The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (2024)

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Apple has officially discontinued and stopped selling a miniature iPhone, but that won’t stop me from using it.

The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (1)Tucker Bowe for Gear Patrol

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After three glorious years, the iPhone mini is no more. It’s not a surprise; the writing was on the wall when Apple didn’t release an iPhone 14 mini last year. But that doesn’t make it any less disappointing. Especially if you love a small phone, like I do.

When Apple first released its miniature iPhone, the iPhone 12 mini, back in September 2020, it was met with a ton of hype. It’s not that often that a new form factor for the iPhone comes around, after-all. The iPhone 12 mini was essentially a Mini-Me version of the iPhone 12 with few compromises. It had the same chip, same dual-camera system, and same screen and same notch with Face ID — the only difference was size and slightly less battery life.

The initial reviews of this miniature iPhone were glowing. Tom’s Guide‘s Adam Ismail called it “a revelation.” The Guardian‘s Samual Gibbs called it “the king of small phones.” CNET‘s Patrick Holland said it was “the small phone we’ve been asking for.” And in my review for Gear Patrol at the time, I called it “the ultimate tiny iPhone.”

The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (3)Tucker Bowe
The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (4)Tucker Bowe

But positive reviews didn’t translate to big sales for the iPhone 12 mini — it only accounted for six percent of total iPhone sales in the first two months of launch, according to a Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) report, and was by far the least popular of the iPhone 12 models.

Apple already had a next-gen miniature iPhone in the pipeline, of course, and popped out the iPhone 13 mini the following year. It followed the same formula — it was just a smaller (and slightly cheaper) version of the iPhone 13 — but the same kind of sales numbers predictably followed too.

The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (5)Tucker Bowe

In 2022, Apple released a “Plus” version of its iPhone 14 instead of a mini; according to reports, the bigger phone did bigger sales. It wasn’t all doom and gloom for small phone fans, however, as Apple continued to sell the iPhone 13 mini for all of last year — it even lowered the price by $100, from $699 to $599. But that now changed with the arrival of the iPhone 15.

You can still buy a smaller “new” iPhone from Apple, in the 2022-released iPhone SE (third-generation), but it feels quite dated; it has the same body and features — like a Home button— as the 2017-released iPhone 8. Apple is widely expected to release a fourth-generation iPhone SE sometime in 2024, but it’s reportedly going to have the same body as the 2018-released iPhone XR, which is actually a good bit bigger than the current iPhone SE.

Apple does sell certified refurbished models of the iPhone 13 mini. They’re a touch expensive, granted, going for between $449 (128GB) and $699 (512GB) depending on the storage capacity you opt for. And they’re frequently out of stock. (As of June 2024, very model — all colors and capacities — are out of stock.)

The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (6)Tucker Bowe

Size is a funny thing when it comes to smartphones. As the trend moves bigger and bigger, the fact the iPhone 13 mini is so small is what I think makes it so endearing — it’s the anti-hero. What the iPhone 13 mini lacks compared to its larger brethren are things I don’t need in this post-pandemic world. A larger screen? I work most remotely and always have a bigger screen nearby. A longer-lasting battery? A two-year iPhone 13 mini’s battery is far from great, but I’m also rarely far from an outlet or a portable power bank.

The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (7)Tucker Bowe

You ask about the camera, and sure, it’s not nearly as elite as the newest iPhone Pros, but the iPhone 13 mini has the same dual-camera setup as the iPhone 13 — and it’s pretty good. Plus, I don’t have kids or an adorable dog (although I do steal pictures of my parents’ dog sometimes), so I don’t actually take that many photos.

There are lots of everyday things that I love about the iPhone 13 mini. I love that it’s the only iPhone that can slide easily in the back of my running shorts — the largest models don’t even fit. I love how easy it is to slide in and out of my pocket. And when it’s on me, it doesn’t feel like it’s weighing me down. On top of that, it’s very popular with friends and family. I’ve actually swayed my dad and few uncles to buy the mini — old people love small phones!

The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (8)Tucker Bowe

Of course, the mini will still keep ticking for a few more years. The iPhone 13 mini is still relatively a “new age” iPhone — it has Face ID, after all — and it’ll be supported with the latest iOS updates for the next few years. This also means that for those looking to get a good deal on an older phone, the iPhone 13 mini is still worth buying. Apple may not sell it, but you can still buy it from third-parties like Amazon.

For now, the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 13 mini live on. If you’re one of the lucky owners of a miniature iPhone, know that you carry with you something special, something unique. There likely won’t be another small iPhone like it.

The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (9)Apple

iPhone 13 Mini (Unlocked, Refurbished)

The iPhone 13 mini is essentially a smaller version of the iPhone 13 — it has a similar but smaller design, the same camera system, and modern features like Face ID and MagSafe charger. Apple no longer sells the iPhone 13 mini (or any “mini” iPhone).


Display5.4‑inch OLED display
ProcessorA15 Bionic chip
Camera (Rear)Dual 12-megapixel main and ultra-wide cameras
  • $449 at Apple

    $629(29% off)

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The iPhone Mini Is Dead, But I’m Not Giving It Up | Gear Patrol (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.