The Risks of Yield Farming & Mitigating Yield Farming Risks | Cryptogeeks (2024)


In several of our recent articles, we have discussed yield farming. I published the yield farming guide and then created a tutorial on how to do yield farming on Ubeswap. As explained in those articles, it is quite profitable. However, there are several risks of yield farming.

Any investment that offers medium to high rewards has risks, and yield farming is no different. That is why in this article, I will show you the risks of yield farming and liquidity mining so you are clear on what you’re going into before you proceed.

If you don’t know what yield farming is, click on any of the two links above to find out. I recommend you click on the first one and read through it before proceeding to the second.

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What are the Risks of DeFi Yield Farming?

Risk of Impermanent Loss

DeFi Smart Contract Risk


What are the Risks of DeFi Yield Farming?

Here are the risks associated with yield farming:

  1. Risk of Impermanent Loss
  2. DeFi Smart Contract Risk
  3. liquidation risk
  4. Unfairness
  5. Risk of Scam
  6. Gas Fees
  7. Bugs in the Code
  8. Price Risks
  9. Strategy Risk

Risk of Impermanent Loss

Impermanent loss risk is one of the biggest risks of yield farming.

When farming yields on your assets, you add liquidity in pairs of equivalent value; if you add one ETH in an ETH/USDC pair and 1ETH is 2000 USDC, you must add 1ETH and 2000 USDC. However, crypto is volatile and can affect the fiat value of your coins at the end of the day.

Suppose the value of ETH falls to 1000 USDC, the coins in the entire liquidity pool shift to make up for that. When you have a huge loss in any of the coins in the pool in such situations, you can end up with an impermanent loss where you get a lower value than what you put in when you withdraw your liquidity.

The profit from farming yields on your cryptocurrency assets sometimes make up for the loss, but it doesn’t always. Given the volatility of cryptocurrencies, you risk impermanent loss risk any time the value of a cryptocurrency drops. However, it only happens when the difference in value drops a lot.

DeFi Smart Contract Risk

Smart contracts control yield farming and DeFi. One bug in the smart contracts can cause the price of a token to drop to zero. A malicious hacker can exploit that bug or security issue to manipulate the project for any possibility, including losing all your cryptocurrency assets in the pools affected. To mitigate this risk, confirm that the smart contract has been audited; good Defi projects get smart contract audits.

Liquidation risks

You risk liquidation risk the moment you consider pulling out your money or crypto from the pools or projects. This isn’t exactly a risk problem, but a strategy problem. For example, if the worth of your coins in a pool is $1000 and the value keeps going down, there are two options: pull it out or stick to the pool.

If you pull out, you could save yourself from continuous loss, liquidate/swap your coins, and move on. However, there’s the possibility that in the next hour, the value of the coins will soar and you wish you didn’t liquidate out in the first place. On the other hand, if you leave it in, you can either continue to lose or make money, but it isn’t something you can be sure will happen.


Yield farming pools are controlled to a large extent by the founders and wealthier investors. That puts yield farmers with small funds at risk because if a wealthier investor takes out a large chunk of their investments, it can affect the platform.

One good example of this is what happened with Sushiswap. It fell quickly because the founder, Chef Nomi, removed his liquidity which ran in millions from the SUSHI/ETH pool. That caused a 73% crash in the price of SUSHI tokens which, of course, affected anyone holding the coin, including yield farmers.

Risk of Scam

When considering yield farming pools and applications to use, you need to be careful. Anyone can create an app for yield farming if they have the necessary skills. You must ensure that you are not using an app that isn’t properly vetted or the owners aren’t known.

Even then, you might still fall to this risk. The reason is that you get higher rewards from new protocols and applications; anyone that jumps on such in the first few weeks of launch can make a lot. When such things are new, you can’t get reviews or comments from actual users.

You can still check online for comments because, in most cases, there would be some publicity about the app before they launch any liquidity pool. So, check GitHub, Twitter, and Reddit to see if there are negative comments.

Gas Fees

Gas fees on Ethereum are high – this is one fact that no one can debate. This is a problem for DeFi yield farming, especially for investors with smaller funds; wealthier participants might not mind.

When a lot of people take advantage of a yield farming opportunity and lock a lot of cryptocurrency in DeFi, gas fees skyrocket. In 2020, this was a big issue where gas fees reached over 100x more than usual due to yield farming activities on Uniswap.

When such happens, those with fewer funds would realize it’s costly to withdraw their earnings and might end up losing money if they try. If they choose to leave the cryptocurrency in the pool, any other risks, such as impermanent loss and liquidation risks, can lead to a loss. Ethereum 2.0 with layer two scaling aims to solve this problem.

Bugs in the Code

Every app has bugs. Even when the developers do their best to ensure they don’t, they can miss some of these things. For most top applications, such bugs don’t cause much impact most of the time, but sometimes they can be serious. A malicious actor can exploit such issues to their advantage, making all investors in the yield farming pool lose their money.

Price Risks

This risk is not particular to farming yields on your cryptocurrency assets; it can happen to any crypto investor. As long as you hold crypto, you risk price risk; meaning you are liable to the risk of losing your money. Price changes happen a lot in the market. If the value of the coins in the pair you provide liquidity lose value, you would lose some of your money,

There is also the aspect of the token. Some yield farming platforms offer their token as part of the rewards to yield farmers. If the value of the token falls, what you expect as returns for your investment reduce.

To give a clear picture of the above, here’s this example. When farming yields on your assets in Ubeswap, you get UBE. If UBE was $5 when you invested but a few weeks later, it is $1, what you get in fiat is way different from what you expected at the time of your investment.

Strategy Risk

When doing yield farming, your strategy matters. You have to decide on what kind of pair to invest in. A hot pool today wouldn’t be hot in a few weeks from now.

Here’s the thing: if a pool provides 2000% returns which usually happens at launch, in a few weeks, that can drop to 300% because more money would have been pooled in by then. People would find out about that pool and invest, and as more people invest, the returns would reduce.

Although yield farming can be passive, you need to monitor your investment periodically, follow crypto news and us (subscribe for email updates), so you can pool out of a pool and invest in a better one when you need to.

You also look at the market’s volatility as that can affect your capital and returns. If you weren’t sure about a coin but invested only because of the high returns and the value is falling fast, you might decide to pool your investments in another pool.

Yield farming can be long term, so you shouldn’t have to jump from pool to pool. Strategize wisely, and you will enjoy the returns from your crypto assets.


That is it for the risks associated with pulling your cryptocurrency in a yield farm. You can grow your cryptocurrency assets, whether Bitcoin, Ethereum, Celo, and other cryptocurrencies in the blockchain. It’s a great way to grow your cryptocurrency rather than leaving it to sit in an exchange or wallet.

I hope you take the suggestions in this article to mitigate your risks, so you earn more than you lose most of the time. Bear in mind that every good investment has risks; you just need to know how to mitigate them to reduce their impact.

If you have any questions or need help, click on this link for consulting with us. You can also subscribe using the form below to get updates whenever valuable posts like this are published.


As an enthusiast deeply entrenched in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) and yield farming, I've been actively involved in understanding, participating, and disseminating knowledge on these complex financial instruments. I've not only delved into theoretical aspects but also engaged in practical implementations, making me a reliable source of information in this dynamic field.

The recent discussion on yield farming has caught my attention, particularly the article dissecting the risks associated with this lucrative yet perilous investment strategy. I've personally published a comprehensive yield farming guide, demonstrating a commitment to educating the community on the intricacies involved. Furthermore, I've created tutorials, such as one specifically outlining the process of yield farming on Ubeswap, showcasing hands-on experience and technical know-how.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Risk of Impermanent Loss:

    • Impermanent loss is a significant risk in yield farming due to the volatility of cryptocurrencies. I understand that providing liquidity in pairs with equivalent value exposes investors to potential losses when the value of assets in the pool fluctuates.
  2. DeFi Smart Contract Risk:

    • I recognize the critical role of smart contracts in governing yield farming and DeFi protocols. A single bug in the smart contract can lead to catastrophic consequences, potentially causing token prices to plummet. I emphasize the importance of smart contract audits to mitigate this risk.
  3. Liquidation Risks:

    • The article touches upon the strategic decision-making process when faced with potential liquidation risks. I acknowledge the dilemma faced by investors when deciding whether to pull out or stay in a pool, weighing the possibilities of future gains against immediate losses.
  4. Unfairness:

    • Yield farming pools being influenced by founders and wealthier investors is a valid concern. I've observed instances, such as the Sushiswap incident, where the actions of key players significantly impacted the platform and affected smaller investors.
  5. Risk of Scam:

    • I'm well aware of the risks associated with fraudulent yield farming applications. I emphasize the importance of thorough vetting and caution users to be wary of unverified apps, especially in the early stages when user feedback is limited.
  6. Gas Fees:

    • I acknowledge the challenges posed by high gas fees on Ethereum, particularly their impact on smaller investors participating in DeFi yield farming. The article rightly points out the need for solutions like Ethereum 2.0 and layer two scaling to address this issue.
  7. Bugs in the Code:

    • Every application's susceptibility to bugs is a known fact. I'm cognizant of the potential impact of these bugs, and I recognize the importance of developers' efforts in minimizing such risks.
  8. Price Risks:

    • The inherent volatility of cryptocurrency prices is a risk I am well-versed in. I understand how fluctuations in the value of tokens, including those offered as rewards in yield farming, can impact investors' returns.
  9. Strategy Risk:

    • The article rightly highlights the importance of strategic decision-making in yield farming. I emphasize the need for investors to adapt their strategies based on market dynamics, capitalizing on favorable conditions and minimizing risks.

In conclusion, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to the table, ensuring that the information provided is not only accurate but also grounded in practical insights. If you have any further questions or need clarification on specific aspects of yield farming or DeFi, feel free to engage in a discussion.

The Risks of Yield Farming & Mitigating Yield Farming Risks | Cryptogeeks (2024)


The Risks of Yield Farming & Mitigating Yield Farming Risks | Cryptogeeks? ›

There are several risks to yield farming. The most common risks are from DApp developers, smart contracts, and market volatility. DApp developers might steal deposited assets or squander them. Smart contracts could have flaws or exploits that lock or allow funds to be stolen.

What is the risk of yield farming? ›

Yield farming may increase the risk of low liquidity since the tokens have to be locked for a set period and can't be sold.

Is yield farming legit? ›

While yield farming may be seen as an alternative to holding cash on deposit in a savings account, it's far less safe. Here are a few reasons why: There's no insurance on your assets. Banks in the United States include federal deposit insurance up to $250,000 per account.

Is farming crypto worth it? ›

Is Yield Farming Profitable? Yield farming can be profitable, but it is only as profitable as the market allows. The cryptocurrency market, regardless of how it is used to make money, is very volatile.

Can you make money yield farming? ›

Yield farming can add layers of risk to an already volatile crypto investment. If things go well, however, yield farming can also increase your returns. Yield farming involves using "decentralized finance" to earn crypto income in the form of interest or rewards.

What is the yield risk? ›

What Is the Yield Curve Risk? The yield curve risk is the risk of experiencing an adverse shift in market interest rates associated with investing in a fixed income instrument. When market yields change, this will impact the price of a fixed-income instrument.

What is the risk of farming? ›

What is agricultural risk? Risk is always a part of farming businesses and agricultural production. Weather, environmental pressures, yields, prices, policies, global markets, and other factors affect farm income, management, and production.

Is yield farming riskier than staking? ›

Yes, yield farming can potentially generate high percentage returns by rewarding liquidity providers on DeFi platforms. Yet, yield farming is much riskier than staking.

What is the safest yield farming platform? ›

  • Binance – Good All-Around Choice for Centralized Yield Farming.
  • KuCoin – Great Option for Altcoin Investors and Experienced Traders.
  • CoinEx – Unique Take on Centralized Yield Farming (AMM & Liquidity Provision)
  • MEXC – Solid Alternative to Binance and KuCoin, up to 6% APY.
Jul 15, 2024

Is yield farming taxable? ›

Yield farming can result in taxable income in the form of governance tokens or other rewards. These rewards must be reported as income based on their fair market value at the time of receipt.

What is yield farming for dummies? ›

Yield farming, also referred to as liquidity mining, is a way to generate rewards with cryptocurrency holdings. Put simply, it implies locking up crypto assets and receiving staking rewards and interest on those assets.

Can you actually make money farming? ›

Trying new business ideas alongside the usual crops and farming methods has become essential to stay profitable. Even with the challenges, there are still plenty of chances for farmers to do well with their farming business. The demand for food and farm products keeps increasing globally.

Is crypto farming illegal? ›

As of 2024, cryptocurrency mining is legal in the United States, but being governed by a mix of federal and state regulations, it faces potential changes in taxation.

What is the best yield farming strategy? ›

Here are some top strategies for successful DeFi Yield Farming:
  • Research and Due Diligence: ...
  • Diversification: ...
  • Understand Impermanent Loss: ...
  • Monitor Gas Fees: ...
  • Stay Informed about Yield Optimizers: ...
  • Governance Participation: ...
  • Risk Management: ...
  • Timing and Entry Points:
Jan 16, 2024

What is the fastest way to make money on a farm? ›

Try direct-to-consumer marketing and sales tactics like PYOs, CSAs, co-ops, local restaurant sales or farmers markets. Sell your byproducts, “ugly food” or flowers. Tap into the demand for farm education. Use new farming methods to increase your products' value proposition.

What to expect from bitcoin in 2024? ›

The next bitcoin halving is expected to occur in April 2024, when the number of blocks hits 740,000. It will see the block reward fall from 6.25 to 3.125 bitcoins. The exact date of the halving is not yet known as the time taken to generate new blocks varies, with the network averaging one block every ten minutes.

Is farming a high risk industry? ›

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) website, “Agriculture ranks among the most hazardous industries.

Is yield a measure of risk? ›

In fact, the higher yield may indicate that the stock value used in the formula had declined. Similarly, in bonds, a higher-than-average yield in a bond indicates a higher-than-average degree of risk attached to the investment.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.