The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (2024)

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1.The Pros and Cons of Rebate Programs[Original Blog]

1. Rebate programs have become a popular marketing strategy for businesses across various industries. By offering customers the opportunity to receive a partial refund on their purchases, these programs aim to attract new customers, increase sales, and enhance customer loyalty. However, like any marketing tactic, rebate programs have their own set of pros and cons that both businesses and consumers should consider before diving in.

2. One of the major advantages of rebate programs is the potential for cost savings. For customers, rebates can provide an opportunity to purchase products at a lower price than their original cost. This can be particularly appealing for big-ticket items such as appliances, electronics, or even vehicles. For example, a consumer purchasing a high-end smartphone with a $100 rebate would effectively pay $100 less for the device, saving them money in the process.

3. Rebate programs also serve as an effective tool for businesses to increase sales. By offering a rebate, companies can incentivize customers to make a purchase they might have otherwise hesitated on. This is especially true when the rebate is time-limited or tied to a specific promotion. For instance, a clothing retailer offering a $20 rebate on all purchases made during a weekend sale may see a significant boost in sales as customers rush to take advantage of the limited-time offer.

4. Another advantage of rebate programs is the potential for customer loyalty. When customers receive a rebate, they often feel rewarded for their purchase, which can enhance their overall satisfaction with the brand. This positive experience may lead to repeat purchases and referrals, ultimately generating long-term customer loyalty. A study conducted by LoyaltyOne found that customers who received a rebate were 50% more likely to remain loyal to a brand compared to those who did not receive a rebate.

5. Despite the benefits, rebate programs also come with their fair share of drawbacks. One of the main concerns for customers is the complexity and hassle associated with redeeming rebates. Some rebate programs require customers to jump through numerous hoops, such as filling out extensive paperwork, providing proof of purchase, and mailing documents within a specified timeframe. This process can be time-consuming and frustrating, leading some customers to abandon their rebate altogether.

6. Another drawback of rebate programs is the potential for delay or denial of the rebate itself. Customers may encounter issues such as lost paperwork, missing information, or even rejection due to technicalities. This can be a major source of frustration and disappointment, tarnishing the overall experience and perception of the brand. Businesses need to ensure that their rebate processes are streamlined, efficient, and transparent to avoid negative customer experiences.

7. Lastly, rebate programs can sometimes create a sense of false pricing or inflated prices. In some cases, businesses may increase the initial price of a product and then offer a rebate to make it appear as though customers are getting a better deal. This practice, known as "price anchoring," can be misleading and may lead customers to make purchasing decisions based on false perceptions. It's important for consumers to carefully evaluate the true value of a product, taking into account both the initial price and the rebate offered.

Rebate programs have their own set of pros and cons that businesses and consumers should carefully consider. While they can provide cost savings, boost sales, and enhance customer loyalty, the complexity and potential for delays or denials can be off-putting for customers. It's crucial for businesses to design rebate programs that are customer-friendly and transparent, ensuring

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (1)

The Pros and Cons of Rebate Programs - Rebate: Cracking the Code of Advertised Rebate Prices

2.The Pros and Cons of Each Option[Original Blog]

When it comes to rolling over your 401(k) plan, you have several options to choose from. Each option comes with its own set of pros and cons. It is essential to weigh these options carefully before making a decision. The right choice for you will depend on your unique financial situation, goals, and preferences. In this section, we will provide insights into the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision.

1. Keep Your 401(k) Plan With Your Former Employer: This option is ideal for individuals who are satisfied with their current 401(k) plan or who are not yet ready to make a decision. The advantage of this option is that you can continue to benefit from the same plan's investment options, fees, and features. However, you won't be able to make any further contributions to the account, and you may be subject to additional fees.

2. Rollover Your 401(k) Into Your New Employer's Plan: If your new employer offers a 401(k) plan, you may be able to roll over your old 401(k) into the new plan. The advantage of this option is that you can consolidate your retirement savings into one account, making it easier to manage. Additionally, you may be able to take advantage of better investment options and lower fees. However, your new employer's plan may not offer the same investment options as your old plan, and you may be subject to additional fees.

3. Rollover Your 401(k) Into an IRA: Rolling over your 401(k) into an IRA can provide you with greater control over your retirement savings. You can choose from a wide range of investment options and may be able to take advantage of lower fees. Additionally, you can continue to make contributions to the account. However, you will be responsible for managing the account, and there may be additional fees associated with maintaining an IRA.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to rolling over your 401(k) plan. Each option has its own set of pros and cons that you should consider carefully. Take the time to review your options, consult with a financial advisor if necessary, and choose the option that best meets your needs and goals.

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (2)

The Pros and Cons of Each Option - 1 408 k: Rollover Options: What to Do When Changing Jobs

3.The Pros and Cons of Each Option[Original Blog]

There are many options available to entrepreneurs when it comes to raising capital for their startup. Each option has its own set of pros and cons that should be considered before making a decision. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular options:

Bootstrapping: bootstrapping is when a business funds itself without external help. This can be done through personal savings, credit cards, or loans from friends and family. The main advantage of bootstrapping is that it doesn't require giving up equity in the company. The downside is that it can be difficult to grow a business without external funding.

Angel investors: An angel investor is an individual who provides capital for a business in exchange for equity. Angel investors are often more flexible than venture capitalists when it comes to terms and conditions. The downside is that they may not have as much money to invest as venture capitalists.

Venture capitalists: A venture capitalist is an individual or firm that invests in high-risk, high-reward businesses. Venture capitalists typically invest larger sums of money than angel investors and often have more stringent terms and conditions. The downside is that venture capitalists usually want a significant amount of equity in the companies they invest in.

Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is when a business raises money from a large number of people, typically through an online platform. Crowdfunding can be a great way to raise capital without giving up equity in the company. The downside is that it can be difficult to reach your fundraising goal if you don't have a large network of potential investors.

government grants: Government grants are typically available to businesses that are working on innovative projects with high potential for success. The downside is that government grants can be very competitive and the application process can be lengthy.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so its important to choose the one that's right for your business. Consider your goals, your budget, and your timeline when making your decision.

4.The Pros and Cons of Each Option[Original Blog]

If you want, I can give you some tips on how to write a good blog post about selling your land for emergency. Here are some suggestions:

- Start with a catchy title that summarizes the main idea of your blog post and attracts the reader's attention. For example, "How to sell Your Land fast and Smart in a Crisis".

- Write a short introduction that explains the purpose and scope of your blog post. You can also include a hook or a question that engages the reader and makes them curious to read more. For example, "Selling your land can be a tough decision, especially in a crisis. You may need money urgently, but you don't want to lose your valuable asset or regret your choice later. How can you sell your land quickly and efficiently without compromising your interests? In this blog post, we will explore the different options and consequences of selling your land in a crisis and help you make the best decision for your situation."

- Divide your blog post into sections with clear headings that indicate the topic and structure of each section. For example, "The Pros and Cons of Each Option", "How to Choose the Right Option for You", "How to Negotiate the Best Deal", etc.

- In each section, provide relevant and accurate information that supports your main idea and answers the reader's questions. You can use bullet points, numbered lists, tables, charts, or other visual elements to organize and present your information in a clear and concise way. For example, in the section "The Pros and Cons of Each Option", you can list the advantages and disadvantages of each option, such as selling to a developer, selling to a neighbor, selling to a land buyer, etc. You can also use examples or case studies to illustrate your points and show the real-life implications of each option.

- End your blog post with a strong conclusion that summarizes the main points and provides a clear call to action for the reader. You can also invite the reader to share their feedback, comments, or questions. For example, "Selling your land in a crisis can be a challenging and stressful process, but it doesn't have to be. By knowing your options and their consequences, you can make an informed and smart decision that suits your needs and goals. Whether you choose to sell to a developer, a neighbor, a land buyer, or another option, make sure you do your research, compare your offers, and negotiate the best deal possible. If you need any help or advice, feel free to contact us at [your contact information]. We are here to assist you with your land selling needs. Thank you for reading and happy selling!

I think 'Settlers of Catan' is such a well-designed board game - it's the board game of entrepreneurship - that I made a knockoff called 'Startups of Silicon Valley.' It's literally - it's the same rules but just a different skin set to it.

5.The Pros and Cons of Each Option[Original Blog]

There are many ways to get free startup capital, but not all of them are created equal. Some methods may be more effective than others, depending on your business model and goals. Here we will explore the pros and cons of each option to help you decide which is best for you.

1. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise money for your business without giving up equity or taking on debt. You can launch a crowdfunding campaign on a platform like Kickstarter or Indiegogo to solicit donations from friends, family, and strangers.


You can raise a lot of money quickly

Its a great way to build buzz for your business

You don't have to give up equity or take on debt


You may not reach your funding goal

donations are not always tax-deductible

You may have to give away rewards or perks to donors

2. small Business grants

Small business grants are another great way to get free startup capital. These grants are typically awarded by government agencies or private foundations to businesses that meet certain criteria.


You don't have to give up equity or take on debt

The money doesn't have to be repaid

You may be able to get tax breaks for the grant money you receive


The application process can be time-consuming and competitive

There are often strict requirements that must be met in order to qualify

The grant money may need to be used for specific purposes

3. Angel investors

Angel investors are individuals who invest their own money in startup companies. They typically provide seed money in exchange for equity in the company.


You can raise a lot of money quickly

Angel investors often have valuable connections and resources that they can offer to help your business succeed


You will have to give up equity in your company

Angel investors will want a say in how you run your business

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (3)

The Pros and Cons of Each Option - The Best Ways to Get Free Startup Capital

6.The Pros and Cons of Each Option[Original Blog]

As a startup entrepreneur, you will likely need to access capital at some point to help fund your business. There are a variety of options available to you, each with its own set of pros and cons.

equity financing is one option. This is where you sell a portion of your company to investors in exchange for funding. The main advantage of this option is that you don't have to repay the money. The downside is that you will give up a portion of ownership and control of your company.

Another option is debt financing. This is where you borrow money from lenders and agree to repay it with interest. The advantage of this option is that you retain full ownership and control of your company. The downside is that you will have to make regular payments on the loan and pay interest.

A third option is crowdfunding. This is where you raise money from a large number of people, typically through an online platform. The advantage of this option is that it can be easier to raise smaller amounts of money from many people than it is to raise larger amounts from fewer people. The downside is that you may have to give up a portion of ownership or control of your company in order to offer equity to investors.

Ultimately, the best option for you will depend on your specific situation and needs. Consider all of your options and speak with financial advisors to determine which is best for you.

7.The Pros and Cons of COFI and Rate Caps[Original Blog]

When it comes to mortgage loans, borrowers often have to choose between different interest rate options. Two of the most popular options are COFI (Cost Of Funds Index) and Rate Caps. Each of these options has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and borrowers should carefully consider which option is best for their specific financial situation.

On the one hand, COFI offers a variable interest rate that is tied to the lender's cost of funds. This means that if the lender's cost of funds increases, the borrower's interest rate will also increase. However, if the lender's cost of funds decreases, the borrower's interest rate will also decrease. This can be advantageous for borrowers who want to take advantage of lower interest rates when they are available. On the other hand, Rate Caps offer a more stable interest rate that is protected from sudden increases. This means that if interest rates rise, the borrower's interest rate will not increase beyond a certain point.

Here are some pros and cons of COFI and Rate Caps:

1. COFI Pros:

- Variable interest rate means that borrowers can take advantage of lower interest rates when they are available

- Lower initial interest rates can make it easier for borrowers to qualify for a mortgage loan

COFI Cons:

- Interest rates can increase suddenly, making it difficult for borrowers to budget for their monthly mortgage payments

- Borrowers may end up paying more interest over time if interest rates rise significantly

2. Rate Caps Pros:

- Interest rates are protected from sudden increases, making it easier for borrowers to budget for their monthly mortgage payments

- Borrowers can benefit from the stability of a fixed interest rate, even if rates rise

Rate Caps Cons:

- Borrowers may end up paying more interest over time if interest rates remain low

- Borrowers may have to pay a higher initial interest rate to get the protection of a rate cap

Overall, the decision to choose COFI or Rate Caps will depend on a borrower's specific financial situation and tolerance for risk. Borrowers should carefully consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision. For example, if a borrower is planning to stay in their home for a long time and is concerned about interest rate fluctuations, a rate cap may be the better option. However, if a borrower is planning to sell their home in the near future, COFI may be the better choice.

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (4)

The Pros and Cons of COFI and Rate Caps - 1 COFI and Rate Caps: Protecting Borrowers from Excessive Increases

8.Pros and Cons of 12b-1 Fees[Original Blog]

12b-1 fees have long been a topic of debate in the investment world. These fees, named after the section of the Investment Company Act of 1940 that authorizes them, are charged by mutual funds to cover distribution and marketing expenses. While proponents argue that these fees help investors access professional advice and services, critics contend that they can erode returns and create conflicts of interest. In this section, we will explore the pros and cons of 12b-1 fees from different perspectives, shedding light on the various considerations investors should keep in mind.

1. Pro: Access to Professional Advice and Services

One of the main arguments in favor of 12b-1 fees is that they enable investors to access professional advice and services without having to pay upfront fees. These fees can be used to compensate financial advisors who provide guidance and support to investors. For example, an investor who may not have the means to pay for a financial advisor's services directly can benefit from 12b-1 fees indirectly through their mutual fund investment.

2. Con: Erosion of Returns

Critics argue that 12b-1 fees can eat into investment returns over time. These fees are typically deducted annually as a percentage of a fund's assets under management, which means that as the fund grows, so do the fees. Over the long term, even seemingly small percentages can significantly impact an investor's overall returns. For instance, consider a mutual fund with an expense ratio of 1% and a 12b-1 fee of 0.25%. If the fund generates an average annual return of 7%, the investor's net return would be reduced to 6.75% due to these fees.

3. Pro: Enhanced Investor Services

Supporters argue that 12b-1 fees allow mutual funds to provide enhanced services to their investors. These services may include educational materials, online tools, customer support, and access to research reports. By using 12b-1 fees to fund these services, mutual funds can offer a more comprehensive investment experience to their shareholders.

4. Con: potential Conflicts of interest

Critics raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest arising from 12b-1 fees. Since these fees are often used to compensate financial advisors or brokers who recommend specific mutual funds, there is a risk that the advice given may be influenced by the desire to earn higher fees rather than solely serving the investor's best interests. This conflict of interest can undermine the object

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (5)

Pros and Cons of 12b 1 Fees - 12b 1 fees: Exploring Acquired Fund Expenses and Beyond

9.A brief overview of the different types of 3D printing methods and materials and their pros and cons[Original Blog]

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of creating three-dimensional objects from digital models by depositing successive layers of material. 3D printing has revolutionized various industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, education, and art, by enabling rapid prototyping, customization, and innovation. However, not all 3D printing technologies are the same. There are different types of 3D printing methods and materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we will provide a brief overview of the main 3D printing technologies and their pros and cons.

Some of the most common 3D printing technologies are:

1. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): This is the most widely used and affordable 3D printing technology. It works by extruding a thermoplastic filament through a heated nozzle and depositing it layer by layer on a build platform. FDM can print with various materials, such as ABS, PLA, PETG, and TPU, which have different properties and applications. FDM is suitable for printing functional parts, prototypes, and low-cost models. However, FDM has some limitations, such as low resolution, poor surface finish, warping, and support structures.

2. Stereolithography (SLA): This is one of the oldest and most accurate 3D printing technologies. It works by using a laser beam to selectively cure a liquid resin into solid layers. SLA can print with high-resolution, smooth surface finish, and complex geometries. SLA is ideal for printing detailed models, jewelry, dental applications, and molds. However, SLA has some drawbacks, such as high cost, limited material choice, post-processing, and toxicity of the resin.

3. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS): This is a powder-based 3D printing technology that uses a laser beam to fuse powdered material into solid layers. SLS can print with various materials, such as nylon, polyamide, and metal, which have high strength, durability, and flexibility. SLS is suitable for printing functional parts, industrial applications, and aerospace components. However, SLS has some challenges, such as high cost, high temperature, and powder handling.

4. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS): This is a variation of SLS that uses a laser beam to fuse metal powder into solid layers. DMLS can print with various metals, such as steel, titanium, aluminum, and copper, which have high strength, conductivity, and corrosion resistance. DMLS is used for printing metal parts, medical implants, and automotive components. However, DMLS has some limitations, such as high cost, high temperature, and post-processing.

5. PolyJet: This is a 3D printing technology that uses a jetting system to deposit droplets of liquid photopolymer onto a build platform and cure them with UV light. PolyJet can print with high-resolution, smooth surface finish, and multiple colors and materials. PolyJet is ideal for printing realistic models, prototypes, and medical applications. However, PolyJet has some disadvantages, such as high cost, limited material choice, and support structures.

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (6)

A brief overview of the different types of 3D printing methods and materials and their pros and cons - 3D printing entrepreneurship: How to use 3D printing to create and customize physical objects

10.Pros and Cons[Original Blog]

3D printing is a process of creating three-dimensional objects from digital models by depositing layers of material on top of each other. There are different types of 3D printing technologies and materials that have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on the application, cost, quality, and environmental impact. In this section, we will explore some of the most common and popular types of 3D printing technologies and materials, and compare their pros and cons.

Some of the types of 3D printing technologies and materials are:

1. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): This is the most widely used and affordable type of 3D printing technology. It works by extruding a thermoplastic filament through a heated nozzle and depositing it layer by layer on a build platform. The filament can be made of various materials such as ABS, PLA, PETG, nylon, etc. The pros of FDM are that it is easy to use, low-cost, and compatible with a wide range of materials and colors. The cons of FDM are that it has low resolution, poor surface finish, and may produce warping, cracking, or stringing issues due to temperature changes.

2. Stereolithography (SLA): This is one of the oldest and most accurate types of 3D printing technology. It works by using a laser beam to selectively cure a liquid resin into solid layers on a build platform. The resin can be made of various materials such as acrylic, epoxy, ceramic, etc. The pros of SLA are that it has high resolution, smooth surface finish, and can produce complex and intricate shapes. The cons of SLA are that it is expensive, requires post-processing, and may produce toxic fumes and waste due to the resin.

3. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS): This is a type of 3D printing technology that uses a laser beam to fuse powdered material into solid layers on a build platform. The powdered material can be made of various materials such as nylon, polyamide, metal, etc. The pros of SLS are that it has high strength, durability, and flexibility, and can produce functional parts without the need for supports. The cons of SLS are that it is costly, requires high temperature and power, and may produce rough surface finish and porosity issues.

4. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS): This is a type of 3D printing technology that uses a laser beam to fuse metal powder into solid layers on a build platform. The metal powder can be made of various materials such as stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, etc. The pros of DMLS are that it can produce metal parts with high strength, density, and resistance, and can create complex geometries and internal features. The cons of DMLS are that it is very expensive, requires high temperature and power, and may produce stress, distortion, or cracking issues due to thermal expansion and contraction.

5. PolyJet: This is a type of 3D printing technology that uses a jetting system to deposit droplets of liquid photopolymer on a build platform and cure them with UV light. The photopolymer can be made of various materials such as rubber, acrylic, ceramic, etc. The pros of PolyJet are that it has very high resolution, smooth surface finish, and can produce multi-material and multi-color parts. The cons of PolyJet are that it is costly, requires post-processing, and may produce brittle and UV-sensitive parts.

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (7)

Pros and Cons - 3D printing: How to Print and Customize Your 3D Objects

The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital (2024)


The Pros And Cons Of Rebate Programs - FasterCapital? ›

Cons of Consumer Rebates

Delayed Savings: Unlike instant rebates, consumer rebates require customers to wait for the rebate to be processed and received. Lower Impulse Purchases: Consumer rebates may not be as effective for impulse purchases, as the post-purchase redemption process may deter quick decisions.

What is a disadvantage of a rebate? ›

Cons of Consumer Rebates

Delayed Savings: Unlike instant rebates, consumer rebates require customers to wait for the rebate to be processed and received. Lower Impulse Purchases: Consumer rebates may not be as effective for impulse purchases, as the post-purchase redemption process may deter quick decisions.

What are the advantages of rebates? ›

Rebates can help build customer loyalty by offering a financial incentive for repeat purchases. Rebates may also serve as a way to offer discounted prices across certain items, without actually lowering the price.

Are rebates good or bad? ›

They're way better for profit margins. In our example above, the rebate program costs 33% less. Savings will vary depending on the expected claim rate, but in general, a rebate is more cost effective than a discount even at a claim rate of 90%.

Are rebate programs ethical? ›

Rebates do not currently violate the law, nor is any special company obligation being violated. It can be argued, however, that some rebate offers do violate the general moral obligation of fidelity.

Can a rebate be negative? ›

The calculated rebate amount may be a negative value depending on the calculation method, calculation basis, rebate value, and rebate stackability.

What is one disadvantage to consumers of a rebate offer? ›

The main disadvantage of a rebate offer for consumers is the requirement to wait for a certain period before receiving their money back, which can deter immediate consumption.

Why do companies still do rebates? ›

Pros of Rebates. Increased sales: By incentivizing customers to make purchases with the promise of money back at a later date, companies can boost sales volumes significantly. Customer loyalty: Rebate programs encourage repeat business by rewarding customers for making multiple purchases over time.

What is the objective of a rebate program? ›

Rebates have proven to be effective consumer promotions designed to generate long-term consumer loyalty and brand affiliation that drive product sales while providing savings to price-conscious shoppers.

What is the difference between a refund and a rebate? ›

Refund means you get your full money back, purchasing price of a product. Rebate means you get some discount on whatever you are purchasing. Sometimes rebate word is also used while talking about income tax. It means how much your savings will be exempted from being in taxable income.

Are rebates taxed as income? ›

Both rulings highlight a fundamental principle: rebates that effectively reduce the purchase price of a product or service are not to be treated as taxable income.

Do consumers like rebates? ›

Customers love rebates… or so we're told. What you'll hear is that 75% of people are more likely to make a purchase if they're offered a rebate.

Is a rebate a fee? ›

A rebate is a credit paid to a buyer of a portion of the amount paid for a product or service. In a short sale, a rebate is a fee that the borrower of stock pays to the investor who loaned the stock.

What is a disadvantage of using a rebate? ›

Another drawback of rebate programs is the potential for delay or denial of the rebate itself. Customers may encounter issues such as lost paperwork, missing information, or even rejection due to technicalities.

Are rebates price discrimination? ›

Promotional tools such as rebates and coupons are usually seen as different ways of price discriminating among consumers.

Are rebate apps taxable? ›

Typically, any reward you receive that requires a financial transaction is not taxable as income. Instead, the IRS views these as post-purchase discounts.

How do rebates affect taxes? ›

Both rulings highlight a fundamental principle: rebates that effectively reduce the purchase price of a product or service are not to be treated as taxable income. For taxpayers, this means that such rebates lower the out-of-pocket costs for certain purchases without increasing their tax liabilities.

What is a rebate? ›

A rebate is a financial incentive that manufacturers or service providers offer purchasers, typically used as a marketing strategy to boost sales and customer loyalty. Unlike immediate discounts at the point of sale, rebates are refunded after the purchase has been made.

What is one disadvantage to consumers of a rebate offer brainly? ›

Explanation: One disadvantage to consumers of a rebate offer is that they usually do not receive the full rebate as promised.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.