The Solution to Dilution (2024)

When put on the spot can you tell ‘how many milligrams of Lignocaine (lidocaine) there are in 5mls of a 1 percent solution?

Well, don’t worry if you are not sure, panic is most people’s initial thought. In healthcare the classic confusion exists with “%” solutions and “1:1000” dilutions.

The Solution to Dilution (1)

In this post we would like to talk about drug dilutions for injectable medications. There is a particular focus on adrenaline (epinephrine). We set out a helpful introduction for averagepeople like us to the supposedly simple yetconfusing concepts.


  • It is easy to confuse when rushing or in an emergency.
  • It is critical to know Drug Dilution by heart for drugs such as Adrenaline (Epinephrine).
The Solution to Dilution (2)
Paediatric Entertainment Solution (“P.E.S.”)(1:1000 dilution or 0.1%)

The Solution to Dilution (3)

The Boring Bit

just 2 minutes (promise) of back to school chemistry:

  • If you recall back to school, in chemistry class‘weights’ rather than ‘volumes’ are often used in reference to chemical substances.
  • Using weight of a chemical or drug can beconfusing when we are dealing with medications that are diluted because diluted drugs have different concentrations
  • In this postwe make aBasic Assumptionfor the properties of fluids using water at 4 degrees celsius as an example (shown in the blue picture below)

The Solution to Dilution (4)

What does this mean?

It means that 100mls of Water has a weight of 100g (at 4 Degrees Celsius**).

From this we can say that a 100% solution would be 1 gram of drug in1ml of volume

KeyApplications for Healthcare:

  • There is 1 gram in 1 ml
    • Therefore, as far as medications are concerned a 1 in 1 (1 gram per 1ml) Solutionis the same as a100% Solution. These Solutions have 100g of drug in 100mls of Fluid
    • 1% is a common drug dilution. A 1% (the same as 1:100)
      • This solution would have 1g per 100mls:
      • There are 1000mg in 1 gram
      • So this is also 1000mg per 100ml
      • =1000mg per 100ml
      • =10mg per 1ml

** Why 4 degrees? –Water is at its ‘most dense’ at 4 Degrees Celsius. Upon freezing, the density of water decreases by about 9%(If this was not the case the world would be a much different place where Ice would sink in your drink and to the bottom of the ocean). From our point of view the difference between 4 degrees and room temperature where drugs are stored isminimal

We will talkmore below about this below in terms of two important examples:

(1) Lignocaine – ‘1%’ (canalso be known as 1:100 dilution)

(2) Adrenaline (epinephrine) – ‘0.1%’ (also commonlyknown as 1:1000 dilution)

If you have time havethese drug vials to hand to look at as you read the rest of this post.


(Percentages and Ratios)

Medications in solution can be used for injection (e.g. IM, IV, SC, IO, IT) and administered by the various other routes.

Medications in solution have various different concentrations and potencies (e.g. IV adrenaline (epinephrine) is very potent and therefore a vial is relatively ‘dilute’). ‘Potency’refers to the amount of drug required to produce an effect. Some drugs produce a powerful effect at minute doses (0.01 grams of IV adrenaline) and others need a large dose to have a therapeutic effect for our patient (5 grams of Magnesium)

As a result, because some drugs are very dilute and others are relatively concentrated, a confusing descriptive naming system has arisen .

Diluted Drugs could be written in the following ways by a prescriber:

  • Please give 10mls of 1 in 10000 Adrenaline (epinephrine)IV to the patient (e.g. in a Cardiac Arrest)
  • Please give 10mls of 1 percent subcutaneous Lignocaine (e.g. local anaesthetic for wound closure)
  • Please give 20mmol of Magnesium Sulphate IV over 20 mins (e.g. Severe Asthma or Eclampsia in pregnancy)

This is already problematicand we have only listed 3 common emergency departmentdrugs:

The Solution to Dilution (5)

The Ratio Dilutions Explained

What does 1 percent, 1:1000 and 1:10000 refer to?

  • 1 percent, 1:1000 and 1:10000 refers to the concentration of dilute drugs like adrenaline (epinephrine)
    • 1 percent is the same as a 1:100 Solution
    • 1:1000 is the same as 0.1% Solution
    • 1:10000 is the same a 0.01% Solution
  • Because 0.01% is a ‘mouthful’ dilute solutions such as adrenaline often are described as a ratio rather than a percentage. Sadly, having different systems has addedto confusion rather than made it easier for us.
  • Pick up your vial of Adrenaline/Epinephrine now (or look at the picture above)…
    • The essential information is printed on the vial:
      • There is a 1ml vial and it contains 1mg of adrenaline
      • In other words there is 1mg/ml of Adrenaline in the vial shown above
      • We commonly use this for IM injections in anaphylaxis

How does this work?

  • 1:1000 means there is 1gram in 1000mls
  • This is the same as 1g per 1 litre (or 1000mg per 1000mls)
  • Taking this down to actual therapeutic doses that are used in real life clinical practice we ‘divide by 1000’ – so there will be 1mg per 1ml
  • There is 1mg per 1ml in a standard 1:1000 vial of Adrenaline as shown above

Why are there two concentrations of Adrenaline anyway?

  • 1:1000
    • This is useful where a low volume is required for IM or SC injections
    • If you were having an anaphylactic reaction to the delicious shellfish you just ate I am sure you would prefer the IM injection as 0.5ml ( rather than 5mls of a more dilute solution…
    • 1:1000 is also easy to use for “nebulising” adrenaline in cases of upper airway obstruction
  • 1:10000
    • This is useful for giving as an ‘intravenous push’ dose in the cardiac arrest patient
    • It is easy to use for making up an infusion of Adrenaline quickly and easily
    • A vial of 1:10000 Adrenaline is shown below
    • Sometimes 1:10000 Adrenaline comes in a “mini-jet” for rapid administration
The Solution to Dilution (6)

Another Example

  • In the vial above there is 10ml of 1:10000 adrenaline
  • How many ‘mg’ of Adrenaline is there in this vial?
    • Write down your answer now…

Suggested Answer

  • 1:10000 means there is 1g in 10000ml
  • In other words there is 1000mg in 10000ml
  • Take off the zeros and you are left with 1mg in 10mls
  • Alternatively, simply remember that 1:1000 Adrenaline is 1mg/1ml and divide by ten as 1:10000 is ten times more dilute than the 1:1000 Adrenaline…

Where does the “%” thing come in to all this?

  • Many injectable medications are prepared and given as a ‘percentage’ (we have discussed adrenaline above which is a notable exception due to its high potency)
  • When you are using any medication the vial label will give information in terms of the number of milligrams and the concentration
  • However, we still think it’s important to understand what a “1 percent” solution actually means
The Solution to Dilution (7)
  • Lignocaine 1% is commonly used for topical local anaesthesia
    • A 1% solution literally means there is 1gram per 100mls
    • In ‘old adrenaline money’ this is the same as a 1:100 solution dilution…
  • So, if there is 1g per 100mls there is also1000mg per 100mls
  • If we divide this down there will be 10mg in 1ml
  • The vial pictured above has 5ml (so there is 50mg in this 5mlin this vial)

In real life clinical practice this is absolutely vital to know because there is are maximum safe does of Lignocaine… Lignocaine is a Sodium Channel Blocker (type Ib anti-arrhythmic). It is an effective anti-arrhythmic as well as being useful as a safe local anaesthetic. When it is injected into the skin for local anaesthesia there is always some systemic absorption which has the potential to cause toxicity. There are two main ways to reduce toxicity. Firstly, risk can be reduced by pre-mixing adrenaline with the lignocaine which causes vasoconstriction and therefore reduces absorption. Secondly, we always avoid inadvertent IV injection by always aspirating before injecting.

Lignocaine Dosing for LocalAnaesthesia

  • The safe dose for Lignocaine is 3 – 5mg/kg for ‘plain’ lignocaine
  • The safe dose is 7mg/kg when adrenaline is added
  • This means than in a 70kg health man we could safely use 3mg x 70kg = 210mg
  • The vials of 1% lignocaine have 50mg in 5ml – so we could more than safely use up to 4 vials for our procedure in a healthy 70kg patient

The Solution to Dilution (8)

Some Other ConfusingMedications

There are several other commonly used Emergency Department medications what are worth briefly reviewing.

These include Calcium, Magnesium and Sodium Bicarbonate.

Magnesium and Sodium Bicarbonate are usually prepared as solutions in ‘mmmol/L’ concentrations whereas Calcium is primarily prescribed as a ‘percentage’ solution in a number of mls. For Example medics often order 10 mmol of Magnesium or 10mls of 10% Calcium Gluconate. Now that you have read this post hopefully the numbers will be easier to work out.

Magnesium as an Example of what we have learned

Magnesium is commonly Prescribed in mmmol (UK and Australia) or in grams (USA)

Prescribed as Magnesium Sulphate –49.3% solution (493mg/ml)

The Solution to Dilution (9)

Now you know what this means!

SO why 49.3%? Lets work through some maths:

In a 5ml vial of 49.3% you have 10mmol of Magnesium Sulphate (This is about 2.47g of Magnesium)


49.3% is the same as – 49.3 grams in 100mls of water

This is 49,300mg in 100mls

Take away the extra Zeros:

This is the same as 493mg in 1ml

The Solution to Dilution (10)

SO, How much Magnesium is in a 5ml vial?

493 x 5 = 2465mg (which is about 2.47grams)

The Solution to Dilution (11)

So this is how we get 2.465 grams in 5mls

Indications for Magnesium in the Emergency Department may include:

  • significant hypomagnesaemia
  • atrial fibrillation
  • torsades de pointes
  • pre-eclampsia
  • eclampsia
  • asthma
  • (some say it works for everything except male pattern baldness and hypermagnesaemia)

Here is our Local Protocol – Click Here

Here is an overview of ED magnesium use – Click Here


Calcium is generally prepared as either Calcium Gluconate or Calcium Chloride

Both Calcium preparations come as a 10% solution

In 10% Calcium Gluconate there will be 100g per 1000ml (100mg per 1ml)

Usually the dose prescribed is 10ml of 10% Calcium Gluconate

There is 1g of Calcium Gluconate in 10ml = 2.2 mmol in 10 mL solution

There is a nice discussion of Calcium and Hyperkalaemia at EMCRITwhich we think is worth reviewing

The Solution to Dilution (12)

Indications for Calcium in the Emergency Department include hyperkalaemia,hypocalcaemia, massive transfusion and magnesium toxicity.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Various Concentrations are available including 1.26% and 8.4%

8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate is 84mg/ml

Each mL of solution contains 84.0 mg of sodium bicarbonate which gives 23.0 mg (or 1 mmol or 1 mEq) of sodium and 61.0 mg (or 1 mmol or 1 mEq) of bicarbonate. This is how they came up with 8.4%.

The Solution to Dilution (13)

Indications for Sodium Bicarbonate in the Emergency Department include sodium channel blocking ‘drug toxicity’ and life threateninghyperkalaemia. The drug can also be used selectively (and controversially) in severe metabolic acidosis.

Note that this medication is hypertonic (2000mOsm/L) with a high sodium and alkalinising load so you’ll need to hyperventilate the patient to get rid of CO2 and keep an eye on the Sodium level.

As an expert in the field of drug dilutions and injectable medications, I can confidently provide comprehensive information on the concepts discussed in the article. My knowledge is rooted in a thorough understanding of pharmaceutical principles and practical experience in healthcare settings. Let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the provided article:

  1. Drug Dilutions and Confusion with Percentages:

    • The article emphasizes the common confusion between percentage solutions and dilutions like "1:1000."
    • Highlighting the critical importance of understanding drug dilutions, particularly for medications such as Adrenaline (Epinephrine).
  2. Pediatric Entertainment Solution (P.E.S.) - 1:1000 Dilution (0.1%):

    • Discusses the 1:1000 dilution of Adrenaline and refers to it as Pediatric Entertainment Solution.
    • Acknowledges the potential confusion in terminology and concentrations.
  3. Basic Assumption Regarding Fluid Properties:

    • Introduces the basic assumption for fluid properties using water at 4 degrees Celsius as an example.
    • Establishes that 100ml of water at 4 degrees Celsius has a weight of 100g.
  4. Calculations for Medication Concentrations:

    • Explains that a 100% solution would have 1 gram of drug in 1ml of volume.
    • Highlights that a 1% solution is equivalent to 1000mg per 100ml, or 10mg per 1ml.
  5. Examples of Drug Dilutions:

    • Discusses two examples - Lignocaine (1%) and Adrenaline (0.1% or 1:1000 dilution).
    • Clarifies the reason for using 4 degrees Celsius in calculations.
  6. Ratio Dilutions Explained:

    • Clarifies the meaning of 1 percent, 1:1000, and 1:10000 concerning dilute drugs like Adrenaline.
    • Establishes the equivalences: 1 percent = 1:100, 1:1000 = 0.1%, and 1:10000 = 0.01%.
  7. Adrenaline Concentrations and Usage:

    • Demonstrates the essential information on an Adrenaline vial, specifying 1mg/ml concentration.
    • Explains the use of 1:1000 Adrenaline for IM injections and 1:10000 for intravenous push doses.
  8. Lignocaine Dosing for Local Anesthesia:

    • Provides information on Lignocaine (1%) concentration, mentioning 1g per 100ml and 10mg per 1ml.
    • Stresses the importance of knowing the maximum safe dose of Lignocaine, especially when combined with adrenaline.
  9. Other Emergency Department Medications:

    • Briefly mentions other commonly used medications like Calcium, Magnesium, and Sodium Bicarbonate.
    • Offers insights into their concentrations and indications for use in the emergency department.
  10. Calculation Examples for Magnesium:

    • Illustrates calculations for Magnesium Sulphate (49.3% solution), breaking down the percentage to milligrams per milliliter.
  11. Indications for Other Medications:

    • Provides indications for Calcium (hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, etc.) and Sodium Bicarbonate (drug toxicity, severe metabolic acidosis).

The article combines theoretical knowledge with practical examples, making it a valuable resource for healthcare professionals and anyone seeking clarity on drug dilutions and concentrations.

The Solution to Dilution (2024)


The Solution to Dilution? ›

Dilution is the process of decreasing the concentration of a solute in a solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent like adding more water to the solution. To dilute a solution means to add more solvent without the addition of more solute.

What is the solution dilution method? ›

To make a fixed amount of a dilute solution from a stock solution, you can use the formula: C1V1 = C2V2 where: V1 = Volume of stock solution needed to make the new solution. C1 = Concentration of stock solution. V2 = Final volume of new solution.

How to solve for dilution? ›

The formula for calculating a dilution is (C1) (V1) = (C2) (V2) where... C1 is the concentration of the starting solution. V1 is the volume of the starting solution. C2 is the concentration of the final solution.

What is a solution said to be dilute? ›

A dilute solution is one in which there is a relatively small amount of solute dissolved in the solution. A concentrated solution contains a relatively large amount of solute.

What is the name of the law C1V1 C2V2? ›

The dilution formula (C1V1 = C2V2) calculates how to mix a concentrated solution (C1V1) with a solvent to achieve a desired concentration (C2) in a final volume (V2). It's crucial in chemistry for adjusting solution concentrations for experiments.

What is an example of a dilution solution? ›

Concept of Dilution:

For example, if 10 grams of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water as a solvent, then it has a particular salt concentration. Then by adding 1 liter of water more to this solution, the salt concentration is reduced. But, the dilute solution still has 10 grams of salt.

What is the correct way of dilution? ›

Large amount of heat is produced on mixing the acid with water. Hence, the acid is always diluted by adding the acid to water slowly and with constant stirring.

How to do simple dilution? ›

Simple Dilution (Dilution Factor Method)..

For example, a 1:5 dilution (verbalize as "1 to 5" dilution) entails combining 1 unit volume of diluent (the material to be diluted) + 4 unit volumes of the solvent medium (hence, 1 + 4 = 5 = dilution factor).

What are the steps of dilution? ›

Use the following steps for diluting a stock solution:
  • Use a volumetric flask.
  • Add some of your solvent to the flask, but not all of it. ...
  • Measure out the needed amount of stock solution.
  • Add your measured stock solution to the volumetric flask.
  • Carefully fill the flask to the marked line with solvent.

What is the dilution calculator? ›

This tool calculates the volume of stock solution required to attain a desired concentration in a given volume. The Solution Dilution Calculator is commonly used in applications that involve diluting solutions to achieve desired concentrations.

Which is a dilute solution? ›

The term “dilute solution” refers to a solution in which a small amount of solute is dissolved in a large amount of solvent. The term “concentrated solution” refers to a solution in which the amount of solute dissolved is more compared to the amount of solvent.

What happens during dilution? ›

Dilution is the addition of solvent, which decreases the concentration of the solute in the solution. Concentration is the removal of solvent, which increases the concentration of the solute in the solution.

What is the formula for the law of dilution? ›

Answer: Ostwald's dilution law states that “The degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte is inversely proportional to the square root of molar concentration or directly proportional to the square root of volume holding one mole of the solute for a weak electrolyte.” Its mathematical formula is Ka=a²C/(1-a).

What is the dilution equation called? ›

This process is known as dilution. We can relate the concentrations and volumes before and after a dilution using the following equation: M₁V₁ = M₂V₂ where M₁ and V₁ represent the molarity and volume of the initial concentrated solution and M₂ and V₂ represent the molarity and volume of the final diluted solution.

What is the law of concentration formula? ›

The Beer–Lambert law relates the absorption of light by a solution to the properties of the solution according to the following equation: A = εbc, where ε is the molar absorptivity of the absorbing species, b is the path length, and c is the concentration of the absorbing species.

What is the dilution law in volumetric analysis? ›

Simple Dilution Formula:

which means that the product of the number of moles times the volume, of the initial solution before dilution, is equal to the product of the number of moles times the volume of the final solution after dilution.

How do you use dilution method? ›

The Use Dilution method is performed, in brief, by soaking stainless steel carriers in bacteria, treating them with the disinfectant, and finally placing the carriers in growth broth to determine if any still have surviving bacteria.

What is the standard dilution method? ›

Standard dilution analysis (SDA) is a novel calibration method that may be applied to most instrumental techniques that will accept liquid samples and are capable of monitoring two wavelengths simultaneously. It combines the traditional methods of standard additions and internal standards.

What is the dilution method of drugs? ›

Drugs requiring dilution are to be mixed with appropriate diluent in a separate sterile container to reach required working concentration. The compounded drugs' container must be sterile, and opaque if compounding light sensitive drugs.

What is the dilution analysis method? ›

The analysis is performed by combining two solutions in a single container: the first containing 50% sample and 50% standard mixture; the second containing 50% sample and 50% solvent. Data are collected in real time as the first solution is diluted by the second one.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.