The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

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20,269 A MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 15, 1954 Wilson Tells Congress Of Plans For Bigger Air Force, Three Division Reduction In Army By Filten ('. AP Military Affairs Reporter WASHINGTON, (P) Secretary of Defense Wilson gave. Congress today some details of the military "new look" continued "rapid buildup of air strength" and an Army slimmed down by three of Its' present 20 divisions, Wilson outlined these plans for the year starting next July 1 in testimony prepared for the Armed Services subcommittee of the Sanate Appropriations Committee, considering the military budget. He said the new military evolving from "the crash (emergency) program that was adopted following the beginning of hostliLice in Korea" are "geared to prove our state of preparedness over an extended period of time." He also said: "The military programs evolving from the 'new look' provide! for the rapid integration of new weapons as they are proven and become avallable." And at another point he said: "Various new weapons have be- 5 Tornado In Georgia 1 TWO MEMBERS of the Georgia drive-in grocery store in Macon through, leaving eight dead, 70 $25 million. National Guard keep watch on after a nerce tornado whipped injured and damage estimated at Fight Brews In Senate Over Extending Farm Price Props WASHINGTON, UP- Sen.

Aiken tration's 1 farm program, squared storm. The Senate test on the program, Eight Georgians Die In Tornadoes Storm Damage Put, At Over $23 Million ATLANTA, UP--A small army of soldiers, airmen and civilians today formed a cleanup task force in the wake of weekend tornadoes which killed eight persons In central and west Georgia and did more than 23 million dollars dachage to property. Three separate twisters whirled out of the night Saturday and carried their lethal force into Macon, where three died; to a rural area near the central Georgia city, killing three others; and to Lawson Air Force Base, adjoining Ft. Benning, where two more were killed. Four' of the dead were children.

Seventy persons were injured and 23 hospitalized. Alert Had Been Lifted The tornadoes slammed into the same, general areas where Amllar storms killed 18 and plied up damage exceeding 30 million less than year ago. The return visit of the Southland's spring scourge came A few hours after the Weather, Bureau lifted a tornado alert. West Georgia was hit firat, What appeared to be' the largest. of the wide across the air base near Cotornadoes tore a path: 600 yarda lumbus.

The powerful cinder overturned several giant Flying (Sco TORNADOES, Page 2) President Sees Danger In Tax Cut Proposals Speech Tonight Is Expected. To Oppose Higher Exemptions WASHINGTON, (P) President Eisenhower was reported by congreasional leaders today to feel that personal income tax: cuts being urged by Democrats would endanger America's cconomic. stablilty. The President, who will address the nation on taxes tonight over. major radio and TV networks, cuased his tax views with Gor legislative leaders for about hour at the White House.

House Speaker Martin (R-Mass), talking "with reporters, afterward, said tax cuts already made by the administration this year and those contemplated the rest of the year total about seven billion dollars. He added that Eisenhower believes that to "dump another billion dollar cut on top of that would be straining it too far n- nancially." Democrala To Ask Cut The House will take up Wednesday a tax revision bill calling for about: $1,300,000,000 in tax reduc. trome levy House Demotions without touching, the personal crats plan to propose that income levies be cut by raising individual exemptions $100 a year--from $600 to $700 for each dependent. Martin said "grave concern mated seven billion dollars tax felt" that to go beyond then estireductions already made and. would "endanger the dynamic, progressive program br the administration and delay balancing of the budget several years." Asked whether he was Ing Eisenhower's views on that, Martin replied that he felt sure he was reflecting the view of the majority of those present st to-' day's White House session.

Sen. Knowland of California, GOP leader of the Senate, agreed with him. Hope For Strong Stand Bridges (R-NH), one those summoned to the conference, said be has no doubt the President will come but against the Democratic proposal in his speech tonight. Other highly placed Republicans said they hoped the President would expreas such strong tion that legislative leaders could argue to their colleagues: vote (See -TAX CUTS, Pare 13) Three Wounded In Waynesboro Battle WAYNESBORO, -Three persons, including a Waynesboro policeman and A bystander, were wounded here Saturday in gunbattle between a 23-year-old Negro and two policemen. Police said 13 shots were fired in the exchange.

Charles Manuel Kelley, father of two children, was arrested on charges of being drunk and disorderly and maliciously shooting a policeman, The exchange of gunfire took place at a restaurant where the two policemen had gone to investigate fight. Patrolman D. O. Bateman was struck by shotgun pellets in the head, arm and leg, but was not injured seriously. Also suffering minor wound was a bystander, John Cable.

Police said bullet from Set. P. C. Bragg's gun struck a metal band on Kelly's cap but the man suffered lump on the head. Good Old Days Are Long Gone For Nation's Income Taxpayers WASHINGTON UP)-Oh, for the good old days when there was income tax.

Or at worst it was nothing much to sneeze at The good old days are pre-1918, for that's the year the Constitution acquired the 16th Amendment: "The Congress shall have power to and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever. source derived This supreme law of the land is the grand-daddy of your agoriized figuring today, if you haven't filed already, meet the midnight deadline with the revenue collector. And you can be politically Impartial with your hard feelings. The amendment was officially proposed in 1909 by President Taft; Republican. It was first put into practice four years later by President Wilson, Democrat.

There were some temporary try. puts of nationwide income levies before that. During Civil War days Congress enacted several versions of an Income tax The toughest one pushed the top rate to 10. per cent. The Civil War tax was highly regarded from the revenue "randpoint, but (surprisc), 'aot) 1 come available in Increasing quantity and still newer ones are in the He did not elaborate.

His com ment rould have referred to hot new applications of atomic weepone and to various types 'of guided missiles, in use or still in test. Saturday, high government source who would not. be quoted by: hame Indicated nucira specialists act off a few daya at the Eniwetok, test area the big goat hydrogen blast they have yet attempted. Wilson said "the creation, maintenance and full exploitation of modern airpower" In. accord with the 'economy in forces' will see in this budget.

therefore, some greater emphasis on both Air Force and naval air power," the secretary continued. He A the air buildup (See WILSON, Page 13) Survey Shows Business Gains Wall Street Journal Finds March Upturn NEW YORK, (P) Many bustnesses midway through "telltalo month. March" report distinct pickups from this winter's low point, the Wall Street Journal said today after a check with 240 busle nessmen and bankers from to coast. be sure the upturns are least partly seasonal, and for majority the busineas pace mains behind the rapid year-ago rate," said the Journal. "But by any other yardstick this month looks rood.

And la Some casca, sales records are being broken." The Journal noted that "of course the upturn has not been felt in a sectors of the. business world. "A March major 'orders steelmaker calla 'probably income the ing lowest' for the month since World War IT. Salas In the first 10 of March were 60 per cent below year ago, says a Texas producer of gas appilances. A Now England textile man discerns no improve ment in the lackluster rayon bu Dess.

Many manufacturers, in particular, find ales still "The survey found retail trade "holding pretty high despite ununual restraints" such as blustery weather, late Easter shopping season and likelihood of tax cuts on furs and jewelry. Building, said, is "one of the strongest points lo the whole business picture." Many bankers, the story said, the opinion that March Is too early to expect any real spurt in business" but most agreed da upturn la in the works. However. the Journal. said.

"togains are not being accomplished without strenuous elfort." Allen Dulles Says We Tell Too Much WASHINGTON, UP- America's top Intelligence executive. said toay. "We tell Russia ton much." Director: Allen W. Dulles of the Central Intelligence Agency declared in an. Interview In the weekly newsmagazine U.S.

News and World Report: 'We Americans publish great deal in our scientific and technical and in congressional hrs ins "I would give a good deal If could know as much about the Sovict Union as the Soviet Union can learn about us by merely reading the press. "Sometimes I think we go too far in what our government gives out officially and in what la published in the scientific and nical field. We tell Russia too much." Wu Says Chiang. Sought His Death EVANSTOV, UP)-Dr. K.

C. Wu claims Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek has resorted to attempted assassination and la boiding his son hostage in an attempt to stop Wu's bitter criticiama of Chiant's policies in Formosa. now the seat of the Chinene NationWu, former governor of Formosa, alint government, told a news conterence yenterday Chiang masterminded an unsuccessful attempt to kill him and his wife in Formosa last year. Chiang Ching- kuo, Chiang's eldest son, heada, secret, police system which controls local governments well as Nationalists policies, Wu charged. Chlang Ching-kuo has at least secret agents In.

the United Stat Wu said, including one in Chicago wito is assigned to report on him. His own son, Haul Huang, la held la Formosa, he said and his wife Edith live a apartment la Evanston. WEATHER FORECAST Sunny, Cold Report, Page 3) Yesterday's Temperatures High 56; Low 27 rises tomorrow Scta 4:21 PRICE FIVE. CENTS McCarthy-Army Quarrel Poses Party Problem Showdown Appears Necessary; How And When Are Questions WASHINGTON, Republican leaders faced critical declaiona today on for bringing at least truce In the war between Sen. McCarthy and the Army.

A prime consideration was how to keop the affair from turning into An open knock -down fight brtween the Wisconsin senator and the Eisenhower administration. McCarthy and cor leaders somed agreed that a showdown at which he and top Army officials would tastify under oath is in order to get at the truth in the welter of tharges and countercharges. But where and when to stage It and whether publicly or behind clused doors -remained undecided. McCarthy To Re Away One major question was: Should the Investigation be entrusted to McCarthy's subcommittee? After Vice President Nixon's speech Saturday night, with Its pas mages obviously: directed at MoCarthy, the feeling spread on CapItol Hill that showdown must come soon. Nixon said "recklens talk and questionable methoda" In fighting communism played Into the hands of opponents of the administration and that the administration indats procedures uaed both in the executive and legialative branches must be fair and proper, McCarthy ant rigid time limits on any action this week.

He said last night he has room on his sedule for only one meeting of the Investigations subcommittee this week- -tomorrow. He said there will not be enough members availhe will leave Wednesday on able for a meeting today, and that speaking trip which will keep him out of Washington until next week, He said that it the wants to discuss then his row with the Army "we will certainly do Exchanged The feud dared anew last week with publication of an official Army report senators alleging that McCarthy and an aide on his Sene ate investigations had put pressure on the Army to set apecial favors for Pvt. G. David Schine, a drafted former member of the subcommittee's staff. The report specifically accused the subcommittee's 'chief counsel, Roy Cohn, who is a of Achine, of backing such demanda with threats.

"Blackmail," McCarthy retorted. He accuard Secretary of the Army Robert T. Stevens and John C. Adama, Army general counsel, of trying to use the drafting of Schine "a club" against further probing by the into McCarthy's charges of Reds In the Army. McCarthy made public a batch of "office memos" from his Alca, mostly signed by Cohn and Sub-committee Staff Chief Frank Carr, to back up the blackmail accusation which denounced as false and fantastic.

Among other things, the memon alleged that Stevens and Adame had aught to talke the committee Into investigating other branches of the 'armed services instead of the Army. The Army officials denied this. Offers Te Testify Cohn said last night in vlaed NBC Interview that Adama had a probe of sex devlations among personnel at an air base which Cohn did not name. McCarthy has offered to repeat his against the Army (co MACARTHY, Pace 13) Ex-Iran Minister Suffers Relapse TEHRAN, Iran, UP) Ex- Foreign Minister Hossein Fatemi, stabbed by an unidentified assailant, suftered a relapse and vomited blond during questioning in his prison cell last night, an authoritative source said today. The 41-year-old Nationalist Arebrand, lacing' treason charges for his work as chief aide to ex-dictator Mohammed Mossadegh, was quickly shifted by ambulance from Chaar Prison to the Army's ussofabad Hospital in Tehran.

Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, against whom Fatemi used to campaign, was reported to have directed: that the prisoner be treated by the sovereign's private physician, Abdolrahim Ayadi. The authoritative source quoted the Shah as saying Fateml'a life must be saved so his fate can be determined by a court. Iran plans to try him in about two months, His panishment. could be death: The flow of blood was reported to have developed after the army's chief prosecutor, Gen. Housein Azemodeh, had questioned Fatemi several Darden Says Assembly Action Recognizes University's Role Colgate W.

Darden president of the said tuday he was very pleased with the action of -the General Assembly both in. appropriations made to the Univer: sty and in ite recognition of the role of the Univeralty in the life of the slate, "I am enormously encouraged by the understanding of the University's nussion in the stale and of ita araponaibility to lift the tellectual level of the people of this appropriations of $225,000 will enable us to go forward with plans. for the hospital. The Univeratty la deeply in deht to the dortors of the atale and to the Univer4 mity Hospital staff and particularly to Dr. Vincent Archer." Dr.

Archer la head of the Department of Rounigenology the University and president of the Medical Socirty of Virginia. lie attended numerous sessions of the Assembly to trad the fight for hospital construction funds to be used here, "It is my hope to 30 forward with construction of the student activity building in the -near future. The Irginiature ed $1.200,000 for this building and any additional amount needed will be obtained by lasue of bonds which will be paid out of the earnings of the Darden said. "I am. in consultation with the faculty on the organization of graduate school of which was moved forward by the action of the Cieneral Awarmbly and we will mind he.

able to enlarte our program of degrees for students in nursing. "We are all encouraged by the prospects of enrollment particularly hy the growing Interest 10 the University throughout the state." Dr. Thomas 11. Hunter, dean of the University's medical school, said he was very much enrauraged by the action of the Genetal Arsembly yesterday in making availAble an additional $200,000 for the now hospital building at the; Univernity, have been tremendously Impressed by the mincerity of the men who have fought long and hard 10 try to inert the needs of the University Hospital along with the neede of the other Institutions and Dran Hunter said. I several points of view are trnable, an highly pleased that the final outcome of the arasion looks toward a more liberal The $2141,000 In" additional money written into the appropriation bill yesterday, together with $20,000 it already provided, will make suffi.

clent money avallable for preparing detailed plans for the building which is expected to cost about $6,400,00. John Stacy, director of the Unlvarsity Hospital, maid work on the plans would begin as soon as ble and should be ready by the prat session of the General sembly. Crash Kills Father, Mother And Children (Picture Page 3) A father, mother and their two small children met Instant death late Saturday in the battered wreckage of their family car on in Fluvanna County, about five miles east of Scottsville. Andrew Robertson Seward, 30, Carrier Maude Hughes Reward, $1, Andrew 4. wand Jennifer Irene, 8, All of Elberon, Surry driven by John Randal 21, Negro, collided County, were killed with when en their truck car French Bolster of Palmyra, and H.

E. Amos, who Investigated State Troopers W. Li Davidson Fort's Defenders the accident, said Reward was thrown out of the ardan into a side ditch by the Impart. Mrs. Reward was found dead in the back scat of the was the daughter.

The body of Andrew was found under the front scat of the demolished vehicle. Truck Driver Held Johnson, who was only alightly Injured, was arrested on charges of Involuntary manslaughter. Sunday would have been the Afth birthday of the little girl, and the family was on the way to the home of Mrs. Seward's brothers, James and Edwin Hughes, at Warminster, to celebrate the occasion when the accident occurred. funeral servire for Reward will he held at 3 pm.

Wednesday at Jones Funeral Ilome, Smithfield, with burial In Moore's Swamp Baptiat Church cemetery, Surry County. Seward la survived by his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings T. Reward, Elberon, and two sisters, Mira, Elsie Mac Norfolk, and Mrs.

Helen Fayetteville, N.C. In addition to her parenta, Mrs. Reward la survived by two Mine Irene Hughes, of Washington, and Mrs. Addison Burton, of huyler, and three brothers, Jourph Hughre of Scottsville, and James and Edwin Hughica, of Warminster. 1 Funeral At Scottarille The funeral of Mrs.

Erward and the two children will he at Scottsville Methodist Church: at 1 pm. Tuesday and they will he buried In the family emitery at the Hugham. home at Warminster, The Rev. Charies Palmer, pastor of West Buckingham Methodist charge, will condurt the annisted by the Rev. E.

J. Nottingham, pastor of Scottsville Methodist Church. The four deaths brought the state's 1954 traffic fatality toll to 164.. Deputy Sheriff S. Cobbs also reported investigation Sunday of an accident aven miles from Charlottraville on Stony Point Rd.

A car driven by Richard Garrison, 45, Promo, hit. culvert. and ran" 'into aldo ditch. Garrison was treated at- University Hospital. 'for head I lacerations and injury to his loft knee.

then released. The front: end of the car was practically demolished. The sheriff's omce also reported' car left Rt. 250 cast of Ivy, ran down bank, and WAS deserted. Thus far no one has claimed it.

Linwond Lewis Allen, 33, Negro, Box 121, Schuyler, suffered abrasions of the face when he was struck by a car at the home of Robert Buckingham Court House, Saturday afternoon. He was treated at University Hospital and released. Orange Man Radly Hurt Faston Mundy Morris, 27. Rt. 2' Orange.

was brought to the hospital at 7:25 p.m. Saturday, suffering (800 ACCIDENTS, Page I) Fight Over Byrd Act Funds Ends In Compromise Session Winds Up With Agrecment To Spend $2,186,000 (R-Vt), spearheading the adminis. away today for gathering Senate backed by some Democrats and Republicans and outspokenly opothers, may come on the decision. of. Republican Leader Knowland of California to call for action.on a wool production bill Sen.

Ellender (D-La) heads group, Including some Republicans, seeking to attach to the wool metsure a two year extension of present high-level Axed government farm price supporta. Floor Fight 'Premised President Elsenhower and Secretary of Agriculture Benson argue such high-level supports should pire at the end of this year and be replaced by flexible lower-level price props. Aiken, chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, and Sen. Anderson (D-NM), former secretary of agriculture, in separate terviews, promised door Acht against the Ellender proposal, They point out that the Agriculture Commkice is only part way through public hearings on main features of the new program, including flexible supports and a 34-billion-dollar "set aside" of surplus cotton, "wheat, butter and dairy products. Dairy Industry witnesses were called before the committee.

hearIng today. Backing Aiken and Anderson ar two other committee members, Sen. Holland (D- Fla) and Sen. WilMama 1R-Del). Elleader Is Confident Ellender, who.

formerly, beaded the committee, sald he is confident more than 50 senators, a clear majority, will vote for two-year extension of the present system. Backing his move are Senators Russell (D-Ga), Maybank (D-SC), Humphrey (D- Minn) and 'Young (R-ND). Opposition to the administration's price support proposals sppeared stronger in the House, all (See PRICE PROPS, Page 3) I by books the soon citizenry. after the It went off the Then, after much clamor about an income tax being fairer, than other types, Congress tried again in 1894. The mate: 2 per cent.

The experiment was short lived. The Supreme Court struck down the law the follewing year unconstitutional. That's why the 16th Amendment was adopted. On March 1, 1914, the first deadline under the permanent law, and for some years thereafter, the taxthan he dors in this atomic and payer took much leas of a beating expensive age. His first bill was per cent uo to $20,000, 2 per cent for and so forth up to a 7 per cent peak on Incomes of a half million dollars or more.

He got personal exemption of $3,000, or $4,000 if be. was living with his Tax scales went and down ic. later years, mostly up, espectally in wartime. 4 the form you filled out for today, covering 1953,, puts the bottom "rate at 22 per cent. For the $200,000 bracket and up It's 92 per cent.

Exemptions are to Now, were the year 1913 Report Dien Bien Phu Battle 'Well In Hand' MANOL, Indochina, UP The French parachuted reinforcements today Into their Dien Bien Phu, fortress as the Communiat-led Vietminh hurled thousands mora troops Into the savage battle to drive the French out of northwest Indochina. The rebels bombarded the 'dust bowl fortress with artillery shells before their new of attacks. Ai the violent battle, rounded out its second day, the French high command in Saigon announced that a battalion of French, and Vietnamese paratroopers had jumped onto the Dien Bien. Phu airstrip. Defenders Repel Attacks Other reinforcements were alrlifted from Hanol, The French high command in -Saigon said.

the French Union forces had the "situation well in hand" and were. holding solidly against the "very violent" rebel attack. French spokesman the fighting would last several days. A three -hour cease fire Interrupted the fighting yesterday morning while both. rebels and French carried their dead and wounded from the battlefield.

The French claimed ed at least rebels killed In the initial assault Saturday night. and early yeaterday, and admitted their own louses were "appreciable," Reds Late Heavily 'The fighting resumed at noon yesterday with a heavy rebel bardment of the strongly fortifled, Page. 2) Koreans Talk Of Repudiating Truce SEOUL 1P-The unofficial South Korean Information service said today the armistice has been peatedly violated by the Communists and "it might even be well to repudiate. the whole senseless agreement." "In the government suhaidized newspaper Korean Republic, the information service urged a buildup of defense forces although that would violate the armistice. "The armistice agreement longer bas the alightast validity," It said.

"It pudiate might whole even be well to the senseless agreement that the Communists never had any Intention of keeping and which they have already repeateuly broken. "Korea's greatest fear. bowover, is that the Allirs are wing the truce cover for the coldblooded, desertion af this country," By James RICHMOND. (Th The lar seasion of the Virginia Gone eral Anaembly ended with dramatic auddenness last night when "Young Turks" of the Asacmbly won a compromise on their Booths amendment: to appropriate tax credit law monry, Minutrs hefore the legislature finally adjourned it appeared that Sen. Harry F.

Ryrd Jr. and solid anti- Roothe amendment following would succeed in making no-compromise in favor of irtaining for tax credits all million dollars so earmarked der the Isattle Budget recommendationa, But administration leaders denly reversed their firld and sorted the Byrd-law faithful so. to vole for the fifth conference committee irport to Iron out difference between the Senate the Blouse of Delegates, Bill Takes' In 50 doing, they approved appropriation bill that sliced 186,500 from the 7 million dollars of Byrd law tax credit funda, appropriated it for schools, a tal hospital, and Institutions higher learning. The move came in the Sanate which since darly In the session had been at 'odds with the House over the use of the 7 million. Senate had rebutted every effort of the House to compromise the disposition of this money.

Late last night the Senate rejerted the fifth conference mitten's report by a vote of 10 20, The crowded Senate chamber. with its milling legislators, both the Senate and House evidence of the tension and tigua a arong the lawmakers had been in continuous 1-3 hours. A disappointed Boothe amendo ment bloc in the House was an angry mond over the ing position of the Senate and preparing to go home, A resolution was passed by houses to adjourn the Assembly until March 31 without baving propriated the public money, Rudder Switch The stalemate appeared. plate, Then with startling ness the whole picture changed, Sen. Landon R.

Wyatt of' ville, who had voted against conference report, suddenly for reconsideration of the -which had been taken more an hour earlier. That: was tip-off. Sen. W. C.

president pro tem of the Senate, told Senate that he had been for principle of the Byrd law the beginning and had against all compromises. But thinking of the people Virginia," Caudill said -he going to switch his vote. Enough switched with him to make vole a dechive 27 to Sucking out. to the Jast against any compromise were Sent. Aldhizer, Carpenter, Gray, Massic, Richeson, Temple Willey.

Besides Caudill, those switched were Sons. Blanton, ton, Curry Carter, Norris, and Wyatt. Not voting Sons. C. Bird, Button, rison, and Farlier Sens, Fitzpatrick, win and Hagond had come from the Byrd forces to Bathe bloc.

They said they80 because they, felt sufficient compromise had bern made the House in the matter. For Hospital Here The $2,186,500 will go as follows: $300,000 rach year for teachers' salaries; $375,000 for the College of William and $200,000 ward an eventual new hospital the University of Virginia; to VM1. for modernization power plant; $127,300 for tory at Radford College; $324,000 for nursery building, equipment and utilities at Lynchburg Colony; and $125,000 fur the struction of armories with federal ald. Of the original 1 million' of Byrd law money (more exactly estimated at the compromise left $4,750,450 to back to income taxpayers as credits this fall--provided (See LEGISLATURE, Page Segregation Decision Postponed Until April 5 WASHINGTON, UP) The Sapreme Court waded its decisions for today at 12:50 p.m. EST witsout making ruling questioning race segregation la public schools, No decision la these canes la la prospect before April 5 at the earliest since the court 1 recessing until that hit of un.

audde the and and men- The had cOm to from rave fan Who ta was House both a swift- Danthe called vote. thaa the the the from voted now of was the Byrd, and wha BurPitta, were the by Movie Critics Pick 'Here To. Eternity' 7 NEW YORK, (-A nationwide poll of movie critics picked Here to Eternity" as the best pio fiure of the year, the trade publication Film Daily has announced. "The Robe," made in Cinemascope, was' the only film among the top 10 by any of the name eases. It ranked third.

only foreign film was the: British-made Cruel Sea," ranking 10th Others on the list, In order, were: "Shane," "Roman Holiday." "Moulin Rouge," "Lati," "Stalag 17," "The Moon Is and Boy, Lost." Norway Crown Princess In Critical Condition OSLO, Norway, princess Martha, hospitalized Friday after suffering a hemorrhage caused by jaundice, was reported in critical condition today. Aa official statement said the 53-year-old crown princess bad grown "considerably worse" and that her condition had to be ndered "very toat $25,000 of dormi- State con- dollars final go tax v..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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