The Way Life Should Be (2024)

The Way Life Should Be is a main quest and achievement/trophy in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


  • 1 Quick walkthrough
  • 2 Detailed walkthrough
    • 2.1 Option 1: Confront DiMA
    • 2.2 Option 2: Inform Far Harbor
    • 2.3 Option 3: Agree to Replace High Confessor Tektus
  • 3 Quest stages
  • 4 Companion reactions
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Behind the scenes
  • 7 Bugs

Quick walkthrough[]

Main Far Harbor Quest: The Way Life Should Be
Find evidence of DiMA's crime in the Vim! Pop factory
Inform Far HarborConfront DiMA
Present Avery's skull to AllenAgree to keep DiMA's secretAgree to replace TektusConvince DiMA to stand trial
Speak to TeddyReward: Acadia's Shield
Tell AllenTell AveryLeads to: Reformation
Extort AveryAllen successfully incites the crowdAllen fails to incite the crowd
Reward: 1300 capsExecute DiMAExecute DiMA
Keep Avery's secretAgree to join Far Harbor in attacking Acadia
Leads to: ReformationFar Harbor assembles to attack Acadia
Far Harbor destroys Acadia
Reward: Lucky Eddy
Destroyer of Acadia

Detailed walkthrough[]

The quest begins shortly after entering the Vim! Pop factory after obtaining DiMA's memory #1 during Best Left Forgotten. Enter the main factory and battle through the super mutants to find a security door on the lowermost floors. Inspect the terminal to open the security door and take the elevator to DiMA's secret medical facility.

Inside the facility is an unmarked grave. Exhume it to find the body of the real Captain Avery. Take Avery's skull, locket and the holotape What's Done is Done as evidence of DiMA's crime.

Before leaving, if Nick Valentine is the active companion, he can be used to fool KYE 1.1, the security program for the facility, into thinking he is DiMA, granting access to an additional room, filled with medical junk items and the legendary combat rifle December's Child. If Nick is not present, a medium Charisma check can be used to get access into the medical room.

At this point, three choices are available:

Option 1: Confront DiMA[]

Return to Acadia and confront DiMA with the evidence of synth replacement. After reading the memory he had removed, he remembers all of the guilt he felt at the decision. He pleads with the Sole Survivor to conceal this information from Far Harbor, concluding that revealing the truth will enrage them to the point that they will raze Acadia as a whole for DiMA's crime. Either agree to keep his secret, which leads to Reformation and the conclusion of the quest, or convince him to turn himself in to Far Harbor's justice. If DiMA's secret is kept, he will give the player character the legendary synth chestpiece Acadia's Shield.

If one elects to bring their findings to Kasumi Nakano before talking to DiMA, she is distraught to learn what DiMA has been hiding and wonders if Acadia is worth preserving. Regardless of the Sole Survivor's answer, she is resolved to see this through to the end. Unless "Acadia will burn" is selected, she will provide a reward of 3 stimpaks, 3 RadAway and 3 Stealth Boys. If "Acadia will burn" is selected she will become irate and refuse to speak any further.

If DiMA is convinced to stand trial in Far Harbor, Allen Lee will attempt to incite the entire town against Acadia, fulfilling DiMA's worst fears. It is possible to persuade them to stand down and only exact justice upon DiMA, by either telling Allen to "shut up" or pleading that Acadia is innocent. A number of citizens can and will speak at this point:

  • Sandra Lee will always speak, agreeing with her brother to destroy Acadia.
  • The Mariner may speak on behalf of the player character for completing the various Hull Breach quests. If Machete Mike was murdered by the Sole Survivor, the Mariner will voice her suspicions.
  • Teddy Wright will speak on the player character's behalf if Rite of Passage was completed, unless one sided with Malcolm in Turn Back the Fog.
  • Cassie Dalton will always speak, in favor of the player character if Blood Tide was completed, otherwise she speaks in favor of Allen.
  • Small Bertha will speak in favor of the Sole Survivor for completing Turn Back the Fog.
  • Mitch will speak in favor of the player character after completing The Hold Out. Otherwise he may remain silent or speak in favor of Allen, depending on whether or not other citizens speak up.
  • Andre Michaud will speak in favor of the player character if he was cured by them.

If unsuccessful, Allen executes DiMA, Brooks is killed as well and most of the town will immediately march on Acadia and execute all of the inhabitants, including Kasumi. One has the option to refuse to take part in the attack, but the synths will still be hostile and will attack if the Sole Survivor is close enough. All of the named Far Harbor residents are essential, so the attack will always succeed. Regardless of one's participation, Allen will give the player character Lucky Eddy when all the synths are dead. Additionally, the perk Destroyer of Acadia will be granted, which grants a 4x damage boost upon dropping to 20% health.

If successful, Acadia is spared, DiMA is executed, and the quest concludes. However, no perk and no special item will be gained in this way.

Option 2: Inform Far Harbor[]

Return to Far Harbor and present Avery's skull and locket to Allen Lee. He will want the skull examined by Teddy Wright to confirm it is that of the original Avery.

Taking the skull to Teddy will confirm that it is Avery's skull and he will ask what the Sole Survivor intends to do. He elects to keep quiet about it and let the player character decide, however he cautions against bringing it to Allen. Taking this confirmation back to Allen results in him assembling a lynch mob to assault Acadia and claim DiMA's head. The result is the same as putting DiMA on trial and failing to convince Far Harbor to stand down, except DiMA will be at Acadia making his last stand with the other synths.

If one presents this evidence to the synth Avery, she will come to realize the truth that her own mind has been altered to sell the deception. She remains determined to keep the peace on the island and pleads for the Sole Survivor to not tell Allen the truth. She can be extorted for 1300 caps or told upfront that her secret will be kept.

If one has failed to prevent Allen from assembling his lynch mob, Acadia's fate is sealed. Either join in the violence or simply watch. Regardless, Acadia is destroyed and the quest concludes.

Option 3: Agree to Replace High Confessor Tektus[]

While confronting DiMA about Avery's murder, DiMA's recovered memories lead him to the conclusion that replacing High Confessor Tektus is the best option for peace while avoiding bloodshed. Agreeing to this option completes this quest and leads to the quest Reformation. Evidence for the other options is removed from the Sole Survivor's possession in this route.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
50 Find out DiMA's secretOne of DiMA's memories indicates he did something extreme to keep Far Harbor under his control. There's apparently a make-shift medical facility under the ruined Vim! Pop Factory. I should go there and get answers.
100 Confront DiMA about Avery's murderAfter confronting DiMA with the murder of Captain Avery, he's agreed to turn himself in to Far Harbor to face judgment. His only hope is that the town doesn't hurt Acadia, which he claims is innocent. OR
DiMA killed the original Captain Avery and replaced her with a synth. After confronting him about it, I agreed to keep his secret and gave him the evidence.
150 (Optional) Report back to Kasumi
200 Investigate the Far Harbor Hotel basem*nt
300 Tell Far Harbor about Avery's murderThe real Captain Avery was murdered by DiMA. And then replaced with a synth duplicate. What I do with the proof of DiMA's crimes could have profound effects on the island.
400 Have Teddy Wright examine the skullAllen Lee needs irrefutable proof that Captain Avery is dead in order to challenge her. He's asked me to see if Teddy Wright can identify the real Captain Avery's skull.
500 Determine the fate of AcadiaTeddy Wright confirmed that, indeed, the skull belonged to the real Captain Avery. If I give this evidence to Allen Lee he may do something drastic. Teddy urged me to consult with Captain Avery instead. Or I could confront DiMA, instead.
700 See DiMA brought to justiceI gave Allen Lee evidence that Captain Avery was murdered by DiMA and replaced by a synth. I should see what he does with this information. OR
DiMA was executed for his crimes. But Captain Avery said there will be no more retaliation. Perhaps peace will endure.
800 Watch or participate in the attack on Acadia
900The Way Life Should Be (1)Talk with Allen LeeAllen Lee and most of the Harbormen are intent on getting vengeance upon Acadia for the murder of Captain Avery. I should talk with him once I'm there.

Companion reactions[]

The Way Life Should Be (2)

Missing data (affinity)

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(Optional) Report back to Kasumi
Tell Kasumi that Acadia is an ideal worth protecting?The Way Life Should Be (3)The Way Life Should Be (4)The Way Life Should Be (5)The Way Life Should Be (6)The Way Life Should Be (7)The Way Life Should Be (8)The Way Life Should Be (9)The Way Life Should Be (10)?The Way Life Should Be (11)???
Tell Kasumi that Acadia will burn?The Way Life Should Be (12)The Way Life Should Be (13)The Way Life Should Be (14)The Way Life Should Be (15)The Way Life Should Be (16)?The Way Life Should Be (17)The Way Life Should Be (18)?The Way Life Should Be (19)???
Chose to confront DiMA
Tell DiMA he did the right thingThe Way Life Should Be (20)?The Way Life Should Be (21)?The Way Life Should Be (22)??The Way Life Should Be (23)The Way Life Should Be (24)?The Way Life Should Be (25)?The Way Life Should Be (26)?
Tell DiMA he is a fraudThe Way Life Should Be (27)?The Way Life Should Be (28)?The Way Life Should Be (29)The Way Life Should Be (30)The Way Life Should Be (31)The Way Life Should Be (32)The Way Life Should Be (33)?The Way Life Should Be (34)?The Way Life Should Be (35)?
Tell DiMA Far Harbor has the right to the truthThe Way Life Should Be (36)?The Way Life Should Be (37)?The Way Life Should Be (38)The Way Life Should Be (39)?The Way Life Should Be (40)The Way Life Should Be (41)?The Way Life Should Be (42)?The Way Life Should Be (43)?
Agree to replace Tektus with a synthThe Way Life Should Be (44)?The Way Life Should Be (45)?The Way Life Should Be (46)The Way Life Should Be (47)?The Way Life Should Be (48)The Way Life Should Be (49)?The Way Life Should Be (50)The Way Life Should Be (51)The Way Life Should Be (52)?
Tell Allen that Acadia is innocentThe Way Life Should Be (53)?The Way Life Should Be (54)?The Way Life Should Be (55)??The Way Life Should Be (56)The Way Life Should Be (57)?The Way Life Should Be (58)?The Way Life Should Be (59)?
Tell Allen to shut up when he suggests burning Acadia????The Way Life Should Be (60)??The Way Life Should Be (61)The Way Life Should Be (62)?The Way Life Should Be (63)?The Way Life Should Be (64)?
Persuade the crowd during the trial??????????The Way Life Should Be (65)???
Tell the trial that "Acadia should burn"????The Way Life Should Be (66)???The Way Life Should Be (67)?The Way Life Should Be (68)???
  • When confronting DiMA, Nick comments "Is that your idea of justice, because it's not mine!" if the player chooses "Let's proceed" in response to DiMA learning the truth of what he’s done.
Chose to inform Far Harbor
Tell Avery "I'm sorry" after she learns the truth????The Way Life Should Be (69)??The Way Life Should Be (70)??The Way Life Should Be (71)???
Promise to keep Avery's secret????The Way Life Should Be (72)??The Way Life Should Be (73)??The Way Life Should Be (74)?The Way Life Should Be (75)?
Extort Avery????The Way Life Should Be (76)??The Way Life Should Be (77)??The Way Life Should Be (78)?The Way Life Should Be (79)?
Tell Teddy Wright you want to choose the option with the least possible collateral????The Way Life Should Be (80)??The Way Life Should Be (81)??????
Tell Allen not to kill Avery during the Trial????The Way Life Should Be (82)??The Way Life Should Be (83)??????


  • Going forward with this quest by talking to Allen after doing the DNA test on the skull will fail the Institute quest Forbidden Knowledge and the Brotherhood quest Search and Destroy.
  • Completing the first steps of Forbidden Knowledge or Search and Destroy will fail this quest.
  • If Far Harbor destroys Acadia, Kasumi will be killed as well. As she can not be sent home until the quest Close to Home, players seeking to keep her safe while ending Acadia must bring the Brotherhood of Steel or the Institute to Acadia's doorstep by informing either organization after she has been returned home. If both organizations have been destroyed or the player is enemies with them, Acadia cannot be destroyed without killing Kasumi as well.
  • In the event of a "tie" during the persuasion attempt (i.e. only two people speak on the player's behalf), Allen wins. As two of the quests (Push Back the Fog and The Hold Out) require completing Rite of Passage, completing that quest and getting Teddy Wright's support is effectively essential to sparing Acadia.
    • During such a scenario (i.e. Hull Breach and Blood Tide completed so only Sandra Lee, The Mariner, and Cassie speak up), "Shut up, Allen" does not get him to stand down, whereas "Acadia is innocent" does, provided the hard persuasion check is successful. This implies that a successful "Acadia is innocent" overrides the whole process, or flips the tie-breaker to the player.
  • The execution varies slightly depending on whether the town sides with the Sole Survivor or not. If the town sides against them, Allen shoots DiMA and then Brooks. If the town sides with them, Mitch shoots DiMA on Captain Avery's orders and Brooks is spared.

Behind the scenes[]

"The Way Life Should Be" is a tourism slogan used by the state of Maine, where Far Harbor's real-life analog is located; it appears on many of the signs marking the border as one drives in from New Hampshire.


  • The Way Life Should Be (84) In some cases, Teddy Wright will speak up, but AGAINST the player, stating that people left for Echo Lumber on the Sole Survivor's word and haven't been heard from since. This may be a bug, since Teddy was previously seen to support the idea when proposed by Bertha. At any rate, if Teddy says that line, the people of Far Harbor will elect to attack Acadia regardless of quests completed and/or successful speech checks.[verified]
    • A workaround is to disable and enable Small Bertha. When DiMA confesses to the town Teddy Wright still says that Small Bertha and Tony were never heard from but Small Bertha speaks up for The Mainlander and Allen Lee stands down. DiMA still gets executed but Acadia is spared.
    • If one did not talk to Malcolm after clearing Echo Lake Lumber, they may have sent the settlers to their doom and that could be why Teddy Wright speaks out against the player.
  • The Way Life Should Be (85) When DiMA stands trial in Far Harbor it might happen that Avery is missing. This is a game breaking bug because this main story quest requires her to be present or it will not be possible to complete it. She can be teleported to the Sole Survivor's location with this console command: xx005C82.moveto player. The xx has to be replaced with the load order number for the Far Harbor add-on. If one has installed all of the add-ons in their release order this number will be 03, i.e. 03005c82.moveto player. Or one can try with 01, 02, etc. until it works. She will appear when the console is closed.[verified]


QuestsMain questsFar From Home· Walk in the Park· Where You Belong· Best Left Forgotten· The Way Life Should Be· Cleansing the Land· Reformation· Close to Home
Side questsAblutions· Acadian Ideals· Blood Tide· Brain Dead· Data Recovery· Forbidden Knowledge· Hull Breach· Hunting the Hunter· Living on the Edge· Rite of Passage· Safe Passage· Search and Destroy· Shipbreaker· The Arrival· The Changing Tide· The Great Hunt· The Heretic· The Hold Out· The Price of Memory· The Trial of Brother Devin· Turn Back the Fog· Visions in the Fog· What Atom Requires· Witch Hunt
AchievementsCleansing the Land· Close to Home· Far From Home· Hooked· Just Add Saltwater· New England Vacationer· Push Back the Fog· The Islander's Almanac· The Way Life Should Be· Where You Belong
LocationsThe Island· Acadia· Aldersea Day Spa· Atom's Spring· Beaver Creek Lanes· Briney's Bait and Tackle· Brooke's Head Lighthouse· Children of Atom shrine· Cliff's Edge Hotel (Vault 118)· Cranberry Island (Bog· Docks· Supply shed)· Dalton farm· DiMA's cache· Eagle's Cove Tannery· Echo Lake Lumber· Eden Meadows Cinemas· Far Harbor (The Last Plank)· Fringe Cove docks· Glowing Grove· Haddock Cove· Harbor Grand Hotel· Horizon Flight 1207· Huntress Island· Kitteredge Pass· Longfellow's cabin· MS Azalea· Nakano residence· National Park campground· National Park visitor's center· National Park HQ· Northwood Ridge Quarry· Oceanarium· Old Pond House· Pine Crest Cavern· Radiant crest shrine· Rayburn Point· Rock Point camp· Ruined church· Ruined radio tower· Southwest Harbor· The Nucleus (Nucleus Command Center· The Vessel)· Vim! Pop factory· Waves Crest Orphanage· Wind farm maintenance· Zephyr Ridge Camp
ItemsWeaponsAtom's Judgement· Bear trap (Bleeding bear trap)· Caltrops (Poisoned caltrops)· December's Child· Fencebuster· Harpoon gun (Admiral's Friend· Defender's Harpoon Gun· Skipper's Last Stand)· Lever-action rifle (Lucky Eddy· Old Reliable)· Meat hook (Butcher's Hook)· Pole hook (Bloodletter· The Fish Catcher)· Radium rifle (Kiloton radium rifle· Radical Conversion)· Sergeant Ash· The Harvester· The Striker
ApparelAcadia's Shield· Atom's Bulwark· Chase's uniform· Coastal armor· Fisherman's hat· Fisherman's outfit· Fisherman's overalls (Black· Brown· Green· Grey)· High Confessor's robes· Hunter's hood· Hunter's long coat· Hunter's pelt outfit· Inquisitor's cowl· Legend of the Harbor· Lobster trap helmet· Marine armor· Marine wetsuit· Old fisherman's hat· Pirate hat· Robes of Atom's Devoted· Rescue diver suit· The Captain's Hat· The Dapper Gent· Trapper armor· Trapper leathers· Unyielding synth chest piece· Wool fisherman's cap· Vault 118 jumpsuit
ConsumablesAngler meat· Aster· Cave fungus· Ground mole rat·Gulper innards· Ice cold Vim· Ice cold Vim Captain's Blend· Ice cold Vim Refresh· Ice cold Vim Quartz· Poached angler· Raw fog crawler meat· Seasoned rabbit skewers Vim· Vim Captain's Blend· Vim Refresh· Vim Quartz· Wolf meat
HolotapesAn execution· Chores list· DiMA's memory· Ezra's holotape· Family announcement· Gwyneth's journal· Holotape· Husky family holotape· Kasumi's projects· Levi's holotape· Mark Wilson's holotape· Martin's New Age· Mysterious holotape· Safe room security tape· To Franny· Vault 118 overseer's log· What Atom Requires· What's Done is Done
NotesA New Path· A Safer Way· A Stranger Arrives· A Vengeful Creature· Aubert's note· Blank note· Brother Alders· Brother Devin's diary· Carlo's note· Cog's journal· Consultation note· Craneberry Island supplies note· Douglas's note· Drain corpse note· Dylan's note· Edgar's note· Eliza family drawing· Eliza journals· Eliza map of home· Fanatical writings· Fire Belly recipe· Gift card· Grandfather's note· High Confessor's note· Kasumi's journal· Kenji Nakano case notes· Last note from mom· Letter from Maxwell· Letter to Ezra· Love letter to Bridget· Mariner's goodbye· Mariner's will· Northwood Quarry notes· Note· Note from Atom's shrine· Old letter· Put it from your mind· Radioman's note· Repairs in progress· Report from PV· Request for detective· RUN!· Scrawled journal· Scrawled note· Sister Gwyneth's visit· Storage room notice· Taste test· The Children Trapped· The Sacred Elements· These mannequins!· To my "family"· Trapper's note· Unfinished note· Victoria's note· Ware's brew recipe· Wind turbine code
Misc itemsCondensed fog· Jug
CharactersAcadiaAster· Brooks· Chase· Cog· Cole· Dejen· DiMA· Faraday· Jule· Kasumi Nakano· Miranda· Naveen
Children of AtomBrother Andrews The Way Life Should Be (86)· The Archemist· Sister Aubert· Grand Zealot Richter· Brother Devin· Brother Edgar The Way Life Should Be (87)· Sister Gwyneth· Sister Harriet· Brother Kane· Sister Mai· Confessor Martin The Way Life Should Be (88)· Mother of the Fog· High Confessor Tektus· Zealot Theil· Zealot Ware
HarbormenAllen Lee· Andre Michaud· Cassie Dalton· Debby· Dottie· Howard Dunbar The Way Life Should Be (89)· Jared Gresham· Mitch· Old Longfellow· Olympia Avery· Sandra Lee· Small Bertha· Teddy Wright· The Mariner· Tink· Tony· Uncle Ken· Zachary The Way Life Should Be (90)
TrappersBilge· Braun Husky The Way Life Should Be (91)· Bray Husky The Way Life Should Be (92)· Douglas· Luke Husky The Way Life Should Be (93)· Malcolm· Rowan Husky The Way Life Should Be (94)
Vault 118Bert Riggs· Ezra Parker· Gilda Broscoe· Julianna Riggs· Keith McKinney· Maxwell· Pearl· Santiago Avida· Scruffy· Spencer Lords The Way Life Should Be (95)
OtherBoxer· Eliza Gibbons The Way Life Should Be (96)· Elli The Way Life Should Be (97)· Emmi The Way Life Should Be (98)· Erickson· Frederick Gibbons· Gregory The Way Life Should Be (99)· Grun· Hayley The Way Life Should Be (100)· Jade The Way Life Should Be (101)· June The Way Life Should Be (102)· Kenji Nakano· Larsen· Machete Mike· Nathaniel Gibbons The Way Life Should Be (103)· Nick Valentine· Patrick Gibbons· Rei Nakano· Steven Gibbons· William Moseley· Victoria Gibbons
CreaturesAngler· Fog crawler· Gulper· Hermit crab· Wolf· Rad chicken· Rad rabbit
FactionsAcadia· Church of the Children of Atom· Harbormen· Trappers
PerksAction Boy/Action Girl (rank 3)· Captain's Feast· Critical Banker (rank 4)· Crusader of Atom· Destroyer of Acadia· Far Harbor Survivalist· Hunter's Wisdom· Inquisitor of Atom· Islander's Alamanac· Lone Wanderer (rank 4)· Night Person (rank 3)· Protector of Acadia· Rad Resistant (rank 4)· Scrapper (rank 3)· Strong Back (rank 5)
Settlement Objects and ItemsBanner· Bottle lantern· Bulb lantern· Crate· Fish basket· Fish rack· Grill· Hanging buoy· Lobster cage· Sign· Tannery hides· Vim machine


Main questsAct 1War Never Changes· Out of Time· Jewel of the Commonwealth· Unlikely Valentine· Getting a Clue· Reunions
Act 2Dangerous Minds· The Glowing Sea· Hunter/Hunted· The Molecular Level
Act 3Institutionalized· From Within· Inside Job· Underground Undercover
Side questsCambridge Polymer Labs · Confidence Man· Curtain Call· Dependency· Diamond City Blues· Emogene Takes a Lover· Here Kitty, Kitty· Here There Be Monsters· Hole in the Wall· Human Error· In Sheep's Clothing· Kid in a Fridge· Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution· Mystery Meat· Order Up· Out in Left Field· Painting the Town· Pickman's Gift· Public Knowledge· Pull the Plug· Reveille· Short Stories· Special Delivery· Story of the Century· The Big Dig· The Devil's Due· The Disappearing Act· The Gilded Grasshopper· The Marowski Heist· The Memory Den· The Secret of Cabot House· The Silver Shroud· Trouble Brewin'· Vault 75· Vault 81
Companion questsBenign Intervention· Emergent Behavior· Long Road Ahead· Long Time Coming
Miscellaneous questsArt Appreciation· Atom Cats· Botany Class· The Cleaner· The Combat Zone· Detective Case Files· Diamond City's Most Wanted· Fallen Hero· Find the Treasures of Jamaica Plain· Fly Fishing· Giddyup 'n Go· Gun Run· Hazardous Material· Meet Ness at the Crash Site· Nuka Cola Needs· Pool Cleaning· Prep School· Traffic Jam· Treasure Hunt· Vault 81 Tour· Virgil's Cure
Unmarked questsA Pillar of the Community· Bill Sutton· Brother Against Brother· Familiar Faces· Fertilizer Woman· Holly· Lucy Abernathy· Maintenance Man· Quality Assurance· Supervisor Brown· Supervisor Greene· Suspected Synth· Wedding Day
Cut quests20 Leagues Under the Sea· Bullet· Off the Grid· Salvage· That's the Spirit· The Enemy of My Enemy· The Replacement
Creation Club quests The Way Life Should Be (104)A Pint-Sized Problem· A Place to Call Home· Burned on the River· Can You See Me Now?· Captain Cosmos· Carbonated Concerns· Combat Ready· Crucible· Deathmatch· Dog Rescue· Early Retirement· Enclave Radio· From Hell· Giddyup!· Holiday Spirits· Malevolent Malfunction· Method to the Madness· Neon Winter· Over the Moon· Pyromaniac· Shrouded Manor· Silver like the Shroud· Slocum's Joe· Speak of the Devil· The Paper Mirror· The Prototype· The Quantum Stag· Tunnel Snakes Rule!· Way Back Home

Faction quests

Brotherhood of SteelMain questsFire Support· Call to Arms· Semper Invicta· Shadow of Steel· Tour of Duty· Show No Mercy· From Within· Outside the Wire· Liberty Reprimed· Blind Betrayal· Tactical Thinking· Spoils of War· Ad Victoriam· The Nuclear Option
Side questsA Loose End· A New Dawn· Cleansing the Commonwealth· Duty or Dishonor· Feeding the Troops· Leading by Example· Learning Curve· Quartermastery· The Lost Patrol
Commonwealth MinutemenMain questsWhen Freedom Calls· Sanctuary· The First Step· Taking Independence· Old Guns· Inside Job· Form Ranks· Defend the Castle· The Nuclear Option
Side questsClearing the Way· Ghoul Problem· Greenskins· Kidnapped Trader· Kidnapping· Out of the Fire· Raider Troubles· Resettle Refugees· Returning the Favor· Rogue Courser· Taking Point· The Sight· Troubled Waters· With Our Powers Combined
The RailroadMain questsRoad to Freedom· Tradecraft· Boston After Dark· Underground Undercover· Operation Ticonderoga· Precipice of War· Rockets' Red Glare· The Nuclear Option
Side questsA Clean Equation· Burning Cover· Butcher's Bill· Butcher's Bill 2· Concierge· High Ground· Jackpot· Lost Soul· Memory Interrupted· Mercer Safehouse· Randolph Safehouse· To the Mattresses· Variable Removal· Weathervane
The InstituteMain questsInstitutionalized· Synth Retention· The Battle of Bunker Hill· Mankind - Redefined· Mass Fusion· Pinned· Powering Up· End of the Line· Airship Down· Nuclear Family
Side questsA House Divided· Appropriation· Building a Better Crop· Hypothesis· Plugging a Leak· Political Leanings· Reclamation· Pest Control

Add-on quests


Far Harbor

Main questsMechanical Menace· A New Threat· Headhunting· Restoring Order
Side questsRogue Robot
Main questsBest Left Forgotten· Cleansing the Land· Close to Home· Far From Home· Reformation· The Way Life Should Be· Walk in the Park· Where You Belong
Side questsAblutions· Acadian Ideals· Blood Tide· Brain Dead· Data Recovery· Deadliest Catch· Forbidden Knowledge· Hull Breach· Hunting the Hunter· Living on the Edge· Rite of Passage· Safe Passage· Search and Destroy· Shipbreaker· The Arrival· The Changing Tide· The Great Hunt· The Heretic· The Hold Out· The Price of Memory· The Trial of Brother Devin· Turn Back the Fog· Visions in the Fog· What Atom Requires· Witch Hunt
Vault-Tec Workshop
Main questsVault-Tec Calling· Better Living Underground· A Model Citizen· Explore Vault 88· Power to the People· The Watering Hole· Vision of the Future· Lady Luck
Side questsOverseer's Most Wanted
Main questsAll Aboard· Taken for a Ride· An Ambitious Plan· The Grand Tour· Home Sweet Home· Power Play
Side questsA Magical Kingdom· A World of Refreshment· Amoral Combat· Cappy in a Haystack· High Noon at the Gulch· Open Season· Precious Medals· Safari Adventure· Star Control· Trip to the Stars
The Way Life Should Be (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.