The Costs of Investing (2024)

All investments carry costs—real costs—not merely the opportunity costs of an investor choosing to forego one asset in favor of another. Rather, these costs and comparisons are not that dissimilar to those consumers face when shopping for a car.

Unfortunately, many investors ignore critical investment costs because they can be confusing or obscured by fine print and jargon. But they don't have to be. The first step is understanding the different types of costs.

Key Takeaways

  • Investing involves real costs, which reduce any returns you might get on your investments.
  • Savvy investors know how to minimize investment costs in order to maximize their gains.
  • Common investing costs include expense ratios, market costs, custodian fees, advisory fees, commissions, and loads.
  • Research has shown that lower-cost funds tend to have better returns than higher-cost funds.
  • Ways to reduce investment costs include knowing when to buy and hold, understanding tax implications, and using tax-exempt or tax-deferred investments.

Types of Investing Costs

Different investments carry different types of costs. For example, all mutual funds—one of the most common investment instruments—charge what’s called an expense ratio. This is a measure of what it costs to manage the fund expressed as a percentage.

It is based on the total assets invested in the fund and is calculated annually. This fee is typically paid out of fund assets, so you won’t be billed for it, but it will come out of your returns. That means if the mutual fund returns 8% and the expense ratio is 1.5%, you’ve really only earned 6.5% on your shares.

There are two problems with a high expense ratio. First, a higher portion of your money is going to the management team instead of to you. Second, the more money the management team charges, the more difficult it is for the fund to match or beat the market’s performance.

Ironically, many higher-cost funds claim they’re worth the extra cost because they enjoy stronger performance. But, expense ratios, like a leak in a bathtub, slowly drain some of the assets. Therefore, the more money management takes out in the form of fees, the better the fund must perform to earn back what’s been deducted.

Marketing Costs

Moreover, in some cases, these fees help pay for marketing or distribution costs. This means that you are paying managers to promote a fund to other potential investors. This particular cost is called a 12B-1 fee.

Annual and Custodian Fees

Annual fees are often low, about $25 to $90 a year, but every dollar adds up. Custodian fees usually apply to retirement accounts (e.g., IRAs) and cover costs associated with fulfilling IRS reporting regulations. You can expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $50 per year.

Loads and Commissions

A front-end load is a fee charged when you buy shares, a back-end load is a fee incurred when selling. Commissions are essentially fees that are paid to the broker for their services.

As you can see, the financial world has not made it easy to untangle all of these complex and often hidden expenses; however, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken steps to clarify these costs for investors.

In an effort to protect retail investors, the SEC, in its 2018 priority list, indicated its intent to “Focus on firms that have practices or business models that may create increased risks that investors will pay inadequately disclosed fees, expenses, or other charges.”

In other words, the SEC planned to take aim at firms that engage in practices like receiving compensation for recommending specific securities, ignoring accounts when the assigned manager has left the firm, and changing fee structures from commission-only to a percentage of client assets under management.

While the SEC plays a valuable role in safeguarding investors, the best defense against excessive or unwarranted fees is doing careful research and asking plenty of questions. Taking the time to understand what you’re paying is critical because fees, over the long term, rob investors of their wealth.

Other Costs

Some mutual funds include other costs, like purchase and redemption fees, which are a percentage of the amount you’re buying or selling.

Why Investing Fees Matter

Fees almost always appear deceptively low. An investor might see an expense ratio of 2% and dismiss it as inconsequential. But it’s not. A fee expressed as a percentage doesn’t reveal to investors the dollars they’ll actually be spending, and more importantlyhow those dollars will grow.

Just as compounding delivers growing returns to long-term investors, high fees do exactly the opposite; a static cost rises exponentially over time.

The result may be anchoring bias, in which irrelevant information is used to evaluate or estimate something of unknown values. Simply put, everything is relative. This means that if our first exposure to investing involves excessive fees, we may view all subsequent expenses as low even though they are, in fact, high.

Scenario 1

Suppose you have an investment account worth $80,000. You hold the investment for 25 years, earning 7% per year and paying 0.50% in annual fees. At the end of the 25-year-period, you’ll have made approximately $380,000.

Scenario 2

Now, consider the same scenario, but with one difference; you aren’t paying attention to costs and you hand over 2.0% annually. After 25 years you’re left with approximately $260,000. That “tiny” 2.0% cost you $120,000.

Are Expensive Investments Always Worth it?

Imagine that an advisor or even a friend tells you that a mutual fund, while pricey, is worth it. They tell you that while you’re paying more, you will also get more in the form of a superior annual return. But that is not necessarily true.

Studies have shown that on average, lower-cost funds tend to produce better future results than higher-cost funds. In fact, researchers found that the cheapest equity funds outperformed the most expensive ones across five-, 10-, 15-, and 20-year periods.

This finding has been proven time and time again. Consider similar research from Morningstar, which found, “Using expense ratios to choose funds helped in every asset class and in every quintile from 2010 to 2015. For example, in U.S. equity funds, the cheapest quintile had a total-return success rate of 62%, compared with 48% for the second-cheapest quintile, 39% for the middle quintile, 30% for the second-priciest quintile, and 20% for the priciest quintile.”

What’s themessage? “The cheaper the quintile, the better your chances.” This finding was consistent across various asset classes. That is, international funds and balanced funds all showed similar results. Even taxable-bond funds and municipal bond funds exhibited this characteristic of low costs being associated with better performance.

Brokerage Fees Come in All Shapes and Sizes

Account Maintenance Fee

This is usually an annual or monthly fee charged for the use of the brokerage firm and its research tools. This fee is occasionally tiered. Those who want to use more robust data and analytic tools pay more.

Sales Load

As mentioned above, some mutual funds include a load or a commission paid to the broker who sold you the fund. Be wary of these charges for two reasons. First, many mutual funds today are no-load and are therefore cheaper alternatives. Second, some brokers will push funds with larger loads to pad revenue.

Advisory Fee

This is also sometimes referred to as a management fee for the expertise the broker brings to the table in the form of wealth strategies. This cost is a percentage of the total assets the investor has under the broker's management.

Expense Ratio

As discussed earlier, this is a fee charged by those managing the mutual fund.


These are common and they add up fast. As mentioned above, commission fees are the cost of executing any buy or sell trade. This payment goes directly to the broker. This cost usually ranges from $1 to $5 per trade and, in some cases, will be waived if the investor reaches an account minimum.Occasionally this fee is calculated as a percentage of the value of the trade.

Remember that full-service brokers who provide complex services and products like estate planning, tax advice, and annuities, will often charge higher fees. Fees range between 0.5% and 1.2% of the value of the assets managed.

The burden of expensive fees becomes greater over a longer period. Therefore, young investors just getting started face a bigger risk because the total dollars lost to costs will grow exponentially over the decades. For this reason, it’s particularly important to pay attention to costs in accounts that you will hold for a long period of time.

Active vs.Passive Management

Passive management describes investments like mutual funds that are designed to replicate market indexes like the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. The managers of these funds only change the holdings if the benchmarked fund changes. Passive management seeks to match the market’s return.

An example of actively managed funds are hedge funds, which seek to significantly outperform the market; however, studies have shown that hedge funds still can't beat the S&P 500.

In contrast, an active management strategy is a more involved approach, with fund managers making a concerted effort to outperform the market. Not happy with simply matching the return of the S&P 500, they want to make strategic moves that seek to exploit the value of unrecognized opportunity in the market.

Different Costs

Active and passive funds carry different costs. The average fee for actively managed funds in 2020 was 0.71%, whereas passive mutual funds averaged just 0.06%. Despite a continued decline since the 1990s, it's important to note that as the total amount of assets in an actively managed fund decreases, these funds, in general, raise the expense ratio.

As one study from ICI Research determined, “During the stock market downturn from October 2007 to March 2009, actively managed domestic equity mutual fund assets decreased markedly, leading their expense ratios to rise in 2009.”

This finding underscores an important truth: Expense ratios are often not tied to performance. Instead, they’re tied to the total value of assets under management. If the assets decrease—usually due to poor performance—the managers will simply raise their prices.

Some investors will argue that “you get what you pay for.” In other words, while an active fund may charge more, the higher returns are worth the expense because investors will earn back the fee and then some. In fact, these advocates for active management occasionally have the annual performance to back up such claims. There is, however, often a problem with this assertion: survivorship bias.

Survivorship Bias

Survivorship bias is the skewing effect that occurs when mutual funds merge with other funds or undergo liquidation. Why does this matter? Because “merged and liquidated funds have tended to be underperformers, this skews the average results upward for the surviving funds, causing them to appear to perform better relative to a benchmark,” according to research at Vanguard.

Of course, there are some actively managed funds that do outperform without the help of survivorship bias. The question here is do they outperform regularly? The answer is no. The same body of research from Vanguard shows that the “majority of managers failed to consistently outperform.”

The researchers looked at two separate, sequential, non-overlapping five-year periods. These funds were ranked into five quintiles based on their excess return ranking. Ultimately, they determined that while some managers did consistently outperform their benchmark, “those active managers are extremely rare.”

Moreover, it is nearly impossible for an investor to identify these consistent performers before they become consistent performers. In attempting to do so, many will look at previous results for clues on future performance; however, a critical tenet of investing is that past returns are no predictor of future gains.

Ways to Minimize Investing Costs

Know When to Buy and Hold

The more you move money around, the more costs accrue. As discussed above, there are fees and charges associated with buying and selling. Like a pail of water passed from one person to another, each successive hand-off causes a little spill. Moreover, buy-and-hold strategies typically yield better returns than those based on frequent trading.

Consider Tax Implications

This is the most ignored aspect of investing costs. It's also the most complicated. Even seasoned investors find it beneficial to get help from a professional when it comes to taxes. The savings generated often more than compensate for the professional's fee.

For example, many investors are unaware that realized losses on investments—that is, money lost after selling a stock for less than it cost, can be used to offset taxable gains. This is called tax-loss harvesting.

Ordinarily, an investor will pay either a long-term capital gains tax (securities held over one year) or short-term capital gains tax (securities held for less than one year). If it's a long-term capital gain the investor will pay either 0%, 15%, or 20% depending on their income level and their filing status (single, married filing jointly, married filing separately).

Short-term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income. These rates range from 10% to 37% again, depending on your income level and filing status.

Tax-Deferred or Tax-Exempt Accounts

Investors might be surprised to see how much they hold on to with a tax-deferred, or tax-exempt account. Tax-deferred accounts, which safeguard investments from taxes as long as the assets remain untouched, include 401(k)s and traditional IRAs. These account options are great ways to save big on burdensome taxes.

However, there’s a catch. As mentioned earlier, you’ll lose the tax advantage (and get hit with penalty costs) if you withdraw money early; before the age of 59½. Younger investors should consider Roth IRA accounts. Provided you have owned the Roth for five years, both earningsand withdrawals made after 59½ are tax-free. These are great ways to save over the long-term if you know you won’t need to touch the money.

What Fees Do You Pay When Investing?

Common fees investors incur when investing are expense ratios, investment management/advisory fees, transaction fees, load fees, surrender charges, commissions, account fees, and custodian fees.

How Can I Avoid Investment Fees?

To avoid or reduce investment fees, start out with no fee brokers. Most online brokers now do not charge fees or commissions for transacting buy and sell orders of stocks. Utilize low-cost index funds with low expense ratios. Similarly, choose no-load mutual funds. Using a free robo-advisor can also be a good strategy.

How Do Fees Impact My Investment?

Fees impact investments by creating costs that reduce the returns an individual has achieved on their investment. This is particularly true if an investor buys and sells often and each transaction has a fee. It is also true if a long-term investor has to pay an annual fee for their investment portfolio. Small fees add up over time.

The Bottom Line

Do your homework. We live in times of unprecedented access to information. While some investments may obscure their costs in the fine print, anyone can quickly get to the bottom line with the wealth of information available online. There’s no excuse for investing in an asset without knowing the full costs and making the choices that are right for you.

The Costs of Investing (2024)


What are the costs of investing? ›

Common investing costs include expense ratios, market costs, custodian fees, advisory fees, commissions, and loads. Ways to reduce investment costs include knowing when to buy and hold, understanding tax implications, and using tax-exempt or tax-deferred investments.

What is investment cost or costs? ›

Investments are costs that result in the acquisition of or addition to end items. Such costs benefit future periods and generally are of a long-term character. Costs budgeted in the procurement and military construction appropriations are considered investment costs.

How much investment is enough? ›

“Ideally, you'll invest somewhere around 15%–25% of your post-tax income,” says Mark Henry, founder and CEO at Alloy Wealth Management. “If you need to start smaller and work your way up to that goal, that's fine. The important part is that you actually start.”

What is the simple investing formula? ›

In the simple-interest formula I = Prt, the variable I stands for the interest earned on the original investment, P stands for the amount of the original investment, r is the interest rate (expressed in decimal form), and t is the time (usually in terms of years).

What do you mean by cost of investment? ›

Cost of Investments means the contract purchase price of investments, acquisition expenses, capital expenditures, and other customarily capitalized costs. However, it excludes acquisition fees.

How to find the cost of investment? ›

Once you've established your net profit, it's time to work out the cost of your investment. To calculate this figure, you simply add the fixed cost of your expenditure to its variable costs. This will provide you with your total cost of investment.

Is investing worth it? ›

Investing provides the potential for (significantly) higher returns than saving. As your investments grow, they allow you to take advantage of compounding to accelerate gains. Investing offers many different access points and strategies, from individual stocks and bonds to mutual or exchange-traded funds.

Am I investing enough? ›

Ideally, you should have the following amounts in your brokerage account or workplace retirement plan depending on your age: One year of your salary invested by age 30. Three times your salary invested by 40. Six times your salary by age 50.

How much money to start investing? ›

The general rule of thumb is to have at least six months' worth of your household income set aside for emergencies, such as unexpected medical bills or losing your job. If money is tight, start by setting aside a small amount automatically every month.

What is the 1 rule of investing? ›

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money].

What is the 5 rule of investing? ›

This sort of five percent rule is a yardstick to help investors with diversification and risk management. Using this strategy, no more than 1/20th of an investor's portfolio would be tied to any single security. This protects against material losses should that single company perform poorly or become insolvent.

What is the simplest investment? ›

Cash. A cash bank deposit is the simplest, most easily understandable investment asset—and the safest. It not only gives investors precise knowledge of the interest that they'll earn but also guarantees that they'll get their capital back.

What are the 5 different fees or costs related to investments? ›

High investment fees could have a major impact on your portfolio. Here are five common fees that you may see when you invest: advisory fee, expense ratio, sales charge, trading fee, and transfer fee.

What is the cost basis of investments? ›

In a nutshell, the cost basis of an investment is the price you paid to purchase it, including any costs such as broker's fees or commissions. This can be expressed either on a per-share basis, or the total for your investment in the position.

What is average cost investing? ›

Dollar cost averaging is the practice of investing a fixed dollar amount on a regular basis, regardless of the share price. It's a good way to develop a disciplined investing habit, be more efficient in how you invest and potentially lower your stress level—as well as your costs. Let's say you invest $100 every month.

What is investing expenses? ›

Investment expenses are costs associated with managing and maintaining an investment portfolio. They can vary based on factors such as the type of investments you hold, how frequently you trade and the services provided by any broker or financial advisor you work with.

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.