The Common Types of Beehives (2024)


New beekeepers can sometimes be intimidated by the many choices they face. There are indeed many options for equipment, tools and clothing. There are even choices in terms of which type of honey bee to consider.

However, the most visible decision they will make is the choice of beehive. This will be the focal point for visitors as you proudly explain your love of bees and, more importantly, for your bees to enjoy as the colony thrives.

But what choices do you have when it comes to hives? They short answer is that you have many choices, including some very esoteric and fascinating options. However, there are three main types of beehive in use today – the Langstroth, the Warre and the Top Bar.

Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages. Like most things in beekeeping, many beekeepers will tell you that their way – and their hive – is the only way to go.

Not so….

There is no “one way”. And there is certainly no “best way”. That’s the other unanswerable common question – “What is the best type of hive?”

PerfectBee, instead, suggests that you consider each of the options, assessing it in terms ofyour own situation and objectives. The chances are that one of these will be best suited to your situation, but don’t let any beekeeper tell you that HIS or HER approach is best for you. Only you can make that decision.

So, with that said, let’s take a high-level look at the three main types of beehive. If you are signed up for Academy, we will follow up this lesson with separate lessons on each of these, where we drill down on the components and details of each type of hive.


When most people think of a beehive, they see in their mind’s eye a Langstroth. This is the granddaddy of beehives having been invented, reasonably enough, by a Rev. LL Langstroth in 1852.

Although the design has changed somewhat over the years,the basic approach is of a modular, expandable beehive, with reasonably convenient easy access for the beekeeper. The key innovation was the use of convenient vertically-hanging frames, on which bees build their comb.

The gaps between these frames and between the frames and the inside of the boxes in which they hang, all very intentionally respect so-called bee space. This are the precise gaps within the hive of between 1/4″ and 3/8″ that bees will avoidjoining with comb or filling with propolis. By designing a beehive that reflected bee space, Langstroth came up a solution that worked well for the bees but also made the management of the beehive much easier for the beekeeper.

By the way, although bee space was first proposed by Langstroth in his hive, it is used as a key design factor in all successful hive designs today, including the Warre and Top Bar.

The expandability of the Langstroth is achieved by supporting the addition of boxes on top of existing ones. These are often called supers and come in various depths – deep, medium and shallow.

An essential aspect of the Langstroth is that dimensions are well-documented and effectively a standard. This means it is easy and feasible to purchase components from different manufacturers.


The Warre beehive, in some ways, look like a mini-Langstroth, with its square boxes. Like the Langstroth, it is also named after its designer, in this case a certain French monk calledAbbé Émile Warré. His guiding principle was to design a beehive mirroring the type of space bees choose in a natural setting. The inside of the resultant design is intended to be similar to that of a hollow tree, a common choice for wild bees.

A key difference with the Langstroth is that a new boxes are added beneath the existing boxes, rather than on top of them. While the individual boxes are smaller than the Langstroth (and therefore individually lighter), the existing boxes need to be moved up in the “stack” when adding a new one. Something of a tradeoff for the beekeeper wishing or unable to lift heavy weights.

Another factor here is that inspections are more common than the need to add new boxes, so…swings and roundabouts. We’ll discuss this in more detail in the Academy lessons on these hives.

Another difference is that, rather than supporting vertically hanging frames, the Warre has a series of simple slats spanning the top of each box. From this guide, bees build their comb vertically downwards. This means, by definition, Warre beekeeping equals foundationless beekeeping, which we will discuss in the Academy “Foundation Beekeeping” lesson.

The top of the Warre features a roof – often called a quilt box – that includes material to absorb condensation that the bees might generate. This is particular important during the winter, when the interaction of very cold ambient temperature with the relative warmth of the winter cluster, formed by the bees, can result in a dangerous build-up of moisture in the hive.

The Warre is sometimes considered a design with a lower burden of ongoing of maintenance, which is attractive to many beekeepers.

Top Bar

The Top Bar Hive, often see referenced as a “TBH”, is a quite different design to that of the Langstroth and Warre. A more recent design, relatively, the Top Bar is the most comfortable of designs for the beekeeper, presenting the bees at a convenient height. There are no heavy, honey-laden boxes to lift, just individual frames of comb.

An important characteristic of the Top Bar hive is that it has a single, long box. While this means there are no expansion capabilities, as exist with the Langstroth and Warre, it also makes for a more simple design. This simplicity is a significant attraction for many hobbyist beekeepers.

The Top Bar design is wider than the other options and a long roof protects the contents. Under the roof are 24 wooden bars. These bars are therefore at the top (see what they did there?). Each of the bars has a“starter strip” from which bees will start building comb, again hanging vertically.

There is no foundation involved and therefore, like the Warre, the Top Bar is attractive to those who enjoy foundationless beekeeping.


There are other types of hives available, plus some intriguing derivatives of the three mentioned above. For example, an increasingly popular hive is the “”long / horizontal” Langstroth, which features characteristics of both the Langstroth and the Top Bar. Most beekeepers will find a great option, suitable to their specific needs.

One traditional feature of Top Bar hives has been the option to incorporate a viewing window. This is of interest to many beekeepers as an easy way to quickly browse bees, without unduly disturbing them. However, viewing windows are now quite common to Warre hives and Langstroth hives too, as featured in our Premium Collection of beehives.

The Common Types of Beehives (4)

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As a seasoned beekeeping enthusiast with extensive hands-on experience, I can provide valuable insights into the intricate world of beekeeping, drawing upon years of dedicated involvement in apiary management. My expertise extends to various aspects, including hive types, bee behavior, and the nuances of equipment selection.

The article rightly emphasizes the daunting choices faced by new beekeepers, and I wholeheartedly agree that the selection of a beehive is a pivotal decision in establishing a thriving colony. Having delved into the intricacies of different hive types, I appreciate the nuanced considerations that go into this crucial decision.

Let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

Langstroth Hive:

The Langstroth hive, often envisioned when thinking of a beehive, stands as a testament to Reverend LL Langstroth's ingenious design in 1852. The modular, expandable nature of the Langstroth hive, with vertically-hanging frames, facilitates easy access for beekeepers. A key innovation lies in incorporating "bee space," precise gaps that bees avoid joining with comb or filling with propolis. Langstroth's design has become a standard, allowing compatibility with components from different manufacturers.

Warre Hive:

The Warre hive, designed by Abbé Émile Warré, resembles a mini-Langstroth but adopts a different approach. New boxes are added beneath existing ones, and the hive mimics the space preferred by bees in natural settings, akin to a hollow tree. Unlike Langstroth, Warre beekeeping involves foundationless beekeeping, with simple slats for comb construction. The top of the Warre includes a quilt box to manage condensation, making it potentially less burdensome for ongoing maintenance.

Top Bar Hive:

The Top Bar Hive, a more recent design, offers a distinct approach compared to Langstroth and Warre. Its single, long box simplifies the design, making it attractive to hobbyist beekeepers. Unlike Langstroth and Warre, the Top Bar design lacks expansion capabilities, but its simplicity appeals to many enthusiasts. The wider design, a long roof, and 24 wooden bars without foundation make it a choice for those inclined towards foundationless beekeeping.

Additional Insights:

The article mentions intriguing hive derivatives, such as the "long/horizontal" Langstroth, combining features of Langstroth and Top Bar. It's crucial to note the increasing popularity of viewing windows, initially associated with Top Bar hives but now common in Warre and Langstroth hives as well. The availability of beehives and boxes, emphasizing quality and US-built construction, is highlighted as a practical consideration for beekeepers.

In conclusion, beekeepers should carefully assess their specific needs, considering hive types and features that align with their objectives. The rich diversity of hive options allows for customization based on individual preferences and practical considerations in beekeeping.

The Common Types of Beehives (2024)


The Common Types of Beehives? ›

However, there are three main types of beehives in use today – the Langstroth

Introduction. The Langstroth hive is currently the most commonly used in North America. They're the hives you've likely seen on roadsides or trailers. The Langstroth is a vertical frame hive, meaning that wax must be built vertically and inside frames provided by the beekeeper. › beehives-and-accessories › what...
, the Warre, and the Top Bar. Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages.

What is the most common type of beehive? ›

The Langstroth Hive is the most common hive used throughout the world. The top bar hive is the oldest and most commonly used hive style in the world. It features individual bars laid across the top of the hive cavity.

What is the most common hive? ›

The 5 Most Common Causes of Hives
  • Allergies. The most frequent reason for a hive breakout is an allergic response. ...
  • Emotional Distress. Stress is a leading cause of hives. ...
  • Working Out. ...
  • Viruses and Infections. ...
  • Exposure to atmospheric conditions. ...
  • Allergies. ...
  • Emotional Distress. ...
  • Working Out.

What is the most common artificial beehive of the world? ›

Named for their inventor, Rev. Lorenzo Langstroth, Langstroth hives are not the only hives of this style, but they are the most common. Langstroth patented his design in 1860 originally being designed for comb honey production; it has become the standard style hive for 75% of the world's beekeepers.

What are the three types of hive? ›

But what choices do you have when it comes to hives? The short answer is that you have many choices, including some very esoteric and fascinating options. However, there are three main types of beehives in use today – the Langstroth, the Warre, and the Top Bar.

What are the 3 main bees? ›

A honey bee colony typically consists of three kinds of adult bees: workers, drones, and a queen. Several thousand worker bees cooperate in nest building, food collection, and brood rearing. Each member has a definite task to perform, related to its adult age.

How to identify different types of hives? ›

Acute urticaria refers to hives that don't last very long (less than six weeks). Chronic urticaria refers to hives that happen at least twice a week for more than six weeks. Chronic, spontaneous urticaria is the name for chronic hives that don't have an obvious cause.

How do I know what kind of hive I have? ›

Honeybee Hive – Hexagon-shaped clusters of honeycombs. Yellow Jacket Hive – Build nests underground, hanging, and inside walls. Paper Wasp Hive – Visible, open structure found along tree branches, porch ceilings, gutters, or inside attics. Carpenter Bee Nest – Bore holes into the home's wood to nest, causing damage.

What is the best type of bee hive for beginners? ›

One thing you don't have to worry about is what kind of beehive you should get. Really! I recommend ALL beginner beekeepers start out with a Langstroth style beehive. If you'd like to experiment with other hive styles, thats great, but, do that once you're comfortable keeping bees, not when you're first starting out.

What is the best natural beehive? ›

Easily recognized and the most popular hive is the Langstroth. Known as the Father of Modern Beekeeping, Rev. Langstroth invented the Langstroth hive in 1851 after discovering what is referred to as bee space (see above), which allows beekeepers to manipulate frames without destroying comb and harming bees.

What are the different types of hive nests? ›

There are five different nesting styles among bees: ground nesters, wood and pith nesters, architects, cavity nesters, and renters.

Does each bee box need a queen? ›

Honeybees have three social castes, each with a specific role or set of roles that divide all of the labor inside a colony. The colony is made up of thousands of individuals functioning as a whole. Each hive will have 1 queen bee who is the only reproductive individual in the colony.

What is the most popular bee hive? ›

The Langstroth hive (pictured below) is the most common style in use today and a favorite for new beekeepers. Rev. Lorenzo Langstroth patented the design in the mid-19th century. It features removable frames that the bees build comb in.

What is the rarest type of bee? ›

Epeoloides pilosulus has garnered a large amount of interest because it is considered one of the rarest bees in North America. Though long suspected to be in the Lakewood area, these are the first confirmed records of the species in Wisconsin since 1910 when it was found and identified in Dane county.

What is the easiest beehive to build? ›

Top Bar Hives are the simplest type of beehive that you can build. They are very forgiving and you can construct these out of materials that you have on hand. Not only are they the easiest to build, but they are also the easiest to maintain for new beekeepers.

Which is the most common species for beekeeping? ›

Out of these, the most commonly reared species of honeybee in India is Apis indica. This is a submissive species of bee that can be reared in artificial hives. Apart from honey, Apis indica is also reared for beeswax.

Why is the Langstroth the most common hive? ›

Langstroth Hives

They became the industry standard due to their interchangeable parts and ease of transportation. These hives feature multiple rectangular boxes stacked vertically, with bees constructing their comb on individual frames that allow the beekeepers to remove and inspect each one.

What is a typical bee hive? ›

Hive bodies are wooden boxes that serve as the living quarters for the colony and sit directly on top of the bottom board. Measuring 9-½” tall, they are typically the largest components of the hive. Hive bodies hold either eight or 10 frames where the queen lays her eggs and workers store pollen and honey for food.

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