The ROT Squad | Records Management Services (2024)

The ROT Squad | Records Management Services (1)

The ROT Squad | Records Management Services (2)

What is ROT?

ROT is the acronym for Redundant, Obsolete, and Transitory. At the University, ROT consists of any records that legally can and should be destroyed. ROT accumulates over time, in paper and electronic form, and inherited ROT is a common challenge for many employees. It's easy for an office to fall into the trap of holding onto ROT, but it can represent a serious legal, privacy, and security risk to the University as well as being a significant drain on efficiency.

The ROT Squad Is on the Case

Records Management Services created the ROT Squad to give you the tools to tackle your ROT and keep it from coming back. Emily and Lynn are Compliance Analysts who will consult with you to help diagnose your ROT and to create a plan that will eradicate what you currently have and prevent the accumulation of ROT in the future. They meet with both individuals and groups to discuss both paper and electronic records. This is a free service to UW offices, departments, and individuals on all three campuses.

Click Here to Schedule a ROT Squad Consult

What to Expect in a ROT Squad Consult

  • We won't haul your paper away, but we will advise on which records to keep vs. shred, recycle, or archive.
  • We won't look at every file or folder ourselves, but we will teach you how to identify record series and act independently.
  • Use our Pre-Consult Checklist to prepare for your consult. We designed the checklist to help you identify ROT to target, plan your cleanup project scope, and envision your future organized state.
  • We won't make you feel guilty about your ROT. We offer encouragement and concrete steps to move you forward.
  • We start by meeting remotely via Zoom or Teams. We then can visit yourphysical location, on any campus and most non-campus locations.
  • We help you create a plan to tackle your existing ROT and establish best practices to prevent it.
  • We keep it informal and encourage dialog. Our office also offers more structured in-person and online trainings.
  • We can show you how to gather quick metrics to demonstrate the impact of your ROT clean up initiative.

Tools to Reduce ROT Right Now

  • UW General Records Retention Schedule
  • Transitory vs. Substantive
  • Materials That May Be Disposed of Without a Specific Retention Period
  • Electronic Records That Do Not Need to Be Printed or Saved
  • Email ROT Deleting Guide
  • Cleaning Out Outlook Calendars
  • Plan Your Shared Storage Location Clean-up

The ROT Squad Works

The ROT Squad | Records Management Services (3)

A recent ROT Squad consult unearthed dusty paper files ready for shredding and over 8,000 obsoleteelectronic files!

Great information and I feel like everyone who came got their specific questions answered. - Virginia

This information definitely not only helps me, but helps figure out what I should send to Archives. - Andrew

This is awesome... I’ll get my team together and we’ll come up with a feasible plan to get this place cleaned up. - Mandy


We're here to help you meet your responsibility for records management at the UW. We know you're busy professionals, and we know from personal experience that ridding your records of ROT can actually streamline your daily routines. We work with you to help you do it right, and in compliance with UW policy.

Inherited ROT is a very common problem. The ROT Squad can recommend ways to approach that dusty folder of "Steve's stuff" on your shared drive, or those mystery personnel records that haven't been touched since you started with the office. We have analyzed and cleaned up our own drives, paper, and emails, and we will advise you how to attack your ROT.

Of course! The ROT Squad is always on duty. Use our scheduling form to request a ROT consult in the future, and we'll check in when you're ready.

Good news! The University has a specialist in valuable, archival records: the University Archivist, John Bolcer. The ROT Squad can help you spot the potentially archival records, and the next step is for you to contact the Archivist who will appraise the records and, potentially, add them to the UW's permanent collection. Archival records are invaluable for research and document the history of the University for years to come.

Materials That May Be Disposed of Without A Specific Retention Period

The following materials are considered to have no administrative, legal, fiscal or archival requirements for their retention. They may be disposed of as soon as they have served their reference purpose. Shred, recycle or delete as appropriate. See also: Electronic Records that do not need to be printed or saved.

Need help cleaning out your Redundant, Obsolete, and Transitory records? Contact the ROT Squad today!

Search the Schedule:

Brainstorming and Collaborating

Records generated as part of the brainstorming/collaboration process. This activity can occur in email as well as in collaborative cloud applications like Slack, JIRA, SmartSheet, or onflip charts, notepaper, post-it notes, email, etc.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: Reference purpose served
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

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Chats are informal communications that may document the brainstorming and collaborating process, organizing/monitoring work in progress, or informal notifications/communications which are transitory in nature. This activity can occur in Microsoft Teams Chats, Chat messages posted in Microsoft Teams meetings, Slack, Discord, etc.

Note: This does not include Microsoft Teams channels' general posts nor private posts.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: No longer than 30 days after Date of Creation
Disposition Method: Delete

Note: Chat platforms are not appropriate for substantive information. Any chats used to document substantive communications must be exported and managed outside the instant messaging platform and retained based on the function and content of the record. Review the UW General Records Retention Schedule to find the appropriate records series to apply.

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Document Errors

Incorrect versions of documents, forms or reports that had to be regenerated in order to correct errors in typing, data entry, spelling, grammar, or format.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served. Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Drafts may be disposed of as soon as the document is finalized and are no longer needed for reference purposes. Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Extra copies of correspondence, completed forms, bulletins, statistics, reports, hardcopy printouts from a database (including e-procurement purchase orders and reports), electronic files extracted from a master file or database, mailing lists, etc., used only for reference or informational distribution.Also includes unsigned forms, contracts, meeting minutes and other records created electronically that are not complete until they are signed.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served.Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Electronic Records that do not need to be printed or saved

The following electronic records do not have to be saved or printed because they are extracted from a master file or database. Reports printed from a database are considered duplicates and can be destroyed as soon as they have served their reference purpose. They will be visible and accessible for their full retention period in the system of record and can be reprinted as needed. You should never print e-mails - the official copy is the original digital version.

Click below to expand

  • Current State (post-July 2023)
  • Workday reports
  • Workday-generated notification emails
  • Facilities Services (FS Works)
    • Physical Plant AIM/FME Online Invoices (post 2007)
  • Equipment Insurance System (EIS)
    • Invoices (ISDs)
  • Legacy Financial Systems
  • ARIBA Reports & Email Action Notifications
  • FASTRANS Reports
  • Creative+Communications Invoices
  • Mailing Services Invoices
  • MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD) Reports.Examples include:
    • Budget Worksheet
    • Budget Summary
    • Reconciliation Status
    • Transaction Summary
  • Procurement Desktop Reports. Examples include:
    • Accounts Payable (AP) Reports
    • Central Travel Account (CTA) Reports
    • Department Dashboard
    • Requisitions Reports
  • Budget Reports. Examples include:
    • Expense Distribution Reports for State Budgets
    • Salary Savings Report
  • Library Financial Services
    • Library System Generated Cost Transfer Invoices (CTIs)
    • Library System Generated Internal Sales Documents (ISDs)
  • Motor Pool
    • Internal Sales Document (ISDs)
    • Maintenance Announcements

Current HR systems (post-2018)

  • Workday Reports. Examples include:
    • Onboarding Summary
    • Summarized Time Tracking Audit R0521
    • Time Off and Leave Transactions Awaiting Approval R0500
    • FTE/Weekly Scheduled Hours Mismatch R0465
  • Workday-generated notification emails
  • Temporary Employee Accumulated Hours Notifications
  • UWHIRES notification emails

Legacy HR systems

  • Employee Self-Service (ESS) notifications & confirmations
  • OWLs system-generated reminders & notifications
  • Work Leave Summary Review Notifications
  • BI-Portal Reports
  • Curriculum Database Printouts
  • DARS Report (Degree Audit)
  • EDW Reports
  • Printouts from EARS, MyPlan, or MyGrad
  • Registrar On-Demand Reports
  • UW Time Schedule

Current State (post-July 2023)

  • SAGE (as Workday integration)
    • Notice of Award (NoA) Request
    • eGC1 (now requires IRB application)
    • Final Sponsor Documents required for eGC1
  • Workday Finance
    • Workday-generated notification emails

Legacy Financialsystems

  • SAGE (as legacy system)
    • Advance Budget Requests
    • Extension/Renewal of Advance Budget Request
    • Funding Action Processed
    • Post-Award Change Processed
    • Signed Documents Ready for Retrieval
  • Grant Tracker
  • Hold List
  • List of Resource Requests
  • Reports from the alumni/donor database (Advance), including canned and self-serve reports like those from Michelangelo and Export+
  • Cvent reports
  • Reports from any fundraising platform (ScaleFunder)
  • EDW Reports
  • ASTRA Access Management Emails
  • Long Distance Bill (post 2007)
  • Technical Services Equipment Invoice

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Extracted Data

Documents derived from a master file or database in the form of statistics, reports, hardcopy printouts, mailing lists, auto-generated notifications and reminders, etc. Includes emails. These records will be visible and accessible for their full retention period in the system of record and can be reprinted as needed.Refer to list of electronic records that do not need to be printed or saved.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served. Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Informal Notifications/Communications

Communications and postings that donotrelate to the functional responsibility of the department (i.e., announcements of meetings, reservations, confirmations, itineraries, acknowledgements, form-letter thank you notes, etc.). Includes unsolicited materials.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served. Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Lists and Logs

Lists/logs containing information tracked by a department from which elements are superseded as new data/information is received, where not covered by a more specific records series.Includes membership lists and contact information.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served. Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Organizing/Monitoring Work in Progress

Records relating to the assigning, prioritizing, tracking/monitoring and status of work/projects in progress. This activity can occur in workflow notifications, status logs, Excel, Kanban boards, electronic tracking applications such as Trello, Kerika, AirTable, etc.

Note: For financial charges relating to work in progress, refer toBilling Source Documents.

Official Copy:Any Office
Retention:Reference purpose served
Disposition Method:Recycle or Delete

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Published Reference Materials

Print and digital materials received from other UW offices, vendors or other non-UW institutions, which require no action and are not needed for documentary purposes. May include technical reports/studies, magazines, catalogs, periodicals, flyers, announcements, newsletters, brochures, bulletins, listservs, RSS feeds, and other widely distributed materials received by a UW office.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served. Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Requests for Information

Internal and external requests for routine information. Includes responses to requests for routine, standardized information applicable to any requestor in a comparable situation.

Retention: Retain until after the information has been sent or received.

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Stocks of Publications

Supplies (multiple copies) of departmentally-produced printed documents which are superseded, obsolete or otherwise valueless. May include program brochures, booklets, flyers, forms, catalogs, directories, manuals, posters and other informational materials produced by a department for wide distribution.

NOTE:One copy of all UW publications should be sent to the University Archives at Box 352900.Contact them to send materials electronically.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served. Please shred, recycle or delete as appropriate.

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Student Emails / Correspondence with Students -- Transitory

The retention for email is based on the content of each individual email.

Emails that simply request or provide information are transitory and can be deleted as soon as a reply is given or received. Examples of transitory emails include emails that:

  • Answer directional questions such as:
    • "How do I apply for this program?"
    • "What are your office hours?"
    • "When is the test?"
  • Or provide generic information:
    • Explaining/clarifying a variety of general university policies (ex. S/NS vs. annual drop, low scholarship and satisfactory progress)
    • Events (on-campus, off-campus)
    • Grading policy
    • Major/minor—/eligibility/number of credits necessary
    • Opportunities (ex. jobs, internships, scholarships)
    • Parents/FERPA
    • Redirection to another office (the cc question)
    • Registration when/how/where/eligibility/reminders
    • Transfer students
  • Or contain information or links from a source such as a website, database, or content management system.

Official Copy:Any Advisory Office
Retention:End of academic year
Disposition Method:Shred or Delete

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Transmittal Memos

Emails which accompany an attachment, document, report, form, etc., that donot add any substantive information to the transmitted material.

Retention: May be disposed of as soon as the reference purpose has been served. Pleasedelete as appropriate.

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The ROT Squad | Records Management Services (2024)
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Article information

Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Last Updated:

Views: 5841

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.