The Keys to Crypto Kingdom: Wallet Address, Public and Private Keys Explained (2024)

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  • The Keys to Crypto Kingdom: Wallet Address, Public and Private Keys Explained (3)Written ByEditorial Team
  • August 5, 2021

The Keys to Crypto Kingdom: Wallet Address, Public and Private Keys Explained (4)

The Keys to Crypto Kingdom: Wallet Address, Public and Private Keys Explained

If you want to send or receive crypto currencies and create acrypto wallet, you will be confronted with the concepts public key, private key,secretphrase and wallet address. You need to have a clear understanding of these terms to safely trade with and manage your crypto assets.

Don’t worry, however, these concepts are not as complicated as they seem at first! In today’s article, we will offer asimple, easy-to-understand explanation and a comparison with sending and receiving money in the traditional banking system.

First, however, we briefly need to talk about “cryptography” – after all the domain to which cryptocurrencies owe their name.


The term cryptography is derived from old Greek “kryptos” and means “hidden” or “write secretly”. The field of cryptography deals with how to encrypt and decrypt information as to keep information confidential and as to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the information in transit. The domain was mainly pioneered and led by academic and military research.

For decades, encryption was done through using a secret phrase that sender and recipient used to encrypt and then decrypt the message – as the same secret phrase was used, this was also called “symmetricencryption”. However, downsides of this format where that if any unauthorized person gained access to the secret phrase, they could not only access the information but impersonate the sender and therefore cause even greater damage.

Asymmetric cryptography was pioneered in the 1970s and solved this problem by introducing the public-private key pair. The private keyisabig, random primenumber and can be used asunique ID specific to apartyto encrypt, decrypt or signa message or file.

Cryptography and more specifically asymmetric cryptography was the forefather and technological foundation upon which Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, hence the name “cryptocurrencies”.

Crypto keys come in pairs

Every crypto wallet consists of auniquepairof public and private keys. There is aone-way-relationshipbetween private and public key: through means of cryptography the public key for a private key is derived, hence a crypto-key-pair results.

However, it does not work the other way around. It isimpossible to derive the private key through a public key.Thesekey pairsallow to share the public key which can be used by others to encrypt or verify information.This is what so-calledasymmetric cryptographyis all about and was a big breakthrough in encryption when first developed in the 1970s.

What is a private key?

The private key is to a crypto walletsimilar towhat an ATM PINor Online Banking TANisto abank account. Every wallet hasone or multipleunique privatekeys.It is only known to the wallet owner and used to prove he rightfully owns the account and contained funds and can send transactions.

Each crypto transaction sent is signed with the wallet’s private key – that private key however is not revealed to any outside parties.

Just like you shouldn’t tell anyone your ATM PIN because they could use it to access your funds, you mustkeep your private key secure at all timesbecause other people could use it to access and send (steal!) your funds.

Because the private key would be a super-complicated random number256-bit-number, that is impossible to remember and note, the idea of thesecretphrase was invented.

What is asecretphrase?

If a user was to lose (and/or forget) the private key to his wallet, he could no longer access, manage or send the funds contained within the wallet. In short, the funds would irretrievably be lost. To avoid this from happening, there is a backup mechanism built into crypto wallets called the secret phrase (sometimes also referred to as mnemonic phrase, backup seed, recovery phrase).

Asecretphraseis a collection of 12-24 words that store all the information required to recover and access all the funds of a crypto wallet. It can be used to derive the private key of the walletas asecretphrase is a representation of the random number your private key is.

An example of a12 wordsecretphrase could be the following

donkey pony lizard comfort house frameignorepush glass cheap mousesecret

Walletproviders will instruct users to note the generatedsecretphrase on a piece of paper and storeitsecurely, out of reach for any third person.If any other person gets access to yoursecretphrase, they could steal all your crypto funds stored in that wallet!

What is a public key?

Thepublic keyof acryptowallet is derived from the corresponding private key using a mathematical function known as “elliptic curve multiplication”.

What is a wallet address?

Digital assets and crypto funds are stored in, or rather assigned to, a wallet address. A wallet address can be likened to a bank accountnumber/IBAN. The wallet address can be shared with another person and is used toreceive transfers of digital assets there.

The wallet address is mathematically derived from the wallet’s public key through a one-way function called “hashing”. The wallet address is a shorter representation of the public key’s final part and usually has a length of 160 bits.

The Keys to Crypto Kingdom: Wallet Address, Public and Private Keys Explained (5)

If you want a friend to send you money,e.g.0,001 BTC, they will send the money to your Bitcoin wallet address you have provided them with.NOTE: Wallet address and public key are not the same, as the wallet address is the finalpartof the public key.

However, it is important to note that Bitcoin and Ethereum are not anonymous, but pseudonymous. Using a Blockchain explorer, any outside person canenter a specific wallet address and see all prior transactions of this wallet with other wallets.

The wallet address is a unique identifier of a crypto wallet. The wallet address format depends on the respective blockchain, but it usually consists of around 25 to 40 alphanumeric characters and includes numbers, letters and sometimeseven special symbols.

For example, the first Bitcoin address ever created was


Thewalletaddress is safe to share, it allows others to send money there and check all prior transactions from and to that wallet address.

Wallet addresses don’t allowexternal users to see who owns the wallet as wallet addresses are typically not tied to a specific identity. This changes with exchanges like Blocktrade. As perKYC/AMLregulations, exchangeshave to determine the user’s identity and postal address, an exchange wallet addresscan therefore be connected with a user’s identity(but only the exchangecan see this information).

How they all work together

Now that we have explained private key, public key,secretphrase and wallet address, let’s discuss how they go together. When you create a crypto wallet with a wallet provider, you will receive all these four elements. Here is the role of each of these 4 concepts for you as a wallet user:

  • You create aprivate keywhen creating a crypto wallet. You never do anything with it consciously, but it is used to sign your transaction when you send crypto assets.
  • You create asecretphraseand store it safely on a piece of paper. You use it if you everhave torestore your crypto wallet funds after losing the private key.
  • Thepublic keyis used to verify that you are the owner of a wallet address and that you can receive crypto assets. You personally don’t use your public key when making or receiving a transaction.
  • You tell yourwallet addressto the sender if you are to receive a transaction or use it if you yourself send money there from another wallet of the same cryptocurrency.Likewise, you need the wallet address of a recipient if you are to send crypto assets to them.

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The Keys to Crypto Kingdom: Wallet Address, Public and Private Keys Explained (6)


This is not financial advice. Mentioning coins and tokens is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or participate in the associated network. We would like to encourage you to do your own research and invest at your own risk.

  • Orginally published August 5, 2021
  • 1:43 pm

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We are a team of crypto enthusiasts. Each of us has extensive theoretical and practical experience in trading, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain. We also like to dig deep and explore. Our goal is to help you make the right and relevant decisions.

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The Keys to Crypto Kingdom: Wallet Address, Public and Private Keys Explained (2024)


What is the difference between public key and private key? ›

In public-key cryptography, two keys are used, one key is used for encryption, and the other is used for decryption. 3. In private key cryptography, the key is kept a secret. In public-key cryptography, one of the two keys is kept a secret.

Does every Cryptocurrency wallet has a public key and a private key? ›

A cryptocurrency wallet consists of a set of public addresses and private keys. Anyone can deposit cryptocurrency in a public address, but funds cannot be removed from an address without the corresponding private key. Private keys represent final control and ownership of cryptocurrency.

Is private key and wallet address the same? ›

A Wallet Address can only be used to make transactions into such wallet, so it's safe to share with other people for them to make a transfer to your wallet. On the other hand, your Private Key is the set of numbers and letters that allows you to access your wallet.

What do public and private keys do? ›

Public keys and private keys are the working parts of Public-key cryptography. Together, they encrypt and decrypt data that resides or moves in a network. The public key is truly public and can be shared widely while the private key should be known only to the owner.

How do public and private keys work? ›

It is accompanied by a corresponding private key, which is known only to its owner. Private keys are used to decrypt messages that were created with the corresponding public key or to create signatures. In other words, a public key locks up data from unauthorized use, while a private key is used to unlock it.

Do I need public and private key? ›

Together, these keys help to ensure the security of the exchanged data. A message encrypted with the public key cannot be decrypted without using the corresponding private key.

What is private key used for? ›

A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data. Secret keys should only be shared with the key's generator or parties authorized to decrypt the data.

Can you swap public and private key? ›

No, you generally cannot swap the public and private keys. Your public key consists of a public exponent and a modulus. The modulus should be known to the person doing the encryption.

Can you withdraw from private key wallet? ›

You can: Send to any external address and receive from any external address. Swap to and from your Private Key Wallet. Transfer to and withdraw from your Rewards account.

What is private key in crypto wallet? ›

A private key is a secure code that enables the holder to make cryptocurrency transactions and prove ownership of their holdings. Bitcoin keys specifically feature a 256-bit string displayed as a combination of letters and numbers.

Can you recover wallet with private key? ›

If the private key is ever lost or destroyed, the recovery phrase can regenerate the key, and restore the wallet on ANY device. It is strongly recommended to create physical copies of your private key and/or recovery phrase, and store them both in a secure location.

What is the difference between a public key and a public address? ›

The public address is a hashed version of the public key. Because the public key is made up of an extremely long string of numbers, it is compressed and shortened to form the public address. In effect, the private key generates the public key, which, in turn, generates the public address.

What is a crypto wallet public address? ›

A public address or public key is a cryptographic code that allows a user to receive cryptocurrencies into his or her account. The public key coupled with the private key are significant tools required to ensure the security of your crypto assets.

Is a crypto wallet address a public key? ›

A bitcoin address is not the same as a public key. Bitcoin addresses are derived from a public key using a one-way function.

What is a public and private key pair? ›

The public key is used to encrypt messages and the private key is used to decrypt messages. The reverse is done to create a digital signature. Only the owner of the key pair knows the private key, but everyone can know the public key.

What is my private key? ›

The private key is a separate file that's used in the encryption/decryption of data sent between your server and the connecting clients. A private key is created by you — the certificate owner — when you request your certificate with a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

How do crypto private keys work? ›

A private key is like a password — a string of letters and numbers — that allows you to access and manage your crypto funds.

How many private keys does a wallet have? ›

1 private key per address (otherwise collision).

How do I access my private key wallet? ›

Type the Private Key on the Private Key tab of the Import Ethereum screen. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code(if you have one). Activate the QR code scanner by tapping the icon on the upper right. Put a Name so that you can easily recognize the wallet.

Where are crypto keys stored? ›

Using a hardware wallet – sometimes called “cold storage” – is widely accepted as the most secure method for storing cryptocurrency. It's backed by security experts and keeps your private keys offline – so your crypto is inaccessible to anyone but the holder of specific access codes.

Do public and private keys expire? ›

PGP public keys can be used to encrypt files up to the day they expire. Once the key expires it can no longer be used to encrypt data. A private key will continue to decrypt data that was encrypted by that public key, even after the public key expires.

Can two users have the same public key? ›

A: No, not normally. The users would have to explicitly share the private key. Discussion: Users can share a public and/or private key if they choose to.

Can I have 2 public keys? ›

Yes, it's possible for a single user to accept multiple public SSH keys. The text of the key files all have to be copied into /home/deploy/. ssh/authorized_keys (deploy was the user in the above example).

Can crypto private keys be hacked? ›

Applications (software) and devices can be hacked. Because private keys are stored in application and device wallets, hackers can access them and steal your cryptocurrency.

Can a crypto wallet have multiple private keys? ›

All of the previous schemes have relied on a single private key to control the wallet. This presents an all-or-nothing risk for loss of funds from both theft and negligence. To counter this, a wallet can have several private keys attached of which all or a subset need to sign any transactions.

Where are private keys stored? ›

Private keys and personal certificates are stored in keystores. Public keys and CA certificates are stored in truststores. A truststore is a keystore that by convention contains only trusted keys and certificates.

How many digits is a private key? ›

A private key is a 256-bit number. This means that it is represented in binary in 256 numbers of 0 or 1. In total, this means there are a total of (almost) 2^256 combinations of private keys.

What happens if I lose my private key? ›

Please take note that if a private key is lost, there is no way to either recover it or to regenerate it. However, aside from the private key, there are also other ways you can use to import your wallet address and ultimately recover the tokens in them.

What happens if you lose your crypto wallet key? ›

While hardware wallet providers do their best to help users recover their assets in case they lose their wallets, there's still nothing much they can do about losing a recovery phrase. That is because the private key is designed to be held solely by the user of a noncustodial wallet, Trezor's Andraščík said.

How do I transfer my private key to my new wallet? ›

How to import a Bitcoin private key into the mobile wallet? In the mobile wallet, it is possible to import a Bitcoin private key only. First, navigate to the Bitcoin (BTC) wallet, and tap on the gear icon. Paste a Bitcoin private key or scan a QR code to sweep the BTC from your private key into Exodus.

What is the difference between private and public address? ›

A public IP address identifies you to the wider internet so that all the information you're searching for can find you. A private IP address is used within a private network to connect securely to other devices within that same network.

How identify the address as public or private? ›

You can check an IP address against the ranges for public vs private IP addresses to see if a particular IP address is public or private. All private IP addresses begin with 10, 172, or 192, though some public IP addresses may also begin with 172 and 192.

Can I decrypt the public key with public key? ›

Public key encryption is also called asymmetric encryption, because the same key cannot be used to encrypt and decrypt the message.

What does a public wallet address look like? ›

Wallet addresses are your email addresses—anyone can send you emails if they have your email address. As soon as an email is sent to that address, it is encrypted (using a public key), only allowing the owner of that email address to access it.

How do crypto wallet addresses work? ›

A wallet address is a randomly generated string of characters connected to a blockchain wallet. It's used to receive cryptocurrency transactions to that wallet, and the wallet owner can generate an address at any time.

What is the difference between crypto and private key wallet? ›

The fundamental technical difference between your Private Key Wallet and your Trading Account is that the Private Key Wallet is non-custodial, while the Trading Account is custodial. Your's Private Key Wallet is non-custodial. This means that does not hold those balances for you.

What is a wallet private key? ›

What is a private key? A private key is a secure code that enables the holder to make cryptocurrency transactions and prove ownership of their holdings. Bitcoin keys specifically feature a 256-bit string displayed as a combination of letters and numbers.

What is a public wallet address? ›

A wallet address is a string of letters and numbers from which cryptocurrencies or NFTs can be sent to and from. A wallet address is also known as a Public Key and can be shared with different contacts like an email address.

What is a wallet address? ›

A wallet address is a randomly generated string of characters connected to a blockchain wallet. It's used to receive cryptocurrency transactions to that wallet, and the wallet owner can generate an address at any time.

How do I find my public key for my wallet address? ›

You can retrieve the public key from address with the reference client using the validateaddress RPC call (or in the debug window of Bitcoin-Qt), but that simply fetches it from the wallet, and only works if the address belongs to you. Update: you need to use getaddressinfo now instead of validateaddress .

How do I get my private key on crypto wallet? ›

The bitcoin private key is just a number. You can pick your private keys randomly using just a coin, pencil, and paper: toss a coin 256 times and you have the binary digits of a random private key you can use in a bitcoin wallet. The public key can then be generated from the private key.

What is private key? ›

A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data. Secret keys should only be shared with the key's generator or parties authorized to decrypt the data.

What can people do with your public wallet address? ›

Your crypto addresses are safe to display anywhere you would like to accept tips, payments, or donations. It is not possible to steal digital currency with a public address alone.

What is a crypto public wallet? ›

Key Takeaways:

A cryptocurrency wallet is a device or program that stores your cryptocurrency keys and allows you to access your coins. Wallets contain a public key (the wallet address) and your private keys needed to sign cryptocurrency transactions.

What is private key wallet in blockchain? ›

The private key is what grants a cryptocurrency user ownership of the funds on a given address. The Blockchain wallet automatically generates and stores private keys for you.

How many public keys does a private key have? ›

In public key cryptography, every public key matches to only one private key. Together, they are used to encrypt and decrypt messages. If you encode a message using a person's public key, they can only decode it using their matching private key.

How do you get a private key? ›

How do I get it? The Private Key is generated with your Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The CSR is submitted to the Certificate Authority right after you activate your Certificate. The Private Key must be kept safe and secret on your server or device because later you'll need it for Certificate installation.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.