The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions Investors Should Know (2024)

Last updated on July 2, 2020

As Benjamin Franklin said back in 1817, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

While the part about death may be true, successful real estate investors today know that with so many rental property tax deductions available, paying taxes is far from certain.

Rental Income According to the IRS

Before we review the top rental property tax deductions you can take, let’s take a quick look at how the IRS defines rental income:

  • Gross income you receive as rent
  • Advance rent you receive, such as prepaid rent for future months
  • Tenant application fees and lease termination fees (if allowed by local law)
  • Services performed by the tenant in lieu of rent (such as painting) must be included in your rental income as if the tenant had paid the equivalent rent
  • Lease with option-to-buy payments are generally treated entirely as rental income

Security deposits are a short-term liability if they are refundable based on the specific performance of the tenant, such as vacating the property in a clean and undamaged condition.

However, security deposits can be converted into rental income if:

  1. Security deposit is used as the final rent payment or advanced rent
  2. If part or all of the refundable security deposit is withheld and used by the landlord to pay for unpaid tenant rent or damages

A good accountant will tell you to report all of your income and expense as much as you can. Now that we know about income, we’ll review how to use rental property tax deductions to legally reduce your amount of taxable net income.

The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions Investors Should Know (1)

The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions

Here’s a list of the top 14 rental property tax deductions you can take, including a few that many investors overlook:

1. Maintenance and repairs

The costs of materials and supplies, service fees for labor such as landscaping or equipment rental, and routine repairs such as broken windows or leaky pipes are fully tax-deductible the year that the expenses occur.

However, the IRS draws a red line between what a repair is and what a capital improvement is. In general, repairs that keep the property in habitable and good working condition are fully deductible the same tax year.

On the other hand, a capital improvement is something that adds value to your property or extends its useful life. Items such as a new HVAC system, roof replacement, and major renovations must be added to your rental property basis and then depreciated over 27.5 years.

2. Utilities

With single-family houses, tenants normally pay all of the utilities. But oftentimes with small multifamily property utilities such as water, sewer, and trash are ‘master metered’ and paid for by the landlord. You can deduct utility fees as rental property deductions, even if you pass through the charges as additional rent to the tenant.

3. Professional and legal fees

You can deduct fees paid to property managers, real estate brokers, leasing agents, attorneys, accountants, financial and tax advisors, and other professionals as long as the expenses relate to your rental property.

4. Independent contractors and employees

The wages you pay to W-2 employees (people that work directly for you on a salary or hourly wage) such as a full-time office administrator can be deducted as a business expense, as can the fees you pay to an independent contractor (1099 employee) such as a handyman.

5. Advertising costs

Depending on the agreement you have with your local property manager, you may be required to pay extra for advertising costs such as website advertising and yard signs. If you do, you can deduct advertising and marketing costs from your rental property income.

6. Commissions and referral fees

Commissions you pay a licensed real estate agent to find a new tenant or renew an existing lease, and “finder fees” you pay to existing tenants in a multifamily property to refer a new tenant to you can also be fully expensed as rental property tax deductions.

The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions Investors Should Know (2)

7. Personal property

Personal property such as appliances, landscaping equipment, or tools used on-site can normally be fully deducted the year they are placed in service or by using a 100% bonus depreciation which remains in effect through 2022.

8. Interest payments

Mortgage interest, credit card interest for items purchased strictly for your rental property and HELOC (home equity line of credit) interest payments are fully deductible.

If you’re a landlord earning more than $25 million from your rental properties, the IRS limits the amount of interest deduction you can take. However, you can remove this limitation by agreeing to depreciate your rental property over a period of 30 years instead of the normal 27.5-year depreciation timeline for residential rental property.

9. Property tax

Property taxes levied by the local government (usually the county) and any use or occupancy taxes you pay are also rental property deductions. Normally a landlord or the property management company will pass through this tax to the tenant as a form of ‘additional rent’ and then record the occupancy tax payment as an expense on the property P&L (profit and loss) statement.

10. Insurance premiums

Annual premiums paid for different types of insurance such as landlord liability, theft, fire, and flood insurance are fully deductible. If you have W-2 employees (people that are on your payroll and that you withhold payroll tax on) you can also deduct the costs of health and workers’ compensation insurance.

11. Depreciation

The IRS depreciation expense allows you to deduct 3.636% of your residential property value (excluding the land value) each year up to 27.5 years. This is a non-cash deduction that allows you to reduce your amount of taxable net income, and possibly shift into a lower tax bracket creating even less taxable income.

12. Travel expenses

Travel expenses such as traveling to and from your rental property – including vehicle expenses, airfare, hotel, and meals – can be deducted from your rental income. However, be sure to keep records proving the expenses and document the purpose of each travel expense.

13. Home office space

The cost of dedicated space you use in your home for an office or as workspace can also be deducted as a rental property expense. You can make the deduction even if you rent where you live. The IRS has guidelines for a simplified option and a regular method to follow when making a home office deduction.

14. Pass-through tax deduction

Qualified business income - also known as QBI or the pass-through tax deduction – was established by the TCJA (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) of 2008. QBI is actually an income tax deduction, not a rental property deduction. You’re allowed to deduct up to 20% of your net rental income or 2.5% of the initial cost of your property plus 25% of the amount you pay employees, depending on your level of personal income.

How to Report an Income Loss

One of the biggest benefits to investing in rental real estate is that you may be able to report a loss for tax purposes – usually by deducting the non-cash depreciation expense, even though your property is cash flow positive – while you still have a cash profit.

When this occurs, you have a “passive activity loss.” How you report an income loss depends on your total personal income and how actively involved you are with the property:

  • Passive real estate investors, such as long-distance property owners who are not actively involved in leasing or managing the rental property, can only deduct passive losses up to the amount of passive income or gains. You can, however, carry forward unused losses to future tax years.
  • Active real estate investors can deduct up to $25,000 in rental losses each year, although this deduction begins to phase out when your modified gross income (AGI) reaches and exceeds $100,000 per year.
  • If you are a licensed real estate professional who spends more than 751 hours each year working in the real estate business, you can deduct all of your passive losses against your income. The same is true if your spouse actively works in real estate, even if you do not.

The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions Investors Should Know (3)

Keep Records of Your Tax Deductions

The IRS requires you to keep records of your rental property tax deductions to document or prove the expenses are legitimate. Documentary evidence includes receipts, canceled checks or bills marked paid. If you’re audited and don’t have the backup for your expense deductions, the IRS may assess additional taxes, penalties, and interest for the tax that should have been paid.

Also, if you’re renting to friends or family, be sure to treat them as you would any other tenant by having a completed application, credit report, and signed lease agreement with the rent at fair market value. Otherwise, the IRS may disqualify most of the rental property tax deductions you claim.

A good way to keep track of the financial performance of each rental property you own is by using software such as QuickBooks. Even though your property manager provides you with monthly and year-end profit and loss statements, there may be additional rental property tax deductions you want to include before sending the reports to your accountant or CPA.

Final Thoughts

The best way to start keeping track of your rental property tax deductions is before you buy your first single-family house or multifamily property.

In fact, by putting together a pro-forma financial statement, you’ll already have a basic outline with general expenses items you can add to when you do decide to invest.

Even though you’ll most likely use a professional property manager in the local market, it’s a good idea to understand the variety of investor-friendly deductions and tax benefits created by our country’s tax laws.

The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions Investors Should Know (4)

The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions Investors Should Know (2024)


The Top 14 Rental Property Tax Deductions Investors Should Know? ›

Mortgage Interest

According to SmartAsset, landlords can deduct their mortgage interest as a rental expense. This well-known rental property tax deduction applies to all homeowners. Still, it's especially important for landlords to use because it's usually the biggest deduction you can claim.

What is often the single largest deductible expense for owners of rental property? ›

Mortgage Interest

According to SmartAsset, landlords can deduct their mortgage interest as a rental expense. This well-known rental property tax deduction applies to all homeowners. Still, it's especially important for landlords to use because it's usually the biggest deduction you can claim.

What is the 2% rule for deductions? ›

In the case of an individual, the miscellaneous itemized deductions for any taxable year shall be allowed only to the extent that the aggregate of such deductions exceeds 2 percent of adjusted gross income.

What is not deductible as a rental expense? ›

If market rate rent is not received, then this lost income and associated time is not deductible against rental earnings. Expenses for improvements and upgrades to the property also generally cannot be deducted and instead must be capitalized. This includes things like: Adding or renovating rooms.

How can I maximize my tax return on a rental property? ›

Here are additional deductions real estate investors with rentals may be able to take as well:
  1. Repairs and Maintenance.
  2. Insurance.
  3. Property Management Fees.
  4. Supplies.
  5. Utilities (Oil, Gas, Electric, Water, Phone, etc.)
  6. Home Office Expenses.
  7. Travel Expenses.
  8. Snow Removal, Landscaping, Pest Control, etc.

Why can't I deduct my rental property losses? ›

Rental Losses Are Passive Losses

This greatly limits your ability to deduct them because passive losses can only be used to offset passive income. They can't be deducted from income you earn from a job or investments such as stock or savings accounts.

Can you write off travel expenses for rental property? ›

Rental property owners can deduct many travel expenses. These include mileage, meals, lodging, and other travel-related costs: Mileage is a typical travel expense that can be deducted. For example, if you're traveling to and from your rental property, you can deduct the mileage from your taxes.

What deduction can I claim without receipts? ›

What does the IRS allow you to deduct (or “write off”) without receipts?
  • Self-employment taxes. ...
  • Home office expenses. ...
  • Self-employed health insurance premiums. ...
  • Self-employed retirement plan contributions. ...
  • Vehicle expenses. ...
  • Cell phone expenses.
Nov 10, 2022

What is the $300 deduction rule? ›

The total cost of the asset and any other identical or substantially identical asset that you acquired in the income year must not exceed $300. Do not take into account assets that you acquired in another income year.

How do I know how many deductions to claim? ›

An individual can claim two allowances if they are single and have more than one job, or are married and are filing taxes separately. Usually, those who are married and have either one child or more claim three allowances.

Can you write off mortgage payments on rental property? ›

If you receive rental income from the rental of a dwelling unit, there are certain rental expenses you may deduct on your tax return. These expenses may include mortgage interest, property tax, operating expenses, depreciation, and repairs.

What expenses can you deduct from rental income? ›

The nine most common rental property tax deductions are:
  • Mortgage Interest. ...
  • Property Taxes. ...
  • Travel and Transportation Expenses. ...
  • Real Estate Depreciation. ...
  • Maintenance and Repairs. ...
  • Utilities. ...
  • Legal and Professional Fees. ...
  • Insurance Premiums.
Dec 15, 2023

How does the IRS know if I have rental income? ›

The IRS has a number of ways to determine whether or not you have rental income. A few of these include reporting by third parties, reported income and expense discrepancies, audits and reviews, and public records.

What is the best tax structure for rental properties? ›

LLCs are known for their combination of flexible management structure and tax benefits. Their pass-through taxation status is ideal for real estate investing because many expenses can be written off. This can help you save money on your income tax returns.

How do I offset rental income on my taxes? ›

As a rental property owner, you can claim deductions to offset rental income and lower taxes. Broadly, you can deduct qualified rental expenses (e.g., mortgage interest, property taxes, interest, and utilities), operating expenses, and repair costs.

How do I maximize my ROI on a rental property? ›

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the top 10 tips for landlords to effectively maximize rental property ROI.
  1. Conduct Market Research: ...
  2. Set Competitive Rental Rates: ...
  3. Maintain Property Condition: ...
  4. Screen Tenants Thoroughly: ...
  5. Implement Cost-Effective Upgrades: ...
  6. Minimize Vacancy Periods: ...
  7. Optimize Operating Expenses:
Feb 19, 2024

What is the highest homeowners deductible? ›

Home insurance deductible options will vary among insurance companies. However, most home insurance policy deductibles tend to be from $100 to $5,000. The average home insurance deductible is $1,000.

What is the most common deductible? ›

Car insurance deductible fast-facts
  • $500 is the most common car insurance deductible.
  • Not every type of car insurance coverage uses a deductible.
  • A higher car deductible can lower your insurance premium.
  • You pick your deductible when buying insurance.
  • You'll owe your deductible before your coverage kicks in.

What is the most common deductible for renters insurance? ›

You'll choose your deductible when you buy a renters insurance policy. A higher deductible means your claims will cost you less money out of pocket. Typically, renters insurance deductibles are $500 or $1,000, but companies often provide a range of options.

What are the most common rental expenses? ›

Common rental property operating expenses include marketing and advertising, leasing and property management, repairs and maintenance, insurance, and property taxes. Costs excluded from operating expenses include mortgage payments, capital expenses, and depreciation expenses.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.