The Ramen Noodle Grilled Cheese Sandwich - - Food Recipes & Videos (2024)

Alright, so people have made Ramen Burgers and Ramen Tacos, but what about a Ramen Grilled Cheese Sandwich?

All I could find through some Google searches were grilled cheese sandwiches that had ramen noodles inside of them, yet still used bread on the outside. What I had in mind for mine was quite the opposite however, I wanted my ramen noodles to act as the bread, just like they did with the Ramen Burger.

I started off by cooking up a batch of ramen noodles according to the directions on the package. Once they were done I drained out the remaining water, let them cool and then mixed an egg in with them.

I then dumped the noodles onto a cutting board and spread them out until the pile was about a half of an inch thick all the way around. After that I cut two bread-sized square pieces of ramen out of the pile using a knife and placed each one between two pieces of wax paper and put them in my refrigerator.

About 20 minutes later my newly created ramen noodle “bread slices” were holding together quite nicely so I took them out of the refrigerator and threw them into a pan on my stove where I heated them both up for a few minutes each on one side. Then, I flipped one of them over, added a couple slices of cheese, added the second one on top of it and just finished frying them like you would with a regular grilled cheese sandwich.

When my Ramen Grilled Cheese was finished the noodles ended up nice and crispy on the outside, yet still soft and noodle-like on the inside. In a way ramen works almost better than bread in a grilled cheese because when the cheese melts it sort of fills in all the little nooks and crannies between the noodles.

The sandwich actually would have been a lot better had I added a couple more slices of cheese since so much of it just sort of absorbed into the ramen, but either way, it was delicious!

50 Comments on The Ramen Noodle Grilled Cheese Sandwich

  1. Abby

    May 1, 2014 at 2:32 pm (10 years ago)

    Holy Crap! Are you kidding me?

  2. Sharyn

    May 2, 2014 at 3:53 pm (10 years ago)

    I bet that tasted GOOOOOD.

  3. Robert

    May 19, 2014 at 3:47 pm (10 years ago)

    Jus a idea, maybe add butter to the outside of the ramen for a better golden-brown

    • Nick Chipman

      May 19, 2014 at 3:52 pm (10 years ago)

      Good call. I probably could have cooked it a little longer as well, but I was worried about the noodles getting too burnt but yeah, butter would have worked perfectly!

    • Doug Clark

      May 22, 2014 at 1:26 am (10 years ago)

      Butter is fantastic, but give mayo a shot. It adds something magical butter doesn’t to a grilled cheese.

      • Nick Chipman

        May 22, 2014 at 7:24 am (10 years ago)

        I’ll give it a try next time!

      • laura ( gypsy )

        May 22, 2014 at 1:32 pm (10 years ago)

        love the mayo use it all the time

      • Alain Bloomsfield

        June 29, 2014 at 11:35 am (10 years ago)

        Coconut Oil. Withstands high heat and the flavor is unbelievable.

    • cj

      June 29, 2014 at 9:32 pm (10 years ago)

      or just spread a little mayo on.

  4. Charles

    May 20, 2014 at 12:52 pm (10 years ago)

    out of curiosity — what’s your go-to brand of american cheese? I know you’ve got access to some amazing stuff out there (my office HQ is in Madison), but maybe you could fire out the best mass-marketed, non-connoisseur options for us, pls. (I trust I won’t see “cheese food” mentioned anywhere.) And kinda stunned you didn’t drop some bacon in this…

    • Nick Chipman

      May 20, 2014 at 12:59 pm (10 years ago)

      I honestly don’t really have any go-to-brands of cheese. There’s so much amazing cheese here in Wisconsin that when I head to the grocery store to buy some I’m always kind of just trying out different ones.

  5. Dan

    May 20, 2014 at 7:34 pm (10 years ago)

    Breadchease outside, toasted/buttered ramen patty grilled cheese inside! You gotta try it!

    • Nick Chipman

      May 21, 2014 at 7:08 am (10 years ago)

      I like it!

  6. Ryo

    May 21, 2014 at 11:39 pm (10 years ago)

    Did you use the seasoning packs that came with the ramen?

    • Nick Chipman

      May 22, 2014 at 7:22 am (10 years ago)


      • John H. Harris

        March 23, 2017 at 2:10 pm (7 years ago)

        I bet the Chili flavor would be amazing in one of these…

  7. Clint

    May 21, 2014 at 11:43 pm (10 years ago)

    Any way to get a little more direction? Did you add the flavor packet before you drained it? When you say you added an egg, did you just crack an egg into the bowl of drained and cooled noodle and mixed it up a bit before you formed it into a sheet? Thanks!

    • Nick Chipman

      May 22, 2014 at 7:23 am (10 years ago)

      I just added the flavor packet whenever the directions on the package said to. I can’t remember if it was before or after draining. Yeah, I cracked the egg into the bowl of drained noodles and then mixed it up and then formed them into the sheet.

      • Tess

        September 22, 2014 at 8:09 am (10 years ago)

        just found you interesting, I think I will try this for hubby, w/o the flavor pkt, thanks have a great day

  8. Moe

    May 22, 2014 at 1:13 am (10 years ago)

    Curious, why the egg?

    • Nick Chipman

      May 22, 2014 at 7:23 am (10 years ago)

      I figured that it would help the noodles stay together a little better, especially when I formed them into squares and started frying them.

  9. Thurman

    May 22, 2014 at 1:20 am (10 years ago)

    Ok almost perfect, you just need to add bacon ! 🙂

    • Nick Chipman

      May 22, 2014 at 7:23 am (10 years ago)

      Good call!

    • michael

      May 22, 2014 at 2:03 pm (10 years ago)

      and pickles

    • Nick Chipman

      May 22, 2014 at 7:24 am (10 years ago)

      That looks really, really good! I’ll have to try making some!

    • Laurie

      May 22, 2014 at 2:08 pm (10 years ago)

      The picture looks great. Do you have a recipe for this too?

      • Nick Chipman

        May 22, 2014 at 2:09 pm (10 years ago)

        Yeah, it’s right in the blog post.

        • Tom

          May 22, 2014 at 9:31 pm (10 years ago)

          Think Laurie meant the Indomie Pizza

  10. MichaelC

    May 22, 2014 at 7:38 am (10 years ago)

    I’m thinking a layer of jalapenos and maybe a little salsa or chipotle sauce in the middle would give it that extra kick.

  11. Kat

    May 22, 2014 at 1:06 pm (10 years ago)

    ooooh…looks fabulous. My favorite cheese for grilled chz is shredded sharp cheddar mixed with a milder shredded cheese – like american or even swiss. It melts wonderfully – can’t wait to try. Yummmm…

  12. Clyde

    May 22, 2014 at 2:50 pm (10 years ago)

    Where the share button for Google Plus?

  13. johney666

    May 22, 2014 at 7:53 pm (10 years ago)

    this world needs lots more of #DUDEFOOD 😀

  14. mark111

    May 22, 2014 at 9:44 pm (10 years ago)

    Yep, this would work. It is a cooking technique used by the Chinese, which I call cake noodle. Nice adaptation.

  15. Dennis

    May 22, 2014 at 11:59 pm (10 years ago)

    What flavor of ramen did you use?

    • Nick Chipman

      May 23, 2014 at 7:14 am (10 years ago)

      I used the chicken flavored ramen.

  16. ken

    May 23, 2014 at 3:38 pm (10 years ago)

    im gonna give this a try..but curious how it will be as a tuna melt?

    • Nick Chipman

      May 23, 2014 at 5:41 pm (10 years ago)

      Not sure, but if you try it out let me know how it turns out!

  17. Jeff

    May 24, 2014 at 9:23 am (10 years ago)

    Make some videos please!

  18. Sandra Kohn

    May 28, 2014 at 7:46 am (10 years ago)

    I might give this a try and use some mozzarella and a dap of spaghetti sauce; maybe even a small amount of a sliced meatball.

  19. Doug

    May 28, 2014 at 4:26 pm (10 years ago)

    Nice touch. But I’ve been making “soup sandwiches” for years. Learned it in jail(driving).I make them by putting some hot water in the package for 5 min.Drain and the ramen are made like 2 slices of bread. No need to go through all that mixing,forming….It’s that simple. throw some chili,cheese and a sprinkle of TANG on there. Little butter in the pan and cook. awsome..But nothing new.

  20. Milissa

    June 2, 2014 at 2:51 pm (10 years ago)

    Well it was new to me! Sounds fantastic!

  21. Sale

    June 5, 2014 at 6:08 pm (10 years ago)

    Very, very interesting. Enjoyed the difference in textures. Next time I’ll make the noodle layer thicker. Like the ideas of tuna or meatballs.

  22. Margo

    June 29, 2014 at 6:20 pm (10 years ago)

    I plan to try this, instead of putting the noodles on a cutting board, I think I’ll line a sandwich sized Tupperware dish with waxed paper. Then demo 1-2 in and add another piece of waxed paper and the remaining noodles on top. I think that should work.

  23. benamore

    August 15, 2014 at 11:44 am (10 years ago)

    Idea: Alphabet grilled cheese
    26 cheeses in one!
    American cheese, Brie, Cheddar, Dubliner, Emmental, Fontina, Gouda, Havarti, Italian cheese, Jarlsberg, Kashkaval, Limburger, Manchego, Neufchatel, Oaxaca, Parmesan, Queso Blanco, Red Leicester, Smoked cheese, Taleggio, Urda, Vasterbottenost, White Stilton, Xynotyro, Yorkshire Blue, Zamorano

    • Nick Chipman

      August 15, 2014 at 11:46 am (10 years ago)

      I love it! I was planning to make a grilled cheese that has a ton of different Wisconsin cheeses, but I might have to try your idea instead!

  24. Laura

    December 29, 2014 at 12:27 pm (9 years ago)

    Another fun idea is once noodles are done, for a quicker way, drain and add seasoning packet, then place noodles into frying pan with whisked eggs, cook like you would an omelet on both sides, cut in pan to desired size, add cheese, place one half on top, add butter to pan, and walah, not the prettiest, but it’s quick and does t require wax paper or 20 min setting time. I did this all the time in college

  25. Hannah

    May 2, 2015 at 10:36 am (9 years ago)

    Do you need the wax paper?

    • Nick Chipman

      May 2, 2015 at 12:15 pm (9 years ago)

      If you don’t have any I’m sure you could get by without it, but it would definitely make it a lot easier if you had some.

  26. Jeneane

    July 6, 2017 at 1:58 pm (7 years ago)



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The Ramen Noodle Grilled Cheese Sandwich - - Food Recipes & Videos (2024)


Does cheese and ramen go together? ›

There are really no bad choices when it comes to cheese and ramen. Whether you're incorporating a few slices of American cheese, a handful of parmesan, or a cup of mozzarella and corn, it's pretty tough to go wrong when you start blending ramen and delicious cheese.

How to make Mr noodles ramen? ›

Bring 2½ cups of water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add the noodles and cook for 2 minutes. Add the flavor packet, stir, and continue to cook for another 30 seconds.

Is Top ramen junk food? ›

Ramen noodles are not inherently healthy or unhealthy, but they provide limited nutritional value on their own. They contain carbohydrates, fats, protein and some micronutrients like B vitamins and iron. "​​Objectively speaking, instant ramen noodles may not be the most nutritious option out there.

How to make top ramen a full meal? ›

Add a source of protein

A package of ramen doesn't contain much protein, so adding some of your own will help turn your bowl into a satisfying meal. Keep things simple—think canned beans, frozen edamame or cooked shrimp. Leftover cooked chicken or cubed tofu works great, too.

What cheese goes best with ramen? ›

Best Cheese for Ramen
  • Cheddar - smooth, creamy, and salty with a slight tang. ...
  • Mozzarella - not much in terms of flavor but it gives that nice stretchy cheese pull and gives the cheese a bit of a chewiness. ...
  • Cream cheese - add a tablespoon or two for slightly more creaminess.
  • Cotija/Feta - salty with a bit of gooeyness.
Sep 16, 2022

What kind of cheese goes with ramen? ›

Add some cheese: You can add some cheese like parmesan, cheddar, or mozzarella for some added creaminess and flavor. Add some kimchi: If you like spicy and tangy flavors, you can add some kimchi to your instant ramen noodles.

Can you crack an egg into ramen? ›

In a medium bowl, combine the noodles and the seasoning packet with 2 cups of water and microwave on high power until the noodles are cooked, 4 minutes. Stir the noodles and crack the egg on top. Microwave on high power until the egg white is just cooked through but the yolk is still runny in the center, 1 minute.

Is ramen good for you? ›

Though instant ramen noodles provide iron, B vitamins and manganese, they lack fiber, protein and other crucial vitamins and minerals. Additionally, their MSG, TBHQ and high sodium contents may negatively affect health, such as by increasing your risk of heart disease, stomach cancer and metabolic syndrome.

What else can I make with ramen noodles? ›

15 Recipes to Make with Ramen Noodles That Aren't Soup
  • Ramen Slaw. How about a crunchy slaw or not-so-sad-salad that you'll actually look forward to eating? ...
  • Ramen Burgers. Yes ... ...
  • Ramen and Cheese. Mac and cheese, you've been one-upped! ...
  • Ramen Snack Mix. ...
  • Ramen Pizza. ...
  • Ramen Crusted Chicken. ...
  • Ramen Lettuce Wraps. ...
  • Ramen Bars.

Is pizza or ramen healthier? ›

Sugar (via ramen noodles) takes the crown in terms of heart disease risk and other issues. In the same regard, there are many foods that have a ton of sodium in them that are unhealthier than ramen. This includes burritos and pizza, for example. With this in mind, the sodium in ramen soup is the least of my concerns.

Is ramen good when sick? ›

Bone broths and broth-based soups like chicken noodle soup and ramen will keep you hydrated, plus, they're packed with nutrients, relieve congestion, and taste delicious. Staying hydrated with liquids like water and soup is key to getting better quickly.

Is instant noodle junk food? ›

Instant noodles are often criticized as unhealthy or junk food. A single serving of instant noodles is high in carbohydrates, salt, and fat, but low in protein, fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals.

How do I upgrade my instant ramen? ›

Well, Instant ramen is a great way to use up some of those sauces. You can stir sambal, chili garlic sauce, sriracha, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, fish sauce, gochujang, soy suace, or any number of other sauces into your broth for more flavor. Or add them to the finished bowl as a sort of table seasoning.

Does adding cheese to ramen make it better? ›

Simply add a single slice of cheese to the top of your ramen bowl and mix. The cheese should meltdown and add a nice creaminess to your broth with a unique cheesy flavor and a boost of calories for the next day's activities.

How do you eat ramen with cheese? ›

American cheese is one of the easiest foods you can add to your ramen. All you have to do is put a slice of it over the top of your bowl. If you do this when the noodles and broth are still piping hot, the cheese will melt right over your food. If you want, you can even blend the cheese into your broth.

Is cheese on ramen popular? ›

Today, cheesy ramen remains a popular, quick and easy comfort food in Korea and among Korean Americans. For good reason, too—aside from being cheesy and delicious, this simple recipe requires only three ingredients and takes less than 10 minutes to prepare.

Do Japanese people eat ramen with cheese? ›

Cheese is also popular there. Add cheese to make spicy ramen a bit milder. The rich aroma is also appetizing.


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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