measure that banned same-sex marriage.

Does Brave block ads within search results?

No. Brave doesn't lay a finger on those, including the ubiquitous Google Ads (formerly AdWords) advertisem*nts within Google's results. That's not a surprise: Ad blocking extensions don't stymie search ads either.

What's under Brave's hood?

Brave is built atopChromium, the open-source project Google and others maintain. (Google uses Chromium to provide the source code for its Chrome browser.) The back-end technologies that power Chrome — including the Blink rendering engine and the V8 JavaScript engine — also power Brave.

On iOS, Brave instead relies on WebKit, the open-source foundation that also powers Apple's Safari browser. WebKit is required as the backbone of any third-party browser submitted to Apple's App Store.

Other browsers that depend on Chromium include Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and Qihoo 360, one of the most popular Chinese-made browsers.

(In hindsight, Eich's decision to go with Chromium — rather than with Firefox's Gecko rendering engine — was smart, even though most expected Brave to lean Mozilla's way, what with Eich's connection to the latter.)

The Brave browser basics: what it does, how it differs from rivals (4) Brave

Can Brave run Chrome's extensions?

Glad you asked. Yes, is the answer.

After choosing "Extensions" from Brave's Window menu, the browser heads to the Chrome Web Store, the official market for add-ons and themes suitable for, well, Chrome (and some, though not all, Chromium-based rivals). There, users can pick and choose.

What's Brave's pitch?

Brave boasts two things: speed and privacy. Both result from its ad-stripping strategy.

On the desktop, Brave Software contends that its browser loads pages three times faster than Google's Chrome, the world's No. 1 browser.The speed increases are not surprising. By eliminating ads and ad trackers, Brave downloads much less content from a website than any browser sans an ad-blocking extension.

There's nothing technologically-special about Brave's performance; it's simply retrieving less data than other browsers.

By eliminating ad trackers, Brave blocks efforts by advertisers to first identify users, then follow those users. That makes Brave users more anonymous, Brave Software has argued. "(Users) especially don't like it when large companies map together their online behavior and offline behavior," the firm said in a very early blog post.

The company has also sworn that it does not, and will not, store any user data on its servers. "We keep user data out of our cloud Brave Vault by default," Eich wrote in his inaugural post of Jan. 20, 2016. "It's better for you and us that we don't store any of your data without your permission."

What makes Brave different from other browsers?

What sets Brave apart is its aggressive anti-ad attitude. The browser was built to strip online ads from websites and its maker's business model relies not only on ad blocking, but on replacing the scratched-out ads with advertisem*nts from its own network. It's as if a new sports cable network announced it would use technology to remove ads from another network's programs, say, ESPN's, then rebroadcast those programs with ads of its own devising, with the revenue from those ads going in its pockets, not ESPN's.

Brave also eliminates all ad trackers, the often-minute page components advertisers and site publishers deploy to identify users so that they know what other sites those users visit or have visited. Trackers are used by ad networks to show products similar to ones purchased, or just considered, leading to the meme of persistently seeing the same ad no matter where one navigates.

Since Brave's appearance, mainstream browsers — Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, and others — have also adopted various kinds of anti-tracking defenses. (In fact, where once performance was the battlefield for browser skirmishes, with page rendering speeds the gauge of success, privacy features now represent the battleground, and it's tracker blocking on which the apps are judged.) Brave's claim of privacy superiority, then, is not as compelling as it was, say, three years ago.

Is Brave's advantage blocking ads and trackers?

No, and for the talk early on, it never was.Unlike other browsers that block ads and trackers — whether natively or when equipped with an ad-blocking add-on — Brave has created an ad ecosystem to replace what it wipes off websites.

Brave scrubs sites of ads and ad tracking, then replaces those ads with its own advertisem*nts, which are not individually targeted but instead aimed at an anonymous aggregate of the browser's user base. Brave has said it went that route rather than a simpler all-ad-elimination model because, while few users relish ads, many realize that without them, the commercial web as it now exists would be nigh impossible. That's why, claimed Brave, it not only swapped its advertisem*nts for those originally displayed by a site, but built a cyrpto-currency-based system that can, theoretically at least, compensate those same websites.

It's definitely a user-centric model. "We're building a solution designed to ... give users the fair deal they deserve for coming to the web to browse and contribute," Eich maintained two years ago.

Brave's ads are quite different than the traditional in-page ads web users know — and in many ways, hate. Instead, Brave's ads appear as notifications that pop up — just like other in-browser notifications that sites request for display — in front of the user. Clicking on one of these notification-like ads opens a new tab in Brave, where the "real" ad content appears.

How will Brave and its users 'pay' websites?

The foundation of the Brave economy is "Basic Attention Tokens" or BATs, which have a value derived from a cyber-currency. Those tokens will be awarded based on user attention, or more plainly, time spent viewing ads and content. Brave users who agree to receive ads will be rewarded with BATs; the tokens can be passed to publishers as support for their sites. Alternately, Brave envisions users trading their tokens for premium content or advanced site features.

Brave users have been viewing ads since April 2019 and are now receiving ads, although it's unclear when Brave will actually begin serving ads to all users who opt in, or when the exchanging-BATs part of the process will be ready.

As of April 7, a single BAT was worth about $1.20. (There were approximately 1.5 billion BATs in circulation, for a total market cap of nearly $1.8 billion.) In its latest Monthly Active User (MAU) status update, Brave claimed that users had contributed some 26 million BATs to site publishers and web content creators (the latter are often posting on social media, or sites/services like YouTube and Twitch).

The Brave browser basics: what it does, how it differs from rivals (5) Brave

How is Brave funded?

Some browsers don't have to worry about making money because they're just a cog in a much larger machine. For example, Chrome, Microsoft's Edge, and Apple's Safari don't need to turn a profit because their parent organizations value them for non-monetary reasons as well as their ability to produce revenue in some fashion.

Other browsers, notably Firefox, are the opposite: They must find a way to generate revenue. Mozilla does that by striking deals with search firms for default placement in the browser. (The current deal is with Google.)

Brave Software's financial foundation rests on something completely different: Its share of ad revenue. Unlike other browsers, which only display websites in an ecosystem where those sites are earning ad revenue, Brave has inserted itself into the money stream. Brave is the entity earning revenue from ads, even though the user views the same site as, for example, Edge, which earns nothing.

Brave's cut of publisher ads is 15%, while its take of user ads is a heftier 30%.

(User ads are the notification-style pop-ups the browser delivers to users; they currently make up the bulk of Brave's ads. Publisher ads are those viewed "on or in association with publisher content." A banner ad at the top of a site's home page, for instance, is a publisher ad.)

Brave rakes in 15%, although it raised $35 million a year ago in just seconds by selling the BAT cryptocurrency to investors — but clearly it's expecting that its take, as much as 30% of the BATs earned by users, will be a revenue generator as it sells those BATs to advertisers.

Brave has other monetary means, as it kept a third of the 1.5 billion BATs — that billion and a half is a cap, the company said — for itself (200 million BATs) and as starter seed for browser users' wallets (300 million BATs). At the current BAT value, Brave's 200 million equals $240 million. That money, Brave said in 2017 in a white paper, would be used "to build out the Blockchain-based digital advertising system."

How many people use Brave?

According to Brave, the browser had more than 25 million monthly active users (MAU) as of Feb. 2, 2021. The company stressed that it had more than doubled its MAU in the prior 12 months.

Although that MAU sounds impressive, with the whole world online, 25 million is a drop of the bucket. Mozilla's Firefox, a browser that Computerworld has long believed to be on the knife's edge between survival and dissolution, reported a MAU of approximately 219 million around that same February timeline, or about nine times Brave's.

What's the latest on Brave?


In March, Brave Software announced that it had acquired a search engine called Tailcat (yeah, we hadn't heard of them before, either), which, according to Brave, "will become the foundation of Brave Search."

As outlined by Brave, its Search will eschew user tracking and profiling, and "will not use secret methods or algorithms to bias results," a slap at Google's under-deep-cover algorithmic juggling of search results that can, with just one change, drastically reduce the prominence of a site in the listings.

Like the browser made by Brave, Search will pay users to view search-related ads. But the company said it would also offer "options for ad-free paid search," which would be a very visible marker to separate it from the run-of-the-mill engines.

Brave did not reveal a timetable for taking Search public; users interested in testing Brave Search can register here to be put on a preview waitlist.

Where can I download Brave?

Brave can bedownloaded from this page of Brave Software's site.

The page should automatically recognize the device's operating system and offer the appropriate version. If it doesn't, select from the choices at the bottom \: Windows x86 or Windows x64; macOS (Intel) or macOS (ARM64); and Linux x64 for CentOS/RHEL, Debian, Fedora, Mint, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.

Mobile versions of the Brave browser (for iOS and Android) are available in the App Store and in Google Play, respectively.


  • Browsers
  • Internet
  • Privacy

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As an enthusiast well-versed in web browsers and related technologies, let me delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about the Brave browser.

Introduction to Brave Browser: Brave is a browser developed by Brave Software, co-founded by Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and a co-founder of Mozilla. It distinguishes itself with a unique business model that involves stripping out ads from websites, replacing them with its own ads, and allowing users to support their preferred sites through direct payments.

Underlying Technology: Brave is built on the Chromium open-source project, maintained by Google. This means it shares foundational technologies with Chrome, including the Blink rendering engine and the V8 JavaScript engine. On iOS, Brave relies on WebKit, the open-source foundation that powers Apple's Safari browser.

Extension Compatibility: Brave supports Chrome extensions. Users can access the Chrome Web Store and choose from a variety of add-ons and themes suitable for both Chrome and Brave.

Brave's Pitch: Brave's key selling points are speed and privacy. The ad-stripping strategy is claimed to make the browser load pages three times faster than Google Chrome. Additionally, by eliminating ads and trackers, Brave aims to make users more anonymous, as it blocks efforts by advertisers to track and identify users.

Ad and Tracker Blocking: Contrary to traditional ad-blockers, Brave doesn't simply block ads and trackers. Instead, it replaces stripped-out ads with its own advertisem*nts. It also eliminates ad trackers, enhancing user privacy. Mainstream browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari have also adopted various anti-tracking features.

Brave's Ad Ecosystem: Brave's ads are presented as notifications that pop up in front of users. These ads are not individually targeted but aimed at an anonymous aggregate of the browser's user base. The revenue generated from these ads is used to compensate websites through a cryptocurrency-based system called Basic Attention Tokens (BATs).

Basic Attention Tokens (BATs): The foundation of the Brave economy is BATs, a cryptocurrency awarded to users based on the time spent viewing ads and content. Users can then choose to support publishers by passing on these tokens. The value of BATs fluctuates in the cryptocurrency market.

Brave's Revenue Model: Brave's financial model is distinct. Unlike other browsers that rely on displaying websites and earning ad revenue indirectly, Brave inserts itself into the ad revenue stream. Brave's cut of publisher ads is 15%, while its take of user ads is 30%. This direct involvement in ad revenue is a departure from the conventional browser business model.

User Base and Adoption: As of February 2021, Brave claimed to have over 25 million monthly active users. While this is a notable figure, it is comparatively small when considering the global user base. For context, Mozilla's Firefox reported approximately 219 million monthly active users around the same period.

Brave's Latest Developments: In March, Brave Software announced the acquisition of a search engine called Tailcat, which will serve as the foundation for Brave Search. Brave Search emphasizes privacy, eschewing user tracking and profiling. Similar to the browser, Brave Search will also reward users for viewing search-related ads.

Downloading Brave: Brave can be downloaded from the official Brave Software website, offering versions for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Mobile versions for iOS and Android are available on the App Store and Google Play, respectively.

In summary, Brave positions itself as a browser focused on speed, privacy, and a unique ad-blocking model that involves direct user support for websites through cryptocurrency. Its ongoing developments, such as Brave Search, showcase a commitment to expanding its ecosystem.

The Brave browser basics: what it does, how it differs from rivals (2024)


The Brave browser basics: what it does, how it differs from rivals? ›

How Brave is different: Brave operates without tracking user behavior like rivals. Big tech firms broadcast user behavior to thousands of companies and reap monetary rewards. Brave keeps user profile on the device, ads get sent to device, device decides which ads are shown (difference - data is kept locally).

What makes Brave browser different? ›

Shields are the core feature that sets Brave apart from other browsers. Shields offer default, built-in protection, blocking ads, trackers, fingerprinting, cookies, and more.

What are the benefits of using Brave browser? ›

Advantages of Using Brave Browser

By blocking ads and trackers, Brave enhances user privacy and security while browsing the web. Fast Browsing: With its Chromium-based engine and optimized performance, Brave Browser offers fast and smooth browsing experiences.

Is the Brave browser safer than Google Chrome? ›

Brave's Security AdvantagesBrave is built on the same Chromium platform as Chrome but is designed with a stronger focus on privacy and security. It blocks ads and trackers by default, reducing the risk of malware and enhancing loading times.

What is the basis of Brave browser? ›

The Brave Browser is built on the open-source Chromium Web core and our own client code is released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

What are the disadvantages of Brave browser? ›

While the Brave browser comes with many advantages, it also has limitations. It doesn't support many extensions, which you'll find in abundance with Chrome. Since it blocks ads so intensely, this can also cause some site compatibility issues and may affect the layout of certain webpages.

Why do people choose Brave browser? ›

Brave is actually far better on Android than Chrome is. Brave blocks ads and trackers, meaning it runs much more efficiently than Chrome, especially on mobile devices. Brave for Android will save you mobile data, bandwidth, and battery life compared to Chrome.

Is Brave a Chinese browser? ›

Brave Software, Inc. Brave Software's headquarters are in San Francisco, California. As of March 2024, Brave reported more than 73.32 million monthly active users, 26.26 million daily active users and a network of more than 1.6 million content creators.

Is the Brave browser worth using? ›

4.7-star average rating from 1.7m total ratings, 480k reviews, and 160m total downloads. “I cannot believe how clean, efficient, stable, and privacy-oriented this browser is. … no ads, no cookie requests, nothing.

Is Brave really private? ›

We're used to incognito or private browsing windows, but in Brave, a private window is truly private. It prevents your internet browsing history, form data, cookies, and site data from being saved once you close the window.

Is using Brave browser illegal? ›

Except for censorship laws in some countries, it's generally not illegal to visit (or log into) websites that aren't indexed by search engines like Google or Brave Search.

Does Brave block viruses? ›

Phishing and Malware Protection

Brave uses Google Safe Browsing to identify websites that are known for phishing users or hosting malicious software. It also blocks you from downloading potentially dangerous software and prevents you from installing browser extensions known for violating policies.

Is the Brave browser safe for banking? ›

Yes, Brave is regarded as a generally safe browser for banking due to its advanced security features. However, to protect your banking even further, you should use two-factor authentication, set up strong passwords, sign up for banking alerts, and avoid public Wi-Fi.

How is Brave browser different? ›

Brave blocks ads by default, making it much faster (and more private) than Edge or Chrome. It saves RAM and Wi-Fi bandwidth, too. Check out Brave's page on the Windows App Store to read reviews from other people who use Brave on Windows. You can also download Brave now to upgrade to better privacy.

Does Brave show up as Chrome? ›

The reason Brave impersonates Chrome is to help reduce your "trackability" and "uniqueness" online. One of the ways it makes it easy to track someone is by looking for things which are different about them - things that stand out.

Is Brave browser a scandal? ›

Brave was also caught up in a privacy scandal in 2020, when it was revealed that the browser was adding affiliate codes to some URLs typed into the address bar.

What is the Brave browser controversy? ›

Brave has received negative press for diverting ad revenue from websites to itself, collecting unsolicited donations for content creators without their consent, suggesting affiliate links in the address bar and installing a paid VPN service without the user's consent.

What is the difference between Google and Brave browser? ›

Brave blocks ads and trackers by default, which can lead to faster page loading times and increased privacy. Chrome is known for its speed and performance. It's often considered one of the fastest browsers. Brave, being based on Chromium, also offers good performance and speed.

Why should I switch to Brave browser? ›

Brave Browser blocks all ads by default and not just ads, all creepy privacy-invasive trackers too! So no website can track your movements, no website can steal your cookies and use them against you. Even your browser fingerprint is randomized so that your device cannot be linked when you visit multiple websites.

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