The Legality of Forex Signals: A Comprehensive Analysis (2024)

The Legality of Forex Signals: A Comprehensive Analysis (1)

The Legality of Forex Signals: A Comprehensive Analysis

Is giving forex signals illegal?There’s nothing illegal about selling forex signals or giving them for free. As long as you aren’t handling your clients’ money and investing it at your discretion, you’re not responsible for your subscribers’ investments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The direct involvement of providers – i.e. the performers of manual operations or the executors of automated strategies – in the overall investment process followed by a retail client, as well as their market monitoring and support activity, are elements closely connected with the fulfillment of the portfolio management theory that the doctrine mainly seeks to protect the clients. These activities do not exclude the learning dimension at the origin of the investment decision, but the role providers play in the overall investment process seems to extend beyond the specific function of providing information that can guide the clients in their investment decisions. In addition, they generally structure and operate the overall investment process (helping investors to reach decisions and assisting with how to execute the decisions as a ‘service’ could also indicate the performance of an investment service). Consequently, the transformation of an investment service into an information service will often be artificial.

The Legality of Forex Signals: A Comprehensive Analysis (2)With the increasing popularity of retail trading, there are a significant number of traders who often rely solely on trading signals to generate profits, without performing their own analysis. As a result, the signal services market is growing rapidly, especially in the over-the-counter foreign exchange (‘Forex’) market. The increasing number of retail investors even resulted in stricter regulation for the provision of portfolio management services, with the European Securities Markets Authority (‘ESMA’) setting new conditions for managing the portfolios of retail clients. The new conditions mainly impose the promotion of consultancy and dissemination of information upon the solicitation of execution of orders. However, ESMA’s recent measures introduce rather large and persistent restrictions on the leverage of retail trading positions. These limitations have negative effects on the overall performance of retail traders – by shrinking their ability to record profits – and on the liquidity of the OTC FX market – as the trading interest of professionals no longer counters the depletion of trading manifest in the buy-and-hold strategy of retail clients.

1.1. Definition and Functionality

Defining forex signals in more exact terms, which will offer certain clarity in the market: a forex signal is a suggestion for entering a trade which is derived from a financial instrument, be it spot or futures. The purchase or sale of the aforementioned instrument is performed by the forex signal strategy generator with the intention to profit from changes in the distribution known as family assets. Signals issue as a result of analysis generated by the programmatic trading strategy. The trading signals use data from various sources to generate signals. As a result, they use data from past price, volume, and data lines which are open to the public (predominantly available online and accessible). The process to determine forex signals is generated by the utilization of optimization and statistical techniques such as transforming a hypothesis test, estimation of profit, and use of common trading rules (identification of walison model, return predictability test, expert estimation with signal screen).

An interesting feature of today’s modern forex market is the service offered online for generating forex signals. The service, which is offered by a range of third-party businesses, is utilized by less experienced investors when they want to seek variations in investment instruments that they would not be aware of or even cannot consider outside these service providers. More experienced investors use it to perceive aspects such as market sentiment to help them finalize trading decisions. The task is usually undertaken free of charge or with a reasonable subscription fee. This service has a long history of usage in the commodity trading sector, especially in forex markets and stock exchanges. Just as more modern commodities come in line to be listed into the forex market, the number of providers who offer services related to trading signals in the forex market has grown depending on the models of the investors who have used these services.

Forex signals have been questioned and scrutinized since their first appearance for many reasons such as the lack of sustainability, the lack of liability, and mainly because of their illegal nature. Surprisingly enough, the author of this paper will analyze the international regulatory framework which deals with financial markets in relation to forex signals. Moreover, the author aims to draw tailored conclusions on the operation of forex signals. The author is ambitious enough to recognize that such analysis is a vast and complex balancing game in which many factors, circ*mstances, and interests must be equally weighed. But never before have international regulations been used to prove legality signs of forex signals or with accuracy to decipher illegal ones. This should be understood as the utmost significant contribution of this research work and a must-read for brokers, ICT companies, signal providers but most importantly for the investors of forex signals.

A look into who is authorized to create, use, and advertise forex signals, how they are regulated, and who monitors their compliance with international laws. In this analysis, the author focuses exclusively on forex signals by applying to them terms and conditions equal to what is respectively required by regulations to companies that offer trade signals for retail clients. The comprehensive analysis makes it a foundation research for many future studies that will consider forex signals an actualized financial service for a wider range of clients. A look into forex signals’ illegality from a whole new perspective and by offering tailor-made solutions in the quest toward their legitimization. Although there is no universal legal text that classifies, legalizes, or proves illegal the operation of forex signals, there are many international legal texts which carry the same purpose but apply to the company that offers them.

2.1. Securities Laws and Regulations

The IAA was enacted in response to the calamity caused by Wall Street in the run-up to the 1929 market crash. At the core of the 1929 crash were scenarios where investment advice by “investment trusts” (an ancestor to mutual funds) was grossly unsophisticated, based on misleading statements about the value, prospects, and risks associated with the securities these trusts recommended. True to the public spirits following huge financial dislocations, Congress and the President created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and through it the IAA, in order to regulate at least some segments in the securities industry, particularly those which were part of fiduciary relationships between investment advisers and investment companies. This is where forex signals raise some intriguing questions of legal interpretation and policy. Assume, for example, a forex strategy where historical analysis of forex price data was done to identify profitable patterns on which the forex signals were based?

This article strives to provide a comprehensive treatment of the legality of trading in forex signals, setting forth potential legal challenges associated with the practice and a framework within which to analyze them. As most businesses, forex signal sellers arguably may, in their conduct, face antifraud concerns under federal and state law. However, it is far less clear whether these businesses qualify as “investment advisers” and are regulated as such. Does this mean that forex signals are “safe” from U.S. securities laws? The answer seems to depend on the investment strategies that forex signals are built to signal quality. These issues can be synthesized within the regulatory framework established under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (IAA), discussed in the next section.

2.2. Compliance Requirements for Signal Providers

Regulators and policymakers have not yet started addressing the signal providers’ problems as they have with brokers, asset managers, or other traditional market participants. Where they have, they have not done so very systematically or globally. This chapter explains the various existing approaches, highlighting the potential difficulties that providers of free or charged signal services may encounter in their cross-border activities, and the trade-offs they face. It encourages the growing industry to think deeply about its compliance obligations and do its best to build a culture of ethical business conduct – even if it is currently working in a legal gray area and may not yet have sufficient interest or resources to achieve 100% compliance. In our view, the signal provider sector represents a promising growth area in the “FinTech versus RegFin” struggle. By addressing regulatory challenges early and proactively, signal providers can ensure the soundness of their business models and better support their trading clients.

Every signal provider needs to comply with various rules in order to be able to provide investment advice legally. Depending on the type of services provided, a signal provider may need to obtain a license, register with the competent authority, become a member of a regulatory association, or meet specific disclosure or qualification requirements. Best practices supported by conduct requirements and general consumer law protection rules also apply to all signal providers. The choice of the most suitable approach depends primarily on the jurisdiction and the services offered, but also on the commercial aspirations, risk appetite, professionalism, quality of the service, and legal competence and resources. Those looking to act as signal providers are often interested in the best way to lawfully provide trading signals without putting themselves into any form of jeopardy.

Although the European consumer regulations apply to legal entities conducting a trade for their own account, it is quite open whether it applies also to unincorporated bodies such as self-employed persons trading in his/her own name or a natural person who, in transactions of this sort, is nonetheless not acting on behalf of his/her or another party other than the supplier. E-Commerce Directive 2000 allows EU countries not to lay down a general requirement for providers to ascertain the laws applicable to activities carried out on their information society services, which would oblige EUR/USD signal providers including Forex signal services under the consumer legislation and regulation. The author’s general vision of the EU legal landscape and the specificities of Forex signal services leads to a scenario that providers of EUR/USD signals aren’t required to ascertain the laws applicable to activities carried out, treating Forex signal services as something ethereal, outside the scope of consumer regulation and unpredictable legal purview.

The growing role of emerging technology brings legal challenges to the surface every now and then. This is also the case of Forex signals. However, the regulation of Forex signals substantially varies across different legal traditions. While jurisdictions generally lean in favor of consumer protection, the former concept (consumer’s protection) does not necessarily cover the provision of Forex signals by a trader for consideration, excluding the possibility of re-establishment or making provisions to the right to remuneration where the person is a consumer. This has not necessarily been the case in the Slovak legal order, leaving such provision in legal limbo. In other words, no provision in place makes it hard for the legal doctrine to provide a meaningful and robust answer to the question whether such Forex signal service would be consumer-oriented or strictly entrepreneurial while also usage of Forex signals would be a consumer practice or entrepreneurship only.

3.1. Misleading or Fraudulent Signals

The Foreign Exchange Market is the largest and most liquid in existence. Its daily turnover is nearly 1.5 trillion dollars, equal to stock trading. To succeed in the foreign exchange market, you need to acquire extensive forex skills, a deep understanding of the trading systems, trading signals, and be familiar with the market overall. However, the main part of people possess no knowledge about the foreign exchange market and are persuaded by advertisem*nts to learn how to master trade and become rich in a few days, even though they know nothing about forex. It is easier if another organism or individual trades on their behalf.

Uses of fraudulent statements by way of signal provision render signal service provision illegal and may result in various forms of civil and criminal liability. Signal service providers often attempt to gain a customer base through making a significant and sudden high yield gain followed by a high-risk trade. Signal service providers may also make broad and general losing advice to many other clients. In this way, signal service providers may gain customers through an illusory gain. The various agencies may identify such service provision as potential direct fraud.

3.2. Insider Trading Concerns

What is different in this context, however, is that the harm to the forex market is not the usual adverse consequence describable as the widening of the bid-ask spread, distortion of prices, or alleviation of the risk associated with forex market activity. The detrimental consequence arises from the fact that unfairness is perceived to be taking place. Unlike the common form of insider trading, which involves trading with the inside information, forex signals describe devices used to transact at the market. Its use is for many not only considered unfair but in some instances as front-running activities. The provision and use of forex signals instead are fleeting to the market as a whole – it permits only one-off transactions relative to the statement of an ongoing process. Forex signals related to high-frequency trades are consequently portrayed as harmful. Unfairness in the context of forex signals is the key concept. Unfortunately, though, the harm that insider trading marks is far greater than the activity of the unfair benefit garnered by an individual or specific group and the ensuing harm to the vicarious forex market. Abolishment of the known stance of hurt or importantly – the reason that drives the illegal proceedings of labeling harmful trades as unfair – will only result in a form of self-regulation. The concept of unfair establishes a moral viewpoint.

Insider trading remains a subject of concern within the securities markets, and its continued recognition as an offense is important and meaningful. Forex traders can quickly trade and profit from non-public information to the detriment of the market and the offending trader’s fellow and rival market participants. Why might forex signals to one’s user base qualify as insider trading? The analysis is quite simple. Forex signals are non-public information of a material nature. Provided that the entity or subscriber obtaining the signal owes the provider a fiduciary relationship, the exchange of the material, non-public signal and the execution of the trade on that signal breaches a duty for personal benefit. If the argument is to be pushed further, the entity providing the signal may be considered to be flashing a code to those with whom a fiduciary relationship is established.

Forex signals using social media have a unique structure, meaning traditional precedents do not exist. Traditional forex brokers, however, publish and provide information to their clients in order to help them trade better. Many broker analyses actually fall into the definition of forex signals given in the previous section, as they give explicit advice on whether to trade and at what price. Indeed, some broker information goes further by giving stop loss levels along with take profit prices, the same way a forex signal provider would. Although the client agreement includes a general risk warning, it is not explicit about the nature and functions of forex signals, and certainly does not warn clients about this use of specific information. The advantage of forex signal providers here, however, is that broker activities are indeed governed by financial regulation, and must follow strict compliance guidelines.

So far, we have established that the content of forex signals is transmitted purely over social media and is neither specifically regulated nor desired to be regulated by any financial jurisdiction in the world. Whether providers of this information are regulated themselves, however, can still have a significant bearing. Nonetheless, any regulations that affect the publishing of this information must be examined on a case-by-case basis. For clarity, we will divide publishing and providing of forex signals according to their primary forms of media, which to date include dedicated platforms and various forms of media channels.

4.1. Notable Legal Cases Involving Forex Signals

In Federal Trade Commission v Forex Signals LLC, the Defendant advertised its signals via Facebook, news services, and search engines. The Defendant was an alias of the owner of Forex Trading LLC and Official Michael Freeman. The case alleged that the Defendant defrauded and deceived thousands of consumers with their forex services and who, after subscribing to forex signals, traded in the foreign exchange market and squandered their money. The court imposed a judgment requiring the Defendant to pay nearly US$1 million in restitution, including the value of digital currencies at the time they were collected.

In Houw v United States of America, the plaintiff operated Expert4x Ltd, which made trading software, while he ran forex seminars and provided forex signals. The United States levied a variety of charges and penalties on the plaintiff, having had no jurisdiction over his acting in Australia.

In Securities and Futures Commission v Mega Tend Ltd, the appellant, which was incorporated in Seychelles, operated technical analysis software and provided buy and sell forex signals. Although none of Mega Tend Ltd’s foreign exchange transactions were completed, its clients lost US$5,210,236. The appellant was ordered to pay back the clients’ forex transactions losses of US$5,210,236 allegedly made due to its breach of the unauthorized promoting activity condition.

There have been numerous legal cases involving forex signals, which have brought a clearer picture on the legality of using and providing such services. Below is a summary of the cases in different jurisdictions:

Regulatory ambitions are tempered by the worry that acting unilaterally may simply lead to foreign exchanges eating global exchanges’ regulatory lunch, meaning that exchanges and firms listed on their platforms can enjoy fewer costs and willingness to navigate or bend to embrace global standards. Protected regulation creates the incentive to avoid connecting to such services that help the companies by generating social undervaluation on the commercial listing platform.

Foreign markets have another dimension in terms of geography. This metaphor raises the basic problem facing any regulatory lever with respect to transactions that are completed abroad. Trying to regulate trading floors is akin to herding cats. Where trading floors are also performance-based, new difficulties arise in aligning employee incentives within a regulated framework.

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It is clear that this public policy perspective has a potential role to play in the creation of a legal framework regarding forex signaling. However, the scope for regulation is limited due to the global and decentralized nature of the forex market, and the law in this regard is practically hopelessly behind economics.

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The getaway of the forex migrations from the clutter of the regulations cannot be so easily allowed, as it has the potential to deal with trillions of dollars and a wide range of counterparts, which makes the market sophisticated. The lack of access to this market would deprive the middlemen from serving multinational firms, which creates negative economic effects.

The limelight of this academic endeavor was thrown on the most controversial issue, which has been a pain in the ass for the regulators and the courts worldwide: are forex copies legal or not? The controversy rages over the accuracy in the trading, advertisem*nt, and signaling of forex copies, causing huge losses in economic terms to the person posting the status or giving the signals.

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5.1. Summary of Key Findings

5.1 Summary of Key Findings This section has shown that not all entrepreneurial products are treated ‘the same’. Competing products are not subject to the same regulatory scrutiny. It has shown that Member State regulators differ in their response to a new(ish) nub and that there is little in the way of precedents, principles or memoranda of understandings to regulate it. This variation increases the conditionality of the regulatory environment and questions the world of harmonization and mutual recognition. These findings confirm that the regulation is not ‘one size’ (or one status) fits all. It establishes new benchmarks for the factors that shape regulation and extra-enterprise behavior, revises the myths and miscomprehensions, and enriches our cross-disciplinary understanding of entrepreneurial gaming.

5. How Member States Regulate Forex Signals

5.2. Best Practices for Signal Users and Providers

Any provider should not only provide direct analysis on how the trading platforms operate but also some education for the trader so the user will not only learn the source of profits or losses but also increase their skills. This is not to say that all signal providers are the same… only that an educated trader is likely to be a more attractive customer and have better commercial outcomes. People who try to go in without any information, their common trading error is having no credential expertise of the product or platform they are using, and they experience not realizing their risk, and this is a shared trait resulting from lack of knowledge.

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A key statutory requirement is that the signal provider must be transparent on its website and not hide any vital information. Information should be comprehensive, clear, and fair so the trader can make a knowledgeable decision, and the trader’s experience in using the service is not compromised. Reverse engineering the trade is a valuable source of independent data for the customer to do his/her own signal due diligence. The customer can, at this point, also rerun the signal to evaluate the communication latency and the efficacy of the signal.

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In Cyprus, where the R. Capital (2008) complaints occurred, the relevant body is CySEC and the broker, or signal provider, must have a license from CySEC. If the broker is not registered with the appropriate national body or has not got a license, then this point should be a concern. This is because by law, there is no protection for the trader as the broker has not had to abide by the guidelines by the regulator in the jurisdiction of Cyprus. Even if the trader has a successful arbitrate with the broker in the trader’s home country, the broker will not receive any penalty.

In the light of these governance and business model requirements, a trading signals provider should follow certain ‘best practices’ when conducting its trading signal service. Firstly, any provider should have the relevant legal requirements to conduct its trading activity. With the onset of the MiFID in the European Union, signal providers are now viewed as an investment service that must comply with the relevant MiFID parts that govern this sector.


Tags: forex, forex signals, fxpremiere

The Legality of Forex Signals: A Comprehensive Analysis (2024)
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